One thing to note is that M1 preferred network partner in indonesia is indosat OR XL Axiata. When you arrive in batam, you will probably receive a sms message from M1 on your phone with your M1 prepaid sim to advise you to connect to which indonesia telco network.
Thank you again for your information.
I will be doing the test in my upcoming Sept trip. That will be my back up, many who knew me,i like having back-up plan B ,plan C and so on,so i am always prepared,well...kiasu in some ways,hehehe...
Originally Posted by retirebatam
I have experienced data roaming using spore prepaid sim connected to XL network in Batam, the reception was quite good.
What i was looking for is stability. I had a no-good experience with Telkomsel whereby connectivity was relatively unstable,as in intermittent connection kind of instability hence i pick AndroMax as my main source of internet connection in the event i am out of free wifi coverage from those hotels or restaurant/s,hehehe....inside hotel,i am usually on wired LAN line for my laptops and PC/s (occasionally wireless).
When i 1st started Batam,exchange rate was around 8700 for 1 SGD,hehehe...and i could easily get 600k rupiah booking girl. Hotel in my 1st 2 to 3 Batam trips was about S$61.00 to S$63.00 for the MOST basic room in Formosa via agoda and,basic room there is around S$48.00 and booking girls lowest i could get is around 700k rupiah (or 800k rupiah?) If i compare highest price on girls,it might likely be an infinity amount as there were never short of people in Batam paying exorbitant amount for their girls,hehehe...
a rise of abt 18.6% on exchange frm 4 yrs ago ah...may looks goodie good but hor 600k to 700k increase is abt 14.3% wor...but hor nwday syt smelly smelly lowest at least 800k 4 ovrnite bking lei.
i guessin hotels in btm ovr a period of time price will depreciate due 2 their inability 2 maintain well...tose hotels like harmoni,swissbel organization knw hw 2 maintain their hotel price is quite stabilize even after mani
bonus vids... accidentally shw her neh neh ...on....
yr words remind me of LHL's NDR speech ask electric costin in sg higher or lower compare to 10 yrs his ownself ans is lower,bringin out all the statistic facts 10 yrs ago & is a fact but y ppl no feel is price lower? instead feelin is higher? why tat so?
i say if u choose 2 live like caveman like durin prehistoric time lor,no use electric then like tat sure save a lot of $$$ on electric
Originally Posted by nono1973
I have a good time in Batam in the past (that was kept in record on my summaries),i am looking forward to an even better times today and for my future trips too. Let's not forget cheaper yet and white written in the forum,cannot escape (meaning cannot edit),cannot run (cannot twist and turn my own words) batam a good place to monger or a place to have a good time? To each its own,i guess....
it's u yr ownself choose tis path de,u yr self tryin 2 corner tink hor,every one choose different path 2 enjoy themself,like u say earlier,evry one different
Originally Posted by nono1973
i can stupid for now,but its ok...i will admit i am and i am willing to learn from my mistake/s if there were any. And i am only stupid up to a this point,thereafter on that same point,i could possibly become forever clever,hehehe....
most smart ppl wil try learn frm their ownself mistake,tose who no learn or chose nt 2 wan 2 learn,then the cycle of mistake they're making wil keepin b going round & round & round &
Originally Posted by nono1973
Sure,sure...dont forget to bring more mandarin oranges over,hehehe...most girls like it!
aiyo,gng 2 make my bag veri heavy lei...u cn't go DC mall buy meh?
dn't quote photos posted by another person inside Balai tread
i guessin hotels in btm ovr a period of time price will depreciate due 2 their inability 2 maintain well...tose hotels like harmoni,swissbel organization knw hw 2 maintain their hotel price is quite stabilize even after mani
Those hotels under organization,their price has gone up a bit. Other 3 star older hotels like Utama,Formorsa,Goodway,Nagoya Plz,89, Hana & the rest has come dwn by at an average of 15% over the last few years. My friends once told me,Batam is a place where by many hotels can break even with just abt 65% weekend occupancy,their profit would mainly comes from weekday stayer.
Any suggestions for a men’s spa with full service near BCS Mall? I’ve heard about First Choice spa, MyIndoThai, Fame spa, but not sure which services they provides.
During my last trip 2 months ago, I bought a sim card from Hbb counter.. Registration was done on the spot by the salesman.. No documents from my part.
During my last trip 2 months ago, I bought a sim card from Hbb counter.. Registration was done on the spot by the salesman.. No documents from my part.
That's very interesting. During my last stay in Batam I had to go to the Grabari, two times, to register the SIM with my passport. Without that, the SIM was locked and I could not use it even for a single day.
I reported all details about the procedure and its pittfalls.
What changed? And when?
That's very interesting. During my last stay in Batam I had to go to the Grabari, two times, to register the SIM with my passport. Without that, the SIM was locked and I could not use it even for a single day.
