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Old 06-06-2016, 03:20 AM
Daiso2 Daiso2 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
These scammer ... they will rot in hell ...
intimidate us with their kids style of
words ... tell them that there's a slot in hell booked
under their name !!!!
Very well said!!!
Old 06-06-2016, 05:32 AM
KobeLakers KobeLakers is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by winstonlyj View Post
there is nothing to worry about. they cannot / will not be able to do anything to you. it's the same trick over and over.
True, they can threaten all they want
Old 06-06-2016, 06:08 AM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by marcasm View Post
update : china guy called again just now asking when i want to meet tmr. started to scold him and tell him to fuck his mother, end up he hang up, say tmr want find me. hope this is the end of it alrdy
Wahlan!!! Simply unbelievable!!
Don't you read the news??
No way These ppl are in spore la!!!

In fact the situation is so bad, their call centre is not even in prc. I won't be surprised if the China government qiang bi a few of the scammers as an example.

Their base is in places like Africa n kl. Although kl is close, these ppl WILL NOT find you n beat you. Because theyre scammers not hardcore thugs. Assuming they're in Malaysia, no fcuking way they'll turn up in spore for a FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS! Cos if they're caught, they may even be caned.

And these ppl are like call centre. They need many bodies n telephone lines so if they're in spore, they can't fcuking hide unless they work part time in SingTel.

These ppl are highly professional ok.
They're like any other big company.
They recruit ppl to work with proper salary, Got promotion n bonus n they use specialised equipment.

They're harassing you because of the 100.
Shocking you believe in the shit in this day n age.

Last edited by sadfa; 06-06-2016 at 06:30 AM.
Old 06-06-2016, 06:10 AM
dgsk dgsk is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

There is a button on the top right of the profile page where you can delete or block whoever you have added. There is also a button to report them. It will ask you if it's fraud, scam, etc. After that WeChat will investigate. And cancel the account.

They can of course set up another account but it slows them down. Do everyone a favor.
Old 08-06-2016, 11:07 PM
PerKee PerKee is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Hais. guess i am stupid.

Did not read this chat before, thought it was some legit shit. drove all the way from west to bedok. kup the china guys phone and message came saying they are from 369 and will find my parents out and give them a beating. would they actually have intel in the telcos to find people's address out?

ID - Xinxinok1314 (Wechat)
Location Bedok North Blk 81
Requested alipay @ opposite petrol station

*she* hunting on badoo as well.
Old 13-06-2016, 12:11 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

For goodness sake, do not make any transfer or make any forms of payments even before you get to see the girls. These scammers are making use of your thirst for lust. They may not even be real girls behind the phone. It's all your hard-earned money to begin with. Though I have been cheated a few times into going down, I have never made any payment. I just told them if you do not turn up, I'll just leave. And they will immediately delete me off wechat. I am also glad cause they are helping me save money.

Another cunning method of scamming by these PRC CBs are they will ask you out for a date, meet you somewhere and ask you to bring them to a café/restaurant. They will then order some fucking expensive dishes and wine. The trick here is you have to pay after the dish/drink is being served. After you make payment, without drinking or even eating, they say they have something on. They earn commission from that joint by bring all these "carrots" there to tok cai tao(被砍)
Old 13-06-2016, 12:24 AM
lxora lxora is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by naturegreen View Post
For goodness sake, do not make any transfer or make any forms of payments even before you get to see the girls. These scammers are making use of your thirst for lust. They may not even be real girls behind the phone. It's all your hard-earned money to begin with. Though I have been cheated a few times into going down, I have never made any payment. I just told them if you do not turn up, I'll just leave. And they will immediately delete me off wechat. I am also glad cause they are helping me save money.

Another cunning method of scamming by these PRC CBs are they will ask you out for a date, meet you somewhere and ask you to bring them to a café/restaurant. They will then order some fucking expensive dishes and wine. The trick here is you have to pay after the dish/drink is being served. After you make payment, without drinking or even eating, they say they have something on. They earn commission from that joint by bring all these "carrots" there to tok cai tao(被砍)
We can make use of their thirst for money by playing with them and wasting their time too
Old 13-06-2016, 06:01 PM
Benson Cheng Benson Cheng is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by PerKee View Post
Hais. guess i am stupid.

