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Old 13-05-2019, 02:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Sick of using IndoHome TV n data package.
Just Switched over to CableTV for my tv needs..
So, i suppose you already got your cable TV, hence i shant post much about it. I have seen Harbour Boutique hotel using one of such which i find pretty cool, in fact i find it is the coolest one among all batam hotels i have stayed in before,hehehe...

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Need to fix up my home data needs.
Remember nono n Blackpage hv some write up on MiFi
I tried but can't do searching on my btm phone....
The 2017 post on andromax is dead (its photos) and outdated. So here's the 2018 one where i buy my 2nd andromax.

Not much of an information on the link, hence i am adding more below for your reference ,as i have already bought my 3rd and 4th usb wifi router in Batam.

At this point, you might wish to ask, why buy so many?

1. I buy to test,remember i cut up one piece (the white one,hehehe..) just for jailbreaking reason/s.

2. Each USB wifi router normally last about a year (for me) which i learned later due to its battery being bloated due to over charging. It still works but well, i couldnt cover up the device properly and completely anymore. A new non-original battery cost around 250k rupiah, but that device cost me 350k rupiah, so i might as well buy a new one.

3. Trying out other brands of device out of curiosity (the Airtel device can be use in Singapore and most other parts of the world).

4. Trying out other brands of sim cards (Telkomsel Sim card dont work inside an Andromax device,for your info).

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Can kindly point me to yours write up or if there is any new product or service update could pls let me know.
I have altogether bought 3 Andromax (comes with smartfren sim card) and 1 Airtel (from Telkomsel with sim). My 1st and 2nd AndroMax (which you read om the above link) were the same model, all of which were bought in Batam (in fact, all my USB router aka Mifi device i am using in Batam were bought in Batam)

If you plan is to use it in Batam or Indonesia only, i would recommend Andromax,hehehe...reason as in, its cheaper. My 1st and 2nd Andromax were the same model ,its old. The cost is 350k inclusive of sim card. You can try your luck find it in either DC Mall (ask around the shops there) or Nagoya Hill Mall computer shops which is almost beside Century Pharmacy that is opposite Sakura Massage/Hotel.

On the photo above, the 2 Andromax in RED box were my 1st 2 andromax model. Few months ago, i bought a new one which is in purple box. Its a more advance model with LCD screen, but the price is around 550k rupiah (if i did not remember wrong, i paid 500k rupiah for one).

Note here that i am still talking solely on Andromax now, my 3rd USB wifi router were actually from Airtel and using Telkomsel, 4th one is the new Andromax on purple box on photo above.

Below is the price plan for Andromax :

...and in the event you ran out of data due to miscalculation :

Over the years i have been using Andromax, i rarely goes beyond 100k rupiah but max is pegged at 150k rupiah at best. The data is accumulative, meaning if you dont finish it this month, it will be brought over to the next month.

Note here again that what is stated on the above table do not include other promo from the sim card itself. When i buy a brand Andromax that time, there was yet another promo that when i add 60k rupiah top up, i get extra 10 GB data or something more. So there might be slight changes to such promo, so better to check with the retailer before committing to the purchase.

It should go something like that :

Below is roughly whats inside the box of the usb wifi router aka mifi. Well, thats the same as what i have in my Andromax box too.

Ok, this is so much for Andromax, or the least, the basics were here.

Recently there was another one which i planned to try out at a later time and that one is from Indosat which selling from entrance of Arrival Hall.

Out from Arrival hall after your luggage is being scanned ,on the right-hand side of UPON stepping out (as what i have told bro Blackpage) of that HALL, there is a shop selling the same device which is not Andromax brand at 500k rupiah. The Sim card is from Indosat M3 and the USB wifi device (aka mifi) that comes with it , as according to the male shopkeeper can be use in Singapore too. And i just assume it can be use with other Indonesia sim card since Singapore sim card can be used.

I wish to try later on to see if it can work for Telkomsel sim card (since shopkeeper says it should work in Singapore), but until then i have no other information as yet.

I already have Airtel for Telkomsel but Airtel is expensive, costing 800k rupiah with a Indo sim card. Singapore selling it at about S$58 w/o a sim. If the Indosat M3 one at Arrival Hall works, then i would use that as my spare. The Airtel one, i use it in Singapore instead of Indonesia but i could still just buy an Indo Sim card and insert it in to use it in the event Andromax is out.

I just found a price list comparison :

For my own collective info.

Just sharing and hope it helps.

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Old 13-05-2019, 05:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
2. Each USB wifi router normally last about a year (for me) which i learned later due to its battery being bloated due to over charging.

