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Old 26-04-2020, 05:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I am afraid that you (we) will have to wait a long time, until a vaccine is found (?) and the epidemic debellated. A long time with many deads. Without vaccine, no way we can go back to our normal life, including travels and our hobby.
True. Cant do much as of now, except keeping a look out at news and gets better prepared once the gateway to travel reopen.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
So, 2020 will be a milestone in World History because of COVID-19 AND because a massage place was found in Batam doing extra services undercover. Spectacular job by Indo Polisi
The good about Indonesian were, most of them were humble people without much ambitious. Enough food, enough clothes, etc all's fine. Hence it also brings about some bads, they hardly save enough, for rainy days.

To those in Batam from the news (which i read from the above news), no work means no food on the table.

Meantime, its also Ramadan (and Hari Raya is coming), all the more putting food on the table, telling parents, elders, relatives that they have been doing fine throughout the year etc etc is also another factor why they need to work even harder. Just guessing on this one,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
btw...this is Batam thread and pls do not go off topic too much...mod reading every post...
Agreed, always try to stick to topic title. And refrain from talking about another person on the internet or reply to those who does (feeding the troll?).

Of course, that just my rules for myself online (meaning it doesnt only applies to sbf alone). Lesser feud if everyone were to discuss more base on titled topic rather than another living/dead human.

1 kind of rice feeds thousand kind of people,not gonna expect everyone to share the same philosophy as me.

* just realize i apply the above (mostly) to friends i knew in Batam too,hehehe...

Just a thought.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-04-2020, 05:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
2 m away may not be enuff for most enclosed area. There are news that Coronavirus were found in air samples up to 13 feet from patients.

WHO has changed its words recently, citing that wearing mask alone is not enuff to keep a person from getting infected by the Coronavirus.

For once, they're right on this issue. But it didn't need them to say that as by now, almost everyone already knew.

No human to human transmission on Coronavirus as cited by WHO during mid Jan 2020.

The direction on this pandemic was not rite til later March 2020, so as their earlier given advise.

That's when the new word 气溶胶传播 was invented (by China).
This is how far/much someone can spread the virus with a single sneeze/cough... according to some news article.

Singapore advise on 1 meter social distancing. Taiwan is on 1.5 meter. I'll try to keep 1.5 meter at least. I remember in my last trip in Batam while taking the elevator up to the 5th floor of my room. The elevator was fully pack and i am the only person wearing a mask and "dog tag" on.

15th of March in Batam, at Grand Batam Mall 1st floor...hehehe...

Notice the crowd? How pack it is with an ongoing event.

Situation isnt as bad as claim tho. If there is a chance to allow me to do a analysis of my own, i would say that at this current point of posting, or even if i were to backdate the entire situation till 15th March 2020, situation on the corona epidemic in Batam is by far at least 2 lamp post better than in Singapore. (No need to believe what i say here,hehehe...)

Of course, this analysis is just my own perspective after looking at both side.

The setback in Batam is that once you get "it" (covid-19), the medical facilities there (in Batam) would have the least possible solution to help.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-04-2020, 07:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Not all are ban, accepting travelers going to tanjung pinang from batam for now untill futher notice
Confirm travel by sea are possible
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Old 26-04-2020, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Confirm travel by sea are possible
Are Singaporean allow to enter Batam now? I heard that all foreigners are ban
Old 26-04-2020, 10:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by kbt7046 View Post
Are Singaporean allow to enter Batam now? I heard that all foreigners are ban
Tat is right. Foreigners are temporarily not allow to go batam (this ban was authorise before the travel ban via sea or air) but locals can go back home via the alternate route.

One via punggur terminal and below is via sekupang terminal
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
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Last edited by fde83; 26-04-2020 at 10:51 PM. Reason: Amend
Old 27-04-2020, 05:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I called to check that Sindo is operating batam-singapore ferry despite the ferry ban announced from Jkt. It is for Indonesian only.
Old 27-04-2020, 05:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Likely thing will not be the same again after this thing end. It will also take quite some time for indonesia to end this.

Those travelling to BTM. I think have to wait for 3 to 5 months from now for them to operate again.


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Old 27-04-2020, 06:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Likely thing will not be the same again after this thing end. It will also take quite some time for indonesia to end this.

Those travelling to BTM. I think have to wait for 3 to 5 months from now for them to operate again.
Longer than that. The main point is that, official travel regulations or not, it will be not possible to dive into the crowd in a disco o pub, until a vaccine is found or the virus disappears. Even if allowed, which I doubt, why should I travel to Singapore or Batam if I have to stay alone and distant from everyone?
Old 29-04-2020, 12:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Many may ask, since making money, how come runaway?

There are many guesses among some of my friends.

