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Old 25-06-2019, 02:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

It has taken well over a month to read through all the post and everything. I started with nono's and went through all of that, then I started reading the thread. I am finally down to less than 100 post to the end, and decided that I will finally book a trip to batam. I will be going next week, so that leaves me a week to finish the last few posts.
Obviously being the first trip I will stick with nono's advise (even though his beginner guide is a bit dated). I have booked my ferry tickets according to his guide, and have booked the formosa hotel. I will compile a list of locations and just start plugging away.
Hopefully I will have something to report about my trip later.
Old 25-06-2019, 07:20 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
If bro blackpage arrive btm, he will not be able to use his usual entrance to get out of the terminal to pay 50k rp to the taxi drivers anymore.
I already upgraded to Batam 2.0.
Last time I took the secondary exit (the nearest to the Horizon Ferry counter) and I asked confirmation to the taxi driver that the fare to Formosa was 30k.
However, once arrived, I left tip and I paid 40k. After all, he helped me with the heavy luggage and did not offer his service to find ladies in town. Much appreciated.
Old 25-06-2019, 09:36 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Transporter1 View Post
Hopefully I will have something to report about my trip later.
All the best and good luck
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 25-06-2019, 10:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I already upgraded to Batam 2.0.
Last time I took the secondary exit (the nearest to the Horizon Ferry counter) and I asked confirmation to the taxi driver that the fare to Formosa was 30k.
It's truly good habit of u to confirm the price before hopping up any taxis in btm & i suppose u mean u took the taxi from around the old horizon ferry counter, which is no more. The new horizon counter is on the second floor of the ferry terminal today.

If that were the case, since the closure of the Harbour bay terminal old entrance previously stated on post #14138, it's going to be a real pain for u to walk to reach the above photo with all that heavy luggage of urs. A rough gauge on the distance would be at least 3 times longer than usual,twice if u are cutting through the car park,braving through some traffic along the way.

U will need to turn left (instead of ur usual right side) upon exiting out after getting ur luggage scan, to the new taxi stand. Not sure if they'll reopen the old entrance on a later time though.
Old 25-06-2019, 04:31 PM
Xhuuya Xhuuya is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Well for new...
Theres a small Shorttime joint inside pasific palace
Its behind the elevator right door. Open at 6pm +
Silver cost about 500k and gold 650k
1 hours only.

A hidden joint in the lift beside the vg, right lift, theres one call pasific club, which provide local chinese gals with 2200k for shorttime and 3500k for longtime. And she provide some vietnams too. Availble from 6pm - 8 or 9 pm until the girls been booked.
Its on 6th floor from that
Old 25-06-2019, 04:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Looks it will take some time to revemp the area on the right.
Hope they fast fast build a walk way cross the waste land soon.
Now LL got to walk the long way.
Old 25-06-2019, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
It's truly good habit of u to confirm the price before hopping up any taxis in btm & i suppose u mean u took the taxi from around the old horizon ferry counter, which is no more. The new horizon counter is on the second floor of the ferry terminal.
I confirm before going on taxi for courtesy to the driver, so that he does not get the wrong idea.

However, I know what is the correct price and that is what I pay. Several times I did not bother to speak about price before. I just take the taxi, we go, we arrive, I get out of taxi, I give him 50k.
I never had a single problem, because He knows that is generous enough. In case he complains and wants more, I simply ignore him and leave him alone.
He knows he is wrong.He should feel stupid shouting at me because he wants more money than the correct amount.

I think it is a matter of self confidence.
Thr only times I had problems with taxi in Batam was from Newton to Formosa. Those are gangsters. I did not mind to shout back when they wanted 70k or more. Scammers.
Old 25-06-2019, 05:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Whatever standard price list they can hv. If you didn't have the exact amount. .. the Will play the "no small change" game
Old 25-06-2019, 05:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Whatever standard price list they can hv. If you didn't have the exact amount. .. the Will play the "no small change" game
Old 25-06-2019, 05:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Xhuuya View Post
A hidden joint in the lift beside the vg, right lift, theres one call pasific club, which provide local chinese gals with 2200k for shorttime and 3500k for longtime. And she provide some vietnams too.
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
Old 25-06-2019, 05:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Went to Batam few weeks back. Guess, I should start to write a FR to document and share my own experiences.

