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Old 02-05-2017, 10:21 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Mona = N's roommate has 1 kid, now in kalimantan.
Mira have 3 kids, body good shape, legs have many scars, last know been 'pao'ed n live in bengkong
Old 02-05-2017, 04:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i suddenly r'ber nono ever said b4 got 3 thgs tat MUST NEVER EVER go missing during travelling,wat is tat leh? Brother nono,nw is the time u can repeat & repeat & repeat.
I have often emphasis to Batam newbie, NEVER to lose 3 key things.

1. Passport

2. Wallet that holds most of the cash/creditcard

3. Communication tools like HP,tablets etc.

Losing any 1 or 2 of them,i believe i still stand a chance,but losing all 3...hmm...100% wont be a good ending.

Some years back, I have read on newspaper before that a Singaporean who got robbed in China,Shenyang end up begging in the street for 6 months after losing all 3 of the above. To counter this issue whenever i am in Batam,this is what i often do..

1. I leave my passport with the reception of a hotel that i find trustworthy enough. Or keep them in a safe box. (if one wish to travel late into the night,better to bring along passport in case of police-check)

2. I leave behind some small cash and my return ticket or return-home boarding pass inside my passport when i leave my passport at the reception (or safe box). On top of it,i prefer to pay my room in full during check-in (especially needed so if i am using Kaha to book room).

3. I have more than 1 mobile phone. 1 of them i carry it with me,the other i leave it in my room. i also try to get a room that has a direct view from the hotel's hallway surveillance device.

Its just a personal habit during my travel to Batam. On top of it,i always keep the contact for the Singapore Consulate in Batam handy in case one day i find myself being experience-enough in Batam and end up becoming overly confident.

Afterall, did you notice that most of such cases mostly happen to season travelers and not newbie?

Originally Posted by dkdk View Post
Lesson learnt. Don't be an idiot and drink overboard.
You remind me of a bro who used to join me in Batam,called me past midnight time telling me he lost his wallet after returning from a drinking session at NED...and about 10 mins later,he called again,telling me that he found his wallet. It was a relief.

The next morning he explained to me further that he sat back a bit after hanging up the phone with me and start tracing back his thoughts. He later realize that he wouldnt have been able to take a taxi and return back to his room if he had lost his wallet then (he has no girls with him in-room). Guess he drank a little too much.

Lesson i learned from his incident is,whenever alcohol is involved,always try to take a few mins to back-trace the steps 1st before jumping into any conclusion.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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Old 02-05-2017, 06:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I will be going btm from the 11th to 13 May. Would anyone be interested to join? I will be driving there to explore island-wide. Pm me if interested.
Old 02-05-2017, 06:51 PM
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Old 02-05-2017, 08:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I have often emphasis to Batam newbie, NEVER to lose 3 key things.

1. Passport

2. Wallet that holds most of the cash/creditcard

3. Communication tools like HP,tablets etc.

Losing any 1 or 2 of them,i believe i still stand a chance,but losing all 3...hmm...100% wont be a good ending.

Some years back, I have read on newspaper before that a Singaporean who got robbed in China,Shenyang end up begging in the street for 6 months after losing all 3 of the above. To counter this issue whenever i am in Batam,this is what i often do..

1. I leave my passport with the reception of a hotel that i find trustworthy enough. Or keep them in a safe box. (if one wish to travel late into the night,better to bring along passport in case of police-check)

2. I leave behind some small cash and my return ticket or return-home boarding pass inside my passport when i leave my passport at the reception (or safe box). On top of it,i prefer to pay my room in full during check-in (especially needed so if i am using Kaha to book room).

3. I have more than 1 mobile phone. 1 of them i carry it with me,the other i leave it in my room. i also try to get a room that has a direct view from the hotel's hallway surveillance device.

Its just a personal habit during my travel to Batam. On top of it,i always keep the contact for the Singapore Consulate in Batam handy in case one day i find myself being experience-enough in Batam and end up becoming overly confident.
Yes, is good to practice caution and also you are season cheongster liao


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Old 02-05-2017, 10:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
If there's a chance,try Horizon Ferry, will feel the difference but the only sad thing is,cannot smoke. So have to endure for an hour or so w/o smoking when in the ferry.
TBH if you have tried both Batamfast and Horizon and strongly prefer Horizon, you must have some reason that I completely don't see

You see, when I was booking ferry for 2nd trip I tried Horizon first, then turns out I have to go to their counter 1 hour before departure to pay and print boarding pass. And best part of all was their confirmation email took forever to arrive.

