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Old 10-09-2019, 01:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Not splashing cold water about batam properties.

This building have been in the same state for at least 1 year already.
Which is why i am still looking out closely,hehehe...well of course, other than the Formosa Residence that is almost done up.

I am actually also looking at those shop house type that were built beside Formosa Residence when i took those photos.

One of the reason i hear from the locals about those type of abandoned tall building blocks that were built halfway and hang down there is becos of the local government. I dont know how to describe its situation but in my own words, the local governing body wants some share of "everything",developer/s cant afford to comply.

At 1st anyone would have thought that developer goes busted but the locals tell me ,not true. The authorities has been "picking bones" until the project has to be abandoned. Anyway, its just hearsay...i just listen with one ear out. One of my main concern about buying too tall a building block or not? Will stay halfway collapse or not?

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
In batam, how fast the building is build depend on the sales of property. If happen to buy an apartment that is slow in selling, then have to wait long long for it to complete.
Note taken on this one.

If that were the case, all the more i need to be extra careful with my future property purchase in Batam.

Thank you.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 10-09-2019, 01:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Tis one puzzle me. If other vehicles can pick up tamu at the Harbourbay terminal, then why cant we bok grab driver? I mean the car just like normal car...not those taxi model. No one really know tats a grab car unless they have a big sticker on the car? And i can be discreet and ask them to pick me up somewhere but still within the terminal premises, no?
This is exactly what i have been saying all along (or ranting about in one of my post reply to bro BFOMF5) :

Online taxis, Hotel taxis (those w/o hotel logo) and mafia taxis can look quite similar in just TOO many ways.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Actually i dont totally blame those mafia taxi touts, the tourist or those using the online taxi apps were partly to blame too. They know they will get threatened or be getting into trouble with mafia taxi touts if they order taxi online in Indonesia. And when they planned to do that, they actually do it so OPENLY in public, holding their mobile phone, moving about with the apps opened up in PUBLIC places allowing the taxi touts to know (and see) they are ordering online taxis.
The whole thing about those taxi touts aka mafia taxis can be simplify and didnt have to turn out so violently :

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Ordering a taxi online is actually very simple. Grab a taxi, remember their car number, their car model/color, keep phone inside pocket and wait for the taxi. Hehehe...for me i would light a cigarette walk around to wait. By almost the end of my smoke, my taxi arrived. There is no need to keep holding my phone to see/track where the driver is (even if driver cancel my order, can always get another one in another 10 mins time).

Complicated? Yes, mainly for tourists (I think) who lacks common sense.
Its simple logic made complicated and usually its the ignorance of these kind of above mentioned tourist that brings trouble to the online taxi drivers. They were the ones getting beat up, and/or have their vehicles turned over, set on fire etc etc. Usually the tourist were able to get away with it becos of some "hidden regulations" between business owners in the area and the mafia taxi touts. But they werent gonna go easy for those online taxi drivers.

Try standing from the Batam online taxi driver's perspective, and imagining you are one of them, do you DARE pick up "ignorant tourist" from Nagoya Hill Mall or any ferry terminal? Answer is pretty much obvious,right...hehehe...

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Grab and other taxis a tourist booked "online" via smart phone apps were not allowed unless its at designated area (which is often out-of-the-way).

If not wrong, even Blue Bird an Silver Cab which are operating by meter werent allowed in similar designated area ,like those that of online taxis (Grab or Go Car) in Batam. I can understand the plight of the Blue Bird and Silver becos Blue Bird taxi is in blue and Silver cab is Silver in colour. The obvious colors tell them apart. But Grab taxis and GoCar looks just like those touting taxis hence they gotta the upperhand, hehehe...

Hotel taxis however has all along been allowed to pick up their customer/s anywhere.
All in all, as i look at it from the whole picture so far, taxi stand within convenient location for tourist infested area were SPECIALLY made/reserve for taxi drivers (mafia taxis) who paid "tax",hehehe...these "tax" obviously do not go directly into the governing body's wallet or to any government department.

Mafia taxi = pay "tax"

Online Taxi = didnt pay "tax"

Quite similar to Singapore whereby Grab/Gocar/Uber cannot park (and wait) at designated taxi stands that were convenient for tourists/passengers.

In the case of Batam, due to their dis-organisation, not many can tell apart mafia taxis over online taxis. Which is why i read news in Indonesia that mafia taxi driver/tout often mistaken private car drivers as online taxi. They end up getting into some trouble.

(news of this Indo guy going to airport to pick up his family from airport but due to mistakenly taken as online taxi, has gotten his car flip over)

So, this goes to say that even the taxi touts couldnt 100% tells if a vehicle is an online taxi or not,hehehe...

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Old 10-09-2019, 01:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Just thinking out loud... Just for the record. I am not trying to save. Just like BP said just a pathetic rp10k. But matter of principle. I dont really like taking those supir from Harbourbay.
Different country different culture hence different practice. Understand them before travelling would often gets me further on the road.

Every dollar and cents counts for me and i pick the solution that best suits me.

