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Old 06-07-2016, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
LOL.. I also wish that's true... the medical checkups.. unfortunately, more likely they don't go for it and the only thing closest to visiting a doctor before starting work will be to get injection for preventing pregnancy..
According to my less then 2 months old MILF, she have a checkup when arrive in BTM n hv a day to get orientated at the same time wait for result, (Maybe intensive trainings by OKT) B47 she start working.

Not sure about the monthly check.
And those recontracted.
Old 06-07-2016, 06:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i tink u jus collected the most data info on ramadan in btm thread history.
Did i? Whatever i do,i do it mainly for my future Batam trips.

Especially for Ramadan 2017,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
yr gf reli knows hw to enjoy herself. This spa place is good.
Indeed,judging from its outlook of how they themed their rooms.

This place is one of the top notch spa resort in Batam. Think i may likely go check if Kaha is having special price for their room type soon. Seems to me this place's business not as good as Montigo. So the chance for a better price maybe higher. Reviews however were mostly good. (it has to be, for that type of price) but i usually try to look into the not-so-good point of view instead. going at S$241.00 per night stay inclusive tax. S$296.00 per night for a better version of their room.

Originally Posted by MovingTarget View Post
... sharing my 2nd experience ....

If you go during weekday, I think you will likely get more than the normal discount and better bargain. I have mentioned before that this Spa is expensive sometime ago and probably be my 1st & last time trying out this Spa.
Good to see more information on this Vienna Spa,hehehe...

Originally Posted by MovingTarget View Post
Around 1.5 months ago, I stayed in Da Vienna for 1 night and as what you have normally done, walk around after breakfast - look see, look see, eventually dropped by to Vienna Spa at around 10:10 am to see whether has any changes to the price. The Spa was deserted as I walked about checking out the rooms again and I supposed this is going to be the way for the rest of the weekday, maybe (not sure) with exception of weekday night and weekend. The Spa Manager was exceptionally eager to serve me and very determined to get a deal done. She offered the normal discounts which I have turned down as I have plan to do massage at Devata, Marianne or Sakura. She further proposed Rp 270k for 1.5 hours aroma massage which I have also turned down. For around Rp 280k, I can get a 2 hours massage + body scrub at Marianne, Sakura or even Devata. She continued with her best effort persuasion cum pestering, and I proposed a 30 mins body scrub in addition to the 1.5 hrs aroma massage at Rp 270k. She agreed without much hesitation.
The normal discount,i suppose you mean the 20% off?

Everything is expensive in this place. Maybe one day i have to go there to try out their massage,at the same time propose to them (Vienna Spa Massage) what other massage places were actually offering. I think since most of their hotel guests were sillyporean,its not difficult to catch a handful of silly-enough ones not knowing the market rate. Glad to see sillyporean getting to be not-as-silly during weekdays. Even Just-Mine Spa massage pricing from Gideon Hotel could beat Vienna.

For me,I simply dial King Massage and call for a 2 hour massage into my Da vienna room which will cost me 250k rupiah (and not thats not adding in my membership discount,hehehe..). I do have a small collection of other massage shops doing outcall massage service and they are about Kings-after-discount pricing too.

If i cant be near to a massage shop i like in another hotel i stayed in,i bring the massage shops to me. I have been working on this for a while now and there are still many flaws to rectify.

Originally Posted by MovingTarget View Post
As the time was nearing 10:30 am and I have to check out by 1 pm. I rather not rash with the balanced 30 mins to bathe, pack and go. So, I told her I will ask for 2 pm check out and if it is possible, I will come back straightaway and if not possible, I will check out and come back for the spa treatment.
Were you there on a weekday or weekend,if you dont mind me asking. Asking out of curioisty as usually weekend easier to secure better bargain but chances were dimmer for weekends..

Originally Posted by MovingTarget View Post
For Rp 270k, a 2 hrs massage + body scrub seems reasonable. However, I make a mistake of leaving my pant with my wallet in it, laying on the other empty massage bed while I took my bathe with the door closed. It is a lesson learned for a SG50x2 missing where I only discovered after I reached home when doing my re-org. Not to blame anyone but myself for being careless.
Just sharing about some losing money/valuable experience in Batam.

I have a few incidents where some bros who joined me in my group trip thought they have some missing Indo rupiah. When i ask them to double check,did they then realize that that they had spent it. We counted together the total amount of money that we have changed,the amount of money where we later spent on,and end up only to realize that "he" had spent on some small items like groceries,tippings etc. So i always advise them to check and double check the money they change and how they spent it on.

