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Old 07-05-2016, 06:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Something fishy

first,a planned day trip,short time+massage+altalanta+octopus on the way back.

comes back with some fr summaries & pointers on all loose pussies that fit in according to plan...

...then suddenly there's a second night,paying premium without location & price for a V...

...& now got to experience both world & will only rtf staying on one side.

Hope u guys are not blind,do use the search function a bit,read back & think neutral.

Just a sharing post here with no pun intended.

Decision lie with the readers
Old 07-05-2016, 07:30 PM
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Smile Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post is either one of them. Think one was the 200k room.
I took the 220k room.
That time I stay, aircon n wifi (super strong!!...can even get at the cafe while having bf) no complains.
Only thing is not so clean floor and mosquitoes.
They do have the floor mat that time...but it was dirty n trapped with black hairs....
Very "gau wei" I didnt want to stay there again.
but pay peanuts then get monkey lah..... 200k weekday 220k weekend for a room without window. where to get
some more include breakfast (choose 1 out of 3 from menu)
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 07-05-2016, 08:11 PM
TempterYee TempterYee is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by StarCity View Post
Something fishy

first,a planned day trip,short time+massage+altalanta+octopus on the way back.

comes back with some fr summaries & pointers on all loose pussies that fit in according to plan...

...then suddenly there's a second night,paying premium without location & price for a V...

...& now got to experience both world & will only rtf staying on one side.

Hope u guys are not blind,do use the search function a bit,read back & think neutral.

Just a sharing post here with no pun intended.

Decision lie with the readers
Good observation. Fishiness starts when Thailand was no.1 in all aspect (including better pricing for ST & LT),best of btm exclusive cannot compare even to thai's mid tier but will go 'bankrupt' if go to thailand whereby those words were edited 3+ hrs later,even the 1 who quoted his words,his post were removed (just realize) to 'wash away' evidence.

Best part is here,he still RTF in btm.

I agreed with yr words. Fishy..

Disclaimer,those who didn't like my post,please kindly ignore.i'm just here to share my observation on perhaps a fake fr/info in the thread. I don't plan to discuss this further because his 'words' is my poison when i see it which can also be yr honey. You are the architect of what you believe in which construct yr own life.

To each its own.
Old 07-05-2016, 08:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

The L Hotel Entertainment
Part 2 (Spa and Massage)


Hot water pool
Cold water pool
High Speed Internet
Locker Room
Mini Theater

Reference to Part 1 of this hotel :

Previously,the hotel spa was mentioned in this thread before,but it has not open for business back then as according to a bro here and a friend of mine. Recently,they seems to have opened. The hotel brand themselves as a Republic of Entertainment,and with all (i mean most) kind of entertainment under one roof. Can they live up to being a true Republic of Entertainment? Time will tell...

According to the hotel site,they have a disco pub thingy too. Will it be another hunter's paradise? Let the huntersss decide over time.

Personal notes for my own reference on May 2016 :

This hotel is new and in white. New means everything should be pretty new,but white...well,which means for those who like new hotels,should try now or else after a year or 2 later,"white" will turn "yellow" as history often speaks for itself for other new hotels,hehehe...

I have passed by this hotel a few tines on March/April 2016,the location isnt at close proximity with other entertainment,eg massage,spa etc. If i were to stay there,i will need to plan to beat all the disadvantage i am anticipating.

As for the new spa,i am sure it will still take a bit more time for it to become more seasoned if they have nothing out of the ordinary that would draw people there. Who knows...hehehe...we now have Delta Spa,Altalanta Spa,Octopuss and Pas...on the below link :

May be able to add one more Men's spa into the list in future,hehehe...will see,will see...hehehe...

Bro SibeiNew's FR when he stayed in L-Hotel (special thanks to him) :

I dont think i will like their room becos of the mirror by the bedside. If i decide to stay in this hotel,i will have a lot to pre-plan in advance to suit my needs when i am in Batam. I need to work around it...hmm....

Take note of the Mirror beside the bed and the Leg of the bed

All the above information above were highly important notes for me. I am going to need it in my next few trips to Batam. And the info hasnt end yet.

This info is free for all who reads it.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 07-05-2016, 10:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Would like to post my simple humble 2D1N FR ....this is my 3rd trip to batam . Really appreciate all bros contribution posts that i have have read through all along, that really help me alot during my stay at btm. This trip is a budget trip . Total spend : $270 excl Ferry tix.
Thank you for sharing in details bro,especially on the timing and pricing.

