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Old 02-10-2016, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i see u shld giv Utama hotel a shot,abt $40 or less. But if btm onli has yr 3 mention hotels abv 2 choose frm,then i'll take Biz anytime bcs of its prime loc.

2 star hotel usually breakfast quite simple de,so quite comparable. Jus dn't expect da vinna or goodway kind of breakfast can liao.

wonderin where bro ozilsanchez run 2 after writing fr halfway?

Tis thread is one of the most well-informed info thread among most others,try doin a bit readin first. i see yr questions aldy been ans no less than 100x. Below my direction 4 yr ans

you more garage than me. At least I only direct him to July posts, you go back to page 1....
Old 02-10-2016, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by funtastick View Post
hi bros,

just want to share my experience, this is the first time i am encountering this.

i went to one of the joints, forget the name, bargained from 1.6 to 1.2, bros here will know based on price, she is definitely one of the upper range.

The boss did not mention anything, except from the usual good svc etc.

After paying, i waited for her to change. After going into the taxi, i realised that two of her hands are deformed. Deformed meaning that there are missing fingers on both hands.

Back to the room, realised that her right feet is missing some toes as well. The service was bad, everything also cannot except fj. After 1 fj, she proceed to sleep all the way except for meals.

please up my points if you like my report. thank you

Actually i did not mind about her missing limbs, but i wish that the boss should have told me before hand, and her performance was bad.
Bro, can you give the approximate location? Like nearby landmark? Sorry that missed meeting up with you yesterday. I had to reset my phone, then coupled with walking up late, I rushed to HBF cos another bro waiting for me too. I thought you would have waited at Horizon sales office like the previous time we are supposed to meet.

I'll be here again on the 16-18 this month. See if you can join in...
Old 02-10-2016, 02:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Lol.. usually booking joints girls don't limit the number of shots you can have. The last one that did it, new Berry, I heard the okt that taught the girls to do so kena sack already. As long as you don't piss off the girl, I think they won't go as far as limit your shots to 1/2/3.
I have heard of MM OKT limiting the number of shots to 3 for their clients before but i have not heard of Tamagotchi or Ah Meng from New Berry asking the girls to limit the number of shots tho. Maybe becos they knew me already but strangely,it has not occur to me during red hot months like CNY too (i went there on those dates prepared for the worst outcome). But i still hear a lot of after-2-to-3-shots runaway girls in both CNY 2015 and CNY 2016. MM girls being the most amazingly runaways whereas Indah2 comes in 2nd place. 3rd place of the most runaway during CNY 2015 was Happy 8 but after much complains,they (happy 8) seems to have improved on that point. Even MM has improved itself a little over time.

The only place that has known NOT to have improve itself was the Morena series of joint. And as for MM,i would say its a place NOT for the novice (luck do play an important part as well).

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
I hav heard of the 3 shots rule to bangalah/indians,sm even got 2 shot limit in btm. They'll hav to ask themselves the reason y these rules were there for them. (disclaimer - i not sayin all bangalah/indiasn were bad cust,but to most wking girls,they were scare of them)
I believe most Batam cheongster would have heard of the girl's bad experience with the Sillypore's foreign workers. If 1 or 2 or maybe a few girls were to say the same thing,it could be a coincidence but when almost all the girls i knew says the same and shared their bad experience....well....and one of my recent girls who came from Bandung to work in Batam told me,it is mainly Indians/Bangladeshis in Batam they disliked/feared most. Some of girls i talked to have no complains on Indians/Bangladeshis from other parts of Indonesia,like Jakarta,Bali,Manado etc where they used to work. And why is it only happening in Batam?

