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Old 27-10-2022, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Ferry fare from $40 to $70. I dont think is slightly more, imo. Almost double in price.
Real sad, they increase cause they say not enough passengers. Now demand back, price not down.

Gone are the days you can find $38 ferry tickets on Qoo10 two ways

Last edited by HeatguyAlvin; 27-10-2022 at 02:34 PM.
Old 27-10-2022, 02:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Given that hotel 89 is a singaporean tourist popular/friendly hotel and awarded certificate of excellence by trip advisor, with in-house massage at level 3 and a decent restaurant in the hotel (see from website).
If this place is as what bro BFOMF5 says is a Singaporean tourist-populated hotel. Then it means can only go on weekdays (Mon-Thu), hehehe...

Actually i like hotels with sauna room where there are practically no one visiting, hehehe...can bonk the girls inside too.

Tried the above experience in both Formosa & Gideon hotel before. Really sweat it out. Good for detox of the my body's sweat glands.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
With all these, is worth a stay, anyway thanks for highlighting this hidden gem to me...
The most suitable for oneself is the best.

Give me one of the most beautiful cewek in Batam but my little bro cannot stand when i see her also no use, right?

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Wah good idea, NED has many places with freelancer, can explore...

Something fresh, unlike the very SOP booking joint ladies.

I believe you have got many honey there with your money
Honey needs money, something i chose not to splurge too much on, hehehe...

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
But the sacrifice is that have to book through their website to enjoy hotel free shuttle service and not available if book through hotel booking company like agoda,, is it true?
Err...bro, there is another communication tools, called "email".

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Yes, you are rite, don't get disheartened when something turn out to be bad.

There is no always bad luck, good fortune will come too.

Important is stay positive thinking and naturally you will become happy, hehe

(get rid of negative thing from the mind)
Thank you, this is something which i am learning as i move on in Batam.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Is your laptop 128gb ram equipped with intel core i9 processor and 2TB SSD for $9000 ? Must be one of the best laptop in singapore
Probably one of the highest in-built specification laptop in the market. Cos i haven't add-on external dumb-drive to builds up the ram strength yet. SSD runs at a faster speed than the regular HDD but the life span is shorter. SSD is however less fragile tho.

In-built 17.3 inch screen is more suitable for home user like me with aging-eyesight ; & with a higher specs, attaching to the much bigger TV screen lets it runs smoother too (higher specs laptop usually comes with some crazy powerful graphic card too).

A big chunk of my part time job income comes from "click click here, click click there" of my laptop, hehehe....hence i wouldn't mind investing in a more powerful piece.

Just like if you are a regular jogger, i am sure you won't mind investing in a good pair of running shoes too.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
My desktop only 4gb ram with intel core i3 processor and 1TB harddisk bought 8 years ago for $800
The laptop i carried to Batam is a i-7, 32GB ram Lenovo laptop with 16 inch screen. I bought it at S$1739.00 during the 1st year of covid from my profits selling mask to elderlies in Singapore, hehehe... comes with 3 years on-site warranty too.

I have HDMi cable in my baggage all the time when i visit Batam, so if there is a need, i will connect my lappy to the hotel's LCD TV for better viewing.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
I concur with you that money can buy happiness and sometimes health too
Agree & disagree with the above. Not all happiness can be bought, same for health too. My previous post was referring to if i can buy a certain level of stuffs/entertainment or things which can make me happy, & i can afford to, so why not spend to make myself happy, if not happier?

Everybody's level & type of "happy" is different, hehehe...some on girls, some like me on tech stuffs (but NOT on phone or phone apps tho).

At our age, we probably see many people pass on (aka passaway) before us. And my parents often tell me, 年轻时,没太多钱可以花。老年时又舍不得花。过世后就让别人帮你花咯。。translate to, young time often got not much money to spend, when old time i spend thriftily, left over so much money when i am dead time, other people will help me spend instead.

Of course, must spend wisely. Spending wisely is another long story....hehehe....and different for everyone.

I often say, there are no poor Singaporean in Batam, but cannot say the same for Singaporean in Singapore. Median income for individual in Singapore around S$4600+, mean (mid) income is S$7000+. If earn below that amount (S$4600+), considered as poor Singaporean in Singapore or not?

Above were just my own perspective on me & myself.
(please do not mix up between poverty & poor i use in this post)

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Ya same here, Batam has been a unique place for anyone who wants to escape from the stressful city life of singapore. simple words, i use lesser of my brain (big head) in Batam than in Singapore.