The only place i do not take taxi from is Nagoya Hill Mall tho,hence i only visit this mall either when i stayed in a hotel near it. Or, if there is a shuttle service from the particular hotel i stayed in that goes there. Other than that, its a no-go for me, unless well...hehehe...a friend with me paying the fare.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Even before entry of grab services i always took hotel car/van ( not cheap) to Harbourbay terminal.
Before the entry of Grab/Uber/Gocar, i use :

1st few years : I hire a full day taxi, that covers me for 2D1N at 250k/300k rupiah.

Next few years : i use hotel taxi shuttle, which is often FREE

Today, i continue to use hotel taxis but i wouldnt mind paying 30k rupiah at Harbour Bay to go to anywhere within Nagoya area. From Ferry Terminal to Hotel, if i can only make one choice between :

1. Online Taxi (Bluebird and Silver Cab included)

2. Conventional taxi

3. Hotel Taxi

I pick number 3, hotel taxi anytime,hehehe...

Many reasons, one of it is safety which is my in number 1 on the list. 2nd would be...its FREE! The best thing in life is free,hehehe...but i am not so stingy like what most Batam girls say about me,hehehe....i still tip between 10k to 20k rupiah upon reaching hotel to them (hotel taxi driver) if its an unfamiliar face or when the distance is very far off, eg. going from hotel to Hang Nadim airport.

3rdly, i feel like a novelty with the taxi driver holding out a sign board with my name on it at the ferry terminal Arrival Hall...the hotel driver would help carry those uncles and aunties luggage too,hehehe... 4th, i get to laugh last at the tourist/s waiting for taxis at the taxi stand, "see! i pay zero rupiah and you have to pay 30k rupiah for a taxi ride",hehehe...

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
U tour guide for uncles/aunties ya? One day uncle Aaron also wish to join ur group lah.
Yes, but in small group of 2 to 4 person mainly and the tour was more like a friendship trip with no "real money" involved (not going to elaborate that part). I remember once there was this hawker center committee who ask me to bring 151 people to Batam, but i have to push it to some tour agent instead becos the crowd is way too big for me to handle alone,hehehe...i dont have that kind of head better not wear that kind of hat.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
But is true...especially those from PG. For them 5 mins walk can be a challenge.
I didnt know that until i brought 2 elderly aunties together in a group of 7 in the past. The 2 couldnt walk fast enough, hence dragging down the entire group. Thats walking from Harbour Bay Ferry terminal to Harbour Bay Mall, and i have to tag behind in their foot speed to make sure i leave no one behind hence making me extra tired during that trip. To me, its a "failed" trip even tho they seems to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves (becos they say they want to go again and with me to lead). I said failed becos i did not plan it well enough on that one. Tho they have never blamed me, but i still feel guilty.

From that day onward, any aunties and uncles who joined me in my Batam trips, i will get those respective hotels to come pick us all up without hesitation, regardless of distance.

PS : That time, whole group of 7 (excluding myself), 4 were from pioneer generation, the rest all collect their Senior Citizen card already. But only 2 has walking issues, one needs a walking stick. i end the trip with a last part program of a 1 hour foot reflexology in a MP room with only 10% light,meaning its almost pitch dark. All 7 of them dozed off in that one hour (can even hear them snore,hehehe..). So can imagine how tired they were during that trip.

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Old 10-09-2019, 02:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

[QUOTE=mdsbmh;19182462]3D2N Weekday Trip FR(2 Person)
Hotel Massage -> 500k include tax

the price seems like have special, full job or hand job or really clean massage for 500k

Michat ->600k
seems like michat ala wechat not so recommend
Old 10-09-2019, 04:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

newbie here, normally buy ticket to which ferry terminal are better? batam center or habour bay? thanks!
Old 10-09-2019, 06:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by workshop0709 View Post
newbie here, normally buy ticket to which ferry terminal are better? batam center or habour bay? thanks!
Look at the map.
I assume you will be spending most of your activities in Nagoya, and you will have a room in hotel in Nagoya.
If that is the case, NO WAY I would recommend a friend to take a ferry to Batam Center. Go to Harbour Bay.

Some "hard savers" here may prefer to go to Batam Center, because the ticket is often cheaper. Even if you can save $10 or $20 on that ticket, you must take into account also the taxi fare BC-Nagoya, more expensive than HB-Nagoya, and that a taxi ride BC-Nagoya takes at least half an hour, while HB-Nagoya takes 5 minutes.

Personally, I would NEVER opt for BC to save $10. My time and comfort have way more value. (but someone counts the single SGD, so you have the option to choose)
Old 10-09-2019, 08:37 PM
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Talking Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just came back recently. Took ferry from Harbourfront to Harbourbay. After clearing customs tried something different and book Grabcar Plus. Costs just 13k to my hotel hehehe... the problem is i had to walk all the way outside to Pertamina Petrol Station to avoid the mafia taxis.

Once reach hotel book Grabfood and had nasi padang for 33k. Went to Circle K and stock up on supplies after that. I RTF my previous cewek and after TCSS had 1st shot. Decided to watch movie at Grand Batam later.

