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Old 22-04-2004, 09:45 PM
schwing schwing is offline
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by wanderer23
Wah this Sherine is it the same Sherry in the "Incredible Hulk" thread?
bro, tried to look for the thread. did a search. but i guess the thread is no more there...
Old 22-04-2004, 09:56 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
bro, tried to look for the thread. did a search. but i guess the thread is no more there...
It's still here.... at
Old 22-04-2004, 10:00 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by wanderer23
after reading the thread, i guess it is the SAME person...
Old 22-04-2004, 10:03 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
after reading the thread, i guess it is the SAME person...
Keke bad luck then Bro... better avoid any Sherine,Sherry, Shermaine etc etc keke
Old 22-04-2004, 10:13 PM
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Re: Sherine

OK..let's continue

Scene : Inside the room

'Sherine' was mad...but I just keep myself cool. 'Sherine' asked me why I denied. I juz ignored 'HIS?' question and juz watched the TV. Called me heartless man coz played around with a 19yo, virgin girl (almost puke!!!)

Asked my opinion about 'HIM?'. I answered that 'HE?' looks like a gay. That reply made 'HIM?' SUPER-ANGRY. I don't care less... Kept asking me what am I going to do since 'HE?' is here. (OOhhh please, I don't think my didi will get hard, even a second).

Later, told me about 'HIS?' so-called relative, who is a lawyer. Acussed me that I had cheated 'HIM?'. Then 'HE?' threatened me that 'HE?' is going to report this matter to the hotel receptionist, police (and I guess the whole world) coz I had cheated 'HIM?'. 'HE?' talked and talked and talked, saying wanted to bring shame to me and my family members.

Later, 'HE?' asked me why I don't care when 'HE?' wanted to report this case to the police. (Please lah, do u think police want to take up this case? On what ground???) Then 'HE?' asked me what I'm working as. I juz replied I am a civil servant. When 'HE?' asked for more, I replied 'Police'. 'HE?' was stunned.

I guess 'HE?' was convinced coz 'HE?' changed the topic, from threatening a policeman to other matters.

Old 22-04-2004, 10:29 PM
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Re: Sherine

hohoho, you're the man siah! show him super power! beat him up did ya? hehehehe
Old 22-04-2004, 10:52 PM
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Re: Sherine

and the story continues...

offered 'HIM?' cab fare and asked 'HIM?' to leave but 'HE?' refused. I juz try to build up my patience...

Later, offered 'HIM?' to sit and we chit chat since 'HE?' wanted it. Before that, I asked if 'HE?' is going to charge $150 for the chit chat session. Since 'HE?' is not charging, I juz had TCS with 'HIM?'.

HHmmmm....forced myself to chit chat with 'HIM?' on many topics. Haa haa...'HE?' said 'HE?' is a Medicine undergrad...? *puke* Boasting this and that. I juz put on my deaf ears and watched the TV.

Then...'HE?' requested for something. After saying 'HE?' is a Medicine Undergrad, 'HE?' requested me to see my didi so that 'HE?' knows male anatomy better...haa haa

Again, I began to perspire...What should I do?

Using my identity as a policeman, I warned 'HIM?' that a woman can also be charged for molest... I had to convince 'HIM?' this before anything happens to me....

'HE?' did not dare to touch my didi even though I could see initially 'HE?' had intention to touch it. 'HE?' begged me to expose my didi so that 'HE?' can understand anatomy better...

Wah lan! Frankly, in my heart, since we are inside the room, no one sees us...ANYTHING can happen to me...That suddenly became my main worry!!!
Old 22-04-2004, 11:12 PM
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Re: Sherine

Hi Bro Schwing
Just To send my deepest condolence to u! Take care
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 22-04-2004, 11:22 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by Tai_zi21
Hi Bro Schwing
Just To send my deepest condolence to u! Take care
Me too bro Schwing i guessed you got out of the incident unscraped with everything intact except some nerves ya?
Old 22-04-2004, 11:30 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
and the story continues...

offered 'HIM?' cab fare and asked 'HIM?' to leave but 'HE?' refused. I juz try to build up my patience...

Later, offered 'HIM?' to sit and we chit chat since 'HE?' wanted it. Before that, I asked if 'HE?' is going to charge $150 for the chit chat session. Since 'HE?' is not charging, I juz had TCS with 'HIM?'.

HHmmmm....forced myself to chit chat with 'HIM?' on many topics. Haa haa...'HE?' said 'HE?' is a Medicine undergrad...? *puke* Boasting this and that. I juz put on my deaf ears and watched the TV.

Then...'HE?' requested for something. After saying 'HE?' is a Medicine Undergrad, 'HE?' requested me to see my didi so that 'HE?' knows male anatomy better...haa haa

Again, I began to perspire...What should I do?

Using my identity as a policeman, I warned 'HIM?' that a woman can also be charged for molest... I had to convince 'HIM?' this before anything happens to me....

