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Old 27-03-2016, 09:54 AM
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26th Batam trip
(from 15th March to 17th March 2016)

This March trip,manage to slot one bro in. Sorry to those bros who were not chosen to join me.Part of the reason was due to having a different objective and frequency as a group i was trying to form. I did not plan to go to any of those secret joint/MP i was talking about. Perhaps one day,when fate would allows it,we shall meet.

In reference to my My 25th Batam Trip Summary during CNY.

Everything started off with exactly like the Batam Beginners's guide,so i shall skip the details like how we meet up etc etc.I timed the ferry timing this trip,we hit Harbour Ferry Terminal almost exactly 45 mins from Harbour Bay (to be exact,it is 46.5 min).

1st stop,Kaha...then to our desire hotel. Checked in,some tcss and briefing before heading for lunch at Meximo pub wan tan mee. As usual,i always remembers to ask the bro/s who joined to remember the taste of what they had.

Pic taken from bro Micmac's post

Reason as in they will need to make comparison with another noodle shop later or next day,hehehe...i am collecting info.

Anyway,after the meal,we went "shopping"...

1st stop was JV Happy 8...

2nd stop was Memory...

beside the entrance of Memory hotel is Memory KTV

The bro who joined me after seeing me picked a girl from Memory reversed back to pick a girl he bookmarked from Happy 8 Massage,hehehe...very fast,we found our girls and only visit 2 joints. See how efficient? But fast also means we are missing out on what other joints has to offer...anyway,we still have a 2morow.

Next stop,to massage...i wish to go to massage place not mention in this thread...well,so i reached here :

This place is new,only 3 girls available. 70k per hour,90k for 1.5 hours. The rest never really check. 2 options of special available,HJ was 1st quoted at 300k,bargained to 150k with full strip,full roaming. FJ was quoted at 500k and bargained to 300k,i didnt take that up. Girl is 23 year old,gave birth once before. We exceeded slightly more than an hour so was charged 70k/hr even tho we opted for 1.5 hour massage. Massage quality was semi piano.

Place and premises : New,everything was good and clean (still no hot water).
Girl quality : 3 photos of only 3 girls,only 70% lookalike. 2 of them was sisters
Girls Look : 1 was 8/10,another 7/10 and my girl 6.5/10
Massage quality : Not for massage lovers. i will rate 5/10 for Batam standard,6/10 for Sillypore standard.
Special service : Very accomodating, as i was told.i will rate my girl 7.5/10 overall.

Overall review : 6/10,I wont be RTM anytime soon as this place is still pretty new. page 2

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-03-2016, 09:55 AM
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After massage,walk around a little and found another massage shop nearby :

This place should technically be clean. Its still pretty new...walked in and saw more than half a dozen of baby elephant and a few were MILF...wait, i think spot 1 or 2 semi syt...i may drop by this place to try. I bet prices should be about the same as the above massage place. No harm trying if i happen to pass by this place,hehehe... (looks brand new and sparkling clean to me)

After the massage,we thought of heading for a late lunch but no...we head to top 100 to buy groceries. Bought the necessities...

....except the big bottle of mineral water becos its too heavy to carry. We bought out mineral at the provision shop at the hotel. We bought our CDs there too.

Back to room,rest a bit ,showered and await our girls to arrive. The rest will be OTOT till dinner time.

Received a sms,a bro will be linking up with us up for dinner at Hai Ou 海鸥. I have high expectation of that place becos i have been reading up quite a bit on this place. Price of this place was pretty much local and food was not bad. my favourite non-sea food dish too.

A simple dinner for 5 person costing......

I thought it was 377k rupiah,i was cost 393k rupiah including drink, cigarette etc. I have collected the wrong amount from everyone,hehehe...under collect from everyone by 3.2k rupiah....grrr....the dish was pretty much well done,i believe everyone was filled up before heading back to hotel for our OTOT again. Page 3

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-03-2016, 09:57 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

...continue from page 2

Oh,before i forget,i need to keep a record of this restaurant dish menu before i carry on...and honestly,most of the dish on its menu,i also dont know its meaning in Indo words...but i think it should be good for my future reference. This is after all, a trip summary.

