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Old 16-05-2017, 02:40 PM
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Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

This past Saturday at around 4 pm, I had a curious experience regarding Sky River. I should mention upfront this was to be my first visit.

I went to the front door and rang the buzzer a couple of times. Someone came to the door and without opening it said "we are closed." I could see through a crack in the door, however, the lights were on including what may have been colored lights leading up a staircase (hard to know for sure as there was only limited vision through the door crack).

A minute or two later a friend of mine went to the door and rang the buzzer and got the same response. So we decided to leave.

However, as we took our first steps away from the Spa, a van arrived and three reasonably attractive girls (out of perhaps ten or more in the van) stepped out. They went into the adjacent shopping mall (Fahrenheit 88?) and we decided to follow them to see where they were going since it seemed something was up. They went up two short flights of escalators to the ground floor and then opened a door and turned left into what I will call a mall service alley ("alley" but it was indoors). We continued following them and about halfway down the alley they opened a door leading in the direction of the spa. We asked them if they were going into the spa and if so, whether it was open, and they said yes to both questions and told us to go to the front door and ring the buzzer, which we had already done to no success. During this exchange a man, who looked like a customer but could have been an employee, went into the side door the girls also went into.

The question is whether Sky River is feeling the heat and will only let in customers they already know,and perhaps only through a back entrance. In this regard, I note that someone posted here a few weeks ago, or maybe it was on another forum, they also were unable to get into the spa. And from what I have read Sky River now requires a password to enter their website. Finally, within the last week or so an underground video showing the interior of the spa was removed from youtube, which may also reflect the Spa's attempts to lower their visibility.

So, if anyone out there has recent information about Sky River Spa and whether it is becoming restrictive in who it admits, whether temporarily or perhaps as a matter of longer-term policy, please share. I would like to try it on a later visit to KL, but will only bother if I can avoid a similar experience to that I experienced last Saturday.
Old 16-05-2017, 08:16 PM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

oh no - what happen to my favourite spa in KL?
Old 16-05-2017, 09:50 PM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Hi laguy,

Just checked with a captain who I keep in touch with over WhatsApp.

He said no issues, the spa is open as per normal.

Old 17-05-2017, 05:49 PM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Originally Posted by KoreanAjooma View Post
Hi laguy,

Just checked with a captain who I keep in touch with over WhatsApp.

He said no issues, the spa is open as per normal.

i am going there soon mind sharing the contact
Old 17-05-2017, 10:52 PM
xguy2 xguy2 is offline
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Any recent recommendation from the girls there? will be there in a day or two... thanks bros
Old 20-05-2017, 05:32 PM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Originally Posted by xguy2 View Post
Any recent recommendation from the girls there? will be there in a day or two... thanks bros
You can try Linda. Thai girl, great GFE.
Old 10-06-2017, 01:10 AM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

for those bro that plan to go, please put ur expectation lower as not much choices available this round, alot of better looking one went back to their country
Old 05-07-2017, 10:08 PM
ReverseFuture ReverseFuture is offline
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

This is my first ever FR so bear with me

After planning for so long decided to go to skyriver spa and try out and for your information this is my first fucking time doing this kinda shit. So i took my time walk slowly from imbi to farenheit while also thinking should i do it or not. In the end , the evil side of me wins and decided to go for it. Went to the front door and buzz the door , the door opens then i went it and the captain is friendly enough call you to take a seats and ask you what you wanna drink. So the price he told me is that thai , viet , and so on is rm238 but prc is rm338 and i was shocked so i have to go for the other one beside prc. Then the captain call all the girl lineup infront of me and for fuck sake i felt awkward and shit.......... maybe because its was my first time and i just wanna do it fast so i simply choose a girl which appeal to me and oh boy i really do made a wrong fucking choice. So, on the way to my room i saw a much more pretty one that kinda look like a chinese actress i used to know but fuck it i had already choosen my girl. Reach the room and the girl didnt help me take off my clothes and thing is awkward maybe cause i cant speak chinese but its okay. We went to wash our bodies and then we go to the bed there and action starts......

Name/Nick: (Didnt ask)
Age: (???)
From: (???)
Boobs: C or D not too sure
Body: 6/10 abit chubby though
Skin: 8/10 smooth
BJ: i swear to god the bj is the most awesome things throughout the whole session
FJ Rating: 5/10 maybe because its my first time so i feel abit weird and cant really enjoy the fj session and the worst thing is she doesnt allowed kissing on lips which dissapoints me a little but its alright....
Damage: RM238 , what can i say? i choose the wrong fucking girl , maybe next time i should wait longer and choose the right one =(

(I would like to apologize if this FR sucks cause this is my first time)
Old 18-07-2017, 09:40 PM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

It is open, jus came out from there.
Quality n selection better than saboon.
Those who thinking of going to saboon can drop the idea.
Sky river spa or Genesis is better

Sky river also got 1 dragon. Environment better than saboon but not better than Genesis.

