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Old 23-11-2022, 12:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Talking about fruits, in indonesia, one very famous fruit that the local like to eat is salak, the appearance of the fruit has a scaly brown skin look like snake skin.
Do you like it? I find it horrible to eat... no taste, no juice...

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Seafood like prawn, lobster, squid, oyster, etc has a high content of cholesterol with the exception of fish which is rich in omega 3 good for health.
This is a good advice for BFOMF5. He is very concerned about eating healthy food.
Old 23-11-2022, 02:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

this is my first trip to batam.

would like to seek inputs from brothers here:

1. where is the most high class spa, with nice ambience and girl with fit bodies for FJ.

2. where is the best KTV in terms of decor/ambience and higher quality girls for taking back to hotel for overnight.

thank you.
Old 23-11-2022, 02:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

1. SPA wise
Can try fame or hello kitty

2. KTv wise there is plenty to choose from
Grand Dragon
Old 23-11-2022, 07:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Wrong place... disregard.
Old 23-11-2022, 08:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Going to batam view resort in december, any intro? massage/ktv is ok
Solo by the way
Old 23-11-2022, 10:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just bought my ticket for 3rd week of December...
Hopefully it will not be too crowded considering its the school holidays.
Old 24-11-2022, 01:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Ah Ti View Post
no need to talk, screw her 3 rounds hard hard and ask her to FO, that's it, mustn't tips.
Haha not so strong lah, cannot stand for dead fish

Originally Posted by Jas28 View Post
U book the SYT for 2.5m for 1 day ?
My dumbest decision this year...
Old 24-11-2022, 02:46 AM
retirebatam retirebatam is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by storm70 View Post
Hi , Any bro know abt the New Venew Spa at Batam city hotel.. How is the package for fj & hj...Tks
Venew spa can be considered as a moderate-atas spa that distinguish itself from those lower end spa around DC mall.

It can be accessed by taking the lift to level 6 at BCH 2.

Alternatively, if stay in hotel room at BCH 1, take the lift to level 2, walk across the link bridge to BCH 2 and take the lift to level 6.

It has a nice ambience inside the massage room and massage was done on a mattress placed on a timber floor. Alternatively, may request the massage cewek to go to the room if you stay in batam city hotel.

When you reach there, you will be welcomed by one of the customer service officer (cewek) who will bring you to a room to watch the tv screen displaying the photo of the available massage cewek at that moment.

After you have made your choice, she will bring you to the massage room where you can undress, prepare and wait for the cewek of your dream..

Many of the cewek there are sundanese who came from west java and some of them have fair skin as the place they came from have a cool weather or at highland area like Bogor, Puncak, Bandung, Cipanas,etc

There are basically two type of massage room at the joint. One of them is executive room where there is a shower area with a urinal.

Another one is suites room with a bath tub and a urinal but the suite room is slightly bigger, no significant differences.

Both type of rooms are equipped with hot water and the cleanliness level was acceptable.

The massage duration for each massage is standard at 90 minutes with an option to extend another 45 minutes if not shiok enough.
(extension of time charge separately)

The price of massage services there was a bit complicated to calculate.

If not mistaken, the following is the available type of service and prices:

1) If massage is done inside your hotel room, the price is very straight forward which is 485k + 5% tax= 510k rupiah (no discount)

Kindly note that it does not include handjob, strip or fj. (Any special service is charged separately)

510k get massage for 90 minutes with no add-on and no handjob but in your own hotel room.

2) If massage in the spa executive room, price will be 395k. But if tamu take up an add-on service, then will be provided with a free handjob and also a discount on the total cost. (could not remember the percentage)

Example if I take the hot aromatic oil as an add-on which cost another 45k, the total fee incurred will be 395k + 45k = 440k. But after take into account the service tax and the discount, it becomes 338k.

338k get massage for 90 minutes with hot aromatic oil and a handjob in executive room.

3) If massage in the suites room, price will be 425k. But if tamu take up an add-on service, similarly they provide a free handjob and a discount on the total cost.

Example if take the hot aromatic oil as an add-on, the total fee incurred will be 425k + 45k = 470k. But after take into account the service tax and the discount, it becomes 360k.