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
2nd May : took 8.15am ferry to habourbay . Once reached HB relax at end coffee shop for a can of beer before heading to da vienna ( pre-booked through price: Rp 500,000 ). Around 10.30am reach hotel ,but they request a Rp 300,000 for deposit . luckily 1 room available for check in . Proceed to room to rest. Meanwhile waiting for my girl to arrive around 1.00pm( pre- arrange on we-chat, got to book her on my 2nd trip previously).
Yes,da vienna requires one to pay an upfront deposit of 300k. Consider it quite alright when 2 star City Central hotel try to ask me for a 500k (they didnt get it eventually),hehehe...they (Da Vienna) dont keep my passport tho for fear that they might lose it. Quite true as too many people walked in and out of the reception counter and its an open concept counter where even a guest would have easily be able to walked in. The other hotel's reception i went to has a more concealed reception eg,Formosa Hotel,Biz etc.

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
TCSS with cewek and 1st round of hot action , after which rest till around 4pm. went down to below food stall just beside hotel. nice food and cheap. Order 1 seafood soup , 1 ayam goreng bawang , 1 sayur & 2 drinks.... cost : $106,000.
Cool,good to see you enjoy the food in that area. Next time i will try too. Thank you for sharing.

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Went up hotel to rest and movies time... i m super tired and sleep till 11pm...haiz.. Wake up girl hungry and we proceed to windsor food court ( opposite hotel , walk about 5 mins ) food is slight expensive . Mostly seafood stall . total cost for dinner ( with 2 bottles beer) : Rp 200,000. I like that place though as its very spacious and they do have big stage for customer to sing karaoke too. After makan proceed back to room to continue drinking beer ... shortly 2nd round of firing began.
Windsor food court is every good except for the more expensive food. More of a foreigner food court where one must at least go there once to get a feel of its ambiance. (i am saying this becos i dont take sea food,hehehe...)

Photos taken from the web

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Awake early morning around 9am for breakfast . girl too tired so i went down alone . Breakfast is great compare to formosa & gideon. Alot of variety. Their Guest service also tip top from front desk till housekeeping, very friendly and herlpful.
Definitely. The variety in their breakfast were above average compared to many other hotels in Batam i stayed before. (i dont really stayed in many hotels in Batam tho) Knowing i was alone,the waitress even walk me to my table and get me a coffee. But breakfast in hotel isnt what i am after,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
After brekfast.... went up room .. relax awhile waiting for girl to wake up around 10 plus... she feel very sad as we are about to depart... and can only see each other in july ...she's going back to kampung for puasa. Hug awhile 3rd round of firing started..... After clear rounds body feels very tired... Since a long time that i have this type of making love feeling with a girl .... She's really a gem..101% GF feeling.
Hehehe...i have did a modification plan if i ever stay in Da Vienna again. I always get a massage whenever my physical body over-stretch from the "strenuous exercise" the previous night (or morning),hehehe... But in-room massage in Da Vienna cost a bomb,and i am not about to pay that kind of price.

I have other plans in future.

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Upon Cheking out drag myself to HB terminal . waiting for ferry back to silly pore again.
You should stayed for 3D2N....hehehe....2D1N a bit too short for me.

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Apologys for the long FR. Da Vienna is a great hotel to stay in . Planning to go back around mid-may ( if my Vit M allows) ... hiaz going to miss my cewek ....
When heaven closes a door,a window is always open...especially for a place like Batam. There are always other girls around,better ones. Thank you for sharing an FR and may your next trip in Batam be better than this one.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 07-05-2016, 10:25 PM
Seth El Nino Seth El Nino is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Yes, that super glue. That very one that caused MicMac888 to roll his eyes and asked what had I done to her.

I went on a Monday afternoon though. Reached there 1425 hrs ferry. Settled into hotel and then went to New Berry. Maybe she's booked already out not working. Our friend said she's quite popular there though...

I was planning to book her in my next trip in May, but the latest booking I had from New Berry shared with super glue the photo I took with her and now both are mad at me.

