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Old 13-09-2016, 11:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Long time never go
Old 14-09-2016, 10:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
Hi all bro missing for awhile. Going to get passport renewal.
wow suddenly so many joints have opened, we got more choices and bargains.
Any bro got planning to go on early Oct can i join .
can i join u?
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 14-09-2016, 10:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hey guys tks for all ur advice especially bro nono and blackpage.. i am in the ferry now.. will update a fr when i have wifi.. hope my third trip is btr than other two.. but still keeping the expectations limited..
Old 14-09-2016, 12:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Most only have my Batam number which I don't switch on when in SG. Those who managed to contact me on my SG number are in my favourite bookmarks.
No excuse to buy a new phone then,hehehe...and too many rtf choices,but everyone of us man only have one dick each.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
1. July / August are crazy months for me. Due to my place undergoing renovations, I moved to a temporary place, and gave myself the excuse to go Batam almost every week. But, it's also during these 2 months that I've booked very good quality syts and young milfs. For next month, I'll be switching back to 1-2 trips (at most). Hope my god luck continue.
I believe there are lots of new girls after the Puasa month who are looking to have regular customers now (building customer base),hehehe....hence you see them trying their 'best' to serve. Give it another month or 2,the standard of service will surely comes down a little. Hence i often advise bros not to keep their expectation too high so as to avoid disappointment (especially on different seasons).

After writing up so many summaries,i notice there were seasons,hehehe...and this is a find-the-good-girls season.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
2. Well, I think from our timing going Batam together, I've only encountered this "crossroad" once. I think, that's with the "super glue" from New Berry whom Bro S noted that having been chasing him to bring her go find me.

This latest crossroad situation is due to me going Batam with some expectation. I've already got a booking girl in mind and from things that I've heard about her, some expectation already been set. So, when that trip ended with only 2 rounds expended, can't help but feel disappointed.

But, it's also lucky that I decided to stay for another night.
Like i said previously,we all only have one dick each. Sometimes we may tends to be greedy and as much as i often tempted to go thru that 'crossroad',i try to keep it under control. Usually ,i just let heaven decide by flipping a coin,hehehe...

I am looking to spend more nights in Batam in future. Just for the once in a while thrill of it. I just look at the 2017 calender while typing this message,CNY 2017 falls on 28th Jan 2017,the eve is on 27th. About time i start preparing for 'that' trip.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
3. About this SK place, yes, so far, I've not seen any milfy cewek in the joint. In point 2 above, I actually got rejected by a cewek when i decided to book her. No worries. Better reject me now, than to give me attitude later.
Hehehe...i would say thats good luck in disguise when she rejected you.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
My next stop after Bunga (where the girl reject me) is this SK place. It's almost 4pm and most girls are gone. Then, this petite cutesy cewek came down into the showroom and, after a few words with the Mami, decided to book her. She's easily the prettiest in the joint. And at 19, I'm pretty sure she's also the youngest. Cut her price from 1.2juta to 1juta. And had a wonderful night.
So many 19 years old already,but i only have 1 dick...looks like your to-bonk-list are piling up,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
This seems to me a typical item that COULD be used to make life difficult to someone, IF police wants to give hard time to someone for any other reason.
Yes,definitely. Thats why i say there are grey areas around. Everyone seems to know porn were illegal in nearly all asia countries (if not all of asia). But none actually knows it is illegal to what kind of extend.

Give me a laptop that were used daily by ANY monks/priests for more than a year,i will be able to find some level of pornography in it (even if they may not have physically sees it).

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
First of all - local people with sound expertise please correct me if I am wrong - as far as I knew pornography is illegal not only in Indonesia but also in Singapore. Don't laugh, but in spite of the huge amount of pornography we consume daily in Singapore (ahem.... ) all that is illegal. It cannot be imported neither detained to Singapore.
As a matter of fact, even SB had to me moved on some foreign server.
I watched some Indonesia celebrity TV programs,some of the lady guest of honor in some variety shows wear some overly-exposed dress turning up on that show also have the certain particular body part/s censored off (which in most case,is their boobs) .