360k get massage for 90 minutes with hot aromatic oil and a handjob in suites room.

Kindly note that if don’t take the add-on service then there will be no free handjob provided..

Was informed that no sex is allowed inside the massage rooms...

However, if want to request the cewek to strip naked and play papaya then will be charged separately which the tamu have to negotiate directly with the cewek.

Below is the pricing for each type of add-on service in rupiah:

Hot aromatic oil - 45k (I chose lavender as it smells nice)

Ear candle - 50k

Body scrub - 75k (in bahasa known as lulur tubuh)

Double pleasure - 65k (as the name implies mean cum twice or beat aeroplane twice)

Ice sensation - 65k (using ice for massage probably for treating pain)

Bubble thai - 95k (don’t know what is that)

Nurul gel - 65k (a kind of odorless gel which come from seaweed)

Nurul massage - 120k (not sure whether is it body to body massage)

Nowadays many massage joints include the price of handjob into their massage package as in this way, the joint can earn some profit from the special service handjob.

Whereas the cewek may only be given a little commission from the joint. Unlike those joint where the cewek can get the full handjob fees from the client.

However, beside the handjob, the cewek may offer extra special services like strip top + roam, strip full + roam, strip full + blowjob, bj + fj, strip full + b2b, etc..and the price quoted depends on each individual cewek.

In addition, if massage at the joint entitle the tamu to use the facilities free of charge like hot pool, cold pool, steamed room, oxygen room at level 5 of BCH 2.

Last order if never remember wrongly is at 10.00pm.
Old 24-11-2022, 12:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
The name is "Beauty"
I see, i see, the new booking joint name is called Beauty.

Previous photo because door opened, didn't show the name.

Should have post this photo instead, hehehe...

Finally a new booking joint shows up in this part of Nagoya. Otherwise not many people will walk by that area (since Formosa closed down), hehehe... next hopeful place to look forward to for a booking joint would be Gold Bird area near Lai Lai hotel.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-11-2022, 02:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Yes, in fact the cost of goods and services in batam was very much cheaper in comparison to spore can say almost everything, that was why spending money in Batam gives more bang for your buck
Can imagine if the amount is bigger, like in calculation of million rupiah (or milliar), saving can comes pretty BIG. I wouldn't have expect 3 juta can rent a room in Nagoya Mansion studio for a month before covid time.

(thats 36 juta a year)

And that is like less than S$266.00, hehehe....

Remember before covid time, i was looking into buying some units? I quit that idea after some bad news but then, after looking through a bit, i am starting to "think" AGAIN!

Formosa Residence is no longer beyond reach anymore. It's more like buying a piece of expensive memory, hehehe...

55 juta/year rental

I know Batam center area were even cheaper than i state above. But i do not wish to stay around there.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Just to share another piece of saving money tip is to place your cpf ordinary account saving which only earn 2.5% to a newly launch ocbc bank fix deposit at 3.4%.

The minimum placement is S$20k and maximum is S$1 million.
Looking and working on it as i typed, hehehe...fantastic piece of info.

Thank you for sharing!

By the way, till end of this month, UOB is giving 3.85% for S$20k placement for 6 month/ 10 month & 12 month.

6 month is a good choice (S$384+/6mth for S$20k). Next year May 2023 can visit Batam for a free 2D1N trip (inclusive girl, ferry and hotel).

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
This is provided if you have spare fund in your OA account and need not pay for your housing loan anymore
One of my life's simple principle, don't lent, don't borrow.

Enough to get by can already, no need too much but can't be too little either.

LKY said before, whatever spent must come from somewhere.

Still working on "whatever i spent in Batam, and have it comes from Batam itself", hehehe... so one day can go Batam for "free".

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
And there is another famous indonesian fruit I love to eat the most is known as "harum manis". It is a type of mango with green skin and light-yellow dots which is sweet and fragrance in taste.

The lemon yellow flesh is thick and juicy too. Talk until here my saliva already drips..
If got time to spare, try to pay the supermarket in DC mall a visit. Especially to pay a bit more attention to the fruit section and those small shops that are just outside the supermarket.

