We can pray to tai sui on Lunar 4th day ie. on 31 Jan 2017 or after....remember to return to pray tai sui at the same temple after lunar 11th month before Winter Soltice which always fall before Xmas...
Originally Posted by nono1973
Please note that i made some amendment on which zodiac sign offend Tai Sui (犯太岁) in year 2017 nn my previous post. I am following the standard of Sillypore temple rather than what i previous put up whereby the info was from online.
Different country,different time zone,i believe. So the accuracy lies more on the side Singapore/Malaysia side since most of us reside there.
Humbly noted with grateful thx.
Originally Posted by nono1973
* see you in Batam if fate allows it. Tea if can choose,i want Teh Botol,coffee i want Luwak coffee,hehehe...
@nono,if we are fated to meet,if you happen to go tiban tua pek kong,bring me there ok? I'm quite interest in the datok kong there. The last time i want to go there,taxi drivers all want to charge me 200k rp to & fro. In the end,i choose not to visit.
@nono,if we are fated to meet,if you happen to go tiban tua pek kong,bring me there ok? I'm quite interest in the datok kong there. The last time i want to go there,taxi drivers all want to charge me 200k rp to & fro. In the end,i choose not to visit.
Yea,Tiban area is quite a distance from the Nagoya area,hence the taxi prices were at most time on a higher side. They also dont wish to come back to Nagoya with empty car too. I have brought quite a handful of bros here there before (and even more who are non-samster) over the last 2 years and i dont think i charge them anything ,hehehe...in some indirect ways,i think i have contributed to the building of that temple (they are still building it and not 100% complete yet).
We will see how,PM me when you get there,i will try to shift my CNY route schedule if time permits me to. The rest will have to leave it to fate. No promises.
Anyway,i have collected some info regarding 拿督公 aka grandpa Datok (base on my own translation),and since you asked,i will cut-queue a bit and just put it up here to share now.
* for those who didnt like to read (and know),please skip this post now.
Remember i said i was to share some info (intro) on Grandpa Datok (base on my own translation of 拿督公) when i write my latest 35th Batam trip summary. Actually i didnt know very much about it and had done some read up after visiting the Tiban Tua Pek Kong Temple which i would like to share here.
Below is what i found (mix and match info extracted from the internet) :
Datuk Gong - Malay Deity of the Chinese
Datuk Gong is also known as Datok Gong, Natu Gong (Natuk Kong) or Datuk Keramat / Keramat Datuk.
When the early Chinese migrated southward to the Malay Archipelago in the 15th century, they brought along their culture of Taoist Deities Worship to these lands.
They realized that to ensure security & prosperity in foreign lands,they have to enlist the help, protection and pay respect to the local guardian spirits and spirits of nature, alongside with their own Taoist deities.
The Chinese immigrants began to worship local spirit holy men, commonly called Datuk or Dato, meaning “chief” or “lord” in the Malay language,which soon became known as Datok or “Natoh” (or “Nadu”(拿督) in standard Mandarin). The suffix “gong” which means “lord” in Chinese was added to “Nadu” & hence Datok Gong or “Nadugong”,the Malay Deity, which is found only in Singapore,Malaysia & parts of Indonesia.
Around the Malaysian countryside some small, yellow-colour or red-colour painted shrines by the roadside or under a tree can be found, and these shrines are usually worshipped by the residents living around the neighbourhood. The shrines are normally of a fusion Chinese-Malay design, with Islamic elements such as the crescent moon decorations. Inside the simple room, a small, decorated statue is venerated, depicting the Datuk. Around the statue offerings are brought, sometimes on a small altar in front of the datuk statue.
The Statue of Datok Kong (拿督公 Nadu-Gong) is commonly represented by a Malay man dressed in Traditional Malay Costume,wearing a formal Songkok (hat) on the head, Kris (Malay sword) & other traditional Malay court regalia & ceremonial objects would also be placed on the altar.