3. Trying out other brands of device out of curiosity (the Airtel device can be use in Singapore and most other parts of the world).

4. Trying out other brands of sim cards (Telkomsel Sim card dont work inside an Andromax device,for your info).
My wifi router is ZTE, 4G, and I have been using in all countries of the world where I have been without a single problem. It's about 3 years old, and its battery is still working as new, able to keep my surfing and being online outdoor for one full day (even playing Pokemon Go for few hours while I walk around).
Avoid overcharging, but probably Andromax has a low-quality circuit that controls charging. You should have no problems in leaving the device under charging for the whole night, every day you want to use it, as the circuit disconnects charging once the battery is charged.

My advice is:
1) Forget Andromax, too much hassle with SIM cards of other operators, probably a low quality or low capacity battery, locked to a single operator.
2) Buy a wifi router of a high-quality producer (ZTE, Huawei, ...) even if it costs more. Buy a 4G, do not opt for a 3G to spend less, and be sure it is unlocked and it works with SIM cards of ANY operator in ANY country.
3) Choose the SIM card from the operator that gives you the best performance, even if it costs a couple of dollars more

Of course, my remarks in my previous posts still hold. I would not buy a wifi mobile router for having Internet access at home.
Old 13-05-2019, 07:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

What's the exchange rate in batam?
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 13-05-2019, 09:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

anyone in Batam on the long weekend?
Old 14-05-2019, 12:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you for breaking your cost down, week a trip S$200, then one month S$800 (base on once a week). Not a bad deal...
Lol, i was trying to compare yr cost of fun in btm as to mine. It depends on wat kind of fun i am looking for, my cost can spike if i'm looking at somthing more exotic in btm.

When i get those girls, massage service is auto covered as part of the deal ,therefore i don't need to visit mp again on that day. I then saved that part out. It's been a few months already.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
At least you save on hotel room variance charges right? Which i suppose is higher than the transport cost for 2 way Ferry terminal to Hotel.
I don't like the idea of getting nailed in one place all the time. Convenience is another thing, who'll make my bed for me & top up my toiletries? Clean the room & all that?

I'm still not comfortable with the girls or any other stranger that walks in & out of my rented room freely. Especially so if i am not in.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Which is why most who shared FRs adds a GFE factor, and even have PSE and an old uncle taught me about OWE when i 1st started Batam,hehehe...and i have been talking about it since day 1.
Btw, where's old uncle? I didn't see him for a while.

Hope he's still well & going strong.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
It really depends on what you are looking for in Batam. Some like clubbing, some didnt. Some like KTVs, while some like to book overnight girls in booking girls and then TCSS inside room to groom a relationship,hehehe...not forgetting there will be some who likes the "mix and match" too. In general, there are many type of supplies to meet different demands in Batam. Just like every human tends to share things differently in their own way.
Can't agree more.

Next time you in btm, i'll just follow u through. I think everytime u announce u going btm publicly, u sure to be very busy on those days u are there.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
By now, i should have brought no less than 300 living humans to Batam. And among these around 300, about 50% didnt have a night life in Singapore. They dont drink, dont smoke, and were mostly in the more educated generation,hehehe... i didnt have those exact stats today, but many i knew like yourself got stuck there in Batam already. And they can now be on their own (meaning they already can visit Batam on their own w/o a buddy).
Many may have come, but not many shares the same perception like us do. Not every scene is suitable to fit everyone. There are just too many kind of varieties just for 1 or 2 trips of 3d2n to finish in btm. If i didn't follow u & ice around long enough, i probably wouldn't have found my fun either.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Then on average should cost your about S$740 then. Good for you on the long run. Can pay S$0.50, why the need to pay S$1 for the same apple? Hehehe...those paying S$1 for a S$0.50 apple were usually the same people who claim that Batam is more expensive.
$170 is just basic fun in btm for me. Can still be lowered from hotel rm but wat's the point in that? It'll just reduce my fun factor there.

Weekly per 2D1N a month is $680. I think it's good enough.

The girls keep telling me to stay in those 200k rm a nite hotel, citing the receptionists were their friends from the same village. I'm still thinking, you know wat i mean here rite? It'll be the receptionists i'll be looking at & not the pricing of the hotel rm.

I can't go ask the girls if the receptionists is pretty,they'll be jealous. Need to play tactical on this one.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Like i said earlier, supplies must also meet the right person who demands it. If i am a night life person or a KTV person, i found one of those places you frequent in Batam, i might not even bother to share it here since its really unimportant to me.
Quite true. It's just like i'm sharing fun here with no location. So far i've brought a handful of colleagues here to btm & some of them already love it down the core, while some hates it, one even vow never to return .