I will figure it out when i am there again.

The next morning,i decide to extend my girl. No need to describe how good or how fantastic she is becos if she isnt,i wont be extending her. I was almost totally girl and myself heads down for the hotel breakfast before i meet up the bro who joined me in my trip to Momo noodle shop for breakfast part 2. Since its a place i doubt this bro has the capability to go alone,so well...anyway,comparing with Meximo pub noodles and Momo,he finds Momo not as good.

Photo taken from bro Micmac's post

The bro who joined me didnt get to extend his girl,so we have to do some "shopping" again. Great,now at least he got a chance to see more girls from elsewhere. 1st stop was New berry,then to Bunga...and then end up picking a 22 year old semi SYT from Gold Bird.

Coincidentally,the girl she pick was a sister of my girl from Memory. Sister as in those same father different mother kind,hehehe....becos we just had 2 parts of breakfast in a short frame of time,it is not advisable for us to go for massage. We pick the bro's girl and head back to room. My girl is suppose to come on her own as she was just heading back to change a new set of clothing. We had a lot of TCSS in the bro's room for a bit before our OTOT session. (sometime,we just have to break the ice a bit with the girls)

When I am back to my room,it was kind of bore just having OTOT...and since it is still considered early noon ,i ask my girl to rest a little while i move around Nagoya area to buy what people in Sillypore ask me buy. In last than an hour,i was back to room where i continue OTOT until dinner time. page 4

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-03-2016, 09:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

...continue from page 3

Dinner was decided to be at A2 Food Court...reason is simple,more variety of food to choose from since the bro who followed me to Batam hasnt been there before. And also,i wish to try the Buaya Satay...

Ok,the photo above were just illustration. I didnt have the Buaya satay becos they ran out of girl order hell lot of things until we cannot finished...seriously,most of what she ordered,we dont really eat...haiz....

Below is one of the look-alike fish she ordered. Already told her dont order our share and yet she....cost 160k+ for this fish. and the bro only ordered this...

Cant really remember who ordered what,but we end up da bao back 10 sticks of pork satay which we still eventually didnt ate.

i imagine if i bring her to Windsor,i can be almost sure i will go bankrupt...lesson learned,never allow the girls to order my food. And luckily,we are at A2 instead and not Windsor.

End of the evening,i pay up around 350k in food,drinks and cigarette which i didnt really know what was really being ate on the dining table. Seems like i didnt have much luck ordering food in A2 food court,hehehe...or the least,i didnt find what i original wish to eat there.

After the disappointing dinner,we head back to our room for the rest of the OTOT for the last night of our trip. page 5

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-03-2016, 10:01 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

...continue from page 4

There was some TCSS in my room for about an hour before we turn in for the night. In my room,since my girl and the bro's girls were sisters,i try to break the ice between the pair,hopefully they have a better night together...but seems like things didnt work out too well for them.

Anyway,the next morning...the lousy girl from Gold Bird was tipped 50k becos of her bad service,came in to my room to make hell lot of noise and of course got scolded by her so-called older sister for giving lousy service (could be an act). I tipped her another 50k before she is willing to leave my room which i told her older sister that i am deducting from her older sister's tips, which i did.

After the ordeal,i can still go for 1 more round before i heading for hotel breakfast. I tipped my girl 300k for her 2 nights with me.

After breakfast,my girl left...and we go back to room to ask for in room massage :

After massage,we rest up/wash up...pack our stuffs and get ready to check out. Head for lunch at Budi Siang Malam chicken rice before heading back to Harbour Bay.

Passing by Jodoh open market in our vehicle...seems like more people are doing business there and the road is becoming more clamp as our vehicle were only be able to move in about 5km /hour...hehehe...