Another incident was when a bro thought he loses his wallet upon returning from NED only to realize later that he did not bring his wallet out of the hotel room. Not forgetting in my much earlier trip,one of my friends who drop a stack of about S$3k at the reception area and only realize it when the receptionist brought it up to my room when we were having our TCSS.

What i am trying to say here is, always double check our own money. Dont count money/sort out money in public area openly,dont leave wallets or anything where money or valuable is concern unattended to unless its being lock safely away (locking away isnt 100% foolproof either). One of my friend recently got reprimanded by me becos after he changed money from opposite Formosa Hotel,he starts counting and sorting his money while on his way walking back to the hotel. Told him that he either count his money inside the money changer before he goes off or go back to the room then sort it out privately.

Safety 1st,my priority.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
@bro movingtarget,any chance u might knw the massage gal's name? In case,u didn't knw. U can always launch a report to da vienna hotel itself & high chance they will look into the matter,even for yr 'rainy room' too. Email em,bro. Their customer service standard quite good de,they reply customer via trip advisor.
If given the date and time of the massage,i believe the massage girl that day can be traced back by their management. I also believe the management would like to know more so as to avoid future re-occurrence to another of their own customers.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Well I don't really look at the packaging seriously. As long as it is the cheapest and after conversion cost about sg$2, that's all it matter to me.
Definitely. Its the MOST value for money thing for all Singaporean smokers,hehehe...

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
From Da Vienna to Nagoya Shopping Mall i pay 10k rupiah
Nice one!

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Just that it feels good not paying the "standard" market price.
Bear in mind I'm with another 2 friends.
Thats exactly how i feel whenever i had a good deal. Not really the amount that count.

That kind of "feel-good" element. I bet you understand.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Yes I know about this. My 1st cewek for the night actually told me about the backdoor.
I only learned about that when i start exploring the hotel. And becos of the backdoor,the air con in that area wasnt cooling.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
I was in Batam on the 14-17th June. They always put outside 9750/SGD so I don't really both asking them the best price as I hardly pass by it unless I'm going to King's massage.
Most money changer will offer better rate thats being stated on their board.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
This is the receipt for M1. Hope it helps for your collection and those Bros that intend to go to M1 or M2 KTV. Just a reminder to Bros, only local cewek cost 300k rupiah whole night no butterfly.

Exactly the same question i wish to ask like bro Red Lantern query below :

The extra 2 million rupiah charges. You have 2 friends plus you,total 3 and even if you guys called in 2 girls each,it will only be 1.8 million rupiah base on 300k rupiah x 6 girls.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Perhaps, Bro Nono, maybe me and you can go on a batam sexpedition together and keep this thread more alive.
Yes,bro...i always like to meet anyone if fate allows me to,especially bros who shares similar frequency. I usually called it affinity (缘分) when i get to know new friends. Oh,and about this thread..believe it or not,with me or w/o me,this thread will still be as alive as ever. Just take a look at the view count of the older Batam thread :

...closing in to 7 million views as i speak and still counting,even tho its locked. (at Page 3 of this International section) Both old and new Batam threads were in one way or another inter-connected.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 06-07-2016, 07:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

My humble sex tape with a batam FL who claims she is a christian
(No face exposed :P)
Old 06-07-2016, 10:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Bros icy..
You talk as if all fl you
pow kau liou...
Joking only ha..

Saw your interested in the newhill roomstay.
Found this fine print that might affect yours decision for long stay...
i undstd u joking only,if i can bao kow liao all the fl in btm still need cum here drool all over the place.

Thx 4 yr newhill roomstay info.

Originally Posted by donkan View Post
Bro, it's nope for FL in Batam, only farm house.. Haha the room nos was 421..
Ouch! today no open 0421,maybe weekend will open?

3 more days to go.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Cos at times those ceweks service us against their owe free wills. They were forced into prostitution. What to do. Small head rules big head. Just to balance our sins. Donate some money to the poor or religious institutions.
U remind me of tis video -

the she-robot also not so willing accept her fate to serve human.Hw many pple in tis world reli like workin in a job they r at? not many i'd say. Reli not easy to justify wen free will is concern.

everyone has to work to put food in their mouth & often 4 their families. All of em jus wan to live like the she-bot does.My concept of merit is,to make the cewek's job easier by being nice (but not spoiling her),to try make someone's day within my means.
Old 07-07-2016, 11:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

any truth to this whatsapp msg?
received today
Old 07-07-2016, 11:13 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sabi View Post

any truth to this whatsapp msg?
received today

Just like any sms going around telling there is a threat at a specific place.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 07-07-2016, 11:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sabi View Post

any truth to this whatsapp msg?
received today
Pass-by Btm Centre yesterday night and Sekupang this morning, no military or any high alert from the security was felt.