Not sure if I'll get the same priority treatment like you or our other friend. But, I'm gonna try your trick at every joint I go now.
Bro, during our last trip, after I am done viewing the ceweks in New Berry and was about to leave the joint, your "Superglue" dashed over to hold my arms & stopped me from leaving before asking me to bring her to see u, tat was utterly WTFFF Hahaha

Cant imagine now u got 2 superglue in the same joint, next time when the 2 ceweks see u, they will be fighting to "book" u instead of the other way round hahaha.

Anyways, been a long time since we chiong tgt, hope to do it soon in future !!
Old 07-05-2016, 10:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Ya Bros, but I kena before during weekend. The crew open up the both the vip and normal queue at the same team once reach harbour Bay. It's was like "wu shuo nan yang" scene sia.... If that case really not worth to pay for the vip fees. Please correct me if I'm wrong
Wow, I suppose it was real unlucky for u then; I reckon I have taken biz class between 50-100 times and I've never encountered the crew releasing the ropes blocking the economy class passengers before the biz class passengers have completely disembarked.. There was only once when the crew members was outside the main doors and one of the economy passengers unhooked the rope prematurely without any crew members stopping him, hence a bit of a clusterfuck... On retrospect, I should have fcuked that bugger upside down..

Anyways, I'm usually the 1st three persons out of the boat and I walk fast, so again I'm usually the 1st 3-5 persons at the immigration queue... That's why I say it's worth the top up to biz class versus waiting in line for 30-45 mins..
Old 08-05-2016, 06:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Gd Sunday morning guys.
I'm on my way to Batam Center taking the first ferry.
Anyone there today care to link up?
Pm me ya!
Old 08-05-2016, 08:08 AM
Ojekbtm Ojekbtm is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Don't blame fellow Bros here of doubting or being skeptical ...

My post of this unplanned spur of the moment overnight trip is because of winnings I made from UEFA Chsmpions League final. I posted those winnings and it got deleted ... It's a free trip paid thanks to our monopolied bookie ... Even Bros who replied ... Theirs also got removed ... I rest my case ... Conscience is clear ... . Surprised moderators/ admin don't come in to clear the air .. Anyway, don't want to say too much either ... less more confusion again later ..

Keep up the sharing ! Cheers Bros !
Old 08-05-2016, 09:19 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Sochaipom View Post
Ya Bros, but I kena before during weekend. The crew open up the both the vip and normal queue at the same team once reach harbour Bay.
I didn't kena this in HB before,but i kena once in HF on biz class as economic class tix was short. It really jam up the whole entrance. Maybe should write in to Horizon ferry company to give some feedback.
Old 08-05-2016, 10:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Ojekbtm, you sure can go batam very frequently? go 1 week, come back 1 week and go again. somemore on weekdays. even though it sucks so much compared to BKK

21-04-2016 ? Booked a girl from Happy 8?
Stayed at Formosa? how much the girl?
Q : why a happy8 girl turns right while exiting Formosa hotel on her way out back to her farm ? She said she will walk back ... (This post was missing but bro KohOnly21 replied

ask how to walk to Atalanta Spa

Went ocean , Atlanta & Octopus in that order ... All worth a visit and try for first time visitors ... But rtm? No ...

If you've been to Thailand , they are still #1 in all aspects hands down. ... all 3 nothing to shout about...cannot compare to even mid tier ones in Thailand ...

Seem like BKK so much better.

30-04-2016 pg 104
You can get a ...

but edit on 01-05-2016 to become
Sorry to disappoint you Bros ... BUT ...
You do not need to lower expectations when visiting BKK.

02-05-2016 still plan to go batam again and go Atlanta & Octopus which he said no rtm

05-05-2016 (Thurs)
Stayed at Formosa again? the way you kept asking about other hotels...
went to kings, Bunga Atlanta, octopus (packed on Thurs?) in a single day?
Kings - FJ (loose), Bunga (1.5M dead fish) - overnight?, Alanta- FJ (loose)
So morning go kings (FJ) then go Bunga book 1.5M,left the girl in room then go alanta for another FJ???

Mysterious V fall from sky?
Old 08-05-2016, 12:28 PM
ssleight ssleight is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Here’s my FR of my first trip to Batam. First of all, much thanks and gratitude to Bro Nono for his awesome guide and assistance in various matters.

This trip of mine (together with a friend) was meant to be a recce trip for me, so not much expectation. If you do like my FR, thanks in advance for the up

Bro Nono, if I made any mistakes / accuracies, feel free to point them out. Hehe.