'HE?' did not dare to touch my didi even though I could see initially 'HE?' had intention to touch it. 'HE?' begged me to expose my didi so that 'HE?' can understand anatomy better...

Wah lan! Frankly, in my heart, since we are inside the room, no one sees us...ANYTHING can happen to me...That suddenly became my main worry!!!
This Sherine aso very daring huh....said u r police and yet "he" still staying on....any following parts bro??
Old 23-04-2004, 02:07 AM
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Re: Sherine

this is getting more exciting.. waiting for ur next part bro.. keke
Old 23-04-2004, 02:17 AM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
and the story continues...

offered 'HIM?' cab fare and asked 'HIM?' to leave but 'HE?' refused. I juz try to build up my patience...

Later, offered 'HIM?' to sit and we chit chat since 'HE?' wanted it. Before that, I asked if 'HE?' is going to charge $150 for the chit chat session. Since 'HE?' is not charging, I juz had TCS with 'HIM?'.

HHmmmm....forced myself to chit chat with 'HIM?' on many topics. Haa haa...'HE?' said 'HE?' is a Medicine undergrad...? *puke* Boasting this and that. I juz put on my deaf ears and watched the TV.

Then...'HE?' requested for something. After saying 'HE?' is a Medicine Undergrad, 'HE?' requested me to see my didi so that 'HE?' knows male anatomy better...haa haa

Again, I began to perspire...What should I do?

Using my identity as a policeman, I warned 'HIM?' that a woman can also be charged for molest... I had to convince 'HIM?' this before anything happens to me....

'HE?' did not dare to touch my didi even though I could see initially 'HE?' had intention to touch it. 'HE?' begged me to expose my didi so that 'HE?' can understand anatomy better...

Wah lan! Frankly, in my heart, since we are inside the room, no one sees us...ANYTHING can happen to me...That suddenly became my main worry!!!
Haha... This is really interesting.
The FR is getting more and more excited.
Old 23-04-2004, 06:44 AM
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Re: Sherine

Part 6...

After I refused to expose my didi, I was shocked when 'HE?' asked for more. Now 'HE?' requested me to masturbate in front of 'HIM?'. 'HE?' juz curious how man masturbate. To 'HIM?', 'HE?' is virgin and innocent. (Haa haa)

Again I refused. Frankly, I dont think my didi will 'Mari Kita' if I am going to masturbate. I guessed 'HE?' was not happy. And again I had to tell 'HIM?' that I can accused 'HIM?' a molester if 'HE?' put 'HIS?' hand on my didi.

Then we continue to TCS....

After about 45 mins, I told 'HIM?' that I had leave. Guess wat...

'HE?' invited me to have dinner with 'HIM?'.... SIAO! I told 'HIM?' I had to be home to have dinner with my family...

Opening up the door, as a gentleman to 19yo virgin, decent girl, I told 'HIM?' that I am giving 'HIM?' the cab fare. 'HE?' asked for $50, inclusive of 'HIS?' dinner. I refused and gave 'HIM?' $30...(as a gentleman but no intention to encourage 'HIM?'). 'HE?' was not happy and again wanted to make police report. I challenged 'HIM?' and again tell 'HIM?', me as a policeman, I know the law.

I jus took the key and walked out. Took the same lift down. But instead at ground floor, 'HE?' stopped at level 2. And I juz left 'HIM?' in the hotel as I took taxi home...

(BRB - there's more.....but later at night)
Old 23-04-2004, 10:18 AM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
(3rd Part)

When 'Sherine' was asking me if I had made the appt., of coz I denied. HHmmm...*perspiring in an air-con hotel*

Then 'Sherine' took out 'HIS?' hp and showed me all the SMS that I had sent. Shit! 'HE?' is Sherine!!!!!!!!! Oh God, HELP ME....

When I still tried to deny, 'HE?' called my no. Of coz my hp rang. If I know this is going to happen, I might have switch it off...

I am smaller size (abt 70kg) and 'HE?' is (90 - 100+++) kg. Try to imagine, bros...

As there were people walked past my room, with 'Sherine' outside my room raising 'HIS?' voice arguing with me, I had no choice. I let 'HIM?' in.......

(BRB - 4th part coming up)

oh gosh... i would have given him a drop-kick!
Old 23-04-2004, 10:42 AM
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Re: Sherine

So confirmed that this Shrine that Bro Schwing had is the infamous Sherry aka Selina aka Elyna that claimed that he is a medicine undergrads from NUS after reading Bro Schwing FR. He now back again with a new name, Shrine.

Bro Schwing, I would suggest that you post "His" new contact number (i.e. the contact you have now) openly in this forum to warn other bros about this Shrine as it is confirmed that he is a guy and pose as a lady FL trying to let us falls into his trap and become his prey.

By doing so you will save a lot of innocent bros here in the forum, especially newbie. Thank you for your kindness.
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