Only thing that is abnormal is that both the last ferry and first ferry was almost full !!
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 07-07-2016, 12:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sabi View Post
any truth to this whatsapp msg?
received today
Thk u for the informing.

Special note :

Singaporeans in Indonesia and/or travelling to Indonesia are advised to be mindful of their safety during this festive season. They should be careful in crowded areas and avoid places without a visible security presence. Singaporeans are also advised to closely monitor the media for reports about the security situation in Indonesia.
Old 07-07-2016, 01:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by AsuraWrath View Post
Thk u for the informing.

Special note :

Singaporeans in Indonesia and/or travelling to Indonesia are advised to be mindful of their safety during this festive season. They should be careful in crowded areas and avoid places without a visible security presence. Singaporeans are also advised to closely monitor the media for reports about the security situation in Indonesia.
This is really worrying. I hope they stay far far away from Batam... Or any city, for that matter...
Old 07-07-2016, 05:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
So,your 2nd night girl was Mila.

Base on looks,she does look a bit like the 1 million rupiah category in Gold Bird. 1.3 million (or more) category at Happy 8,1.5 million category in Bunga,1 million category (1.1million during weekend) at Permata Indah (i'm comparing with the 2 model-looking girl in permata),1.3 million category (before bargain) at Hawaii,1.2 million at MM and Indah2,1 million category at New Berry,Tulip at 1 million ,Moonlight 1.2 million rupiah and lastly my secret joint at between 600k to 800k.

As for the other girls,in most joints they will be priced between 600k to 1 million rupiah,except Bunga and Happy 8 where you are likely to see them go hitting the 1 million rupiah mark and up. There are no 600k girls in Bunga and Happy 8.

Price ratings were of my personal experience, other bros may varies.
I am surprised to read such high fees from my friend Lord Great Bargainer of Batam.

In my honest and personal opinion, all these 3 girls are not attractive at all and definitely not worth such fees!
Note also the cellulitis on the legs of Mei. Something I have never seen in Batam!
Indo girls have fantastic silk-smooth skin. Most 40yo Indo ladies look younger than many American or Australian 25yo girls.

Sincerely, all those 3 girls look like average hookers offering short time in Pacific for 400k. They don't look better. All the ordeal of Donkan has been a scam story since the very beginning, unfortunately. (Donkan, one of the things I wanted to write to comment your report was: forget your OKTs and find your FLs on your own. At least, you can choose instead of letting others choosing for you)

I insist: in my opinion, based on what I have seen, the booking fee of girls looking like that in most popular joints is on the low side, no more than 1M (including the commission for the driver )
Old 07-07-2016, 07:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Was there yesterday, the ferry timing was slightly delay a bit as they have to get green light from the command center to go before they can go and also habourbay have police checking all cars and motor, as well as some road block at jodoh area in the night.


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Old 07-07-2016, 09:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sabi View Post

any truth to this whatsapp msg?
received today
Sometimes I felt that they are trying to prove that they are stupid. They are proven and got no cure!
Where got people wanna to bomb and give flyer for pre warning

I wonder the flyer got any gift exchange coupon where we can tear and exchange for some points
Old 07-07-2016, 09:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
U remind me of tis video -

the she-robot also not so willing accept her fate to serve human.Hw many pple in tis world reli like workin in a job they r at? not many i'd say. Reli not easy to justify wen free will is concern.

everyone has to work to put food in their mouth & often 4 their families. All of em jus wan to live like the she-bot does.My concept of merit is,to make the cewek's job easier by being nice (but not spoiling her),to try make someone's day within my means.
I was hoping to see the she-bot in tears. Looked like one real piece of "meat".

Quite true in what u said. Even my present job i dont like if its not for the money. Back to cewek plight. I had booked several times. Ceweks complaining they were cheated, were actually promised to work as watresses, pelayan. But ended up offering sexual services. This the group of ceweks whom i simpati. Normally i wont force them to service me. Just my luck. But i would still want them to keep me company till next morning though.
Old 07-07-2016, 09:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sabi View Post
Sometimes I felt that they are trying to prove that they are stupid. They are proven and got no cure!
Where got people wanna to bomb and give flyer for pre warning
With the spate of bombing recently, i doubt any government would take such news lightly, imo.
Old 07-07-2016, 09:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by verykeen View Post
My humble sex tape with a batam FL who claims she is a christian
(No face exposed :P)
Hahaha the cewek keep moaning, "Oh yes, oh yes, ya ya ya..."

Bro verykeen that's you in action right?
The guy with the ring on the pinkie finger?

Your friend help you to shoot (no pun intended)?
More clips please if you have hehehe.

Up you my 1 humble rep point.
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