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Old 29-06-2017, 11:25 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
5 5 5
Rabbit does not eat grass near their nest.
More like mostly din't like the idea of shitting @ where they eat.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
GL is what I consider too near to home.
KS(& PC across the road)that most Pioneer Generation visit too.
GL i belief it's mean Geylang,KS is keong saik street & PC is pearl ctr.

pioneer gen nwaday rich liao loh,where got still go keong siak street,mayb they got go petain & geylang. Go 2 keong siak nw 4 onli old time sake.

In hokkien, pioneer card holder aso mean 'pie mia ka' (bad life leg)

Mani collect CPF aso got go btm leh. Nxt mth july, mani 'pie mia ka' & young men collect their GST voucher liao,btm gng 2 be surely crowded

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
GL goers classify KS+PC as cheap old-folk-home.

While the PG called GL, the expansive children's playground.
i tink got 1 bro leekwantew here signature got a petain map tat i saw b4. Finally found it 2 share it here.

petain aso abt simple cheap fuck la...

ai ya,siao liao,... tis part out of topic liao..
Old 29-06-2017, 02:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...much often in my Batam trips,i always like to ask how much would a certain meal cost at a certain,other than you and the bros who were with you that day,make a guess how much would this meal cost in a restaurant at Nagoya Hill Mall?

Not a Michelin-starred quality kind of food but still,its tasty-enough food for the mortal beings like myself, hehehe... now ,to give everyone a clue below :

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I eat to live,and the ambience is definitely good during those hours for my lunch. I like the place quiet there,can also smoke inside and there was no other living soul other than the staffs (except myself and my girl ,of course). So it makes me feel like a VIP that day. Me and my girl were the only 2 customers in this restaurant at the point of our meals and the tabled food pictured was meant for 2 person.
Yea,2 pax eating at a touristy area in an air-con restaurant at abt 75k is still justifiably cheap. U notice the Chinese restaurant in that same row closed shop? The same restaurant u brought those auntie & uncle to eat, rber?

Recently go btm need to be met with the rite timing. The place with the most girls after 3rd week of Ramadan was btm's airport.

I only quoted part of yr post & not the entire piece.
Old 29-06-2017, 02:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
ya name bar behind harmoni hotel can b quite fun @ up 2 its name indeed.
Let me just add,Harmoni hotel is also a 4 starred hotel that is near to NED. NED stands for Nagoya Entertainment District.

Just don't mix it up with their other 4 starred hotel branch, Harmoni Suite & Harmoni One.
Old 29-06-2017, 07:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Dun wear or bikini is the best.....
FKK clubs in Germany!! Hehe.
Old 29-06-2017, 07:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Not sure which version of layer cake you are asking,so i shall try to reply as best as i could. Diana brand of normal Kueh lapis cost 125k rupiah for half kilo. The prune version cost 150k for half kilo. Below picture for your reference :

photo below was base on 1kg pricing,divide by 2 for half kilo

The Tea Story version one on my 38th summary cost about 120k to 130k rupiah depending on the type of Kueh Lapis they sell. Again,below picture for your further reference :

Thanks nono for the info. I find it quite affordable. I didnt know there were a few types, as i thought u bought just 1 type of kueh lapis. So far have bought from the hypermarket at batam center. The taste is so-so.
Old 29-06-2017, 09:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Hey hey hello bro!! Long time no see! Hw r u been?

Ya ya,more stories unfold every 7th mth. Hear hear aso song...rite?

U got notice the futuristic recruitment 4 btm trip 2 look 4 'viet ger'? LOL

...reli aldy got 1 bro in tis forum frm below link register 4 tat trip 54 years frm nw for 2071...

i onli wonder got ani body else joinin 50 years later or,so i ask bro below....
God been good to me. Nowadays slow down abit in cheonging scene. If at btm just join kakies for seafood and drinks and go for massage.

50 yrs? I dont think uncle like me still around by then.
Old 30-06-2017, 07:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi bros. Going for a impromptu solo 2d1n trip. Booked horizon at 940am. Never book hotel yet.

Planning to catch a movie and go for massage 1st day. Then go pub or one of booking joints try my luck
Old 30-06-2017, 08:22 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Already in all Batam theater by now, Transformer 5 - the last knight. Hmm...I missed out on some parts of this movie sequel tho,so I am not exactly that keen to watch it....yet,hehehe...I do however know most parts of the stories from the cartoons and comics tho.

The Last Knight

The storyline :

Humans are at war with the Transformers, and Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving the future lies buried in the secrets of the past and the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Now, it's up to the unlikely alliance of inventor Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, an English lord and an Oxford professor to save the world.

This time round,i will add in the plot from wiki about this movie to help would-be-audience better understand the movie,hehehe...long story however,so I will just hide this part out, so you get the choice to click on the Spoiler Button ONLY if you are truly interested to know more.

The Plot :

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In 484 AD, King Arthur's wizard Merlin forges an alliance with the Knights of Iacon, a group of twelve Transformers who have hidden on Earth. The knights give Merlin an alien staff, and combine into a dragon to help Arthur triumph over the Saxons.

In the present day, most of the governments on Earth have declared Transformers illegal, and the multinational Transformer Reaction Force (TRF) has been formed to eliminate the alien robots. Despite the absence of Optimus Prime (who left the planet to search for his creator), new Transformers continue to arrive regularly; the newest ship to arrive crash-lands in Chicago, where it is found by a group of children. When a TRF mecha confronts the kids, they are saved by Izabella, a survivor of the Battle of Chicago, and her Transformer companions Sqweeks and Canopy, but Canopy is killed by the TRF in the process. Bumblebee and Cade Yeager arrive and help them escape, but Yeager is unable to save the Transformer, Steelbane, in the ship. Before he dies, Steelbane attaches a metallic talisman to Yeager’s body—an act observed by Decepticon Barricade, who reports to his leader Megatron.

