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Old 27-08-2018, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
My friend, or bro, or hobby colleague, don't take it wrongly. I didn't want to be sarcastic as a way to attack you, but as a way to make a bit of fun out of a discussion among ourselves. Sorry if you felt offended. It was not my intention.

About the discussion, once again, I was just pointing out that saving 5 dollars over a total expenditure of hundreds (typical for the majority who go to Batam for a weekend) is like to begin cutting nails as a first step for a fat man who wants to lose weight. Marginal saving.

(as you read below, I save $2,50 over my bill at Singapore seafood restaurants. I can be more stingy as you may expect)
No worries, I'm just taking part in this discussion as entertainment as you would have noted that I'm no longer visiting Batam for mongering given that I'm now happily settled down.

I also gave an outlay of the average savings for my 2D1N trip, so you can bear that in mind when replying (or rebutting) my / our points. :-)

By the way, given your logic, staying in Singapore and masturbate would be the ideal way of achieving sexual satisfaction since one get to save the entire trip expense and don't even have to go through the "hassle" of boarding a ferry to an island 45 mins away from home. :-p
Old 27-08-2018, 12:13 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by averysu View Post
My first FR in this thread. I would like it to be detailed as possible after appreciating the long FRs some bros put up here. I'll split it up to two part, first and second day.

Last Friday, decided to go to batam to de-stress and got inspiration from Oscar Bro.

End of part 1.
Glad you enjoyed your trip. Happy you found a girl from TanTan. Didn't know there are FLs there..
Old 27-08-2018, 12:23 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by averysu View Post
After finishing up dinner, we continued drinking and chatting away as both of us could speak the language. She shared a lot of things regarding the freelance world in batam which I will dedicate in another post. Drank and chatted till 12 midnight. Had our second round, started in the toilet and then finished off on the bed. By then, it was one plus and she fell asleep. She woke me up at 6am and asked if I wanted another. As I was still hungover and tired, I told her to go back. Tipped her 300k because she really deserved it and she kissed me goodbye.

End of part 1.
Awaiting for part 2,hehehe....

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
So now you know the man behind the perfume and y he alway buy alot
In the old days, there are people who used to say, S$0.10 buy 3 sweets to bluff little girl,i simply put those words in good humble action,hehehe...using 100k rupiah,buy 3 perfumes to bluff nice sweet girls,hehehe...

Much often,i leave some pretty good impression/s for the girls,hehehe... (as much as i said that, i also leave behind some no-good impression too,eg. i am stingy, everything they wish to buy also cannot,i dont go shopping at Nagoya hill mall etc etc..)

Originally Posted by Tomas79 View Post
Visiting Batam tomorrow with another friend and we will be staying at Da Vienna hotel. My first trip after over a decade. We will be exploring the place on our own without taxi drivers. Can anyone advise on any good joints for cewek (Overnight). Need recommendation on massage place , KTV or FL joints if possible. And also any nice place to eat if possible . I know that there is a lot of very experienced seniors that is familiar with cheonging in Batam and would appreciate the valuable info. Thanks in advance for the info that may follow and your effort is deeply appreciated.
Hehehe...below is my thousand words....

...and then another thousand...

Whatever i wish to say or advise are mostly in it.

Hope my reply didnt come too late,and do have a good (and safe) trip in Batam.

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Old 27-08-2018, 02:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by averysu View Post

The thing how this app work is that you need to chat with them although you get a match. Very rare they will chat up with you. As I know the language, it was a plus point. Chatted with about 4 simultaneously, asking all the important questions. As I didn't have plans to go out and wanted to stay in the room for that day, I decided to get a booking. Got this 23 year old palembang girl who does this full time. She initially quoted 1.2 million. I told her that I'm a regular here and have never paid more than 900k for a booking. Nego Nego, assuring her that I'll settle her dinner, cab fare back and good tips if the service was good, we settled for 900k. Told her to come at 4pm as I wanted to get a legit massage. In the meantime, I got her to send me a couple of full bodied photos and a video as well. She obliged and sent me. She kept asking for assurance that I won't cancel on her.