My conclusion is that, there isn't a one size fits all guiding to all. U might equip them with the basics, the rest is up to them to find what fit them best. Like u often said, the most suitable is often the best.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Which is why i said in the past, i am looking for friends in Batam who shared the similar favor of cake. And i already found many in the years i was there.
Most time, i'm on solo mode. May occasionally meet up for coffee with likeminded bros & friends who were already regularly there just to exchange info or compare notes. Like u said here before, each of us only have one dick, & by sharing, we can put our one & only into the best rightful place.
Old 14-05-2019, 07:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
What's the exchange rate in batam?
Old 15-05-2019, 09:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hehehe...looks like people online are dying to clear their over-stocked 2-way orange Horizon ferry ticket that are expiring on 31st May 2019,hehehe...and at S$30 (i believe that guy/lady is selling it at a below cost price,hehehe...).

Interest party can simply go to one of the Singapore's online market place to search under Horizon Ferry ticket (google it). And by the way, its open ticket. But the setback is , its expiring on 31st May 2019. I dont need it cos i already bought quite a lot of those orange tickets in Batam already ,but at around S$37 hence dont wish to over commit myself. Its a good deal...but only for frequent Batam travelers who can travel to Batam before expiring date of ticket/s.

Once a while, online will have such good deal,just not so often.

Enjoy your Batam trips.


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Old 16-05-2019, 08:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by HeatguyAlvin View Post
I manage to change 10450 only.. That's bad.. Anyone at batam now?
Old 16-05-2019, 11:34 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
wah, u lucky man brother, the btm gers all wil cook 4 u free...recently in btm, weather smtime hot smtime cold, reli gif me a bit headache due 2 weather...but instead of giving me headache med, she ask me drink the drink on pigture claim more healthy wor....

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she a beer sales girl in some food courts?

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
...then all of sudden, she aso got a headache i use my ownself method below 2 solve her

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this method is 100% works 4 almost all my gers!!!

so nw we no owe ea other

pigture posted is 4 my ownself 2 spice up imagine onli hor, plz no pm me ask me where can find tose gers in btm hor.
most bking joint will open front door after 7pm, whereas back door will still be available during the fasting timing of the day. i think their business must be not so good during this mth.

up to 1030pm i still see sm bking joints front opened & they still have girls in it. U coming this LWE? I'll be there.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...looks like people online are dying to clear their over-stocked 2-way orange Horizon ferry ticket that are expiring on 31st May 2019,hehehe...and at S$30 (i believe that guy/lady is selling it at a below cost price,hehehe...).
i will keep those that expires 30 jun & use the 1 i bought from that guy first. He doesn't have much leftover, just a few pieces of it.

thx for the info.
Old 17-05-2019, 03:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
up to 1030pm i still see sm bking joints front opened & they still have girls in it. U coming this LWE? I'll be there.
Seems like it's a good time to go this week end as 20/21 should be their ramadhan mid.

i'm going there this sat.
Old 18-05-2019, 01:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I’m another newbie to Batam market. Will be there this evening.

Is A Formosa still the best hotel for newbie?
Where are the joints where I can get to book young overnight girls?
1. Gold Bird
2. New Berry
3. Bunga Massage
4. Permata Indah
5. Happy 8 Massage
6. Hawaii Karaoke
Old 18-05-2019, 01:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone can recommend me a great place to eat crabs
I use to patronise Red Crab at Nogoya Mall last time but unfortunately, they close down. From then onwards, I only tried Wey Wey and 933 so far. So I do not know where else have very nice tasty chilli crab liao... LOL

Maybe I can try here too -
Old 18-05-2019, 01:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by johnnytlong View Post
I’m another newbie to Batam market. Will be there this evening.

Is A Formosa still the best hotel for newbie?
Where are the joints where I can get to book young overnight girls?
1. Gold Bird
2. New Berry
3. Bunga Massage
4. Permata Indah
5. Happy 8 Massage
6. Hawaii Karaoke
Wow, you have a good list of joint. Will be there this evening too....
Old 18-05-2019, 01:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Is this guide any good.
Old 18-05-2019, 01:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sex hunter View Post
im now at batam,any joint is open tis hour i afternoon went all close or can reconment massage with special.
I am new to this thread and to Batam. Going for a trip with some guys.

We will be sharing room, so no overnight booking.

Any kind bros, can give me some shop names for massage with special and charges?? I think on the only place I can get release is in massage.......

Thanks in advance.
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