Reached Harbour Bay,did a bit Harbour Bay-walk-about before joining the queue to wait for the ferry gate to open.

Home sweet home thereafter....

~~~~~~~~~~ END OF SUMMARY ~~~~~~~~~~

My thoughts for this trip :

Its nothing fantastic in this trip...i didnt visit any of my secret joints and massage places but i did learned and observed a few things in this trip.

1. I past by places i wish to visit in my next trip

2. i heard booking joints are competing against one another for taxi drivers to bring customers to them by paying as high as 150k per customer in commission.

3. Almost every booking joint uses Bunga to benchmark the high price and compare their so call low prices against them (bunga).

4. If the girl and the guy can click,it will work wonders. But if it doesnt, can be not-so-good. High expectation is not good.

5. Having expectation and having requirement are 2 different things. The girl that are not-good for some can be very good for others.

6. Booking joints has start to increase their prices. Increase as in lesser and lesser of joints are having 600k girls. (got suan by the Memory's new indian-looking mami when i ask for 600k girls)

7. Fire that breaks out in Gold Bird previously (about a month ago) happens on the 2nd floor onward,so 1st floor not affected.

I am looking forward to my next Batam trip,it will be a private trip with some friends with similar frequency as me. I feel the need to affirm something after finish writing this summary in my later trips,hehehe...

Also,there may unlikely be a newbie learning group trip on May/June 2016 too. I need to do something more important 1st,hehehe...something i cannot do if i were to organize newbie group trip.

Ok,i think thats about all i need to record down in my 26th Batam trip summary on 15th to 17th March 2016.


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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 27-03-2016, 10:01 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Im thinking of flying to Jakarta from this a good idea?
Or better come back Sg n depart from changi airport.....?
Old 27-03-2016, 10:36 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

If you're in Batam on route to Jkt think it's more cost worthy as same country.
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Old 27-03-2016, 10:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Walao... Nono post food pics makes me sibei hungry
Old 27-03-2016, 11:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Was wondering how come u didnt have her contacts (from bunga) before you came to batam.

How much u paid for the cewek from berry? Is the price hike the same during CNY 2016? (If you happen to ask the gal) cos during that time a 1.2k cewek was going for 1.6k (which I gladly pass).

Price hikes during peak season is 1 of the many reasons I dont go to batam. Thank you for answering the questions and as always I enjoy reading your FR
Got her HP number but longer in used when I tried dialing/smsing , I guess messaging apps are more trustworthy.

I paid 1.5 for mine bargained from 1.6. Previously a friend took her at 1.3(from 1.5)the previous trip for the same girl on non peak season , another cons for going on peak lor. I felt that I could cut another 100k as the Papi shows signs of hesitation then suddenly people came in in groups. I can't afford to be choosy because of the limited selections with other customers vie-ing for the same.(I don't want to sleep alone at night nor I want to force myself to take Milfs or meaty ones which doesn't suit me)

Couldn't be worse then CNY I think , price hikes occurs when demand is high which I believed CNY is much higher.

Thankfully this cewek likes me and I again had another one hell of a night , she's a different kind than before , more like a sticky girlfriend that cuddle and kisses the whole night. Very easy for me to initiate bonk at anytime. Most importantly I slept well with her without waking up at every 1-2 hours interval, this time learn smart and add her wechat liao , giving myself more choices.
Old 27-03-2016, 11:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

1st stop was JV Happy 8...


After massage,walk around a little and found another massage shop nearby :

This place should technically be clean. Its still pretty new...walked in and saw more than half a dozen of baby elephant and a few were MILF...wait, i think spot 1 or 2 semi syt...i may drop by this place to try. I bet prices should be about the same as the above massage place. No harm trying if i happen to pass by this place,hehehe... (looks brand new and sparkling clean to me)