While waiting for their confirmation email, I booked Batamfast, paid online AND printed my departure boarding pass then I forget about Horizon

As for smoking, if you heng and you get a craft with an open upper deck, you can smoke to your heart's content

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Just to share one more thing which i forget to mention when i reply you earlier. You say something like hotel refuse to help you call Silver Cab or Blue Bird right? On the left hand side of the reception,there is a phone to use, ask the receptionist for permission to use it and then use it to dial Blue Bird/Silver Cab. This should save you a few thousand rupiah of calling time,hehehe...
I asked them to let me use the phone to call and they said cannot. So want to sneaky sneaky call also hard

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yea,good thinking. So what if you are being faced with a 3 shot rule AGAIN, at most either finish the 3 shots and ask her to buzz off and just head over to Kings Massage to fire off another shot (or maybe 2) and/or go to Alishan to grab another sweetie back again,hehehe...or even simplier, just walk out of those 3 shot rule shop.

So far,i only encounter 2 girls who play the 3 shot rule with me over my last 3 odd years in Batam, and i only tip between 50k to 100k (one of which i chase her off after the 3rd shot,hehehe...). My friends who were with me (with another 3 shot rule girl in another room) didnt even bother to tip at all (since most have their OKT to come pick them up after the overnight session).

My conclusion is,the 3 bonk rules isnt really a fix rule. If you open your mouth to ask about it in any booking joint,mami/papi/OKT will tell you its 3 shots, as the one who ask also indirectly tells them that they are a Batam newbie. (cannot be help,most Sillyporean only have a one-straight-path mindset) From the perspective of the Papi/Mami/OKT,i think they might just be saying protecting their girls...but from who? Read on...
My opinion now is that the 3 shot rule is pretty much confirmed. Seeing as that my girl went off almost immediately after the 3rd bonk. Maybe other non-senior bros who go in the near future can try. Bonk your girl 3 times within the first day and see if she still willing to overnight with you

Maybe for senior bros the mammi and papi give you special privilage. But newer girls should by now have know of this rule already so they might still try to run off once you bonk them thrice. My girl was only apparently only start working for 2 weeks so I guess her info should be pretty fresh
Apparently "Once you go black, you can't go back" also applies to guys
Old 02-05-2017, 10:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

FR on Trip from 1/5 to 2/5

Day #1
Took 1150 batamfast (see above for reason), bought cheapo 70k sim card with no data plan and then call silvercab. While waiting had lunch. 1pm Batam time cab came

My initial plan was to go to Permata Indah and get a girl from there that I saw during my lasst trip then check in, but she was not there. Took the silvercab to Goldbird but didn't see any girls I liked so went to Formosa hotel to check in

After drop barang barang, went back to Permata Indah, talked to the papi for a while and after badly describing the girl he said that she is not working. Ended up walk back to hotel and then walk to Happy Massage 8 and also didn't see anything to my liking.

Walked back to hotel and then paid a cab 50k to take me to Goldbird and back, there I just randomly picked 1 girl and went back to hotel.

At hotel bonk her 1 time then after that just lie around and play handphone. Bonk her again at about 5pm batam time and was wondering where to go for dinner when she said that she wanted to go off and will come back only at 8pm batam time, she left her stuff in my room after I ask her for her mammi number in case she never come back.

Her leaving is also helpful to me as I can have the luxury of going to Nagoya Hill Mall jalan jalan, went to supermarket to buy snacks to bring back and also bought that cheap and good goreng pisang in a box with topping from one of the street vendors along the way.

Come back to hotel, it was only about 6+, so rest a bit and then 7.30pm decided to go Alishan KTV to bio the overnight booking girls (they quote me 1.5 juta )

My girl came back at 8.20 and the good thing was that she had already eaten (no need buy dinner for her hehe), lie around somemore then bonk a 3rd time. A short while after the bonk, she said she wanted to leave (see my above post about the 3 bonk rule) so I gave her 50k (she wanted 1000k) and told her to buzz off.

Went to bed not long after

Day #2
Worke up naturally early and went to breakfast, laid around till 11 then walk to Nagoya City Walk Mall (which was lame btw), came back and at 12.30pm went to Permata Indah again to look for that girl.

The OKT show me this girl that wasn't there the day before and said that it was likely the girl I was looking for (Just to detour a bit: I was only booked for 2D1N and I was thinking of extending but wasn't 100% sure yet). The girl seemed to be the one I saw from my last trip, but that time she was smiling and eager and now she's like totally disinterested.

Mood totally killed and I decided to stick with my original plans, instead went to Happy Massage 8 for ST (500k+ 100k tips) with a SYT and then took silvercab to ferry terminal.
Apparently "Once you go black, you can't go back" also applies to guys
Old 02-05-2017, 10:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

anyway thanks to bros nono and hawkeye for the info on Batam, I don't know if I'll ever go back, but I guess it was an experience
Apparently "Once you go black, you can't go back" also applies to guys
Old 02-05-2017, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
With technology nowadays where everyone almost have some sort of cloud account (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google drive), it will help to scan a copy of your travel documents and store it online. In the event that it's lost, you still can recover a copy from your cloud drive.