I reported all details about the procedure and its pittfalls.
What changed? And when?
Grapari man. Not Grabari. U tink eveywhere Grab Grab?? Grabcar? Grabride? Grabfood? Grabpay? Grabfriend? Grabgirl?
Just checking last sat 1st Sept, went to Batam from harbourfront to batam Centre and it was madness the crowd was wow 1st time see queue snaking so long... Got special event or its normal? Went 1050am ferry
Sya bukan cina lah bongok. Tak tau malu. Kau la pegi ke cina dgn bangsa kau sendiri. Nak zap aku konon. Pengecut. Takde bodek ckap lah.
Lu mau talk malayu in english forum. Ok ok. I tau little sikit sikit. Lu malayu clever speak malayu. I no potong. So malayu not strong. I cina. Go china very far. Gua suka batam near. Bo cina malayu also can. If i malu i lugi lor. But i tak zap lu. Sompah. Gua dont suka zap clone. Waste bullet gua. You no believe lu pm n complain to sam. If i no zap lu i sompah lu jadi frog.
Lu say u malayu. I ask lu. I marry malayu. But no need potong. How come you dont know?
Just checking last sat 1st Sept, went to Batam from harbourfront to batam Centre and it was madness the crowd was wow 1st time see queue snaking so long... Got special event or its normal? Went 1050am ferry
Weekends and eve of PH are always chaotic in Batam, with all the aunties and uncles with grandkids in tow for the cheap food and shopping. Use HB Ferry Terminal and better still, go on a weekday.
Any suggestions for a men’s spa with full service near BCS Mall?
If i were to reply to your exact question word by word,my answer would be "there is NO men's spa" near BCS,hehehe... However,there is a spa that is unisex with special service called New Spa at Batam City Hotel. Below link should cover most of what you wish to ask.
Do a search on Batam City Hotel and you will be able to know that BCS is less than or about 5 min walk away.
Originally Posted by super4hundred
Just checking last sat 1st Sept, went to Batam from harbourfront to batam Centre and it was madness the crowd was wow 1st time see queue snaking so long... Got special event or its normal?
Not too sure about event/s there,but its Malaysia's Independence day on 31st Aug 2018,also a long weekend there. More tourist maybe coming to and fro Malaysia. Its also the beginning of the month,most get their salary and well...hehehe...on top of that,90% of Batam's tour agents i read about travel via Batam center ferry terminal too. i wish to add its Teacher's Day in Singapore but...hehehe...doubt there's much to do with that.
Next time,you may wish to try 3rd week of the month which is non-Dec,non-CNY ,non-public holiday, and/or on weekdays,you may be surprised,hehehe...
tis one goood 4 tose senior sindo ferry call 55yo senior citizen lei but majestic & batamfast call senior @ 60yo fair lei...nt the same la.
but if reli same price travel frm bc 2 nagoya & hbay 2 nagoya,i stil tink hbay 2 nagoya more convenient & cheaper la....
If i am a senior citizen,i will pay S$32 to go via Harbour Bay ferry terminal. I definitely reach my hotel around Nagoya way faster & more efficiently,hehehe...for the last 4 over years,i have been devising the best way for myself to travel around in Batam.
My best way that best suits me, go via Harbour Bay via Horizon (S$48) or Batamfast (S$39),for FREE,hehehe...and then have the hotel pick me up from Harbour Bay and end of my batam trip ,send me back to Harbour Bay,again for all of it free. How much do i save? I stopped counting for nearly 2 years ,hehehe...
Originally Posted by iicycold
...frm hotel jus use gocar/grab since most hotel's supir aso cn't tel difference btween online taxis or convention taxi. Cost usualli cost 8k to 15k rp within nagoya/penuin.
If i have friends with me,i will usually walk over to Ggi hotel to order Gocar costing around 9k rupiah or so to Nagoya area,hehehe...shared by 3 pax including myself,each person just pay around 3k rupiah. Comes out to be the same price as ankor van (walking distance should be quite the same),hehehe...and if i am staying in my regular hotels,fare would be zero rupiah (free pickup/drop-off).
I notice everyone's traveling habit can be different,hehehe...some would love to travel a little longer distance to their staying place in Nagoya,queue a little longer for their passport to get chop during entry at immigration as they get to see more indo culture during their travel too. Some wish to reach where they wish to be at the nearest possible time. Some who were really newer or 1st timer,hence they just wish to be very super sure on those many certain aspect. But certainty most time mainly applies to regulars, eg i am kind of sure,regulars no longer visit ALL booking joints/MPs in their every single trip anymore, and most time will visit their favourite food eateries,eat their favourite food , shop for only things they come Batam for ,etc etc. The whole mentality is different for the different level and types of traveler.
Over a longer period of time, the best method of traveling will always be, those that are most suitable for oneself.