On the far reaches of the Solar System, Optimus Prime discovers that the Transformers' home world, Cybertron, now disassembled into pieces, is heading directly for Earth. Optimus finds the being in control of Cybertron's movement, a sorceress named Quintessa, who professes to be the maker he is searching for. The staff which the knights gave to Merlin was stolen from Quintessa, and using her powers, she places Optimus under her control, dubs him "Nemesis Prime," and charges him with recovering it. Earth, she reveals, is actually Cybertron's "ancient enemy" Unicron, and she intends to drain his life force so that Cybertron can be restored.

TRF member and former Autobot ally William Lennox brokers a deal between the TRF and Megatron, releasing from their custody a squad of Decepticons who will help Megatron recover the talisman from Yeager. The Decepticons hunt Yeager to his junkyard hideout in South Dakota, where he and many of the surviving Transformers are holed up. During the chaos of the ensuing battle, Yeager is approached by Cogman, the Transformer envoy of British Lord Sir Edmund Burton, who takes him and Bumblebee to England to meet his master. There, Yeager also meets Viviane Wembly, an Oxford professor, who Burton has had the Autobot Hot Rod kidnap. Burton explains that he is the last living member of the "Witwiccan" order, an ancient brotherhood dedicated to guarding the secret history of Transformers on Earth. He also reveals that Viviane is the last descendant of Merlin, and must find and use his staff to prevent the impending destruction of Earth by Cybertron.

Fleeing the TRF, Yeager and Wembly follow clues left by the latter's father that lead them, Bumblebee, and Cogman to take the submarine HMS Alliance into the sea to find the Cybertronian Knights' sunken ship, in which they discover the tomb of Merlin and the staff. Wembly activates the staff, and the ship rises to the surface; the TRF arrives to confront the group, but several knights awaken and attack them. The attack is cut short by the arrival of the mind-controlled Optimus, but fortunately, when the normally-mute Bumblebee is finally able to speak, the sound of his voice is enough to break Prime free of Quintessa’s control. A moment later, Megatron arrives to steal the staff; he too has been working for Quintessa all along. As Megatron flees with his prize, the knights attack Optimus for his betrayal, but Yeager, whose talisman becomes the sword Excalibur, stops the fight. Realizing he is the last knight, the knights yield to Yeager, who urges Optimus to protect the Earth once more.

Megatron delivers the staff to Quintessa, who begins draining the life force of Earth/Unicron via Stonehenge. When the military intervenes, Megatron shoots Burton, who dies with Cogman at his side. Using a ship procured by the Autobot Daytrader, the Autobots arrive to join the fight, landing on Cybertron and battling against the Decepticons and Quintessa's Infernocons. Optimus and his Autobots, backed up by the knights in their dragon form, vanquish their many foes. Optimus defeats Megatron while Bumblebee appears to slay Quintessa. Wembly removes the staff, stopping Cybertron's destruction of Earth, but leaving the two planets connected. Optimus declares that humans and Transformers must work together to rebuild their worlds, and sends a message calling any surviving Autobots to come home.

In a mid-credits scene, scientists inspect one of the horns of Unicron, which is extending out of the desert. Quintessa, who has survived and is disguised as a human, arrives and offers them a way to destroy Unicron.

The Trailer

2 more trailers after clicking on the Spoiler Button below

I think for S$2.60 to S$3.60,this movie is going to be well-worth most Batam goer's time to watch it with their "girls",friends,relatives etc. Enjoy the movie, enjoy your time in the theater. Just don't forget not to buy the food and drinks from the theater, hehehehe...I am sure you don't want to puke yourself silly like this "guy" below,right?

Coming week ,either end of June or beginning if July should be Spiderman's Homecoming movie, BUT the movie I am really looking forward to? Hehehe...I doubt it will be screening in Batam's theater tho, until perhaps at a much later date ,even tho its suppose to turn up in most other theaters around Asia somewhere middle of July's the clue to the movie title.

Time really flies...the last time I hear of this movie was before CNY 2017...and now,it is already the middle of 2017. I am only watch this movie for its special effect and perhaps wish to see how its made,i will ratinge it 5/10 for now. Still,i hope to be able to watch it Batam,hehehe...

Last but not least, if you are replying to this post, avoid quoting my full long post,or "it" may get removed.
(as the post is really too long,i have decide to quote-lock half of my own post)

Thank you for being considerate and thank you for reading.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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Old 30-06-2017, 08:29 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Bros anywhere to withdraw money in batam woth posb atm card?
Old 30-06-2017, 12:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just checked into formosa. Going king massage. Any reco for overnight? Should i hit up newton tonight?
Old 30-06-2017, 01:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by momopopo View Post
Bros anywhere to withdraw money in batam woth posb atm card?
Use BNI atm but make sure u already activate your overseas usage.Cannot draw out more than 2 juta per day make sure u draw u from machine dispensing 100,000 not 50,000.Will be charge $sgd 5 per withdrawal.
Old 30-06-2017, 02:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Thanks. Anyone in nagoya area wanna meet up tonight?
Old 30-06-2017, 02:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just finished a hj with king massage. Anyon3 can share a reliable fl contact? Dont intend to go booking joint. If no one then go newton already
Old 30-06-2017, 07:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by momopopo View Post
Just finished a hj with king massage.
Haha I am staying at formosa too. Just came out from delta spa. Is newton a spa or disco?
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For upz return pls pm me, having hard time searching your latest post & some cant be found
Old 30-06-2017, 07:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just wanna ask if u had stayed at Dju Dju hotel before which is near Formosa hotel? Im planning to stay there. Its very affordable, hope the rooms are ok?
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