There are a total of nine types of Datuks, and that each of them were once great warriors and expert in Malay local martial arts, the Silat, except for the last Datuk. They were also known to possess great magical powers. Worshippers usually pray to Datuks for protection, good health, and good luck, and sometimes seek divine help to overcome their problems.
Below are the nine Datuks named according to their seniority from the eldest to the youngest:
1. Datuk Panglima Ali (Ali)
2. Datuk Panglima Hitam (Black)
3. Datuk Panglima Harimau (Tiger)
4. Datuk Panglima Hijau (Green)
5. Datuk Panglima Kuning (Yellow)
6. Datuk Panglima Putih (White)
7. Datuk Panglima Bisu (Mute)
8. Datuk Panglima Merah (Red)
9. Datuk Panglima Bongsu (Youngest)
When the Taoist Medium is in trance of Datok Gong, he will say prayers in Quaran Verses and speaks in Malay.
Datuk Gong Worship or similar in the Malay Community
Datok Gong Worship is not supposed to be practiced by the Malay Muslims. However, when in time of trouble, few Malays will secretly visit Spirit Medium of Datok Gong in privacy for help.
Before Islam reach Malay Archipelago, the locals were animistic in practice. The earlier Indian traders brought Hinduism & Buddhism,which combined with the local animistic beliefs.
Even then after the mass conversion to Islam, the inhabitants of the Southeast Asian Region & Malay Peninsula still retained many of their original animistic & Hindu way of Worship.
According to local Malay legend, Datuks were once human and were considered the "Forefathers of The Land" and sometimes also known as the "Spirit of The Land" or Na Tuk Kong (earth spirits), as the locals would call them. In Malay, pagan spirits are usually called Jin Kafir while, guardian spirits are called Penunggu or Datuk Keramat. Penunggu usually means watchman, guard or attendant.
Datok Keramats were seen as an alternative power to help in spiritual healing and grant protection. Mediums (bomoh) were engaged to enable communication between worshippers with the Datos and Keramats. The Datos and Keramats include spirits residing in trees, stones and even the spirits of well known local Muslim religious teachers (worshipped at their graves).
The worship of Datok Gong among Malays and Indian Muslims in Malaysia declined steadily due to constant clamping down on such activities by Islamic authorities. In Singapore, Muslims have the freedom to do whatever they want.
How to Worship Datuk Gong
Datuk Gong can be worshipped on any day. The basic offerings are a pair of white candles, 3 joss sticks and burning gum Benjamin (kemanyan). Na Tuk worshippers prepare special offerings for the Na Tuk on Thursday evenings. A set of betel nut leaves complete with lime (kapur), sliced betel nut (pinang), Javanese tobacco (tembakau Jawa) and palm cigarette leaves (rokok daun) are offered together with fruits and the basic offerings.
Every Na Tuk has different individual feast days. In the Northern States (Perlis, Kedah & Penang), worshippers usually slaughter chickens, and sometimes goats to honour the Na Tuk on the feast day. The chickens and cows must be Halal (slaughtered by a Muslim with prayer). Especially goats so as to make the offering allowable for the Na Tuk. The meat is later cooked in curry and offered to the Na Tuk together with turmeric rice(nasi kunyit). This offering is also done when worshippers who have their wishes granted (e.g. winning lucky numbers requested from the Na Tuk previously).
Worshippers usually offer fresh flowers, sireh (betelnuts), rokok daun (local hand rolled cigarettes), sliced pinang (areca nuts) and local fruits. An important part of the praying ritual is also to burn some kemenyan (benzoin - made of a local gum tree, when burnt will emit a smoky fragrant smell).
If their prayers are answered, the worshippers usually return to the shrine and make offerings or hold a Kenduri (feast).
The kenduri items usually consist of yellow saffron rice, lamb or chicken curries, vegetables, pisang rastali (bananas), young coconuts, rose syrup, cherrots (local cigars) and local fruits.
