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FL Dome 3 - The World is Your Oyster Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 13-10-2004, 12:44 AM
coleman28 coleman28 is offline
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Re: Sherine

After reading this thread, I am damn sure I met it before, and that was four years ago. I talk to 'IT' in IRC and got 'IT's contact. 'IT' told me 'IT' was 19 yrs old NUS student. Stay in hall and had joined 'SEX' party, but never participate. Was curious about sex and wanted to try. If good with me, will introduce me to the HALL one of those nights.

Alamak. met 'IT' at HOTEL 81. Shit, opened the door and this big "KING ####" blocked the whole doorway. Luckily I also quite smart, remember a CCTV in corridor, so I distracted 'IT' by saying look there, saw a gap, squeeze out of the doorway into the corridor. 'IT' chases out, threatened me about prostituition. I told 'IT', hey look there is CCTV here, what you trying to do now. "IT" hold me by the collar and told me to go back to the room. I say you take the $50 or I shout. 'IT' challenge me, ok lor, I shout "HELP!!! HELP!!!"... "IT" told me to shut up, I know "IT" panic liow... so I continue shouting "HELP!!! HELP!!! someone trying to beat me", "IT" then slapped my face, grab my $50 and run for "IT"'s life.

The important thing here is... after 4 yrs??? IT is still a NUS student??!!! na bei, don't be cheated by IT, brothers.... should teach IT a good lesson.
Old 13-10-2004, 02:55 AM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by coleman28

The important thing here is... after 4 yrs??? IT is still a NUS student??!!! na bei, don't be cheated by IT, brothers.... should teach IT a good lesson.

Im sure IT has the secret of the Elixir Of Immortality.

Honestly, i wouldn't mind playing with IT, because i can always get one pre-pay card or use my other line to play with IT.
Just so i don't meet it.
IT may be three times as heavy as me.
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Old 13-10-2004, 07:02 AM
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Re: Sherine

Quote:" ok lor, I shout "HELP!!! HELP!!!"... "IT" told me to shut up, I know "IT" panic liow... so I continue shouting "HELP!!! HELP!!! someone trying to beat me", "IT" then slapped my face, grab my $50 and run for "IT"'s life."

Brother poor thing leh u kena "hoot" by this animal... jia lat if IT were to "hoot" me last time in our encounter, i will not just play IT out twice recently.. will call up my whole formation from the army last time to beat it up...

Btw, u need SAR21 + Apache to rival it.. if not no chance.
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Old 13-10-2004, 07:12 AM
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Re: Sherine

tell u pple the truth, there was this one poor brother who fell prey to this beast...

He PMed me quite some time ago and i think i shd tell his encounter here to warn u pple...

The same thing happeend to him.. booked hotel room and IT turned up and rushed in.. this little brother blur blur small size then IT that chao FAT ah qua went to BJ our dear fren!!! YUCK!!, imagine u were that brother and u look DOWN only to see a KUM-KUM- look a like sucking on your BROTHERS?!??

After that incident, our dear fren never posted here again. He was so Depressed that he almost went MAD and since that incident, he never DIYed.. looks like his whole life is changed... its time someone stands out and give IT a good police report and jail IT!

Originally Posted by Orgasmic
Quote:" ok lor, I shout "HELP!!! HELP!!!"... "IT" told me to shut up, I know "IT" panic liow... so I continue shouting "HELP!!! HELP!!! someone trying to beat me", "IT" then slapped my face, grab my $50 and run for "IT"'s life."

Brother poor thing leh u kena "hoot" by this animal... jia lat if IT were to "hoot" me last time in our encounter, i will not just play IT out twice recently.. will call up my whole formation from the army last time to beat it up...

Btw, u need SAR21 + Apache to rival it.. if not no chance.
I like Pulchritudinous and attenuated Ladies....
Old 13-10-2004, 10:10 AM
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Re: Sherine

I really pity that guy. Is there anything we can do about IT? I can be of some help, like plot a trap or something, and give him a very good lessaon....
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Old 13-10-2004, 04:48 PM
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Re: Sherine

Bros, this Sherine has become an Urban Legend eh? Except IT is not a "legend" to those bros who have been traumatised, and who probably need years of counselling. To those bros who sighted this creature in its natural habitat (generally Hotel 81 doorwarys), do you suffer from any of the following: a) nightmares of IT; b) flashbacks of IT; c) sudden panic attacks, characterized by sweating, rapid pulse, and trembling; d) occassional feelings of disengagement from your body? You may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder - seek treatment!!! The rest of us bros may need to to round up a posse/vigilante group and hunt this beast down before more innocent lives are lost. And remember bros, dont tackle this creature on your own, and dont make it angry - you wont like it when its angry...
Old 14-10-2004, 01:39 AM
coleman28 coleman28 is offline
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Re: Sherine

Got an idea... we can make a date with IT to go old Changi Hospital one of these night. Someone will have to seduce IT to take a cab there. Ask it to go into the old Changi Hospital. We will hide somewhere near there. Then when it arrived, a few of us will grabbed IT, and the rest, tear away IT's clothing. Make IT naked, then we clear the place. Let IT be naked there, sure very cham and embarassed.