Anyway,above were what i hearsay from the girls i met in Batam and had worked in those other parts of Indonesia before.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Treat others how you want to be treated. They are fellow human beings. There may be reasons that pushed them into this trade, willingly or otherwise, they still deserve to be treated well. C'mon... You also want to enjoy the 18 hours or so that you gonna spend with them. Treat them well and you both win.
I agreed,18 hours can be an enjoyable time if one knows how to "get-along" with his companion. Its just like ourselves,we would all prefer to enjoy ourselves at work rather than go to work everyday 'hating' (or disliking) the things we are going to do at work.

Having said that,i will still send my girls back to the joint if i knew she is known to attempt to 'bully' me or take advantage of my 'good' or maybe if she's not to my liking. (remember? i am at most time a 1st/2nd timer traveling to Batam in the presence of the girls in my almost every Batam trip,hehehe...)

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Surely there are. Bro no-no had brought many noobs to Batam, I'm sure there are those that got the more than 3 shots.
Actually there are and quite a big handful of them have had more than 3 shots from booking joint girls when they were still considered a newbie. Too bad,its not the right thing to do for me to name them in public but I believe you have met up with quite a few of them. Some of them even wrote FRs in this thread with more than 3 shots as a newbie too. (side note to other readers,there is still a small difference between newbie and 1st timer on my above few sentences)

Having said the above,there are also a small quantity of them who only has 3 shots or lesser. On the average,out of 10 newbies WITH me,i would say 7.5 whose physique allows them to achieve more than 3 shots, would be able to get what they can do. And of the 2.5 out of 10 who couldnt get it (or those who didnt have a good time),at least half the time it is due to picking the 'wrong' girls and having the incorrect expectation. This is base on MY observation of the Batam Newbie group trip experience i have organized before.

My rules to MYSELF on the Batam games (trips) were simple :

1. Drop at least half of whatever expectation i have from any other places/countries in the world - base on my experience in organizing group trips,MANY has unrealistic expectation.

2. Knows what one is looking for and then seek from thereon.(every step is part of growing up ,there's no one step to 'heaven' when one is looking for 'heaven',applies for traveling all over the world too)

3. Be humble,be nice and avoid having that mentality that "i am your pay-master and you MUST serve me like my slave" attitude. (12 to 18 hours can be a long time if the girl are serving someone they 'hate',imagine i am in her shoe)

4. Always bargain down and do it with a smile. (argue and bargain is 2 different word with 2 different meaning,some will forget that)

5. I have only one dick,there are thousands of tight pussies in Batam for sale,hehehe...i have to control myself very hard NOT TO BE GREEDY,hehehe...

This is what i do and it has help me have a great time in Batam over the last 2 over years,there is definitely no obligation to follow what i do,hehehe...coming to 3 years,and i am still in Batam for more than a reason.

One of them is definitely for the Girls.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
.. I'm not like this in the past one. Bro nono is the one I learned a lot from. The girl who I tipped 300k and I stick with her for 9 months, said that I have a very selfish character and very egoistic. She's not wrong. She's only taking my business for the money.

I used to think that just because i tipped her well, she must do what I want and that's including not using her phone during my booking. Every session with her end up we both quarrelling. Lol..
Dont say that,everyone of us here who post and share constructively (informatively and positively) were learning from each other including me learning from you.

I wouldnt have known Tulip turned itself to Kupu Kupu if you didnt shared.

I wouldnt have known MM is a booking joint if bro Blackpage didnt shared

I wouldnt have known about Sri Kandy if bro BFOMF5 didnt shared

I wouldnt have known Dolly which later moved itself beside Shellina Salon and later evolved itself to Hawaii if bro Naka Timo didnt shared

I wouldnt have known Fortune Massage turned itself to JV Happy 8 massage and later moved itself opposite Prima Asia hotel if bro Newyorker didnt shared

There are many others whom i couldnt possibly name them all here (and i couldnt remember them all due to my poor memory,my sincere apologies) but all of them have one thing in common,they have all shared constructively aiming to keep each other well-informed on Batam and they all do it positively.

You can choose to try to destroy 'Rome' with an all out negativity or you can choose to flourish it positively. I believe I already picked my choice.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-10-2016, 04:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Short FR.