Pork items are considered impure and are therefore totally forbidden in a shrine; visitors are also asked to not show disrespect when inside or around a shrine.
In Singapore, the popular shrines of Datok Kongs are:
1) Kusu Island
2) Jiu-Tiao-Qiao Xin-Ba Na-Du-Gong Temple(九条桥新芭拿督坛), Tampines
3) Loyang Tua Peh Kong Temple
The beauty of Taoism is it is able to adapt to different cultures, blend-in and accept the spirit beings of other races and religions.
Some documentary videos in Cantonese regarding Datuk Gong :
(please keep an open mind when watching the below video)
Yes,i see you really did from reading your question/s,hence i cut my reply-queue and replied you 1st.
Tis is reli rare of u.
Originally Posted by nono1973
Tips :
1. You can stay in any hotels as long as it is convenient for you to move from point to point.
2. This is the time where things,girls,massage and every other things will be higher than normal day (compare between weekend versus weekend). Remember to bargain or be prepare to pay MUCH higher than normal.
3. Be patience,be nice,be humble and avoid too much attention. Oh,and cut whatever expectation you have by at least half too.
4. Whichever hotel you are in,the hotel staffs would be a batam beginner's best bet (for the time being). People can run,hotel cannot run. Get their hotel name card if you are buying a sim card (you will need to at least have the hotel's number if their name card runs out).
5. In case you are visiting any of the Batam's Men spa :
6. Get a full day driver if you have 2 or more people during a peak season like this. If you wish to book a full day taxi, you will need to ask around when you arrived to Batam. Below is my taxi reference for you :
We can pray to tai sui on Lunar 4th day ie. on 31 Jan 2017 or after....remember to return to pray tai sui at the same temple after lunar 11th month before Winter Soltice which always fall before Xmas...
Winter Soltice will fall between 21/12-23/12.
As difference region, difference feng swee sifu might have their own way of calculating the exact date...
In general, just return prayer before 20/12 to play safe,
Some of the lesson i learned on that day in the Monkey King movie which i have been talking to my girl with,hehehe..$$$$$ic to break the ice.
( Click to show/hide )
Taking away the religion part, every step in our life (path) is like a practice ...and every suffering (and blessing too) on embarking our journey in real life is somehow already predestined from the choice we made when we took that certain path (or made a certain choice).
I made a decision to travel to Batam,i have to take up its consequences regardless if it turns out good or bad (like real,hehehe...).
i just read yr latest summary frm yr signature, i tink u r the onli person i knw of who cld mix yr movie posts w btm so well here & yet can b sharin w yr ger. Reli lucky she din't faint.
For those lookin 4 ms perfect in btm, they r reli keepin super high expectation 4 a 2d1n trip & chances r,u knw i knw. Mayb 1 day,i shld start my recommendation of vietbu @ south of btm,pulau Galang after midnite for sssssyt.
Originally Posted by Nulgath
Coffee? Tea? On me that day.
If u can see him tat day,ask him teach u hw 2 loc fiona xie & 刘亦飞 cat @ abt 1 juta & below. U will most surely be amazed @ hw he source.
btm gers no need 2 be so expensive w him ard.
speakin base on exp...lol.
dn't quote photos posted by another person inside Balai tread
If u can see him tat day,ask him teach u hw 2 loc fiona xie & 刘亦飞 cat @ abt 1 juta & below. U will most surely be amazed @ hw he source.
I double wat u just said. He can even help source me an ovrnite ssyt frm the ktv itself that would hv anytime cost me 1.6m at only a mill rp + a 50k-100k rp small tip for our translator after 130am btm time.
Originally Posted by iicycold
btm gers no need 2 be so expensive w him ard.
speakin base on exp...lol.
If only they read,they'd hv known step no. 1 is extremely crucial for beginners.
For those lookin 4 ms perfect in btm, they r reli keepin super high expectation 4 a 2d1n trip & chances r,u knw i knw. Mayb 1 day,i shld start my recommendation of vietbu @ south of btm,pulau Galang after midnite for sssssyt.