Then we can also call the reporters and say there is a pervert not wearing anything near old Changi Hospital, roaming about... haha... get IT to go on TV... hee hee...
Old 14-10-2004, 04:00 AM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by Orgasmic
tell u pple the truth, there was this one poor brother who fell prey to this beast...

He PMed me quite some time ago and i think i shd tell his encounter here to warn u pple...

The same thing happeend to him.. booked hotel room and IT turned up and rushed in.. this little brother blur blur small size then IT that chao FAT ah qua went to BJ our dear fren!!! YUCK!!, imagine u were that brother and u look DOWN only to see a KUM-KUM- look a like sucking on your BROTHERS?!??

After that incident, our dear fren never posted here again. He was so Depressed that he almost went MAD and since that incident, he never DIYed.. looks like his whole life is changed... its time someone stands out and give IT a good police report and jail IT!
some one should really start a plan.. make a new thread.. for everyone interested to fall in.. why not someone 'book' wif her den invite all bros in the same hotel room.. den open the door when IT'S here.. den let IT rush in.. to see all whalap!
Old 14-10-2004, 11:04 AM
jaxz jaxz is offline
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by jackylee
some one should really start a plan.. make a new thread.. for everyone interested to fall in.. why not someone 'book' wif her den invite all bros in the same hotel room.. den open the door when IT'S here.. den let IT rush in.. to see all whalap!
With this forum is openly read by all...I'll say IT is getting more cautious.

If the trap is to be set, let it be discussed among those trusted bros & not openly in the forum.
Old 14-10-2004, 11:25 AM
Freman Freman is offline
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Re: Sherine


like some of you brothers, I do have hatched a plan to capture this IT.

What I wanted to do is this.

I will buy 300 rolls of black tape. 300 rolls of green tape, and some red tapes.

We lure IT to some place. Then 4 of our brothers (must be at least 90 KG) will pound of them and dump him into a van (any brother own a van ? kangoo that sort ?).

We stripe IT naked, I will start with his *dick*, use black tape, and start to tape it round and round, until I'm finished with the *dick*.... I'll start to black tape his balls, making sure I tape it really tight together *manic laugh can be heard in the distance*, after I'm done with the balls, I start to tape his groin area. Until at long last, we can a 'Robin' (as in batman and robin) kind of underwear on IT, made of black tape.

Then, to tape his head, to form the robin mask.

Then, i'll out the green tape, and start to tape his pants and top body. I sure hope he is not hairy, cos it will hurt like the 9 th level of hell when he removes them *more manic laughter*

After we are done, we set him loose in the middle of Orchard road.

A few brothers will station themselves in Orchard road to video tape down this wonderful event.

Then they can upload to sammyboy forum. I tell you, I anytime will download the whole video (no matter how many megabytes) instead of chiobu, cos I know this will be a classic. Laugh until die.

hoped you guys dun think I'm too saddistic on him.

but I volunteer to pay for all the black, green tapes used. This will be more fun than a bonk !!
Old 14-10-2004, 11:28 AM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by Freman

like some of you brothers, I do have hatched a plan to capture this IT.

What I wanted to do is this.

I will buy 300 rolls of black tape. 300 rolls of green tape, and some red tapes.

We lure IT to some place. Then 4 of our brothers (must be at least 90 KG) will pound of them and dump him into a van (any brother own a van ? kangoo that sort ?).

We stripe IT naked, I will start with his *dick*, use black tape, and start to tape it round and round, until I'm finished with the *dick*.... I'll start to black tape his balls, making sure I tape it really tight together *manic laugh can be heard in the distance*, after I'm done with the balls, I start to tape his groin area. Until at long last, we can a 'Robin' (as in batman and robin) kind of underwear on IT, made of black tape.

Then, to tape his head, to form the robin mask.

Then, i'll out the green tape, and start to tape his pants and top body. I sure hope he is not hairy, cos it will hurt like the 9 th level of hell when he removes them *more manic laughter*

After we are done, we set him loose in the middle of Orchard road.

A few brothers will station themselves in Orchard road to video tape down this wonderful event.

Then they can upload to sammyboy forum. I tell you, I anytime will download the whole video (no matter how many megabytes) instead of chiobu, cos I know this will be a classic. Laugh until die.

hoped you guys dun think I'm too saddistic on him.

but I volunteer to pay for all the black, green tapes used. This will be more fun than a bonk !!
now, to put this to plan.....
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Old 14-10-2004, 11:30 AM
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Re: Sherine

Count me in.....
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Old 14-10-2004, 04:40 PM
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Re: Sherine

him? i though IT?
Old 14-10-2004, 05:15 PM
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Re: Sherine

I supply 10ft/14ft/24ft box Truck...ok...which mean logistic i take care....let kill this ASS HOLE...
Old 14-10-2004, 05:37 PM
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Re: Sherine

I am serious about this..

I HEREBY APPOINT LESNAR to be the center of communication...

all willing party pls PM him.

Dont KNN tok cok sing song..

i am willing to pay $50 for the operation.

Lesnar u consolidate the name list and i will give further details after 5 days of consolidation.

pls pm him ur email.


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