Took the 1045 Ferry to HBB.

Due to me walking up late and me having to reset my cheonging phone, only got to meet 1 bro in the ferry and the other lost contact despite me leaving message in pm and SMS (retrieve his number from Google Contacts) but no reply.

After checking in and depositing or bags at reception, shopping starts at about 1130. Happy 8, few left in the showroom. Even when we go behind to take a look, not much there. New Berry, couple of delicious looking ones plus many baby dinosaurs. Next stop, MM and Indah2 both have very limited stocks. Not sure if it's due to the timing (about 12 pm when we reach these places) or due to it being a public holiday (some religious holiday) that stock is so limited. Sri Kandy is close yesterday. Was surprised that it's closed on a Saturday. Thought the game's up for them. Next stop, Kupu2. Abu and Kiki were both around. The bro with me took a young 1.5 => 1.2 cewek (I booked her before) when I another 1.1 => 900k cewek.

After settling our bookings, to next stop, massage at Indorasa where we had 2 hours each.

Back at our room and waiting for our ceweks to arrive, bro days that Abu called saying that a cewek cone menses. First thought is that my ex-bookibg reject the booking cos maybe cos I took her before. But, turn out, it's my girl that come menses. Abu personally brought a replacement to my room while at the same time sending me ex-bookibg to bro room. While I was trying to decide whether to accept, bro kindly offered ex-booking to me as he knot in quite fond of her. (Bro nono, she's the one that I brought to M1 ktv and I kena electrocuted with one, we messaged about her). Though tempted, I declined.

So, I took the replacement as didn't want to go hunting again. It's 4pm anyway. Most joints will be out of stocks too.

Replacement, while not my type, is a good worker. Nothing to complain about her. About an hour past their arrival, another incident happened. Replacement called ex-bookibg to my room for shack and chill out. End up, I saw her bringing her stuff over and was curious. Found out that bro had to leave first and ex-booking is going back to Kupu2. Very tempted to book her too, both are not interested in 3some. Me can't handle both too.

After this is normal process. Movie, massage for both in room, girl go ktv see concert, I took the opportunity to have a fling with massage cewek. Another petite, 22 yo, fair skin from Medan. Girl only came back 3am plus, half drunk. By then, I was already tired and only wake up this morning 9 plus. Said that it's late and need to go off. Pissed off with her again.

After breakfast, went over to May Choice to try the girls there. The reception is cute, got her number and she can take booking after with over. She don't do massage there though. Didn't proceed as target is the reception. Went to another joint at Utama area which has a Chinese cewek working there. Had 1 hour, fj and back to hotel to check out.

Note still queuing at Teljomsel office to change my sim card.
Old 02-10-2016, 04:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I have heard of MM OKT limiting the number of shots to 3 for their clients before but i have not heard of Tamagotchi or Ah Meng from New Berry asking the girls to limit the number of shots tho. Maybe becos they knew me already but strangely,it has not occur to me during red hot months like CNY too (i went there on those dates prepared for the worst outcome). But i still hear a lot of after-2-to-3-shots runaway girls in both CNY 2015 and CNY 2016. MM girls being the most amazingly runaways whereas Indah2 comes in 2nd place. 3rd place of the most runaway during CNY 2015 was Happy 8 but after much complains,they (happy 8) seems to have improved on that point. Even MM has improved itself a little over time.

The only place that has known NOT to have improve itself was the Morena series of joint. And as for MM,i would say its a place NOT for the novice (luck do play an important part as well).
Must add KupuKupu to the list of run-aways girls. Last week one of the bros experienced this after one shot in the afternoon. Right after dinner, she complain headache, stomachache, and needed to go home. They called the faggot OKT, at about midnight. Nobody answered. Anyway girl had blackface and attitude already, so no point keeping her.
OKT promised to replace girl after one shot or pay only short time fee. Lying. of course. Next morning the brother went to office to complain, and get refund but the faggot OKT started screaming at him, so he decided to cut loss and not go there again. I think I will give this place a miss next time no matter how beautiful the girls may be. Not worth the hassle.