Some of which are, that old man Jerry (in his 70s or coming to that age already) is thinking of retirement since a year ago (which is why the advertisement to sell away Formosa is over one year ago) and he wasnt able to sells it. Son no plans to take over his father. Running away seems like not a bad choice and especially so it was done after CNY 2020.

Paying his workers is really nothing but paying up to the governing body can be a major issue. Let's not forget, when he runs, he also leaves behind more than 111 LCD TVs, more than 111 beds, and other equipment like gym set, CCTV cameras, computers etc. Which after selling away should be sufficient to pay his workers. I pity those staffs who has worked in Formosa for many years. They are really hardworkers (and loyal) under a super strict boss.

The only problem left there like what bro BFOMF5 say is Formosa Residence.

How is it gonna affect the stake holders? The tenants, apartment buyers who is due to collect their apartment keys soon etc etc. The good news here is, Formosa Residence is almost 100% done up, hence it shouldnt pose any big issue.

Whats left is, the future maintenance of Formosa Residence and how to keep it operational.

I will be keeping a close look out for now tho,hehehe...
Kind of lucky or was it unlucky? That guy could pick such good timing to run road.

At least he's in better pasture now.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I made my choice more than 2 months ago with my 1st box of mask,hehehe...

Stay healthy, and stay safe.

For me, back from Batam for more than a month already,and glad all's well.
Ha! You'll be surprise how much each box of mask cost in Batam without tourism now.

Want to make a guess?

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Went over to NHM to try the noodle before the sg lockdwn. It's actually not bad & rather interesting. Not cheap.

i think all mee goreng there comes with a bit of chilli, or rather it's hw that would be cooked in their culture.
Tried them too, really nothing to shout about.

Plus point is the restaurant's girls there quite pretty.
Old 29-04-2020, 09:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Longer than that. The main point is that, official travel regulations or not, it will be not possible to dive into the crowd in a disco o pub, until a vaccine is found or the virus disappears. Even if allowed, which I doubt, why should I travel to Singapore or Batam if I have to stay alone and distant from everyone?
Vaccine will take a long long time. Be it a year, two year or longer.

Important is they must be honest in their reporting of people affected and able to contain it. Else forever no need go.


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Old 29-04-2020, 09:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Vaccine will take a long long time. Be it a year, two year or longer.

Important is they must be honest in their reporting of people affected and able to contain it. Else forever no need go.
Data collection and reliability of data from Indonesia has always been a problem.


While the government has announced a ban on "mudik", you also do not know how many would have already traveled back to their kampungs much earlier.

Cos perhaps they were retrenched and living in big cities is tough for them.

Undetected cases in the kampungs may possibly form the 2nd and 3rd wave when things are starting to look better....

And these people return back to the major cities and potentially bringing the hidden virus with them....
Old 01-05-2020, 12:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Notice the crowd? How pack it is with an ongoing event.

Situation isnt as bad as claim tho. If there is a chance to allow me to do a analysis of my own, i would say that at this current point of posting, or even if i were to backdate the entire situation till 15th March 2020, situation on the corona epidemic in Batam is by far at least 2 lamp post better than in Singapore. (No need to believe what i say here,hehehe...)

Of course, this analysis is just my own perspective after looking at both side.

The setback in Batam is that once you get "it" (covid-19), the medical facilities there (in Batam) would have the least possible solution to help.
Not as bad, but never good. Tj Pinang mayor even died from coronavirus.

& the hot spots in batam according to their news where their most carrier & contact traced were found.

"The following is a list of sub-districts included in the red zone list:
  • Batam City District.
  • Batuaji District.
  • Sagulung District.
  • Bengkong District.
  • Batuaji District.
  • Sagulung District.
  • Sekupang District.
He said he chose to use the term social restrictions per district. This zone is determined by the number of Covid-19 cases. Both PDP, ODP, and positive patients are there.

"The five districts are Batam City, Batuaji, Sagulung, Bengkong, and Sekupang," he explained.
Old 01-05-2020, 01:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Please read the articles below. It stated that indonesia will end it convid on july 30. Not sure how true and how accurate it is?

Singaporean A.I. predicts when coronavirus will end. Here's the exact date.


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Old 01-05-2020, 05:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Please read the articles below. It stated that indonesia will end it convid on july 30. Not sure how true and how accurate it is?
Pure info-rubbish. BS.
Old 02-05-2020, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Please read the articles below. It stated that indonesia will end it convid on july 30. Not sure how true and how accurate it is?

Singaporean A.I. predicts when coronavirus will end. Here's the exact date.
Even Indonesia government has lift the entry ban on foreign tourists and Covid-19 disappear in Singapore, as long as there are new cases of infection daily, Singaporean who go to Indonesia will be quarantine upon return. Thinking about this, most people still choose not to go.
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