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Being the most important factor is the availability of cheap, good, clean and dirty massage and the great variety of batam food (like javanese, sundanese, padang, balinese, etc)
Thats where i usually spend without the need to think.

EXCEPT for the overly-inflated girl's pricing & maybe the taxi fare.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Just that now the ferry ticket has become slightly more expensive so we can actually made less trip but longer stay each trip unless one don't mind to pay for the ferry ticket.
Thats why i find it quite surprising why you only visit Batam for 2 nights (or was it 3?) ? I notice bro nitecrawllerr only go for a night.

Ferry ticket price is crazily high to me now (comparing Horizon to Horizon via pre-covid time & today). But you & i still go, right?

Believe or not, even if ferry ticket S$100 for 2 way, you & me will still go Batam.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Human only live once, why not enjoy to the fullest...hehe
You reminds me of bro onlyliveonce. He probably has the similar thoughts as you when he created that nick, hehehe....

Wondering of he still visits the nice fish soup stall at near Eatern Food court & wonder if there are price up for the food there?

I cannot have the answer of the question asked above cos i can't take most of the sea food there. And it takes a regular to know the price changes since that fish soup stall do not have a price tag for the food they sold & served.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-10-2022, 07:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
To bro Cash, buy low, sell high. And keep buying low for expandable. Inflation isn't as scary (pay S$87 for S$100 NTUC voucher), hehehe... to date, i haven't really feel the inflation in Singapore...yet.
Glad u got the hang of it from the platform.

Don't forget there's Sheng Song, Cold Storage & Giant too.

Then again, price has gone up to $90 for $100 now.

Next mth before 11/11, going btm to beat inflation in Singapore. If u are there, drop me a tinkle.
Old 27-10-2022, 07:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Huh? Reach Batam in one big luggage bag & went home with 3?
Wtf, did you just kidnapped 2 SYT ceweks from Batam, squeezed them inside 1 bag each & then secret transport them out?
I arrived with my big Samsonite full of my original stuff from my country (22 kg) + gifts from KL + several boxes of Chicken Essence bought in KL and at Eu Yan Sang in Singapore).
In Batam I bought 15 kg of fruits, which I cannot find in Europe so good as here (mangoes, manggis, jambu air, papaya, dragon fruit).
Then I distributed all this stuff in my big bag (32 kg), one backpack (14 kg) and 1 shopping bag (8 kg), filled up to reach physical limits.
I smuggled a durian years ago from Batam to Singapore to Changi via MRT years ago, but I could not smuggle a cewek in my bag.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
It often sounds so amazing to me when you said you often travel via Ojek in Batam. I think the girls with you in Batam may have that same thought too.
I don't understand what is amazing.
Ojek is readily available everywhere. No need to Grab, if one does not mind paying 5k more in change of prompt availability (50c S$!).
Just say the price (lima belas), say the destination and sit on the bike. What is difficult?

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
How was your Batam trip this time round. Any good "kills" from NED or Newton? Changes compare to pre-covid? Hehehe...
I was bored often, with some special highlights to remember. I never went to NED, but I went to pubs/clubs as Square, F1, HolyWings and Planet 3 (Warning! No more a disco!! it is a pub now!), and to discos Newton and Pacific (Pacific reopened the disco again! Hurrah!!)

Normal office girls at pubs: nearly nobody. Much less than before Covid. I guess that economy crisis hit hard. Normal people has less to spend, and therefore do not go to pubs, which are really expensive. This is my main sorry about this visit to Batam. I missed this type of meetings.
Discos: this is still the best place to go and hunt. Newton and Pacific have different styles, so different people will be there.

Best encounters:
- A girl in Newton, which later I found to be one of the dancers. A really sweet good girl. We did not play sex, but had nice time together also next days. Yes, I enjoy meeting nice people even without bed time.
- A golf caddy in Pacific. Really new and clean. Her friend was worried and left her to me but recommending "HEY YOU MUST GIVE HER MONEY OK???"
- Old friends
- A girl from Hallo Kitty (go there! expensive, but probably the best place to relax). I found myself in Pacific with a group of those girls partying after the work place was closed.

In the past, I was used to get a new girl every day or even 2 a day. Things are more quiet now in Batam.
Still I am happy I spent my time in Batam, and I cannot wait to be back again.
Old 28-10-2022, 12:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Last week was at JB. The bank manager was so persistent and keep asking me to invest Rm70K and recd 4.5% interest yearly. Told her i would be making losses instead if i convert back to S$. So invest in S$ still the best. Btw Bro, SSB would be a better choice, imo. Can withdraw anytime and yet recd interest pro-rated.
Currently, Maybank Singapore is offering fix deposit interest of 3.2% per year and RHB Singapore is paying one of the highest fix deposit interest rate of 3.4% per year.