I talked to another girl about this happening and she said some girls, usually the prettier ones, have this pattern, of running to the disco and getting another booking after midnight. They know the OKE is powerless to do anything and will end up bullying (screaming and cursing) the customer. So the girls get 2 booking for 1m each in one night for minimum work.

Buyers Beware !!
Old 02-10-2016, 04:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Went on a quick 2D1N trip.

Stayed in Biz, decent room, wifi's good, TV selection OK, but tbh I might prefer Zest/Hana over Biz.

Took a 25yo girl from Sri Kandy for 1.1m, bargained down from 1.2m
Nothing much to write about.

Here sharing a joint that I have never heard mentioned before, apparently it's roughly 1 month old:

^ Rough area estimate

When I was there, only 7 girls were available, the rest all taken. Price ranges from 1-1.3m

Maybe other bros wanna try take a look and share reviews on this one

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Sri Kandy is close yesterday. Was surprised that it's closed on a Saturday.
^ Yeah bro, when I started going around at 12:45pm they were closed. After going around for about 20mins, then the sign became OPEN so I went in.
They planned to close at first, but then see so many taxis tried to come, so they opened later in the day.

Last edited by Hurhurrahrah; 02-10-2016 at 04:26 PM. Reason: response to another post
Old 02-10-2016, 04:31 PM
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Old 02-10-2016, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by hottip View Post
Must add KupuKupu to the list of run-aways girls. Last week one of the bros experienced this after one shot in the afternoon. Right after dinner, she complain headache, stomachache, and needed to go home. They called the faggot OKT, at about midnight. Nobody answered. Anyway girl had blackface and attitude already, so no point keeping her.
OKT promised to replace girl after one shot or pay only short time fee. Lying. of course. Next morning the brother went to office to complain, and get refund but the faggot OKT started screaming at him, so he decided to cut loss and not go there again. I think I will give this place a miss next time no matter how beautiful the girls may be. Not worth the hassle.

I talked to another girl about this happening and she said some girls, usually the prettier ones, have this pattern, of running to the disco and getting another booking after midnight. They know the OKE is powerless to do anything and will end up bullying (screaming and cursing) the customer. So the girls get 2 booking for 1m each in one night for minimum work.

Buyers Beware !!
This is new to me.

I've booked at least 4 girls there in the last 2 months, including the priciest girl in the joint, and I never had that happened to me. In fact, Kupu2 is one of the first joints that I visit on my shopping trip. You mind naming the girl? At least we can avoid her. Thanks.

On the topic of pretty girls playing runaway tricks, I think this happens across the board and not limited to certain joints. Maybe some just get very very very limited service from these "putri". (Princess Sickness, if you're wondering).
Old 02-10-2016, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Hurhurrahrah View Post
Went on a quick 2D1N trip.

Stayed in Biz, decent room, wifi's good, TV selection OK, but tbh I might prefer Zest/Hana over Biz.

Took a 25yo girl from Sri Kandy for 1.1m, bargained down from 1.2m
Nothing much to write about.

Here sharing a joint that I have never heard mentioned before, apparently it's roughly 1 month old:

^ Rough area estimate

When I was there, only 7 girls were available, the rest all taken. Price ranges from 1-1.3m

Maybe other bros wanna try take a look and share reviews on this one

^ Yeah bro, when I started going around at 12:45pm they were closed. After going around for about 20mins, then the sign became OPEN so I went in.
They planned to close at first, but then see so many taxis tried to come, so they opened later in the day.
Fuck. I should have shop around to Hawaii, Bunga and Kupu2 then batch to check it out. Knn. Still aiming one of the DD cup girl there.