Bought my tickets via online platform, and landed around 11.40 indo time (weekday) at Batam Center Ferry Terminal. Went for money changer shopping after exiting, the 1st few mentioned 10.3k (Rate:10.44k based on google), and walked further in, and had the changer mentioning 10.35k for $200, (I believe as long as the change is around 100+, the changer will give that rate. While I was changing, I saw another passenger asking, and was quoted 10.2k , and the eventually chopped by them. Best to ask them about the rate before changing, gives u the best options, since there are so many options over there.

After being a millionaire, walked out of the ferry terminal towards the Harris Hotel side, until BP, where I managed to snag onto free wifi, and ordered a gojek to Golden Bay Hotel (costing 11k). Reached the hotel, and spotted the FREE shuttle that was going to the malls (BCS and Nagoya Hill). Managed to check in chop chop, unpack, and bring a small bag before boarding the shuttle (leaves at scheduled timings - and also free return trip from the malls) and deciding to return on 7pmish from Nagoya Hill.

Chose to alight at BCS Mall, because I wanted to get a indo SIM, paid abt 45k (which could have been cheaper like 20k-1gb data), with 2gb data, which is more than enough... Went around the mall to take a look and select some choices to eat around the mall, before going to the supermarket to purchase some water.

Next, wanted to scout the joints for cewek, but was distracted by the new mall (Grand Batam Mall) and went shopping for shoes, clothes and snacks. Quite alot of nice options to eat, especially if you're more than just alone. In the end, spend a few hours shopping, before going cewek shopping.

Continued walking from the Grand Batam Mall towards the DC Mall area (its quite a walk, but I'm keen to see how much has changed since my last visit around 4 months ago.) Walked pass Hawaii Karaoke, but didn't found any to my liking. Continued on to the stretch of massage parlours, and decided to be more adventurous, and asked if there was LT. (Always walked pass, but never walked into them)

The staffs were fairly straightforward to mention that there was no outcall, and was jioing me to opt for a massage, since it was only 70k for an hour. Almost wanted to, but since I was deciding to book a LT, decided against it. Casually asked if there are any cewek bookings, and was directed to Bunga (had went before, and generally, it was the more expensive joint, but the girls were generally accomodating to whatever you requested, so it really depends on what you're looking for). Didn't follow the advice, but went on forward to jalan jalan amongst different massage parlours before stopping at Kupu, and was recognised by the Papi, from prior visit.

Saw 2 that caught my eye, and was immediately offered a straight up 200k discount since I don't have a driver. Don't know whether that's a sales tactic nowadays or what. Stalled for a while to see if a further discount can be given. Eventually, what was quoted as 1.5Juta, was reduced to 1.2, and 1.3 to 1Juta. Picked up the 1 Juta one, who had some command of english, and was more of a girl next door, with tshirt and jeans than the 1st candidate, who was dressed more pretty. Informed to be sent at around 8pm, since I was intending to take the shuttle back, and was informed by Papi that remember to pay for the cewek's ride to hotel. (from quoted 50k, to showing the gojek app of 12k), and mentioned that will pay based on the app.

Since I've secured for the day, I decided to get a normal rub via sports massage (1hr foot reflex and 1hr body) at 2xxk, quite cheap for 2 hours, and decided to tip the reflex guy with 5k, cause i didn't have any notes, while I wanted to tip the masseur, but couldn't find her after I went to the toilet after my massage. Prefer to do reflex before massage, cause seems cleaner with feets washed.

Due to the delay of the starting of the massage, and having rushed from Sports Massage to Nagoya Hill, I still missed the shuttle..... Haiz.....

In the end, since it was around 7.40pm, I booked a gojek ride from Nagoya, and was directed by the rider to meet at the storefront outside of the mall, cause they can't directly pick up people from the mall. went down and get picked up and sent to the hotel.

