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Old 14-02-2019, 12:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
What to do, this is sammyboy forum. A place like u said, "i have the rights not to remain silence & whatever i said will not be taken against me".. i have no feud with that guy. I kept thinking there, trying to figure out what makes him think i was bother abt the place Hai Yang ,is it because i said..
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out

u knw la, nobody actualli 'win' on the year or 2 later wen u cum back 2 tis tread & read all the comment here agn,u'll realise mani of u r like kindergarten

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
Thank you bro, i did took the "pill" & ram that girl in my review for 2 nites,costing me total of 1600k.

First 2 rounds usually quite good,thereafter stamina starts to drop. My guess is she's probably tired out (i am too).

I'll go for the 2 milk gals next trip.
Oh, u took the pill ah? lol...cum 2 tink of it, hw mani u take?

if u heng heng tat day & manage 2 get the twin sis pill wn't be enuff 4 dare bet wit u no mani in the forum knw tis exact place where they got twin gers inside another one is 2 sis who looks nearly alike but no twins.

tis one in btm wil be quite,no believe u go ask nono la...i tink he shld knw ba.

The last time i got twin fuck is in wetnam mani pony yrs ago lo, tat time stil dn't knw wat is sbf

so my suggestion is, slowly slowly explorin btm, u surely can find yr ownself adventure de.

It's stil cny, so be sure 2 stay happy!

happy valantine 2 ya!
Old 14-02-2019, 12:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Here,i just got back from Batam not long ago and am pretty much quite tired,so am not always online. I scratched the lucky number on my "birthday" yesterday and hopefully will win "something" this coming Wednesday or perhaps the weekend,hehehe...
knn, me suay suay wed bo tio

luck no with me, so i hopeful 4 tis cummin weekend liao i tio tis weekend i buy u 2 way horizon ferry ticket 4 free.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I will reply the rest at a later time, i am pretty worn out as i typed this,hehehe...after having my good time in Batam, hence i probably come back after i have my rest.
cum back soon sure got mani ppl miss u

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
He should have follow me to go Tua Pek Kong Temple ,Bai Tai Shui instead of coming to SBF to share an FR.
I reli cn't help laughing wen i see tis post mean he fan tai shui izzit?

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Next time can just PM me the FRs, better than sharing here. These group of people's target is not him but me. I bet that with you my 2k rupiah in the ang bao from the temple,hehehe...every FR with my name on it, sure to get smash.
ah...u notti notti ya...u like tat say may endin up most fr & btm experience posts all go 2 yr pm box
Old 14-02-2019, 01:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by bruceAlmighty View Post
I am planning to go for a same day go same day return, batam trip. Going for cable-ski in the morning, then hopefully lunch then some massage place with BJ.

I actually planned to do a 2D1N trip and follow NoNo advice on his Area A / Area B guide. But after reading Leoric's Post, which he shared on his Trip with Ice & NoNo.

I am more keen towards massage + special service. Crazy good FR he shared btw. Got me turned on!

I am thinking of going to Octupus Spa, I know this is not the best option. So i was hoping someone can advice me on better options available.
brother, if u reli follow nono's guide frm step 1 - step 10,u reli wn't fail veri hard de + got small chance 2 catch his btm long u do step one correct,u shld b aldy near heaven unless u yrself cock up smwhere.

sm more, u onli gng 2d1n,no plan 2 much ya...u cn't hv evrythg on time as u sm more gng 4 cable 4 rush rush & stress yrself up wen u on a holyday?

if u gng 2 btm men's spa in btm, make sure u hv few hrs time 2 spare 2 relax tere ,otherwise can skip. Knw wat u wan first & go 4 it brother!!

do one thg @ a time!

u reli no hv time 2 explore 2 much de, so no b ovr-ambistious
Old 14-02-2019, 01:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Just helping out Leonic lah cos he want to keep tat place a secret. Name was mentioned by him.
tere mus b reason y bro leo say no need edit, so no worries brother. No one readin tat post can find the left pl knws, mayb will hv got ppl kena chop sm more?