I think bringing your passport around is mandatory when you travel. Recall the Singaporean who were detained in raids that they don't have their passports with them. Of course, I'm still going to leave my passport in the hotel safe or hotel counter. Can't risk it getting lost.
But at least a government issued document with photo (like our driving license) should be with you all the time.
It should be fairly good to identify you.
Unless the law enforcement officers have others agenda.
Old 02-05-2017, 11:06 PM
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Old 02-05-2017, 11:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
TBH if you have tried both Batamfast and Horizon and strongly prefer Horizon, you must have some reason that I completely don't see
batamfast ferry schedule

horizon ferry schedule

big difference in no. of ferry schedule.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
You see, when I was booking ferry for 2nd trip I tried Horizon first, then turns out I have to go to their counter 1 hour before departure to pay and print boarding pass. And best part of all was their confirmation email took forever to arrive.
old uncle here book ferry ticket for 1st may during 30th apr,it only take less than 12 hr for their confim mail for season. Maybe is old man got more patiece to wait.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
While waiting for their confirmation email, I booked Batamfast, paid online AND printed my departure boarding pass then I forget about Horizon
most sgrean were program to follow rule by rule,old man like me who take horizon many years nvr once arrive 1 hr bfore to collect boarding pass,usually just need abt 30 mins.
Old 02-05-2017, 11:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
As for smoking, if you heng and you get a craft with an open upper deck, you can smoke to your heart's content
how i wish horizon can one day open up smthg like SAF yellow box for smokers.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
I asked them to let me use the phone to call and they said cannot. So want to sneaky sneaky call also hard
i see Formosa receptionist bullying their guest.

Over old man's last nearly 6 years stay in this hotel,nvr once they stop me frm using their phone to make local calls. Nxt week i go there to scold them.
Old 02-05-2017, 11:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
My opinion now is that the 3 shot rule is pretty much confirmed. Seeing as that my girl went off almost immediately after the 3rd bonk. Maybe other non-senior bros who go in the near future can try. Bonk your girl 3 times within the first day and see if she still willing to overnight with you
3 shot rule TRICK not new in btm,but is the after 3 shot attempt to run away that i only hear recently.

1st may was little india day in btm.

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Maybe for senior bros the mammi and papi give you special privilage. But newer girls should by now have know of this rule already so they might still try to run off once you bonk them thrice. My girl was only apparently only start working for 2 weeks so I guess her info should be pretty fresh
sm girl can claim they work for 2 weeks in a joint,they didn't lie,but they just didn't speak the whole truth. After sm joints shut dwn recently, many girls scattered all over,sm may work in other place sm time before,but new to the joint u visit.
Old 03-05-2017, 12:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Unless the law enforcement officers have others agenda.
almost all the time is they have other agenda when they detain sm1 in their station witout a passprt during spotchek. The police already knew those tourist 99% nvr bring passport out before going for them. It is in their written law that tourist MUST able to present a valid original passport upon police spotchek.

Article 71 of the Immigration law no. 6 of 2011 is the basis on which the Immigration officers will justify their actions, in this case under section b).

Article 71

Each Foreigner residing in the Territory of Indonesia is required to:

a). (…) or

b). show (produce) and submit (hand over) his travel document (Passport) and Stay Permit (Kitas/Kitap) if requested by immigration officers on duty in order to supervise Immigration control.

This is very clear:

One is obliged to show his passport and KITAS/KITAP when asked by an Immigration Officer.
If you fail to do so article 116 is the next legislation that will be handled.

Article 116

Each Foreigner who is noncompliant with (does not perform their obligations as stipulated in) Article 71 will be convicted (or shall be punished) with a maximum confinement of 3 (three) months or a fine of up to Rp.25,000,000 (twenty five million rupiah).

Also very clear:

If you cannot show your passport or KITAS/KITAP you will be convicted. Maximum 3 months jail or maximum Rp.25,000,000.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Fasting month and Hari Raya coming soon... I already start getting WA from ex-regular asking me to visit them, cutting wanting to go back kampung.

Cheong on the safe side.
ya,ramadan & hari raya cming. The hungriest ppl in indoland will be all out hunting & tourist is tastiest meat.
Old 03-05-2017, 09:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

guys. need some pointer .

2nd trip to batam tomorrow with a lady friend .

can recommend any nice hotel near nogaya shopping centre ?

its a one day trip ( morning go , evening back ) .

can book online ?
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