Did not read this chat before, thought it was some legit shit. drove all the way from west to bedok. kup the china guys phone and message came saying they are from 369 and will find my parents out and give them a beating. would they actually have intel in the telcos to find people's address out?

ID - Xinxinok1314 (Wechat)
Location Bedok North Blk 81
Requested alipay @ opposite petrol station

*she* hunting on badoo as well.
Today , I played with her, she said Hougang Ave 10 Blk 401. I prepared all the necessary information and photo.

She said when you reached then called her , I said I stayed at Blk 401 , 6 floor. She must be surprised that someone stayed at the same block she mentioned.
She asked me for the block photos and surround. I am very familiar that place. I had taken some photo previously. She quickly dropped me on the chat when I asked for her unit number. Yes she is a scam
Old 13-06-2016, 06:17 PM
Benson Cheng Benson Cheng is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by marcasm View Post
hi bros, just kana scammed these few days. shld have found this thread earlier man.
just to share my story to all and hope you all learn something:
2 days ago this china woman called 雅静 msg me on wechat, say she some student in sgp working freelance, charging 100 for 2hr unlimited, then agreed to meet the next day. so "she" wanted to meet at juring street 24, blk252 at 1pm. i went thr and she wanted my phone number. i dunno what got over me i just gave it to her and she said that someone will call to ensure tht i not associated with the police. so this china guy called (had a fucking heavy china accent) and identified himself as ling zhen kun. then said i need to buy $100 itunes card. i bought and sent code to them. they said girl will come down and fetch only after i give 500 as 保证金. then i say i cannot give so much, then become 300. then i pretend lor, say i student, money all with parents. so he gave me till monday to pay the 300 to them. he added tht he got my hp number and tht he will track me down and harm my family if i playing with him
for you to visualise, the zharbor msg me on thurs night, we met friday afternoon and tdy is saturday. alrdy deleted wechat and installed some app to block private numbers.
any advice on what else to do bros?

Please give me his contact number , I will trace them and inform police
Old 13-06-2016, 10:14 PM
Taisho75 Taisho75 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by lxora View Post
We can make use of their thirst for money by playing with them and wasting their time too
You so free to play? I wont lor.

Anyway there are still got wechat ladies offering sex service, but they are direct and can be found where there are many budgets hotel around. If the pictures are too pretty and service offer too good to be true, likely is a scam. Always cod and never give ur phone number. Met 1 viet lady offer sex service at balestier area today, but never got to try as 100/1 exclude room.
Old 14-06-2016, 06:37 PM
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kicnad has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: WeChat Scam

Oh god man. i got scammed too... at first 100. and then asking for 800 for the protection. Is there any good apps to block off no caller ID numbers?
Old 14-06-2016, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by kicnad View Post
Oh god man. i got scammed too... at first 100. and then asking for 800 for the protection. Is there any good apps to block off no caller ID numbers?
Yes. It's called P O L I C E
Old 14-06-2016, 10:11 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

but of course i did not pay the 800 . and no calls ever since. just want prevent it. looking back feel dumb man
Old 16-06-2016, 07:38 PM
Noobiex Noobiex is offline
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Originally Posted by marcasm View Post
update : china guy called again just now asking when i want to meet tmr. started to scold him and tell him to fuck his mother, end up he hang up, say tmr want find me. hope this is the end of it alrdy
Hi bro, we just got to wait... The OKT will call and send some sms like this. Den will use different number to call and see if u will answer..
Right now my case i din received calls already.
So just need to take times and wait.
Of cos the police is sitll investigating..

Old 17-06-2016, 01:39 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

got this girl from nearby -wechat .. Offer $100/2 hrs
Ask to me meet up at AMk mrt and wechat her when I arrive there
Suspect spam so I reply with her that I will prefer cash deal only
Also tell that No iTunes card , transfer or etc
She replied I can pay her after sexion ....
I did not turn up ....
Her wechat -wanyi 618

Today another -hello from wechat again
This time is a student - chat along and ask her out for lunch
She replied ok without any charges
Ask my to meet her at 251 jurong east .... Dare not go again
Her wechat -www6886668

Above bro come across the above wechat address ?
Please share
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