it's jus a pity la,it's good fr & exp he share wich nobodi can deny & yet he tio zap by dn't knw,notice his pts drop frm last time 580 until 577

lol...wat 2 do,onli can say he suay in begining of cny post fr in

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Was woken up by noise of firecracker minutes ago. went out too a look. just realized that tonight 初九拜天公
wah! i reli sua ku liao lei, it's 玉皇大帝誕辰 no wonder y'day got hear so mani firecracker durin on day time,more than the first few days of

thx u 4 sharin ya...
Old 14-02-2019, 05:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i tell em yr message here,they ask me tel u nxt time if u got go btm agn & if they r tere,can go lim kopi nxt trip is shld b beginning mar.
Sure bro, let the guys know makan on me next round. I think uncle harry's gal going to miss him a lot.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out
I always do that, if they know who i really is online,they will know my review were true & btw, the grapes we found by the seaside were "sour", because i don't get to eat it.

And i'll need to read yr post in order for me to reply to it or even send an apology,isn't it so...hahaha...

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out

u knw la, nobody actualli 'win' on the year or 2 later wen u cum back 2 tis tread & read all the comment here agn,u'll realise mani of u r like kindergarten
However, it does tell the character of the man behind the screen when the words were flip flopped. I have a 101 ways to rebut, but guess i'll choose not to this time round.

Live & let live.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
if u heng heng tat day & manage 2 get the twin sis pill wn't be enuff 4 dare bet wit u no mani in the forum knw tis exact place where they got twin gers inside another one is 2 sis who looks nearly alike but no twins.

tis one in btm wil be quite,no believe u go ask nono la...i tink he shld knw ba.

The last time i got twin fuck is in wetnam mani pony yrs ago lo, tat time stil dn't knw wat is sbf

so my suggestion is, slowly slowly explorin btm, u surely can find yr ownself adventure de.
Shall see u guys on March then.

Bye for now!
Old 15-02-2019, 11:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Went to Batam this week. Cheapo trip actually

Total cost:
1) ferry and low cost hotel, sgd65
2) food and gojek, sgd 30
3) girls, sgd 77

Day 1,
HBF to HBB, noon ferry, meet girl A,for the first time in HBB terminal, she worked as office clerk and took the afternoon leave to meet me at the terminal, we proceed to eat local nasi lunch and then check in to cheap hotel. During lunch, execute SSI and she followed for check in procedures. Get into room and managed to score. Batam normal girls are still less sophisticated then Jakarta girls, so need little convincing to score. Watch tv and go for second round. Teach her to do proper bbbj which she complain a lot but nevertheless continue to do as she said she feel bad to reject my request for pleasure LOL.

Went for nasi dinner and she left after that. A bit tired so sleep early.

Day 2,
Met girl B at 10.30 am at dc mall, she worked at supermarket noon shift, so she has to leave by 2.30pm. Near noon, suggest to her to eat nasi for lunch near my hotel. She obliged cos she also hungry having skipped breakfast haha. After lunch, saw a fruit stall nearby and bought some fruits, suggest to her to eat in my room. In the room, we forgot about the fruits once we enter the door. She is more enthuthiastic than me. Later I find out why. We did all positions, and she seemed experienced. Anyway enjoyed the session and when she is leaving she asked for taxi fares to her work place, gave her 200 ribu and she asked for more. At this time, it is very easy for unexperienced bros to cave in and give more, dont fall for that, I did add 50 ribu but thats about all that I would give to normal girls who earn money part time this way.

At 4pm meet girl C at dc mall again. Disaster, she brought her friend with her. After having a drink with them for 30 minutes I retreated back to my hotel.,

After dinner went to Formosa king massage. Opted for 60 minutes, 120 ribu and select a Javanese girl. In cubicle, start to SSI with her but soon find out she has been working there for more than 10 years. No point wasting time on this lao jiao, so immediately asked for special before massage start. She asked for 500k FJ which I refused. Asked her for HJ instead, her price is 200k and I accepted as no point bargaining with a lao jiao. During HJ just grab her tetek inside her clothes as she wont took off her clothes fully. Anyway it took some time for my soldiers to come out, since I already has quite a number of shot since arriving the day before.