When she arrived at 5pm, she messaged me to pick her up from the lobby as a key card was needed to get up to the room (negative point for the hotel). Went down, saw her and she looked as good as the photos and videos she was sending me. Went up with me and she immediately realised that it was a non-smoking room. She immediately called up reception and asked for a change of room to a smoking one. This was done by her without me asking. Wow.

Within 15 minutes, we got into our new smoking room. She saw that I had a bottle of whisky with me and asked me if I wanted a drink. She called room service for ice and started to drink. It was a very GFE experience. Massaged my shoulders while we chatted and then she showered and enticed me to the bed where we had our first round. There was a lot of foreplay before the actual FJ.

After the first round, it was 8pm. Ordered gojek delivery as the hotel food was ridiculously expensive. She used my phone and did the ordering which came up to 110k. Had Soto ayam, Bakso, meatballs, gado gado.

After finishing up dinner, we continued drinking and chatting away as both of us could speak the language. She shared a lot of things regarding the freelance world in batam which I will dedicate in another post. Drank and chatted till 12 midnight. Had our second round, started in the toilet and then finished off on the bed. By then, it was one plus and she fell asleep. She woke me up at 6am and asked if I wanted another. As I was still hungover and tired, I told her to go back. Tipped her 300k because she really deserved it and she kissed me goodbye.

End of part 1.
Interested to know part 2. Might make an impulse trip to batam since dfs gave me free ferry ticket to batam for 2
Old 27-08-2018, 08:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
By the way, given your logic, staying in Singapore and masturbate would be the ideal way of achieving sexual satisfaction since one get to save the entire trip expense a
We do have communication problems. When did I express I like such a logic?

My logic is, if one plans to spend 500, he should not waste time to save 1, unless that time for him is less precious than 1 dollar. It's matter of being time-effective. A management principle. I suggest a friend to focus on important aspects first, not on minor details.

For me, I would never pass via BC, unless it would allow me to save 100 dollars or more, but I understand I value my time more than others. Others find smart to save 5 dollars doing that, and that's fine for them, since they have plenty of time. I take a bus from KL to SIN, not a flight, but the saving is $200, not 2. In KL, I take a taxi and I don't walk to the bus station, because I would save just 5. Should I care of those 5? I don't, because it's <1% of what I am going to spend in Batam.

I spend say S$1000-1500 in one full week in Batam, but I stay in Formosa instead of Harmoni as most bule do, and I take my girls from disco and not from booking joints.

Doing that, I can have 2 SYT girls spending what others pay to Bunga for booking, if I have energy, and with what I save on the hotel I eat seafood for 3 every night (alone or with girls). I stopped booking girls a long time ago. I do care about saving money, but I try to be wise on main expenses before smallest ones.
Old 27-08-2018, 08:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
We do have communication problems. When did I say that?

My logic is, if one plans to spend 500, he should not waste time to save 1, unless that time for him is less precious than 1 dollar. It's matter of being time-effective. A management principle.

For me, I would never pass via BC, unless it would allow me to save 100 dollars or more, but I understand I value my time more than others. Others find smart to save 5 dollars doing that, and that's fine for them, since they have plenty of time.

I spend say S$1000-1500 in one week in Batam, but I stay in Formosa instead of Harmoni as most bule, and I take my girls from disco and not from booking joints.

Doing that, I can have 2 girls in a day spending what Bunga charges for booking, if I have energy, and with what I save on the hotel I eat seafood for 3 every night (alone or with girls). I stopped booking girls a long time ago.
No quarrel about your reasoning.

As mentioned previously, our group of retirees has all the time in the world and the saving is not peanuts but quite substantial ($16 out of $48), especially multiple by a factor of 3 or 4. The transport cost is also shared. Also, we divert for our lunch on the way to hotel. We are happy with our routing. To each, his own. Cheers.
Old 27-08-2018, 09:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

i dont think they're quarreling,but more of a friendly discussion with some debates on their individual preference.