Brief summary:
- Duration: 2D1N (weekdays) (0940 to Batam; 2045 back to SG)
- Damage: Approx SGD $200 (all in)
- Transport Operator: Horizon Fast Ferry @ $48
- Hotel: Formosa Hotel Batam @ $45
- Evaluation:
o Generally a recce trip to check out the various massage places. I’m generally a massage-lover, so, if there’s special, it’s a bonus for me – if not, also no problem.
o Massage is very good at those clean places; see your luck at those dirty ones.
o As for SYT quality, don’t expect too good quality at those ‘known’ places. If you want, just go booking joints or, as bro Nono says, have to self-explore those ‘hidden gems’ (perhaps).

Part 1 of 4:

- 0940: Ferry to Batam. Trip took no more than 50 minutes. Great weather, sunny skies.

- 0940 (Batam time): Arrival + Clear Immigration. (Don’t try to jump queue by going to the Indonesian passport counter. Saw one Singaporean tried doing that – immigration officer sent him to the ‘All Passports’ queue. He start from the back – face damn black and started mouthing curse words.)

- 1030: Ate mee goreng at one of those stalls at the Habourbay Terminal (“HBT”) @ 15000 Rp (quite delicious)

- 1045: Slow walk to Pacific Palace Hotel. Want to look see look see around too. Also, on the map looks like quite near. Approx 10-15 minutes walk.

- 1110: Octopuss Spa. Do note that there are two sets of elevators. One is in the main building (that will not lead you to the spa); the other is in the ballroom side of the hotel – that is the correct one. Go to the 8th floor. You can see the reception the moment you step out. There are mainly two packages:
o H1 (396k; 1.5 hours massage; include 1 HJ (thanks to Bro Nono for this info – the receptionist won’t tell you that); and
o H2 (696k, no massage; FJ; can choose girl (according to receptionist, the girls will parade for you).
We chose neither since my friend and I found it quite expensive. We requested for a tour around the place. Facilities seem ok. Rooms come in various classes. Did not inquire as to the price differences of these rooms. But they appear to be all private ones. Never got to see the girls, but saw 2 staff at one of the counters in the spa were really hot, young and slim. If those are the MLs, it would be really enjoyable. Nevertheless, still exercised self-control, since we felt it wasn’t too wise to blow 1/3 of our budgets at the start of the trip.

- 1135: Took a taxi to Formosa Hotel @ 20k Rp.

- 1150: Checked in. Hotel is neat. Wifi at the 3rd floor is particularly weak. So do note that. Also, try to make sure you ask for a room that is facing away from the construction activities going on presently (read below to know why).

- 1215: Walked to Idola massage. Took 1 hour @ 60k Rp. Asked for young and slim girls. My friend got a MILF, while I got a GILF (LOL!). Immediately know that I will not go for any special regardless of the price. The place is lit up in blue, with mattresses on the floor. Curtains are used as partitions with Richard Clayderman’s music playing in the background (Ballade Pour Adeline). Massage was semi-piano. My friend’s MILF kept pestering him for special – but he’s those kind that won’t go for anything unless got feel for the girl. So declined. My GILF asked once and I said no. I think she also expect I wouldn’t take it up.
o MP: Idola Massage.
o ML Name: Didn’t ask.
o Age: Didn’t ask.
o Massage: 4/10.
o Looks: -1/10 (GILF).
o Body: N.A.
o HJ: NIL.
o FJ: NIL.
o Attitude: 3/10.
o Damage: 60k Rp / Hour (80k Rp / 1.5 Hour; 100k Rp / Hour).
o RTM/F: No. My friend also never opt for special. ML pestered him for tips like no end.
- 1330: Walked to DC Mall. I generally like walking everywhere if possible. Helps me orientate me to the place better. This is usually what I usually do also when I’m overseas in new places. And you get to see things better too.

- 1350: Walked into each of those MPs just outside DC Mall. As mentioned by other bros here, most of these MPs (if not all of them), have photo albums of the girls. Do not trust these photos. Walked into Tulip massage. Turned out this place is also an overnight booking joint. There were only 5 WLs there. All MILF.