This place is in Jodoh?
Any landmarks around? There is address there.....but....not much use for
Old 27-03-2016, 12:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Im thinking of flying to Jakarta from this a good idea?
Or better come back Sg n depart from changi airport.....?
If U're already in Batam, it makes more sense to fly from Hang Nadim Airport... It'll cost abt 1.1juta for a return ticket on Lionair, and about 10-15% more on Batik Air, but you get a meal (albeit a crappy one) and in-flight entertainment..

Between Lionair, Batik Air, Citilink and Garuda, there's like 8-10 flights to JKT daily.

No point spending 48 bucks on ferry back to SG and another 25 bucks cabbing to Changi Aiport
Old 27-03-2016, 12:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
If U're already in Batam, it makes more sense to fly from Hang Nadim Airport... It'll cost abt 1.1juta for a return ticket on Lionair, and about 10-15% more on Batik Air, but you get a meal (albeit a crappy one) and in-flight entertainment..

Between Lionair, Batik Air, Citilink and Garuda, there's like 8-10 flights to JKT daily.

No point spending 48 bucks on ferry back to SG and another 25 bucks cabbing to Changi Airport
Thank you.

I plan to spent a few days in Batam, then fly off to JKT.
I guess LionAir should be ok....
Wonder which is a better method to buy the tickets?
Online ?
Old 27-03-2016, 03:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Thank you.

I plan to spent a few days in Batam, then fly off to JKT.
I guess LionAir should be ok....
Wonder which is a better method to buy the tickets?
Online ?
Yes, buying online seems to be the cheapest method..

Alternatively, if U're feeling lazy or don't have a credit card, can always buy from the many travel agencies in Batam... Pricing is maybe abt 5-10% higher than buying it online..
Old 27-03-2016, 03:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Yes, buying online seems to be the cheapest method..

Alternatively, if U're feeling lazy or don't have a credit card, can always buy from the many travel agencies in Batam... Pricing is maybe abt 5-10% higher than buying it online..
Thank you....I think already have all the info I need.
Old 27-03-2016, 06:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

FR for a 3d2n stay in Batam on 25th to 27th March.

Arrived at packed Harbour Front departure hall for Horizon's 13:15 ferry which was delayed for 20-30 mins or so. Ferry was full.

Upon arrival walk out of Harbour Bay to grab a taxi for RP25k to Sederhana nasi padang across Harmoni hotel. Pay RP295 for 4 paxs. Then walked 5 mins to Planet Hotel which was prebooked thru Agoda for a mere $56. It was cheap compared to their prices of $100 plus during their hay days. Room came with a king size bed and bath tub but without breakfast. Check in/out was a breeze. Stay overall was pleasant.

After check in rest a bit then head to Nagoya Hill shopping to walk around and grab some drinks and tidbits. New Nagoya Hill hotel us just a stone throw away from the mall but it's a $100 a night.

23:30hrs went to Pacific disco. Music was loud and lotsa ppl doing their head banging. Yes there are still dancers which came on ard 2 and 3 am. Dancers were on the meaty side and no so jio looking. Place was abt 30% filled. Got one or two gals try to urge a pick up but really CMI types. Left ard 5pm and paid taxi RP50k (midnight charge I think)

Next day woke up at 4pm and went to Sports massage at RP295k per pax. Massage was good and manage to ease some aching pains n joints.

Proceed to Marine Live Seafood for dinner. Bill came to RP920 for 4 paxs. Dissapointly the crabs, garoupa and fried squid are very small compared to other seafood places for these pricing.

Guess some bros are rite when they say prices are erratic and tend to be more since it's made famous now by SBF. Will definitely give marine live a skip on my future trips.
Took a taxi back for RP25k back to Planet. Then spend the whole night in the room doing the do.

Last day woke up n went for lunch at Nagoya Hill food point which users a pre payment top up card which I think is quite troublesome.
Bros are encourage to guess the amount and top up when necessary as the card requires a minimum RP5K balcance.

Journey ended at 1400 for a ferry back to Singapore.
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