You will be surprised by the price of the fruits there. Best part is, they already cut the fruits for me. When the "harum manis" season is over, i will see lots of mango juice for sale, hehehe...super ultra sweet, not suitable for diabetic tho. Need to add water. Most if not all of the fruits were selling at an average of 10k rupiah, which is less than S$0.90.

I want to eat fruit/s, i am lazy to cut them myself, i go DC mall.

I want to make my girlSSS happy, i go DC mall buy the already cut fruit/s for them, they are happy (this is just 1 of the method).

There are lots (of fruits) to choose from there.

Nowaday, i rarely visit BCS mall and Nagoya Hill Mall.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
For me same here, I am not able to take too much seafood as I am slightly allergy. Seafood like prawn, lobster, squid, oyster, etc has a high content of cholesterol with the exception of fish which is rich in omega 3 good for health.

The fish that I love the most in batam is gurame, a type of indonesia fresh water fish which is super delicious.
I rarely has much experience on Sea Food in Batam. Most info which i got them from friends and in this thread, i will make my comparison here, compile what i can understand and then bring those aunties & uncles to the best i think, to try them.

They also in turn give me their sea food FR and shared their experience too, hehehe... some of these uncles & aunties whom i brought to Batam were chef themselves (eg, famous curry rice stall in Singapore, Vietnamese restaurant owner, canteen/coffee shop owner, hawkers etc and they can be rather picky when it comes to food).

One of the Malay uncle even used to "cook" in the Brunei palace too. His one comment on Batam sea food was, most of the sea food there taste good mainly because of its freshness, not because they (the chef) can handle the "ingredients" well.

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
If I were to eat those food in an indonesian restaurant in singapore, the cost is at least double to triple in cost.
Compare with Singapore, almost everything in Batam will be cheap.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Anyone here got a photo of Sekar Massage which is situated opposite Hana Hotel? I will need your permission to use them too, thank you.

I remember i have one but i lost it somewhere...hmm...
I ask my same question as above here again.
(i chose not to have one post one question)

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-11-2022, 06:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Any bros here have contacts for 18yrs old and above please PM me ah..

By the way, batamfast website mention must download app peduli lindungi for checking vaccine status.. heard it take quite long to get verified.
Old 24-11-2022, 07:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Baresto cafe
Kangen cafe
Malaya cafe
Bistro Godiva
Ayam penyet Ria
Coffee Town

Some of the cafe always offer gurame, fried rice and other promotional food at 30%-50% off.
That night tried Baresto cafe. Opted for gurame fish. Not bad but not much flesh. No promo. Paid full with 10%.
Old 24-11-2022, 08:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

How do you guys travel around Batam? I see bros mention bus. Private hire/taxi safe/possible?

I want to go in December, but need to plan a bit to decide how many days and when.
Have +9, prefer +4 for exchange.

1k queue: Powerman881, simple2kee, Havanna Slicks
Old 24-11-2022, 08:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by drawing View Post
Haha not so strong lah, cannot stand for dead fish

My dumbest decision this year...
She must be dam pretty with hourly figure to die for u to fork out this price. so far i ask a few shop ,the price is around 1.2 to 1.7 m the most.
Old 25-11-2022, 02:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I see, i see, the new booking joint name is called Beauty.

Finally a new booking joint shows up in this part of Nagoya. Otherwise not many people will walk by that area (since Formosa closed down), hehehe... next hopeful place to look forward to for a booking joint would be Gold Bird area near Lai Lai hotel.
This joint has a nice name and hopefully it lives up to its name..

Its good location reminded us how convenient it used to be in the olden days when we can just walk to the two booking joints at queen 8933 and dynasty 99 from formosa hotel.

Looking forward to the completion of the "renovasi" of formosa 2.0

Yes every cheong area should have hotels, coffee shops or food centres, massage joints, convenient stores and supper area, etc. within the vicinity.

The ex-Gold Bird area has a few hotels like Hotel Nagoya One, Hotel Bahari, Hotel Lai Lai, Batam Star, etc

Also there are nice food there too like restoran ibu joko and warung selling satay and nasi goreng,etc.

Massage wise, have dirty and clean massage like sport massage, abi massage, bahari massage, etc.

So that area really lack of a booking joint since the previous two booking joints there had already closed for good.
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