After massage, went back by gojek, rp4000 only hehehe.

Day 3,
Woken up by girl A calling, say she free to come. My initial intention is to go hotel utama for last massage, since ferry is afternoon, but dont mind for her to come as she didnt ask for anything when meet her. Went for a quick breakfast and wait for her to come, while I packed my stuff.

She came 10.30, enough time for a parting gift of ngentot. Feeling that she is genuinely happy with me, I gave her 200 ribu for taxi fares without her asking. She thanked me and left. After that check out and left Batam. Gojek ride to HBB rp6000.

Batam playability option still lower in comparison with Jakarta, but for a short time getaway it is still good. FL ST price is about 500k, so if normal girls do part time in between her day job, thats the max bro here should give. But then local men can get FJ for 200k, so thats the minimum you can give to her (called it her taxi fares).

If you are used to the high Quality of Jakarta girls, Batam girls can be shockingly low in quality standard but for a short getaway or last minute cheonging. It is still a playable place, but need to lower expectation.

For exploring hidden gems, Batam is definitely a more excellent area for those seeking the hidden trails of local sensual massage for vitality. But expect to pay foreigners pricing if you are not fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta sensual massage is openly advertised and not for those seeking the thrill of finding hidden gems.

Lastly, while I am not into booking joints due to the high pricing of 1.2 to 1.5 juta, it is still an option for those who cant hunt girls on his own. For Batam there are many normal girls willing to do part time to supplement income just to survive and eat a plate of rice. As long as bro here reasonably pay (200k to 500k), you will have a willing girl.

Enjoy Batam, stay healthy.
Old 15-02-2019, 11:06 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
My friend went to 3 booking joints today (6th Feb,Wed), open mouth price is 1.5 juta in all of them for some so-so girl. Big fat old ugly cost about 1.3 juta on 1st quote,hehehe...prettier ones all above 1.6 juta (i am talking about close or around 2 juta ones,hehehe...). 1st 2 days of CNY, most booking joint were able to clear most of their girls. And by the way, the later one goes to booking, the 1st quote would be lower too, but i hear they were mostly girls who run or got rejected.

My friend didnt take anyone from booking joint today (6th Feb). He camped at a popular KTV and got a 19 year old syt at 1.8 juta,hehehe...then again,time was around about 8pm already.

Price probably wont normalize until after Sunday, 10th Feb.
Wow, the inflation is madness! 1.8 for SYT LOL.
Old 15-02-2019, 11:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by bruceAlmighty View Post
hi to all lao jiao,

Was planning a 2D1N trip following NoNo's guide. But after reading Leoric's Post:

I am going to do a 1D trip instead, Leroic's description got me very tempted to visit a massage parlour with special (BJ) service instead of the standard LT package. I was hoping if i am lucky enough i can experience something similar to the one he had, from my research, the high end places to visit are Octopus Spa and New Spa, i hope the service there is good. If any lao jiao have better advice on what massage parlour i should visit instead please share them with me!

This is my second post, no idea why the first one i posted didnt show on the forum.
You going to do a 1 day trip? Most good ladies come in around 6-7pm for Octopus spa, you can catch some in the afternoon but I recommend you to come in the evening, but after the deed you need to rush back to the ferry terminal.
Old 15-02-2019, 11:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Wait till u try their indo track-dick-tional mandi susu on the bed @ 360k rp entrace fee (no inside bath tub kind of milk bath hor) plus 500k rp of fresh milk'll let u in for what's 2 cum wen uncle tom & uncle hairy got another kind of masage in tere wit no massage oil at all but onli wit 'milk' frm their 2 gers wit 2 pairs of neh

so u can imagine hw much susu they use 2 massage on yr

tat's my favorite kind of massage of cos,bcs i get 2 drink em all. Nono 'way' of healthy life style in MILK! so mus em drink wen during fresh....

no worry no enuff milk, 2 gers tere jus had their babies no long ago & no their first time birth la,so they got provide tis out of world service.
Had a chance to try out this susu massage by the 2 girls in my last trip. Thx to bro ice for bringing me to this place & was lucky to be able to grab them during the early noon hours.