I do watch their TV programs if my girl/s occasionally switch to that TV channel tho.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Said this, I keep the porn material I may have on my laptop well secure in an encrypted container, which (I believe based on sound technical arguments) could not be opened even by the NSA (unless they don't find the password, which is not weak yet not so strong).
You have just given me an idea. I am going to 'hideaway' all my porn stuffs the next time i visit Batam with my laptop. What i mean that i am going to "'hideaway' my porn stuffs" is i am going to hide away in a way it wont be inconvenient for me to retrieve it whenever i need it,hehehe...just to be on the safer side.

Who knows,i may even write a tutorial about how i will do it later too,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
However, what about a collection of photos of local girls? I am afraid that, IF police needs some excuse to give you hard time, this could be used in some way, but this is pure speculation.
Good advice for someone as kiasu and kiasi as me.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I conclude with two hints:

1) if you want to bring porn material with you, store it in an encrypted container (not all are good, but enough to keep it safe from curious people)

2) if you want to watch porn material in your room, don't bring DVDs with you (better to avoid to be intercepted at the customs). You can buy them in Batam, or better use a VPN to access porn web sites using the normal Internet access of your hotel.

These are good solutions which i will gladly accept. May not necessary need to encrypt it but some simple 'hidden away' folders may do the job well enough for convenience.

Thank you for sharing. Its always never a bad thing to be extra careful.


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Old 14-09-2016, 01:33 PM
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Batam Harbour Hotel

Now,thats something isnt quite easily noticeable in Harbour Bay. I am sure many didnt either....Batam Harbour Hotel which is nearby to Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal.

Batam Harbour Hotel
(almost opposite Harbour Bay K-Mart)

The problem now is,this is a 2 star hotel but basic room cost around S$50 onward. Then again,their S$50 basic room is 38 square meter,which is much bigger than most other 3 star hotel. S$65 room comes with balcony at 48 square meter,hehehe...i am guessing they are pricing their room base on room size. Their S$74 is 60 square meter and S$90 room is 65 square meter (its a 2 storey room).

This is a new hotel. If you are not into hotel facilities like swimming pool,gym etc,i think this hotel would be good for now,hehehe...since its still new.Dont worry,sure have wifi.

Oh,do you know not many people notice this new hotel? It was becos its near the side gantry of Harbour Bay and one will only see it clearer when they are about to return back to Singapore,exact same scenario for Ocean Massage,hehehe...

Bro who knows me,take note of this hotel the next time you are passing thru Harbour Bay. I am not going to put a map here becos nearly anyone who reads my guides and summaries would by now know where is Harbour Bay ferry terminal,hehehe....

*i think bro Naka is going to like this one, especially the S$90+ 2 storey penthouse-look-alike room,hehehe...

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Old 14-09-2016, 01:36 PM
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Re: Batam Harbour Hotel

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Now,thats something isnt quite easily noticeable in Harbour Bay. I am sure many didnt either....Batam Harbour Hotel which is nearby to Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal.

Batam Harbour Hotel
(almost opposite Harbour Bay K-Mart)

Seem not bad, this hotel open already? will give it a try coming trip.


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Old 14-09-2016, 01:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ozilsanchez View Post
Hey guys tks for all ur advice especially bro nono and blackpage.. i am in the ferry now.. will update a fr when i have wifi.. hope my third trip is btr than other two.. but still keeping the expectations limited..
Good luck to you. In life, sure a lot of hit and miss. Is a learning process


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Old 14-09-2016, 01:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by orang_jawa View Post
Long time never go Btm. I miss the fun there
MIA here for so long, how u doing?

Originally Posted by Krizandrew View Post
I stayed there as well, old hotel but good size room, no they don't check and you just walk straight to the lift.
I miss out the convensation liao, which hotel is it? Btw, i think batam not so "on" like sg where extra guests need to check in all that.


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Old 14-09-2016, 04:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Seem not bad, this hotel open already? will give it a try coming trip.
Yes,bro. This hotel is open for booking for sometime already,you can book from both agoda and if i dont remember wrong.

Next upcoming of my intro-hotel-write-out would be even better,hehehe...i already finish writing it but i wont be posting out so soon yet becos there isnt any name to that so-call-hotel. Well,its actually a 2 storey bungalow chalet with 2 rooms ,both with queen/king size bed near Nagoya Hill Mall around Spa Secret area there and its costing about S$104 to S$135 a night (or around that pricing).

Its always fullhouse on weekends (becos not many units ma) even when not many people actually knew about it,hehehe...good place to stay for a buddy-buddy 2 person group since they have 2 bed rooms.