Given that malaysia fix deposit is only offering 4.5-3.4= 1.1% per annum higher interest than singapore fix deposit, but the exchange rate loss per year is (3.35-3.06)divide by 3.06 X 100% = 9.5% (see below sing to ringgit exchange rate history)

In other words, the exchange rate loss is very much more than the extra interest that you earn in putting fix deposit malaysia.

As shown below, for the past one year period, ringgit has devalued from RM3.06 to now RM3.35 per sing dollar.

Therefore it will be better to place money in foreign currency fix deposit in those currency that is stable and offer high interest rate, so that when it matured after 6 months or a year, you get double earnings from the interest as well as the exchange rate.

But till date none of the foreign currency provide the above yet

Some of the reasons of the depreciation of the Ringgit may be due to:

1) Political instability - now no garmen

2) Drop in oil export revenue thus affecting the currency

3) US raised its interest rate and affected global currency

4) Msia do not want to raise country interest rate too many times afraid that the people may not be able to pay the loan.

5) Many foreign investor is selling off their ringgit and investment in ringgit.

6) Many malaysian also trying to place their money savings in foreign currency

7) Malaysia exporter who earn US dollar refuse to convert back their money profit back to ringgit afraid that it will devalue

8) Many malaysian worker who work in singapore who earn sing dollar would not want to convert their saving into ringgit. They will only change when they need to use ringgit.

Therefore, when US raised its interest rate again, the ringgit will be badly hit again given that bolehland has no strong reserve to back up the currency.

Singapore economy has a strong fundamental and MAS may continue to tighten monetary policy to strengthen the sing dollar..

Old 28-10-2022, 02:02 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Ferry fare from $40 to $70. I dont think is slightly more, imo. Almost double in price.
Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
Real sad, they increase cause they say not enough passengers. Now demand back, price not down.

Gone are the days you can find $38 ferry tickets on Qoo10 two ways
Indo garmen previously has advised the ferry operator to reduce ticket price due to very little tourist arrive at Batam. Thereafter the ticket price was then reduced from $80 to $70 for two way.

The price increase is from (pre-covid) $48 to (post-covid) $70 which is $22

The percentage increase of the two way ticket price is 22/48 x 100% = 46%

46% is very much higher than the inflation rate in singapore that's why the increase does not make sense.

While walking at level 1 of BCS mall, accidentally saw one shop selling two way ferry ticket (singapore - batam) at 690k rupiah = 690000/11030 = S$62.50. Therefore cost saving for two way ticket is S$7.50.

But not sure whether it is an open ticket or ticket with expiry date

Generally anything that goes up, must come down.

However, this global inflation has defy the law of physics
Old 28-10-2022, 02:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thats why i find it quite surprising why you only visit Batam for 2 nights (or was it 3?) ? I notice bro nitecrawllerr only go for a night.

Ferry ticket price is crazily high to me now (comparing Horizon to Horizon via pre-covid time & today). But you & i still go, right?

Believe or not, even if ferry ticket S$100 for 2 way, you & me will still go Batam.
Sorry was a typo, went for a 4 days 3 nights stay

Last time when ferry ticket was $48, used to go to Batam quarterly (3 months once)

Now the ferry ticket is $70, will plan to go (4 months once) but with longer stay.

If increase again to $100 two way, then maybe further reduce to twice a year (6 months once) with even longer stay

There is only two way you can buy ferry ticket at a cheaper price.

1) Source for tour agency in batam or those ferry ticket shop that offers two way ferry ticket at a cheaper price, currently the one I encountered was 690k (two way)

2) Wait for the rupiah to devalue to say maybe 12000 per sing dollar and quickly convert to buy the ticket.

As seen from rupiah exchange rate chart below, rupiah has devalue from 10519 to 11056 which is 537 rupiah per sing dollar for the past one month period.

% devalued of rupiah for past one month = 537/10519 x 100% = 5.1%

I will not be surprise to see the rupiah depreciate further when US increase their interest rate again and MAS further strengthening of the sing dollar in the near future.