Ding Dong, and came the girl, around 8.20. Wanted to be slightly cheeky this time round, as compared to my previous visits. so teased her a little, and asked if she's hungry, and ordered some food and juices via gofood. Fairly reasonably priced and was happy to have the delivery discount applied. (Approximately 60k in total for 2 meals + 2 juice).

After dinner, asked for shower together, but was rejected. So individually showered, and asked to remove the only makeup of hers which was lipstick. Started with BJ, and was very surprised that the cewek gave very good BJ, which was similar to the BJ joints in BKK. (one of the bests that I've had, and I'm a fan of BJ) Shot out, she siammed, and sprayed a little on myself. She went on to washup, before coming back to clean me up, and shower me. Sorta gave a very good GFE. and we talked alittle, which she mentioned where she was from, and that she was new in this line. I happen to be her 1st chinese customer. She was married, with a child, and a christian. Its great that she has watched porn before, and knows what guys wants. Seems like the ramadan month was slightly slower for her too (1st month here).

After 20 mins or so, went on for another round and she was very proactive with cowgirl, for a while, and we switched positions after i felt that she would be tired, and pumped her with pillows raising the position so that its easier for the height entry. Towards to the end of the session, could see that she was genuinely aroused as she started starting herself, but too bad, I was at my end and shot out, but still continued to pump a while more, before the stick subsides. Chit chatted a bit more and teased a little. Played mobile games, and was sort of preparing the 3rd shot to be morning, so didn't really disturbed her. On hindsight, should have gone on for 3rd shot, because she was prepared to stay for the night. (My previous experience with another stable, the cewek didn't even come with any bags or clothings for overnight stay - Tip: You will know if the cewek will play punk if there aren't any clothes for overnight stay.

Over the night, wanted to do another shot, but didn't really want to wake her up (sort of regretted), When it was near to the time to go back at around 7am, showered, and wanted to leave without any shots. Managed to convinced her to do another BBBJ, and was rewarded with a CIM. Tipped her 200k for her service.

Relaxed and went for Gym before checking out.

To be continued for Part 2 and Day 2 of the trip.
Old 25-06-2019, 06:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
Fret not. There will still be suckers willing to pay that price!
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 25-06-2019, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Basically, you offer ladies money and they are happy of that. Wow!
Not really directly offer them money. Need some conversation going and masking the offer of money for sex with something nicer like helping them with their cash flow problems. Basically the same thing as offer money for sex,but ladies prefer it to be discreet and saying it in sort of not so obvious way. That probably makes them feels better with their self value. If you dont try asking, you wont know the answer. Some are okay, most others are not okay, obviously.
Old 25-06-2019, 09:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
If you didn't have the exact amount. .. they Will play the "no small change" game
Same can be said with online taxies.
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 25-06-2019, 11:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
Out of the same shop that sells at 2.2 million rupiah, i only need to pay for what the girls get out from the 2.2 million rupiah,hehehe...thats the "cost price" whereby they are willing to work for.

1.5 million rupiah booking girl in a booking joint, how much does the girls get paid from the 1.5 miliion rupiah? How much the joint is getting? The manager or mami's commission? And Taxi drivers? Customer/s is often at the top of the Pyramid and the girls were much often right at the bottom of it. Somewhere in the middle of it, took the lion's share.

Beside shanghai, SBF dome 1, dome 2, dome 3 and dome L is a good place to make price comparison too,hehehe...

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Fret not. There will still be suckers willing to pay that price!
Agreed with your words, there will be suckers...hehehe...

Thats my "apple theory", that cost 250k to 300k rupiah, if one is willing to pay over 2 million rupiah for it, then the price will be more than 2 million rupiah,hehehe...if no one's paying that price, than the value would be "up to me". Either they accept "my price" or they can leave the apple for the next better buyer...or maybe for it to start rotting away when the evening ends,hehehe...

The theory can be applied to taxi fare and other stuffs too, which makes Batam Indonesia unique in its own way.

Originally Posted by Myhorizon View Post
I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way
I notice some almost similar frequency in your action in Batam with me and my small group of friends,hehehe...i have been frequenting "clean" massage places in Batam for last couple of years to date,hehehe...

You shared something and thank you.

Enjoy Batam....

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