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Old 22-04-2004, 06:27 PM
schwing schwing is offline
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Got a list of FLs from a bro here. Went thru' the list A-Z. SMS a few of them as most of the no. are invalid as no longer not in use.

Later, so-called 19yo NUS undergrad Sherine replied the SMS. Her no. is 9433****. She mentioned $150 for 2 hrs at Hotel 81 Lavendar. As mentioned in the list, the voice on the phone quite sexy. Straight away, without much delay, booked her. She asked me to go down immediately.

Checked into Hotel 81 Lavendar. SMSed her my room no. Waited for about 10 min before someone pressed the bell. Looked into the peephole but couldn't see anyone. But saw someone standing at the side.

Waiting no more, I opened the door.... (BRB)
Old 22-04-2004, 06:36 PM
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Re: Sherine

Bro Schwing, did you see a He instead of a She? or what did you see after opening the door?
Old 22-04-2004, 06:41 PM
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Re: Sherine

Ohh shit another one bites the dust . Damn . Poor bro was deflowered by the infamous Ah Qua , Sherry .

My deepest condolence to you.
Old 22-04-2004, 06:47 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by SgtPepper
Ohh shit another one bites the dust . Damn . Poor bro was deflowered by the infamous Ah Qua , Sherry .

My deepest condolence to you.
Bro SgtPepper, that is what I taught for a moment when I saw the begining of the post a 19 yo NUS FL and I think OMG here he comes again for his prey.

But let's hold out breath and wait for Bro Schwing to finish his posting or clarifications first to see whether this Shrine is same as the Sherry, Selina, Elyna that the senior samsters here already known one.

If She (or He) is then we have to be alert again with the new name, Sherine.
Old 22-04-2004, 07:58 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
Got a list of FLs from a bro here. Went thru' the list A-Z. SMS a few of them as most of the no. are invalid as no longer not in use.

Later, so-called 19yo NUS undergrad Sherine replied the SMS. Her no. is 9433****. She mentioned $150 for 2 hrs at Hotel 81 Lavendar. As mentioned in the list, the voice on the phone quite sexy. Straight away, without much delay, booked her. She asked me to go down immediately.

Checked into Hotel 81 Lavendar. SMSed her my room no. Waited for about 10 min before someone pressed the bell. Looked into the peephole but couldn't see anyone. But saw someone standing at the side.

Waiting no more, I opened the door.... (BRB)
Wah lao, where is the rest, isit really that scary?
Old 22-04-2004, 08:23 PM
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Re: Sherine

i still waiting for ur second part of ur FR
Old 22-04-2004, 08:38 PM
schwing schwing is offline
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Re: Sherine

As the door was opened....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

I saw a SUPER-BIG size 'HE?'. Frankly, I don't know how to describe 'HE?'. The way 'HE?' dressed like AQUA. Even the voice.

I was hoping 'HE?' was at the wrong door. Later, 'HE?' asked if I had made appointment with 'HIM?'. I asked for 'HIS?' name. And 'HE?' introduced 'HIMSELF?' as Sherine.

(BRB. Sorry I have to multi-task so that no one can peep at my monitor )
Old 22-04-2004, 08:42 PM
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Re: Sherine


ur FR is getting interesting and more interesting LOLX

bud is their voice the same? or wat leh?

ahaha how 'he' wore when 'he' met u?
Old 22-04-2004, 08:49 PM
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Re: Sherine

Yo Brudder, read some FRs but yours the best man, but still ur the man I believe whose not afraid of share nightmares.....cheers man!
Old 22-04-2004, 08:50 PM
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Talking Re: Sherine

So Bro what's the outcone?did u proceed or what?
BTW thanks for the info
No's in the Blood.........
Old 22-04-2004, 09:05 PM
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Re: Sherine

hahaha... this is very funny.

always must see the goods first before checking into a hotel
Old 22-04-2004, 09:19 PM
schwing schwing is offline
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Re: Sherine

before I continue, to answer some of your qns....

Bro Sgtpepper - thanx for the condolence

Bro mxm28 - too scary and can't find nice, correct word to describe the nightmare

Bro ninjablur - voice.... 50% same 50% different, 'HE?' was wearing like Aqua but I guess Changi's 200% better!!!

Bro liketoplay - maybe you can teach me how to check the goods first.... coz for me, FLs, not easy unless I can read their FRs in this forum 1st.
Old 22-04-2004, 09:30 PM
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Re: Sherine

(3rd Part)

When 'Sherine' was asking me if I had made the appt., of coz I denied. HHmmm...*perspiring in an air-con hotel*

Then 'Sherine' took out 'HIS?' hp and showed me all the SMS that I had sent. Shit! 'HE?' is Sherine!!!!!!!!! Oh God, HELP ME....

When I still tried to deny, 'HE?' called my no. Of coz my hp rang. If I know this is going to happen, I might have switch it off...

I am smaller size (abt 70kg) and 'HE?' is (90 - 100+++) kg. Try to imagine, bros...

As there were people walked past my room, with 'Sherine' outside my room raising 'HIS?' voice arguing with me, I had no choice. I let 'HIM?' in.......

(BRB - 4th part coming up)
Old 22-04-2004, 09:36 PM
Huluman Huluman is offline
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Re: Sherine

Nabei why scared of a chao ah gua....just slap his Moddafokin fat face......

that's Y u shud do some martial arts.....

Originally Posted by schwing
(3rd Part)

When 'Sherine' was asking me if I had made the appt., of coz I denied. HHmmm...*perspiring in an air-con hotel*

Then 'Sherine' took out 'HIS?' hp and showed me all the SMS that I had sent. Shit! 'HE?' is Sherine!!!!!!!!! Oh God, HELP ME....

When I still tried to deny, 'HE?' called my no. Of coz my hp rang. If I know this is going to happen, I might have switch it off...

I am smaller size (abt 70kg) and 'HE?' is (90 - 100+++) kg. Try to imagine, bros...

As there were people walked past my room, with 'Sherine' outside my room raising 'HIS?' voice arguing with me, I had no choice. I let 'HIM?' in.......

(BRB - 4th part coming up)
Old 22-04-2004, 09:40 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
(3rd Part)

When 'Sherine' was asking me if I had made the appt., of coz I denied. HHmmm...*perspiring in an air-con hotel*

Then 'Sherine' took out 'HIS?' hp and showed me all the SMS that I had sent. Shit! 'HE?' is Sherine!!!!!!!!! Oh God, HELP ME....

When I still tried to deny, 'HE?' called my no. Of coz my hp rang. If I know this is going to happen, I might have switch it off...

I am smaller size (abt 70kg) and 'HE?' is (90 - 100+++) kg. Try to imagine, bros...

As there were people walked past my room, with 'Sherine' outside my room raising 'HIS?' voice arguing with me, I had no choice. I let 'HIM?' in.......

(BRB - 4th part coming up)

Wah this Sherine is it the same Sherry in the "Incredible Hulk" thread?
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