Last edited by retirebatam; 28-10-2022 at 02:53 AM.
Old 28-10-2022, 09:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Best encounters:
- A girl in Newton, which later I found to be one of the dancers. A really sweet good girl. We did not play sex, but had nice time together also next days. Yes, I enjoy meeting nice people even without bed time.
- A golf caddy in Pacific. Really new and clean. Her friend was worried and left her to me but recommending "HEY YOU MUST GIVE HER MONEY OK???"
- Old friends
- A girl from Hallo Kitty (go there! expensive, but probably the best place to relax). I found myself in Pacific with a group of those girls partying after the work place was closed.

In the past, I was used to get a new girl every day or even 2 a day. Things are more quiet now in Batam.
Still I am happy I spent my time in Batam, and I cannot wait to be back again.
Hi bro its been many years since i go Batam.. used to frequent pacific disco.. will be heading there tonight.. was wondering Newton would be better or Pacific to find a company for the night?
Old 28-10-2022, 09:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
In the past, I was used to get a new girl every day or even 2 a day. Things are more quiet now in Batam.
Still I am happy I spent my time in Batam, and I cannot wait to be back again.
Welcome to Singapore and Batam...agreed with you that Batam is much slower than usual...give Batam some time will return to full glory...
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Old 28-10-2022, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by athrunzala86 View Post
. was wondering Newton would be better or Pacific to find a company for the night?
Pacific seems to have plenty when i hopped by.
Old 28-10-2022, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Indo garmen previously has advised the ferry operator to reduce.
However, this global inflation has defy the law of physics
Tour agency normally get bulk pricing for open tickets but price they sell online be same as booking direct with ferry operator. Confused 😒

Interesting that you shared the xe rates and noted that when i was there Google showed 10,800+ but money changer only give 10,600+

Hotels be keeping deposits on credit cards in USD instead of rupiah because of that also.
Old 28-10-2022, 10:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
Pacific seems to have plenty when i hopped by.
Thank u! Will drop by there maybe tonight haha
Old 28-10-2022, 11:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
The price increase is from (pre-covid) $48 to (post-covid) $70 which is $22

The percentage increase of the two way ticket price is 22/48 x 100% = 46%

46% is very much higher than the inflation rate in singapore that's why the increase does not make sense.

Notice every time oil price goes from about USD50 to 100+, ferry ticket almost doubles. Oil price comes down, ferry ticket price remains the same. Next time oil price goes up again, ferry ticket almost doubles again. Price is sticky upwards and the increase definitely does NOT make sense (to the passengers, make sense only for the ferry operators). The ferry operators oligopoly is gouging the passengers. Don't know why the authorities not breaking up this collusion by the oligopoly.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
While walking at level 1 of BCS mall, accidentally saw one shop selling two way ferry ticket (singapore - batam) at 690k rupiah = 690000/11030 = S$62.50. Therefore cost saving for two way ticket is S$7.50.

But not sure whether it is an open ticket or ticket with expiry date

Generally anything that goes up, must come down.

However, this global inflation has defy the law of physics
Years ago, Wavemaster offered a big discount on tickets sold in Batam. I bought a bunch. Shortly after, they moved from Batam Center to Harbour Bay (which just open) and Wavemaster either changed name or taken over. The discount tickets no longer valid and can only be redeemed with a big hair cut! So be careful about buying discount tickets in Batam. The ferry operators are very mercenary!
Old 28-10-2022, 12:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by penyet View Post
Notice every time oil price goes from about USD50 to 100+, ferry ticket almost doubles. Oil price comes down, ferry ticket price remains the same. Next time oil price goes up again, ferry ticket almost doubles again. Price is sticky upwards and the increase definitely does NOT make sense (to the passengers, make sense only for the ferry operators). The ferry operators oligopoly is gouging the passengers. Don't know why the authorities not breaking up this collusion by the oligopoly.
Is all about and demand...making sense of business and risks...ROI or return on investment...

During the 2 years Covid-19 lockdown the ferry operators may had lost huge money...continue to service loans and maintenance of when Batam reopened the ferry operators need to hedge if they had enough profits to continue...and what price to sustain patrons price ratio...

What many patrons saw were huge crowds during weekends and public holidays...the ferry operators continue to sail even during off-peak with very few patrons...

If patrons were down and demand low during weekends then we may see a price discount but may cut frequency to consolidate number of patrons...

The above is just IMO...
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Old 28-10-2022, 12:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Stumble onto this site while browsing the internet. Thinking it may be interesting for bros who has reach 55 (& above),hehehe...for me, i am still "underage".

Above is upcoming (retirement visa to stay in Indonesia for around 10 years), below is current situation (which is only for 1 year).

For those who are interested only.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

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