1 dragon got massage, body massage, cold hot bbbj, fj.
To hav SG flag in every PRC provinces
Bro upping me pt,pls leave ur nick so tat i can rtn

PRC: An An, WY Part1, WY Part2, WY Part3, Xiao Lu (ZSH)
Old 19-07-2017, 09:25 AM
CaptainCharisma CaptainCharisma is offline
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Anyone can share sky river n Genesis location n contact. ? Gng KL this weekend
Old 19-07-2017, 08:09 PM
KoreanAjooma KoreanAjooma is offline
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Originally Posted by CaptainCharisma View Post
Anyone can share sky river n Genesis location n contact. ? Gng KL this weekend
SR behind Fahrenheit mall and Genesis at HSBC building.

Could you not have googled this yourself though?
Old 19-07-2017, 11:57 PM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Bros, just came back from my hunt at Sky River.

To call this a SPA is a mislabel. This is closer to one of the houses in Geylang. Ladies are mostly thai/viet/cambodian at MYR238 and some China ladies at MYR338. The rates are for 1 pop and 45 minutes. This is a pop and go place, definitely no spa at all.... I ended up choosing a Cambodian lady that is in her late 20s. Whilst her body was up to the mark, the BJ and FJ service was average and nothing worth remembering for.... In fact I left the venue empty but unfulfilled.. This led me to a massage parlour around the block..

I was looking for a good massage and found around the corner facing JW Marriot. Once I enter I knew this is a special place as the massage lady was very touchy. Anyways went for a 1hour massage for MYR105 and I have to say the lady really knows her massage. Top notch... Fast forward to the good parts... she suggested massage down under and quoted MYR100 for HJ and another MYR50 to do that topless.... I wasnt sure that I would even deliver a 2nd round but decided to try it... Soon after she delivered the package whilst I was groping her headlights... Amazing hands is how I will describe her... For bros that are interested she is called 91 as her real name sounds like 9.

All in all, total damage for 2 releases and a solid massage was MYR443 or about SGD150. If I had known about the MP I would have saved the money on SR and head around the corner..

Hope this is useful intel bros...
Safe hunting

Best bbin
Old 28-07-2017, 08:59 PM
jeffytse jeffytse is offline
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Bro, can share more info of the local? Try google map and not easy to find the place you are talking about.
Old 30-07-2017, 12:04 AM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Originally Posted by bbin View Post
Bros, just came back from my hunt at Sky River.

To call this a SPA is a mislabel. This is closer to one of the houses in Geylang. Ladies are mostly thai/viet/cambodian at MYR238 and some China ladies at MYR338. The rates are for 1 pop and 45 minutes. This is a pop and go place, definitely no spa at all.... I ended up choosing a Cambodian lady that is in her late 20s. Whilst her body was up to the mark, the BJ and FJ service was average and nothing worth remembering for.... In fact I left the venue empty but unfulfilled.. This led me to a massage parlour around the block..

I was looking for a good massage and found around the corner facing JW Marriot. Once I enter I knew this is a special place as the massage lady was very touchy. Anyways went for a 1hour massage for MYR105 and I have to say the lady really knows her massage. Top notch... Fast forward to the good parts... she suggested massage down under and quoted MYR100 for HJ and another MYR50 to do that topless.... I wasnt sure that I would even deliver a 2nd round but decided to try it... Soon after she delivered the package whilst I was groping her headlights... Amazing hands is how I will describe her... For bros that are interested she is called 91 as her real name sounds like 9.

All in all, total damage for 2 releases and a solid massage was MYR443 or about SGD150. If I had known about the MP I would have saved the money on SR and head around the corner..

Hope this is useful intel bros...
Safe hunting

Best bbin
bro - SkyRiver is a straight fuck shop. Genesis Spa at HSBC tower (5 min walk from SkyRiver) have better environment, they have massage if i'm not wrong.
Old 11-08-2017, 02:18 AM
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Re: Sky River Spa: Open or Closed?

Originally Posted by jeffytse View Post
Bro, can share more info of the local? Try google map and not easy to find the place you are talking about.
I found the place. Tried it last night. It's in the same building as Skyriver. Facing skyriver walk towards your right and follow the building and turn left. Near the small flight of stairs for a thai massage shop. Did a 90min oil massage for 170 then added 100 for hj and 100 to strip. I thought only take off top but she stripped naked. While she was wanking me her cb wet so I penetrated her with my finger. Too bad cannot moan coz the massage space only separated by curtains lol.

I'm not certain but pretty sure it's the same place as the other bro mentioned.
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