Guys...goin to batam end of mth with Mrs n little kid...any reco for a good quality hotel but got naughty massage that i can go undercover...thanx in advance for yur help
You can try Formosa Hotel (Nagoya) or Batam City Hotel (Penguin / BCS area). They have massage shop in the hotel. SPA at BCH is open to female as well.
hi plan going on 10 aug 2day 1 night, will batam crowded? only 9aug is sg holiday.thx
Red Period. Usually people will take leave on 10/8 and enjoy 4 days break. Will be super crowded, especially coming back on Sunday. Best to book your return trip the moment you arrive in Batam.
As mention, diana and postino are consider as morning after pills and can get easily at batam.
As for injection, i think is call sutik something. Have 3, 6, 9 and 12 months type. Price reasonable too.
I only know it's suntik and they refer it to as KB (ka beh). But, she told me she took the 1 month type as she first time taking. Anyway, I just want to read more about it. Thanks.
omw there now with another 2 newbie on a 1 day trip.. planning to go to delta spa. y bro know got fj there or can recommend good massage spa with add ons. thanks 😉
hi plan going on 10 aug 2day 1 night, will batam crowded? only 9aug is sg holiday.thx will be crowded as mentioned by bro BFOMF5 below, everyone would be planning for long weekend,by taking 1 day annual leave on Friday,10th Aug, a long weekend will become super ultra long weekend. Starting from Thursday 9th Aug to 12th Aug 2018.
Originally Posted by BFOMF5
Yes, 9/8 Thu is sg holiday but many who work on 9/8 would hv day off on 10/8 Fri that makes it a super long week end. Ferry companies and Batam hotels will treat these few days as peak.
Idiots are the one who couldn't even speak properly.
humiliating a group of people who can't speak a certain language?
Tell that to the locals, if can't speak bahasa is too humiliating for you, then trying to sneak in a fj during a family trip or giving lame excuses to come to b Island for sex must be a achievement?
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Those who could speak bahasa has suddenly become as much as an idiots as those who who can't. Idiots are the one who couldn't even speak properly.
humiliating a group of people who can't speak a certain language?
Lol...if tose who cn't speak jap r idiots,tose who cn't speak cheena r idiots,the list can go on & world is a idiotic place where ppl has the tendency 2 look dwn upon one another if any1 cn't speak ALL tere wldn't b such thg as
Ya..sudden reminds me sg national day jus 3 days
You can try Formosa Hotel (Nagoya) or Batam City Hotel (Penguin / BCS area). They have massage shop in the hotel. SPA at BCH is open to female as well.
Thanks bro...Formosa I think abit too old lah...nt sure cos my kid is 3 plus....any more atas hotel thats more kids friendly....haha