- 1415: My friend chose A5 massage I believe since he fancied one of the photos of the girl in there; I chose Nice Massage (Chinatown Massage) that is just 20 meters away.
o MP: Nice Massage (Chinatown Massage).
o ML Name: Selvie / Selfie.
o Age: 25 (alleged).
o Massage: 2/10.
o Looks: Nothing at all like the picture in the album. 3/10.
o Body: Got “san cheng rou” like those pork belly like that (I didn’t know that at first because she hid it quite well.) 2/10.
o HJ: 3/10. Rushed and rough. Opted for it after FJ was totally unacceptable.
o FJ: 1/10. Deadfish. Pussy so loose I thought I was fucking thin air.
o Attitude: 1/10. Very unaccommodating. Refused to remove her top at all even for FJ. Even when washing up, snatch from me to wash up first. Before even negotiation, whole day pester me to do “ciki-ciki” (FJ) without even massaging for more than 10 mins. After everything, kept pestering me for tips.
o Damage: Was quoted 400k for HJ and 800k for FJ. I remember Bro Nono’s advice. Counter-offered HJ for 100k and FJ for 200k. I refused to budge regardless. She kept pushing me for FJ, and she slowly lowered to price to 300k. I still refused. So I got it at 200k. But even at 200k, at this rate, I still felt I overpaid for such horrendous service. 110k / Hour (VIP Room) + 200k (FJ). I think price increase by 10k as compared to FRs from other bros.
o RTM/F: No fucking way.
o Comments / Observations: This place is pretty bad. I would advise to avoid this place. Wanted to try the so called “mandi susu” (Milk bath). Turns out, the receptionist / price list was not accurate. Was told that VIP room regardless of duration includes a mandi susu, but apparently not. After everything ended, was then told it was only for 1.5 hours and above. Place is also quite dirty. Mattress got black hole that seems to have insects inside. Quite put off generally. As for timing, also cheat me close to 20 minutes (ended 20 mins earlier). My friend who did at A5 massage told me that the milk bath just means putting milk powder into the water. So I guess I did not miss out much. For him, despite me relaying to him Bro Nono’s advice, still kena chopped 400k for FJ. Sigh. His girl is Reina – apparently body is not bad (unlike mine), but looks also quite terrible. Besides, the VIP room looks very run down and the mattress has a smell.

- 1530: Continued to walk around the vicinity. Entered into each and every one of those MPs. As mentioned earlier, got photo album. Just ask for it. But remember, the girl and the photo, is always different. In some places, you can even see the girls (if you request). They are usually all located in one or two waiting / holding rooms. Most, if not all I’ve seen really cmi. Generally, imho, the MPs around DC Mall area is to be avoided.

- 1600: Walked into Bunga Massage just to take a look. About 20 girls. There were about 2 WLs that caught my eye (quite hot and slim). Mami can speak Chinese well and seems to know the SG scene (i.e. Geylang) very well. It’s almost impossible (or maybe she see us young lads want to chop us) to bargain with her, despite me demonstrating I’m not exactly clueless (name dropped other joints like New Berry and Gold Bird (Sedona)). But she is very friendly. Quoted 1.5 mil for overnight for one of the Indo-Chinese girls. She willing to bring it down to 1.4 mil. Do note that this price only comes with 3 shots. She claims most of her good girls taken already (possibly so, given that I came in so late – but also, since it’s a weekday, Batam generally is rather quiet). Short-time (1 hour / 1 shot) is quoted at 500k. She told me that this is about the same price as Geylang for Thais and double the time. (See, she really know our scene well). Refused to budge. I also don’t want since my objective in this trip is mainly to recce massage places. I thanked her and left.

- End of Part 1 of 4 -
Old 08-05-2016, 12:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Part 2 of 4:

- 1630: Went to DC Mall and walked around. Went to the supermart there. Bought a lot of snacks and ice-cream hehe. Ate dinner there too. There’s this promotion there where they sell about 8 different kinds of food at really cheap prices (3,800 Rp – yes, no joke). Mee goreng, mee rebus, nasi goreng etc. – and all serve on hot plate somemore – shiok and tasty). This place is just beside the stall that sells crepes.

- 1830: Took a taxi to Sports massage (the one near Goodway hotel) @ 20k Rp. Did the 190k Rp package (1 hour Reflexology + 1 hour body massage). One of the best massages I ever had. Don’t see these girls small size, damn lot of strength. Kept asking her to ‘kuat’ (stronger). This place is ABSOLUTELY clean and I know that and had no intention for anything. To give you an idea of how clean this place is, they will open the curtain a little so others can look in. When I told her whether can close the curtain (because I felt a little awkward that people can look in when I like 3/4 naked), she exclaimed that she cannot do so in a very animated way – LOL… wtf). Massage is damn solid and good. Simply love it. Massage is 8-9/10.