You have your own preference,others have theirs too. Everyone is different.
Old 27-08-2018, 09:33 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

In the old days, there are people who used to say, S$0.10 buy 3 sweets to bluff little girl,i simply put those words in good humble action,hehehe...using 100k rupiah,buy 3 perfumes to bluff nice sweet girls,hehehe...

Much often,i leave some pretty good impression/s for the girls,hehehe... (as much as i said that, i also leave behind some no-good impression too,eg. i am stingy, everything they wish to buy also cannot,i dont go shopping at Nagoya hill mall etc etc..)
Sorry, is my fault. I alway make you suffer


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Old 27-08-2018, 09:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Real or fake fr doesn't matter to me. I just read for entertainment.
Nice one and well said, but some take it too serious. Maybe not mature still too childish for it.


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Old 27-08-2018, 11:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Actually, from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal to BC is much faster than HBF to BC. Ferry trip takes only 35 mins. No joke. But, only 4 (or 5 trips) per day.
oh,i didn't knw tat....thx u 4 sharin,i learned smthg today.

but i tink aso immpossible frm TM ferry ter side 2 reach BC & hbay @ the same time @ 35min I look @ map,bc still further lei...rite?

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
I think there are lesser ferry companies,therefore lesser passengers coming in from btm ctr as compared to h.bay. - wrong

I think distance from hbf to btm ctr is shorter as compare from hbf to h.bay. - wrong

I think immigration custom officers in btm ctr works more efficient than in those in h.bay. - wrong

I think getting lower priced taxi is more easily & faster in btm ctr as compared to h.bay. - wrong

I think the traveling distance is shorter from btm ctr to nagoya as compared to h.bay to nagoya. - wrong

Having said the above, I think the moon in btm tonite is square too. - wrong
u aso no need b so sarcasm,u aso say u travel both bc & hbay mani times, mani thgs ppl said in forum all simply need use common sense 2 read. No common sense usin simple logic then ppl deserves be cheated in forum

Oh...the day u say moon is square is jus nice mid lunar seventh mth seventh mth wil be is moon cake festival cummin't knw btm wil hv program or no.... havin 花好月圆 time in btm.
Old 27-08-2018, 12:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Taking down notes here :

Batamfast Online
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Above was tabulated from the Batamfast online ferry ticket purchase system (all tax inclusive),hehehe...weird timing to go and leave Batam tho,but still...its fine for me since the destination would be via Harbour Bay.

And below is the promo they have for Senior Citizen,hehehe...i think after everything in,it would cost around S$32 plus minus (all ferry terminals).
quite good price lei...$39 still ok other than timing is nt,i'll choose

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
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...and i saw one here from Majestic Fast Ferry,but not going Harbour Bay.

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Gives me the impression,these ferry companies are fighting for senior citizen business,hehehe...

Not so sure about Sindo Ferry, i saw their ongoing NTUC Silver card's S$10 off promo tho. The rest of the other cards like NTUC card,Passion card and MDIS card gives a $5 off for 2 way ticket, and finally...their senior citizen promo,hehehe... (but you will need a Passion Silver card) Adds up to be around S$32 plus minus tho.

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* Above were just notes for my future Batam reference and analysis.

** Sindo and Majestic dont go Harbour Bay.

*** Horizon Fast ferry do not have a promo at the point of this post
tis one goood 4 tose senior sindo ferry call 55yo senior citizen lei but majestic & batamfast call senior @ 60yo fair lei...nt the same la.

but if reli same price travel frm bc 2 nagoya & hbay 2 nagoya,i stil tink hbay 2 nagoya more convenient & cheaper la....

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I don't fly from my country to Batam for a weekend, but I add Batam after some business trip to KL. I stay out for 10 days. I have my papers to work daytime, wating the fun of night time.
wa! u is mobile office ah...cum btm lookin 4 secretary 2 help u work through the nite ah? lol

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
At times supirs can be real assholes. 60k from HB to Nagoya not cheap too. But now hosay leow. RP30K. Fm hotel just bok grab or Gojek.
i raise two hands,two legs & my kkj 2 agree wit tis words,after take 30k taxi 2 hotel,frm hotel jus use gocar/grab since most hotel's supir aso cn't tel difference btween online taxis or convention taxi. Cost usualli cost 8k to 15k rp within nagoya/penuin.
Old 27-08-2018, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
We do have communication problems. When did I express I like such a logic?