Can take this(the only one) bus at 10am (the only one trip)from Jodor terminal.. go and camp there
Good to hearing u cming again in chinese new year 17. No forget must bring 2 chinese oranges cm my place bai nian ok.
Hehehe...go kick your door.
So,you will be there huh? *prepare ang bao*
Originally Posted by hawkeye007
Price-wise at IDR 250k for 2 hours may be slightly more expensive than other places like Bridge or Crown etc, but in terms of the quality, consistency and sheer value for money, there is none better in Batam.
Make an apple to apple comparison of the same type of MP,they are definitely one of the best of its category, and definitely surpassing Indo-Thai in price value and girls.
I was however surprise by New Spa's standard of massage able to come close to Indo Thai. Talking about quality massage here,hehehe...
Originally Posted by geong
3D2N virgin Batam trip quick report
I followed Bro Nono's guide and reach Formosa w/o any issue. Tried King massage and pay school fees- not able to bargain down to 300K so settled at 400k with no.20. Had failed to bargain down with number 12 which intended to chop super big carrot of asking 1m from me and not willing to lower the price, so skip her after 2 hour massage.
Number 12 has a 'Daddy' feeding her on a monthly basis, hence you unlikely be able to get any lower price. Unless she is being dump or she is horny that day, you might be able to have a chance of a 400k to 500k fj.
Do note that we chat girls already cost between 350k to 600k per pop (with 350k being rare and 400k less uncommon).
Originally Posted by geong
For member of Formosa Hotel, you will not be awarded any Formosa point if the booking is not done at Formosa website. You may also WhatsApp Formosa staff to arrange for 2-way taxi service from Habour Bay to Hotel and return trip @ 50k
Clever move for using the 50k 2 way taxi service. Really clever of you,hehehe... You actually forget something. You also get 10% off massage service when you are a member.
If you got yourself 2 x 2 hour massage,you should have saved 32k,hehehe...
If you read, phone number and its location no need me to spell out,hehehe...
Originally Posted by geong
I did not buy any SIM card, so I load the google maps while in Formosa Hotel and experience Batam by foot to Dynasty 99 where I paid 1.1m - I think I paid school fees again, Habour Bay to catch Assassin's Creed etc. Btw, many place have free WIFI, just need to ask politely.
Yes,not exactly necessary to get a sim card.
Hmm...you paid 1.1 million rupiah at Dynasty99? The Dynasty 99 beside Formosa hotel has closed down. Did you went to the other Dynasty99 near to NED area instead?
Originally Posted by geong
Food wise, had tried A2 food court and 双凤bak ku teh nearby the Biz Hotel along Baba Food Street. And strongly recommend not to miss the curry puff beside Biz hotel, eat it while is hot, super nice. Diana Kuet Lapis also cannot miss, smell super nice and make me hungry on the spot. Btw Diana Kue Lapis are able to deliver to your hotel, price are 250k for original and 300k for prunes kue lapis.
Luckily you didn't tried 双凤 bak kut teh at the Nagoya Hill Mall,hehehe...its the worse among the rest of the shops with the same name. 双凤 has quite a few branches in Batam,aka franchise. The best one is at Astro food court downstairs of Astro Hotel.
Just a personal preference.
Originally Posted by geong
Thanks to all Bro that had contributed in this forum to make my 1st Batam trip a smooth one, let aside the school fees that I had paid. I believe I will do better and continue to sharpen my bargaining skill during my next trip. Cheers.
No worries,bro...over time,you will just get better and better. And I sincerely thank you here for sharing your experience as a 1st timer to Batam. I hope your next Batam trip will be better than this one. Good luck!!
Originally Posted by geong
Thanks bro. Noted. Had quickly removed the numbers.
Thank you for being considerate, otherwise if it gets removed,i wont be able to reply to it.