There's actually nothing to shout abt on these 2 girls as they are not those very pretty kind (but not ugly either) but both of them sure have huge boobs!! A big fat size girl with huge boobs is quite a norm in batam, a small built average looking girl with boobs almost the same size like a human head with lots of milk isn't.

Basically, after paying up at the entrance for both girls, was led to a big room where the air-con isn't on until i enter. Undress myself & few mins later, 2 GND looking girls walked in, they were all less than 1.6m in height. We intro ourself & follow by the massage. Abt 20 mins later , they pop the special serv question,asking me if i want special. Was first quote 800k for that special service & later, intro to me what both their special serv was abt.

As i already knew abt their kind of services beforehand & it's pricing, i tried to halve their their price to 400k, & in the end some small haggling ,settled with 500k. Yeh, each girl will take 250k for special service & suppose to come with 4 hands HJ in nude with full roaming.

They stripped themselves completely naked & then pull me over for shower in the bath tub with their breast brushing all over me throughout the whole 5 min showering session. I also take the chance to squeeze their big boobs but due to the slippery soap, i really couldn't grab any 1 of them with 1 hand.

Shower together over, each girl holding one of my hand led me to the bed. At this point, how i wish the bed was at least queen size bed. The whole susu massage or milk massage session was quite simple. Start with 2 girls using towel 4 hands to massage me ,also to dry my wet body after the shower, later become 1 girl massage,another girl squeezing me milk from her boobs to my my body while the other girl do the massage. The girl just rotate their boobs & hands until the HJ time whereby no oil except their own boobs milk were used.

While 1 girl were doing the HJ,the other girl were either doing a boobs massage for me on my body,face & legs or is kissing my nipple,my neck,my ear or my other body parts. All these were done in rotation between the 2 girls,so it took me quite a while to cum as both girl's hand strength during HJ were different. Taking a longer time to cum also means i get to enjoy their service for a longer period of time & getting to drink more milk from their boobs. Oh, i forget to mention, there's bbbj as well,since only they use their own milk to do the job. Only 1 of the girl were better at bbbj with lots of nerve licking touch near my cock & balls sucking,the other girl was less experience at it.

According to the girls's word by word, they can only do max of 2-3 customers a day due to their limited production of milk & on that day,i happen to be their first customer. After the session, i tip them each extra 50k more for their hardwork.

This is a good experience getting pampered by 2 girls, hopefully next time i'll get the chance to try them again & i hear from the girls they have 2 twin girls in their shop. I'm guessing they should be worth a try as well.

Thk u all for reading & not forgetting thking bro nono & bro ice for showing the way.
Old 15-02-2019, 12:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just curious, what are the average salary for girls working in hair salon, shopping mall and foot massage centre etc..?
Old 15-02-2019, 08:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hmm...visit this new Excelso cafe just beside Starbuck in Harbour Bay, learned that the shop owner employed someone to actually drew the wall of the luwak cat on the wall rather than simply using wall paper to paste over it.

Very innovative and seems that he did quite a good job on the picture (i am impressed). They even recycled the used coffee powder to be reuse cigarette extinguisher on their ash tray.

If i dont remember wrong, their Luwak coffee cost around S$10 a cup,hehehe...i took their Ice Mocha instead at around S$4 tho (a little more expensive than Jco's Mocha of the same cup size).

No receipt,becos they didnt give me one.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 15-02-2019, 08:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by alphaalpha7373 View Post
This is a good experience getting pampered by 2 girls, hopefully next time i'll get the chance to try them again & i hear from the girls they have 2 twin girls in their shop. I'm guessing they should be worth a try as well.

