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Old 01-06-2016, 10:21 PM
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Angry Re: WeChat Scam

Just caught one at Yishun Block 807

use Taiwanese idol as bait

WeChat: lanlan1998668

ask me to buy Apple Card from 7-11 n "her" OKT 豪哥 will call n confirm

what happened afterwards very textbook

call my hp no "threatening" me saying if I tak shiok can leave with Apple Card

then ask me if i'm here to bonk or to spoil his market when I xpose him using fake photo to bait

WTF sia
Old 01-06-2016, 10:52 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Playing with a wechat scammer now ...
Id: weiwei5376a
Old 03-06-2016, 09:42 PM
flashy88 flashy88 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Just kena today. yiyi something wechat id. Blocked her already. Same thing went down to meet at 150a bishan. Reached there asked for my number for the friend to call.

After giving my number a china guy named "bao ge" called and asked to do the axs top up and 1k itunes card. When i refused he starting shouting and screaming threatening to track me down with my phone number and name.

Have already lodged a police report, but they still keep calling.

Any bros here know if they can actually track u with ur phone number?
Old 03-06-2016, 10:06 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

If They can track you down, SPF can track them down already. Such technology existed. But it's way out of reach for us mortals. Just ignore them.
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Old 04-06-2016, 12:09 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by flashy88 View Post

Any bros here know if they can actually track u with ur phone number?
Next time just tell them that:

1. Your father, you brother, your cousin all cops.
2. You just did 10 years for assault and attempted murder.
3. You are a MMA fighter and your gym needs some punching bags.

Anything along these lines will keep them quiet.
They can't track you bro. If they were that good do you honestly think that
they will be in this line of business. Do you think that they have excess to the phone networks? Do you think that they have the manpower to track and
cause trouble for all the unwilling bro. Which I might add are plenty, me included. They are only out to make money and they think that they can intimidate us.

Show no fear, tell them to go ahead, do their best. Next time they call just tell them that you have already gone to the police and have given them permission to monitor your line.See if they still call after that.

To all the other bros who are intending to use wechat FL, pls buy prepaid phonechips. It cost little and saves a lot of hassles.

A little about my incident. Happened a few months ago, hougang blk 23.
Asked me to buy itunes card. I said no. Same O Same O, say I waste girls time and all that crap. I said no see goods no pay. Then threatened me with family and such.

I told them: phone chip prepaid, live alone, orphan, not married, no kids, NS serve under police and still got many friends there. Never got another call back.

You just have to tell them stuff so that they have no leverage on you.
And don''t worry, they are just con-artist, they are not arsonist, murders or
anything else they say they are. They are just out to make money. As long
as you are not scared, they can't make you do anything.

For the rest of the boys out there that have been thru this. I know that many
are unwilling to go to the cops. I know that a couple of hundred buck means
little to you. But DON'T you wish these crooks be put behind bars?

It will happen again unless something is done about it. They cops need more intel, and it needs to come from us. None of us want to get scammed, but most of us are to afraid to come forward and go to the authorities for whatever reasons.

Sorry for all the rambling. just pissed off with the scammers.
Old 04-06-2016, 12:37 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by syt4me View Post

A little about my incident. Happened a few months ago, hougang blk 23.
Asked me to buy itunes card. I said no. Same O Same O, say I waste girls time and all that crap. I said no see goods no pay. Then threatened me with family and such.

I told them: phone chip prepaid, live alone, orphan, not married, no kids, NS serve under police and still got many friends there. Never got another call back.

You just have to tell them stuff so that they have no leverage on you.
And don''t worry, they are just con-artist, they are not arsonist, murders or
anything else they say they are. They are just out to make money. As long
as you are not scared, they can't make you do anything.

For the rest of the boys out there that have been thru this. I know that many
are unwilling to go to the cops. I know that a couple of hundred buck means
little to you. But DON'T you wish these crooks be put behind bars?

It will happen again unless something is done about it. They cops need more intel, and it needs to come from us. None of us want to get scammed, but most of us are to afraid to come forward and go to the authorities for whatever reasons.

Sorry for all the rambling. just pissed off with the scammers.
Thanks bro for the advice.

yea.. these asswipes are really screwed up. I didn't hesitate to make a police report and i hope they would be able to track them down soon.