My logic is, if one plans to spend 500, he should not waste time to save 1, unless that time for him is less precious than 1 dollar. It's matter of being time-effective. A management principle. I suggest a friend to focus on important aspects first, not on minor details.

For me, I would never pass via BC, unless it would allow me to save 100 dollars or more, but I understand I value my time more than others. Others find smart to save 5 dollars doing that, and that's fine for them, since they have plenty of time. I take a bus from KL to SIN, not a flight, but the saving is $200, not 2. In KL, I take a taxi and I don't walk to the bus station, because I would save just 5. Should I care of those 5? I don't, because it's <1% of what I am going to spend in Batam.

I spend say S$1000-1500 in one full week in Batam, but I stay in Formosa instead of Harmoni as most bule do, and I take my girls from disco and not from booking joints.

Doing that, I can have 2 SYT girls spending what others pay to Bunga for booking, if I have energy, and with what I save on the hotel I eat seafood for 3 every night (alone or with girls). I stopped booking girls a long time ago. I do care about saving money, but I try to be wise on main expenses before smallest ones.
You mentioned saving only $5 over the total spending of approximately $300 per 2D1N trip is not worth the hassle, then I infer that if you could get the same sexual satisfaction and yet save the entire $300 plus no need go through the hassle of taking a ferry to Batam will appeal to you. After all, we guys are just looking for that 3-5 seconds of enjoyment when we cum right? :-)

It's the same, you choose to save where the amount is big and give you the best return when it comes to time saved. Whereas, those of us who go regularly have all the time in the world, why would I want to pay over the odds and get to the destination faster when reaching 30 mins later doesn't hurt me a single bit?

For me, I used to go on weekdays, sometimes take the last ferry too, and I don't face any inconvenience and even have ojeks chasing me for my business.

LOL.. no hard feeling meant, ok?
Old 27-08-2018, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
oh,i didn't knw tat....thx u 4 sharin,i learned smthg today.

but i tink aso immpossible frm TM ferry ter side 2 reach BC & hbay @ the same time @ 35min I look @ map,bc still further lei...rite?
Sorry, I should have clarified. Majestic only go to BC from TMFT, they don't go to HBB. In fact, only ferries from SG to HBB are Horizon and Batam Fast, IIRC.
Old 27-08-2018, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Don't complain for the sauce tax. Did I ever tell you about my battle about tissue and nuts against Singapore waitresses every time I go to eat there?

Singapore is the only country in my experience, where I find myself charged $0.50 for a tissue and $2 for nuts, without being asked first. I perceive it as a kind of tax.
I don't want nuts, and I believe a restaurant should include a tissue as a basic service, as chopsticks or a fork.

Since I am fucking (take it literally) stingy one, I send back the nuts, I exige they remove the $2 from my final bill (they often try to leave it), and I go to washrooms to take 10 meters of toilet papers to clean my hands after the chilly crab. Charging $0.50 for a tissue someone who is paying $50-$100 is uncalled for.
Must be Chinese restaurant you go to. Lol..
Old 27-08-2018, 01:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Samples of those 3 for 120k rupiah perfumes in its original box,hehehe...

I took the photo inside a restaurant when i was in Batam.

One free for every girl who does her their "job" well,hehehe...

Oh,wait,here's another thing i bought in Batam...made in Korea tho,so its not cheap. Meant for uncles and aunties who has some hair issue,hehehe...some of them tells me it works for them. Photo was taken inside Formosa Hotel.

Not cheap tho, if i dont remember wrong it cost something like 200k rupiah or was it 250k rupiah. And that shop dont always have stock,hehehe...sold at one of the hairdressing shop in Citywalk Mall. I believe those who are in Batam will know,there is only one hairdressing salon inside that mall,hehehe...

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