Took Grab for 11k to Grand Batam. The mall is huge and clean because just opened this April. Decided to watch Makmum which is really popular in SG/MY until full house but empty in Batam hehehe... took couple seats for 42k each and bought snack platter, large popcorn and drinks. Total is just 260k, cheaper than BCS Mall cinema which is 340k.

To those who watched the movie already, there is 1 random jumpscare where the protagonist checks the cabinet. It made my cewek cried and i nearly throw my popcorn across the theatre hehehe... in SG i hate horror movies but when with cewek hugging me suddenly brave hehehe...

Went to BCS Mall via Grab and went to Monic Karaoke on top floor. Book a small room for 80k for 2 hours. There was a promotion 2 hours get 1 hour free so total 3hours. To be honest the room was not on par with SG standards. I'v seen better rooms during my cheonging days in Booking Joints KTV rooms. But it was cheap though with drinks costs just 180k.

Once reach hotel had 2nd shot and went to sleep. Morning had another shot and off she goes i'm single again hehehe... went for hotel breakfast to recharge my battery then get ready for check out. Took Grabcar Plus for 13k to Harbourbay for ferry to Sillypore. Enjoyed my trip and now have a fetish for horror movies to watch with cewek hehehe...
Old 10-09-2019, 09:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

SGD like weaken alot
against baht, rupiah and dong
Old 10-09-2019, 10:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by mdsbmh View Post
Day 1.
1. Took the 9am Ferry From Harbourfront. Reach Batam around 11.
Considering the 1 hour difference of time zones, if you leave HF at 9am, normally you arrive to HB at 9am WIB.
Was it a cruise around Riau Islands or a direct ferry?

Originally Posted by mdsbmh View Post
we change 800$. Harbourfront rate was 10800.
I second the doubts already expressed by others. This number looks wrong (10.100-10.200 today).
Old 10-09-2019, 10:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by yaz86 View Post
Once reach hotel book Grabfood and had nasi padang for 33k. Went to Circle K and stock up on supplies after that. I RTF my previous cewek and after TCSS had 1st shot.
Hi. Mind sharing contact of your cewek? I read about how bad their attitudes might be. So just thought better go with someone who has had a good experience.
Old 11-09-2019, 01:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Considering the 1 hour difference of time zones, if you leave HF at 9am, normally you arrive to HB at 9am WIB.
Was it a cruise around Riau Islands or a direct ferry?

I second the doubts already expressed by others. This number looks wrong (10.100-10.200 today).
not to sure why. but the man gave me 10800 for 1$. (probably a way to get customer? he didn't use the internet rate given to him, but he just show me the rate on a calculator and i agree to change with him.)

Originally Posted by mdsbmh View Post
3D2N Weekday Trip FR(2 Person)
Hotel Massage -> 500k include tax

the price seems like have special, full job or hand job or really clean massage for 500k

Michat ->600k
seems like michat ala wechat not so recommend
try at ur own risk, request a video call would be good. i only ask for photo. xD

for massage wise is pure clean massage. the girl was called fiqah if i spell her name correctly.
Old 11-09-2019, 01:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

Mafia taxi = pay "tax"

Online Taxi = didnt pay "tax"
Mafia Taxi have pay "Antrian Fee"

In order to have the right to Q for taking passangers in that area, they need to pay a big sum to the property's owner. For Harbourbay, 4 years ago is about 5juta. Now have a company handling, should be higher.
Thats the reason why they have the right for not allowing online taxi to share their rice bowl there.
Old 11-09-2019, 02:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Mafia Taxi have pay "Antrian Fee"

In order to have the right to Q for taking passangers in that area, they need to pay a big sum to the property's owner. For Harbourbay, 4 years ago is about 5juta. Now have a company handling, should be higher.
Thats the reason why they have the right for not allowing online taxi to share their rice bowl there.
Indeed. Calling them "mafia" is unfair, I believe.
They are a group of workers (small entrepreneurs), who pay a fee to work in that place (a privileged place, because it is right at the outlet of passengers who have just disembarked), and therefore cannot be happy if someone else, who does not participate to paying that collective fee, enters and takes their business.

If providing taxi service in an area requires paying a fee, and this is regulated by a contract or some law, then those who do not pay that fee are not legitimate providers there, period.

Personally, I never took a taxi within Nagoya Hill area in my life, and I take a taxi from Harbour Bay parking to Formosa because of my luggage, fully aware that I am paying more than outside.
It's the price to pay for the additional comfort. Fair enough.
Old 11-09-2019, 02:33 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Which is why i am still looking out closely,hehehe...well of course, other than the Formosa Residence that is almost done up.
Both Bliss
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and Formosa Residence
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are TATA's Projects..: eek

Last edited by Hurricane88; 11-09-2019 at 03:43 PM.
Old 11-09-2019, 03:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Wine001 View Post
Hi. Mind sharing contact of your cewek? I read about how bad their attitudes might be. So just thought better go with someone who has had a good experience.
His good experience does not guarantee you will have a good experience.
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