More and more new hotels already in Batam,bro. Like Eatern Hotel,Sahid Batam center hotel,Sky Inn Express,Raddison etc,but none really caught my attention except a bare few. And everyone of them seems to be cater for a different type of tourists landing in different places of Batam,hehehe...and there will also be refurbish hotels that is going to bring back good old memories too.

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Old 14-09-2016, 04:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
The girl can always rent kos for about 600,000rp per month. But, for 2 person sharing though. Only con is that he can't stay in the kos when he visit the girl.
My intention was 4 him to hse his ger long term as mistress in btm @ hotel 18,then his gf no need go back 2 sg to work lor. But i scare my suggesting can becm sabotaging 2 him cos it may burden him in long run ma. Kos 1 pax 600k+,2 pax abt 1.3 juta,sm more no air-con + stuffy room. i tink hotel more liveable 4 both the guy & the lady.
Old 14-09-2016, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
My intention was 4 him to hse his ger long term as mistress in btm @ hotel 18,then his gf no need go back 2 sg to work lor. But i scare my suggesting can becm sabotaging 2 him cos it may burden him in long run ma. Kos 1 pax 600k+,2 pax abt 1.3 juta,sm more no air-con + stuffy room. i tink hotel more liveable 4 both the guy & the lady.
I ever took before the 1.2 juta type kos. Got Aircon and water heater, but TV a bit lousy. Livable lah. But, ya, hotel have the benefit of having room cleaning.. Location just behind Harmoni Hotel, so I'd not some ulu place. Mine is 5 years ago pricing though.

Won't burden him one lah.. there's no forever cewek simpanan. Maybe, after he see the choices available in Batam, not yet 1 month he already salivating liao.. after all, this is his first time going Batam.

This, from someone even the cewek also call chap chye (and they even thought I don't know what it meant and tried to smoke me referring to buying sayur from market)..
Old 14-09-2016, 06:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

With the abundance of choices in Batam nowadays, my staying power with cewek shrunk from 10 months to max 1 week. Lol
Old 14-09-2016, 06:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
I ever took before the 1.2 juta type kos. Got Aircon and water heater, but TV a bit lousy. Livable lah. But, ya, hotel have the benefit of having room cleaning.. Location just behind Harmoni Hotel, so I'd not some ulu place. Mine is 5 years ago pricing though.

Won't burden him one lah.. there's no forever cewek simpanan. Maybe, after he see the choices available in Batam, not yet 1 month he already salivating liao.. after all, this is his first time going Batam.

This, from someone even the cewek also call chap chye (and they even thought I don't know what it meant and tried to smoke me referring to buying sayur from market)..
Kost with AC around the Kampung Bule area should be around 1.8juta or so now.

For those kost with better facilities (eg with security, options to purchase wifi, in-house laundry service) such as Apartment Lai Lai, the cost is now about 2.5juta per month. That comes with free electricity up to a certain number of kWH usage in excess of the free allocation is chargeable on a per kWH rate.
Old 15-09-2016, 12:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
And finally I am sure you will report all your findings in detail here

Hi, thanks for your upz.
My return of +14 to you.

Good day.
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Old 15-09-2016, 11:55 AM
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One piece film - gold

An interesting movie that caught my attention is now showing in Batam Blitz Theater (inside Harbour Bay Mall and Kepril Mall) but supposingly not yet start screening in Cinema 21 theater. (only available in Kepril Mall theater now)

Batam Blitz theater brings to you....


The storyline :

Based on the popular Japanese manga series. Set in Gran Tesoro, an independent country chartered by the World Government, where well-known pirates, Marines, and millionaires throughout the world gather in an "absolute sanctuary" that even the World Government can't touch. There, the Straw Hat Pirates meet the ruler of the country, the golden emperor, Gildo Tesoro, who easily wins pirates, the Marines, and even the World Government over to his side with money. He is about to take action to satisfy his bottomless ambition which may result in major changes in power relationships in the New World.

As i could see its a Japanese Manga,and the language will be in Japanese too. The good thing is,according to the theater,there will be both Bahasa and English subtitle. Honestly speaking,i think this is going to be a hit movie (if One Piece Manga fans knew the movie is screening in Batam)...i mean since they arent screening in Sillypore,hehehe...

Enjoy the Movie ,and do not forget not to buy their pop corns and drinks.


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