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Old 24-03-2015, 02:08 PM
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KTV Nowadays

Not too sure if this the right thread to post. Don't flame me if I post this this wrongly.

Recently was returned to cheonging KTV at G area during CNY period this year. Was quit for at least 3 years cheonging KTV at G area. Yesterday was visiting the KTV with almost all viet together with another 3 of my bros.

Once we went in and after the beer was served, the girls start to come in.

Girl 1: Before i decided, she walk straight to me and sit down besides me even though from far I rejected her. Once sit down, I rejected her again but she don't even bother and grab my right hand to wrap around her waist and proceed to grab her boob followed with grab my left hand for another boob. I thought since she so playable then just let her sit. So I was playing with her boobs, in less than 1 minutes later, she start to play with her phone while I ask about her particular and she answered me not even look at me, and later pull up her shirt and telling she is going out awhile. So, first she sit there less than 5 mins.

She then returned after quite a long time and she not allow to touch anymore, I was then fed-up and leave her alone, continue my sing song. She left after sit there awhile. The third time she returned when almost time up and come in ask for tip, when i pull out 3 pcs of 10 notes for her, she trying to pull out the 50 notes from my wallet and asking me to pay her $50, manage to stop her and gave her $30 and she left immediately.

Girl 2: After the girl 1 left, she come in, petite and looks cute, she walk to me as all my bros busy with their girls so I just let her sit down. We start chat a bit asking her name, age, where she from, how long she work here. Then I proceed to touch her a bit here and there. She is those shy shy type (not sure if that is true self), not really allow roaming her boobs, so just cuddling occasionally attack her. She sits slightly longer and more frequent. Almost to the end, I’m asking if she keen to go out, she offered $300 per shot and I was like . Told her forget about it, not worth my money. So, pull out $50 and pay her. She then telling me she can reduce to $200 and I just left.

There is this girl which came in when one of my friend has 2 girls sit with him, insisted to sit with her but my friend rejected her. She just sit down next to those girl and my friend totally ignore her. She sit awhile and left. Then when almost end, she came back and ask for tips. WTF?? We ignored her and she shout here and there saying my friend needs to pay her and tears later flow down, seeing that, not to spoilt the fun, I pass her $10 but she claimed that is not enough and keep making noise, in the end, my friend give her another $10 and ask her to left the room.

Was thinking all this while are we treat them too well? They think the money we pay them come easy? Those are our blood and sweat money.

Maybe some bros here can advise some KTV with more playable girl and girls that not so hard-up for money.
Old 24-03-2015, 03:34 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Maybe PRC or Thai service is better than viets
Old 24-03-2015, 05:29 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Viet used to be very good and not so materialistic few years back. Think they must be spoiled over the years.
Old 24-03-2015, 06:56 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

i agree with TS because there are too much idiots use their small head to calculate their money la..
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Old 24-03-2015, 07:11 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Vietbu are the new ATB.
Old 24-03-2015, 07:15 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

For my case..

Vietnam gal somehow allow me to play all i want after some sweet talks with them including playing thier pussy.. and the 2nd time i went back drinking due to bottle still not yet clear.. she just walk in n auto sit beside me.. got her number bring her out eating n watch movie nia.. become my FB.. total i spent less than $100 for my sex n outtin with her.. after 6months she went back Vietnam. . Visited her once at her hometown.. did the most 2pit things no CD. Shoot all in her on my 5days trip there.. kana baby.. never married her but do visit the family when free.. so far she bear 2 kids for me.. 1 boy 1 girl.. even now i go play the most i pay $30 for them unless very good like sit long n can play then $50..
Old 24-03-2015, 07:50 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Originally Posted by freedom1984 View Post
For my case..