- 2040: Walked to Goodway hotel and check out the spa. I think I might have been mistaken, but the spa at level 2 is not called “TaiQi massage” or anything. It’s called “The Spa”. Very clean place (in both sense of the word). Does not appear to be a place that provides special at all. There is a Japanese restaurant at the lobby. That evening, only got Japanese buffet at 199,000 Rp ++. Did not want to eat since price also not cheap and the spread appears quite pathetic (was allowed to go in and see).

- 2100: Walked to Nagoya Hill mall. Ate at A&W haha. Not cheap for fast food in Batam. 77,000 Rp for a set meal that comes with a Root Beer Float. Also bought a 2013 vintage Jacob’s Creek Cabernet Sauvignon @ 180,000 Rp. Wine was not bad (drank in hotel with friend).

- 2200: Friend retired for the day. I went to King’s massage (4th floor Formosa) to try out. Didn’t bother to pick the girl. All the info is because I went back the next day to look at the picture album. LOL.
o MP: King’s Massage @ Formosa Hotel.
o ML Name: Number 9.
o Age: Didn’t ask.
o Massage: 4/10.
o Looks: Quite similar to picture in album. 4/10.
o Body: I can’t really see clearly since they wear a black uniform with orange lace at the peripheral edges of the uniform. But I think her body is quite fat kind.
o HJ: NIL.
o FJ: NIL.
o Attitude: 4/10. Ask for 400k HJ; 800k FJ. I told her no way. She went down to 700 then 600k. But no way I’m gonna pay. She also not a SYT or anything. I told her I willing pay 100k for HJ. She say… 100k is the amount of TIPS you should give me. I just laughed and told her it’s ok. After that, really started pestering me for tips of 100k – of course never give.
o Damage: 90k / Hour. (100k / Hour if in room).
o RTM/F: Maybe. Will choose other girls.
o Comments / Observations: Would be better if one chose to go to the room. I did not since my friend wants to stay with me.
- 1115: Went to take a look at Alishan KTV. I think at least 40 girls that night. All sitting around. Spotted 3-4 that really caught my eye. Didn’t do anything, went back hotel, shower, drink wine and TCSS with friend.

- End of Day 1 -
- End of Part 2 of 4 -
Old 08-05-2016, 12:38 PM
Ojekbtm Ojekbtm is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Luk Siu Fong ... Hehehe I just siam one of flying arrows ... Broken Arrow I repeat Broken Arrow

It is all do-able ... Nothing impossible. Not too rushed either ... You should try it ... Still got time to rest and relax after each ... IMO, if you plan , things tend to be more conservative and cautious .. itinerary wise .. Try a spur of the moment unplanned impromptu trip. Enjoy the surprises along the way ..

Am glad the unedited version you post here ... Was advised by 1 kind bro here to tone down this version quickly ...

You will see more impromptu trips from me in near future ... Some people are just luckier than others ... Talking about trip frequency and ease of going there .., cheers 'all

Last edited by Ojekbtm; 08-05-2016 at 12:55 PM.
Old 08-05-2016, 12:57 PM
Ojekbtm Ojekbtm is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Ssleight, h2 octopus have 2 tier pricing ... 2 categories fyi

A&W was Mosa burger set A ? Hehehe shown price was only 60k. Even I got receipt, don't know how the final price was more even after adding 10% tax. Was served by a Butch. Very courteous. Got ssyt too but she did not serve me. If you have the chance next time , try God diva, tasty and half the price you paid at A&W

From Goodway some Macs next door I think , or did I get the hotel mixed up ? I gave up walking from HB from here on... Found it too far in the heat .., see you made in all the way to NH .. Well done !

Kings : "Comments / Observations: Would be better if one chose to go to the room. I did not since my friend wants to stay with me." Did you mean in your hotel room here ? Or curtained cubicle at Kings nothing to shout about. Have option to turn off light though if her looks CMI and you can fantasize during the special

How to enjoy the surroundings and relax if you keep tabs on your itinerary timings ? Just saying .. My personal opinion and observation ... This is why I only summarize my trips highlighting main points only

Last edited by Ojekbtm; 08-05-2016 at 01:39 PM. Reason: Using mobile not computer
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