Is the Chinese mami there? She wasn't when I went there just now.
Old 02-10-2016, 04:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Fuck. I should have shop around to Hawaii, Bunga and Kupu2 then batch to check it out. Knn. Still aiming one of the DD cup girl there.

Is the Chinese mami there? She wasn't when I went there just now.
^ At Sri Kandy you mean? I didn't see a Chinese mami when I was there.
The only Chinese mami I know is the Bunga one

There's this one super cute thing I found at Bunga, too bad she was already booked when I came there.
Dyed brown hair, white skin, flat fringe, anybody got info?
Old 02-10-2016, 04:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Yes, I'm referring to Sri Kandy. They started with a Chinese mami. Correction, not Chinese by race, but she speak Taiwan-Chinese. That joint has a couple that returned from working in Taiwan and can speak ok Chinese. She give quite good discount always.

The one at Bunga very powerful at poloso'ing you to book her girl...

Again proceed that I should have gone on to Hawaii and Bunga, instead of just taking one at Kupu2 without much consideration.
Old 02-10-2016, 05:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by funtastick View Post
hi bros,

just want to share my experience, .....

i went to one of the joints, forget the name, bargained from 1.6 to 1.2, bros here will know based on price, she is definitely one of the upper range.

The boss did not mention anything, except from the usual good svc etc.

After paying, i waited for her to change. After going into the taxi, i realised that two of her hands are deformed. Deformed meaning that there are missing fingers on both hands.
please up my points if you like my report. thank you

Actually i did not mind about her missing limbs, but i wish that the boss should have told me before hand, and her performance was bad.
Thanks for sharing. I just upped you 11 rep points.

I did notice one that fitted this description at Permata Indah. Very pretty though, and heavily promoted by the mami. I just happened to notice when she approached the customer and had her arms behind her back and I happened to be behind her.

Too bad you did not get good service. Better luck next time.

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
This is new to me.

....... You mind naming the girl? At least we can avoid her. Thanks.

On the topic of pretty girls playing runaway tricks, I think this happens across the board and not limited to certain joints. Maybe some just get very very very limited service from these "putri". (Princess Sickness, if you're wondering).
Sorry, the bro was so turned off/disgusted that he chose to forget the cewek with putri sickness. Did not get a name. He only remembered the joint. To me it was more important that the faggot OKT at KuKu2 gave our bro such a horrible experience by bullying him. I don't want to deal with this OKT. So this place is out for me. Many other good joints.

I have actually experienced a cewek putri at Hapi 8. Her name was Juli, but I was told later that it was her pretend name. Did not notice if she was there anymore. Maybe got kicked out. That time it was Papi Aciang who is now gone. Since I was regular customer at Hapi, he at least made adjustment to my new booking. I still to go to Hapi and still continue to get good service.

As bro Nono says, booking is all hit and miss, but the known factor is the faggot OKT at Kupu2 who don't seem to understand that he needs to be at least respectful of his customers if he was to continue to have their support.
Old 02-10-2016, 05:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Ya, booking is all his and misses. And for us who prefer to go for ssyt (when available), it's more misses than hits, although I'm quite riding my luck for the past 3 months.

This weekend's trip, I would rate it, on a scale of 1-10, a 7. Made my booking decision hastily I'm with somebody and I did not really to bring him window shopping when he's made his choice. Could be improved. Buy, I did get my 3 good shots, sincerity with 3 different girls. Haha
Old 02-10-2016, 06:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Very interesting about this kupu2 joint and their okt. Will inform him when I'm there this coming........... I wonder do bros here have this customer is always right mentality (typical singaporean) when going to joints. On a side note Abu, has always been friendly when I'm there be it from the days he was at indah2 (even before where indah2 is now) till now at kupukupu.

Last edited by fde83; 02-10-2016 at 07:48 PM.
Old 02-10-2016, 07:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Any brothers will be in batam next week?i am planning to go
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