Vietnam gal somehow allow me to play all i want after some sweet talks with them including playing thier pussy.. and the 2nd time i went back drinking due to bottle still not yet clear.. she just walk in n auto sit beside me.. got her number bring her out eating n watch movie nia.. become my FB.. total i spent less than $100 for my sex n outtin with her.. after 6months she went back Vietnam. . Visited her once at her hometown.. did the most 2pit things no CD. Shoot all in her on my 5days trip there.. kana baby.. never married her but do visit the family when free.. so far she bear 2 kids for me.. 1 boy 1 girl.. even now i go play the most i pay $30 for them unless very good like sit long n can play then $50..
Wah bro, extended family ah
Old 24-03-2015, 08:18 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Can say that.. her family damn freaking big.. total 6 silibings she elder. . Father pass away long ago.. younger bros still schooling.. after bearing 1st son for me i look after her family total spent 30k on the family.. her 3rd younger sis is damn cute n sweet looking dote on her. N so 1 night something happen been her sis n me.. the sis bear me 1 gal.. The house was turn up side down.. but lucky manage to settle it out peacefully.. so total kids i got with her family is 3.. elder is 5 follow by 3 n 1.. lesson learn always wear CD regards of anything. . 5days fun turn out to b life time stress..
Old 24-03-2015, 08:49 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Originally Posted by freedom1984 View Post
Can say that.. her family damn freaking big.. total 6 silibings she elder. . Father pass away long ago.. younger bros still schooling.. after bearing 1st son for me i look after her family total spent 30k on the family.. her 3rd younger sis is damn cute n sweet looking dote on her. N so 1 night something happen been her sis n me.. the sis bear me 1 gal.. The house was turn up side down.. but lucky manage to settle it out peacefully.. so total kids i got with her family is 3.. elder is 5 follow by 3 n 1.. lesson learn always wear CD regards of anything. . 5days fun turn out to b life time stress..
if they smart enough to know sg wc, you are doom
one by one claim maintenance fee from you
that is what happen to atb, from demure turn to shrewd after learning abt wc.
anyway, come back to ts ktv trip. some ktv have ‘manager‘, the gals might get the manager to settle for them. so nowadays ktv no more fun, it will dies off slowly. like last time hc, any gal come in will demand the customer for special, so it extinct now.
Old 24-03-2015, 09:18 PM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Sad to say.. all things needs money to move on.. not like last time some sweet talk can get free fuck liao.. due to some rich people always tips them more than thier service..
Old 25-03-2015, 01:00 AM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Originally Posted by freedom1984 View Post
Can say that.. her family damn freaking big.. total 6 silibings she elder. . Father pass away long ago.. younger bros still schooling.. after bearing 1st son for me i look after her family total spent 30k on the family.. her 3rd younger sis is damn cute n sweet looking dote on her. N so 1 night something happen been her sis n me.. the sis bear me 1 gal.. The house was turn up side down.. but lucky manage to settle it out peacefully.. so total kids i got with her family is 3.. elder is 5 follow by 3 n 1.. lesson learn always wear CD regards of anything. . 5days fun turn out to b life time stress..
wah bro, total 3 kids from her and her sis? u power la!
Old 25-03-2015, 02:16 AM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Not power.. but stress.. lucky don have wife in sg yet.. so far still safe..
Old 25-03-2015, 09:08 AM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Originally Posted by freedom1984 View Post
Can say that.. her family damn freaking big.. total 6 silibings she elder. . Father pass away long ago.. younger bros still schooling.. after bearing 1st son for me i look after her family total spent 30k on the family.. her 3rd younger sis is damn cute n sweet looking dote on her. N so 1 night something happen been her sis n me.. the sis bear me 1 gal.. The house was turn up side down.. but lucky manage to settle it out peacefully.. so total kids i got with her family is 3.. elder is 5 follow by 3 n 1.. lesson learn always wear CD regards of anything. . 5days fun turn out to b life time stress..
Wah Bro.. You power la..
Old 25-03-2015, 09:15 AM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Originally Posted by freedom1984 View Post
Sad to say.. all things needs money to move on.. not like last time some sweet talk can get free fuck liao.. due to some rich people always tips them more than thier service..
Think those girls has their frequent bros who always visit them and tips them well. So, the girl will treat other bros who go once in a while easily.
Old 25-03-2015, 09:55 AM
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Re: KTV Nowadays

Normally if i frequent the same ktv, i will tip 20 to reject any girl, 30 for average girl and 50 for the better one. ON will be between 150-200 including the tips.

Normally if you frequent the same KTV and tips the mamasan/manager occationally, their mamasan/manager sure side you.

Tips for mamasan/manager are shared together with the drink tab.

And lastly if you frequent the same ktv and the girls there see you often, of course they will treat you better. Return usually get better services.
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