Thk u all for reading & not forgetting thking bro nono & bro ice for showing the way.
Wahlou. With 4 hands...2 mouths...4 boobs....hw u guys can tahan so long ya? Tongkat Ali ya.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 15-02-2019, 08:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Ground floor of Formosa hotel has a new game shop,hehehe...

...i guess its meant as an extra entertainment for those who has no girls with them and yet couldnt get to sleep during night hours.

(i dont see any girls inside it tho)

Photo was taken on Jan 2019 tho, today..the front door of the shop is becoming more decorative compare to last month. Directly opposite the game shop entrance is the 4 faced buddha altar. (Out of Formosa front door,turn left,keep left and walk within the hotel building perimeter to find them,its just beside Tea Story back entrance)

Due to the building of Formosa Residence, the short-cut back lane leading from formosa hotel to Nagoya City walk has been blocked.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 15-02-2019, 09:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by davidlah View Post

Day 1,
HBF to HBB, noon ferry, meet girl A,for the first time in HBB terminal, she worked as office clerk and took the afternoon leave to meet me at the terminal, we proceed to eat local nasi lunch and then check in to cheap hotel. During lunch, execute SSI and she followed for check in procedures. Get into room and managed to score. Batam normal girls are still less sophisticated then Jakarta girls, so need little convincing to score. Watch tv and go for second round. Teach her to do proper bbbj which she complain a lot but nevertheless continue to do as she said she feel bad to reject my request for pleasure LOL.

Went for nasi dinner and she left after that. A bit tired so sleep early.

Day 2,
Met girl B at 10.30 am at dc mall, she worked at supermarket noon shift, so she has to leave by 2.30pm. Near noon, suggest to her to eat nasi for lunch near my hotel. She obliged cos she also hungry having skipped breakfast haha. After lunch, saw a fruit stall nearby and bought some fruits, suggest to her to eat in my room. In the room, we forgot about the fruits once we enter the door. She is more enthuthiastic than me. Later I find out why. We did all positions, and she seemed experienced. Anyway enjoyed the session and when she is leaving she asked for taxi fares to her work place, gave her 200 ribu and she asked for more. At this time, it is very easy for unexperienced bros to cave in and give more, dont fall for that, I did add 50 ribu but thats about all that I would give to normal girls who earn money part time this way.

At 4pm meet girl C at dc mall again. Disaster, she brought her friend with her. After having a drink with them for 30 minutes I retreated back to my hotel.,

After dinner went to Formosa king massage. Opted for 60 minutes, 120 ribu and select a Javanese girl. In cubicle, start to SSI with her but soon find out she has been working there for more than 10 years. No point wasting time on this lao jiao, so immediately asked for special before massage start. She asked for 500k FJ which I refused. Asked her for HJ instead, her price is 200k and I accepted as no point bargaining with a lao jiao. During HJ just grab her tetek inside her clothes as she wont took off her clothes fully. Anyway it took some time for my soldiers to come out, since I already has quite a number of shot since arriving the day before.

After massage, went back by gojek, rp4000 only hehehe.

Day 3,
Woken up by girl A calling, say she free to come. My initial intention is to go hotel utama for last massage, since ferry is afternoon, but dont mind for her to come as she didnt ask for anything when meet her. Went for a quick breakfast and wait for her to come, while I packed my stuff.

She came 10.30, enough time for a parting gift of ngentot. Feeling that she is genuinely happy with me, I gave her 200 ribu for taxi fares without her asking. She thanked me and left. After that check out and left Batam. Gojek ride to HBB rp6000.

Batam playability option still lower in comparison with Jakarta, but for a short time getaway it is still good. FL ST price is about 500k, so if normal girls do part time in between her day job, thats the max bro here should give. But then local men can get FJ for 200k, so thats the minimum you can give to her (called it her taxi fares).
Now you know these girls in advance bro?
Old 15-02-2019, 09:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Maybe in batam for a few days soon.
Anyone has info on Grand I hotel? or the nearby Nagoya Hill Hotel?
I'm talking about hotel review, inhouse spa/massage or nearby walking distance
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