I told him to find me at tanglin police division and will be waiting there for him. so far they haven't called me back in 4 hours and counting.

anyways upz you for your great advice to all bros here!
Old 04-06-2016, 12:48 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Standard thing is their photos usually sweet young 梦幻. Their standard pick up line is
After which you reply
"哥哥/你住哪里?.....我是学生etc.......... then pops the offer $100-$150 for 2 hours /$300 whole night. she is offering sex etc... ask you go meet commonly at MRT station, or HDB block. Very standard one. And if you go, they will say wechat them when you reach. And when you wechat them upon reaching, they will ask you for your number. A guy will call you up with a Malaysian/Chinese ascent and tell you first time so as to protect the girl etc all the bullshit, you must purchase some kind of a card. The rest are history if you accede to his request. And at one point so many girls have been messaging me all from 1 particular HDB block to the extent I was thinking... KNN this block becoming a brothel....
Old 04-06-2016, 01:30 PM
Ace Dragon Ace Dragon is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Too many scammers around. Good to have this to warn others. Keep it up.
Old 04-06-2016, 03:37 PM
Dark Magician Dark Magician is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

These scammer ... they will rot in hell ...
intimidate us with their kids style of
words ... tell them that there's a slot in hell booked
under their name !!!!
Old 04-06-2016, 11:26 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

hi bros, just kana scammed these few days. shld have found this thread earlier man.
just to share my story to all and hope you all learn something:
2 days ago this china woman called 雅静 msg me on wechat, say she some student in sgp working freelance, charging 100 for 2hr unlimited, then agreed to meet the next day. so "she" wanted to meet at juring street 24, blk252 at 1pm. i went thr and she wanted my phone number. i dunno what got over me i just gave it to her and she said that someone will call to ensure tht i not associated with the police. so this china guy called (had a fucking heavy china accent) and identified himself as ling zhen kun. then said i need to buy $100 itunes card. i bought and sent code to them. they said girl will come down and fetch only after i give 500 as 保证金. then i say i cannot give so much, then become 300. then i pretend lor, say i student, money all with parents. so he gave me till monday to pay the 300 to them. he added tht he got my hp number and tht he will track me down and harm my family if i playing with him
for you to visualise, the zharbor msg me on thurs night, we met friday afternoon and tdy is saturday. alrdy deleted wechat and installed some app to block private numbers.
any advice on what else to do bros?
Old 05-06-2016, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by marcasm View Post
hi bros, just kana scammed these few days. shld have found this thread earlier man.
just to share my story to all and hope you all learn something:
2 days ago this china woman called 雅静 msg me on wechat, say she some student in sgp working freelance, charging 100 for 2hr unlimited, then agreed to meet the next day. so "she" wanted to meet at juring street 24, blk252 at 1pm. i went thr and she wanted my phone number. i dunno what got over me i just gave it to her and she said that someone will call to ensure tht i not associated with the police. so this china guy called (had a fucking heavy china accent) and identified himself as ling zhen kun. then said i need to buy $100 itunes card. i bought and sent code to them. they said girl will come down and fetch only after i give 500 as 保证金. then i say i cannot give so much, then become 300. then i pretend lor, say i student, money all with parents. so he gave me till monday to pay the 300 to them. he added tht he got my hp number and tht he will track me down and harm my family if i playing with him
for you to visualise, the zharbor msg me on thurs night, we met friday afternoon and tdy is saturday. alrdy deleted wechat and installed some app to block private numbers.
any advice on what else to do bros?

Once you make a report, the only thing is to wait.. The same things happens to me also end up spending 3k for nothing.
The calls n message will last for days or maybe weeks depan on the person.
Hope everythings will turn out fine for you.
Old 05-06-2016, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by flashy88 View Post
Just kena today. yiyi something wechat id. Blocked her already. Same thing went down to meet at 150a bishan. Reached there asked for my number for the friend to call.

After giving my number a china guy named "bao ge" called and asked to do the axs top up and 1k itunes card. When i refused he starting shouting and screaming threatening to track me down with my phone number and name.

Have already lodged a police report, but they still keep calling.

Any bros here know if they can actually track u with ur phone number?
I suggest you send the copy of the police report and say that the IO is monitoring ...... make sure the wetchat name is "highlighted" big big~
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Old 05-06-2016, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Noobiex View Post
Once you make a report, the only thing is to wait.. The same things happens to me also end up spending 3k for nothing.
The calls n message will last for days or maybe weeks depan on the person.
Hope everythings will turn out fine for you.
update : china guy called again just now asking when i want to meet tmr. started to scold him and tell him to fuck his mother, end up he hang up, say tmr want find me. hope this is the end of it alrdy
Old 05-06-2016, 04:28 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

I have posted here several times already that ALL WeSex Chats offers are scams ... NOT a single instance is real!

Do not ever ever ever ever ever (more "Ever"s than that Taylor Swift song) send any of your hard earned cash over ...

I have also previously issued a challenge to anyone here to prove me wrong otherwise! If I really field tested and prove that your offer is authentic, I will pay for the brother's next session! .. and throw in a box of condom!

Me macham like that James Randi debunker sial ....
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Old 05-06-2016, 10:36 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by marcasm View Post
update : china guy called again just now asking when i want to meet tmr. started to scold him and tell him to fuck his mother, end up he hang up, say tmr want find me. hope this is the end of it alrdy
there is nothing to worry about. they cannot / will not be able to do anything to you. it's the same trick over and over.
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