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Old 21-05-2016, 01:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anybody heading to batam next 2 days?
Old 21-05-2016, 02:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...what time did you enter Hawaii? Impossible only 2 girls inside. The prettier ones usually get to butterfly around seats if there are drinking customers around.
It must have been like 6 pm sg time.....coz thats when the sun sets down n it is more bearable to walk.
Yes, really no customers inside...
Think the chap ask...."looking for charbo?"....he point to 2 sitting in front of him....the sofas all empty.

This KTV is inside Memory Hotel itself. No one will miss it if they were to do a little online search. Yes,its dark,have to be more daring when choosing the girls,walk nearer to them. They are mostly sleepy becos Memory like Permata indah and Hawaii,they are in KTV concept and the girls in it worked late into the night. After KTV close shop on a late evening,some will go to discotheque to "hunt" for customers.
most likely the other gals are hiding somewhere else.
think they didnt expect a customer to turn up at such timing.
no intention to take booking wish to give false hope to them.

this is why I sense....gals not so in full force on Mon/Tues...and I know you usually go on a Wed.

Is hard massage good for your instance? If so,why skip? I look forward to visit this place if time allows me to. Super hard massage always reminds me non-piano massage...hehehe...and most the gems i like were often found in places like your description. 80k for 1 hour and 100k for 1.5 hour...hehehe...good deal!
Probably the last time i see the promo is 70k. and they "cheated" me extra 10k upon exit.
this is the place where the ML requested me to wear shorts....which you stated you dun like...hahaha.
it is probably too hard for my liking....
but some big size Bros might like it.

do be careful about the promo price....last time it state 70k....i came out pay 80k...n they told me the promo apply at certain timing.
this time 80k.....might ask you to pay ask properly before commiting.

Looks like you set high expectation for girls in this trip,thats how i feel when i am reading your FR. Its like an entirely whole new expectation altogether from your previous,hehehe...
well, every trip about the same for me.
just that this trip....on the first day hit by heat wave....
so didn't have much try new things.
but i did went around to find out certain things and also to satisfy my own curiosity abt certain places.
personally, i wont rate this trip too bad.

And thank you for your sharing on Batamfast as i might one day try a different way of travelling to Batam Harbour Bay.

You have just given me an alternative. Thank you.
Well, it is more worth the while taking Horizon to n fro....cost SGD48.
BatamFast the seats are pretty old....but it is not that crowded (on a non peak weekday).
For BatamFast, think pair with the 380k voucher (which I havent tested it really works...if on Sat) $10.
BatamFast over the counter to n fro is $49.

From your report,i find that last trip of yours sounds much better. This trip is more like a handful of hiccups.
It is really not that bad.....maybe the plan to go JKT from Btm didnt materialise (due to lousy planning) and the heat....affect mood a bit.
Maybe Im just being Ah Q.....there's always a next time because Batam is only 1 hr ferry away.....
Think if it is China trip......i will be knocking my head on the wall now.
Old 21-05-2016, 03:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

me going on the 23th may . any kaki going batam too maybe can meet up for dinner
Old 21-05-2016, 03:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Food colony (food court beside bento tei) in citywalk . 10-15 food stall, price average (20k up). Nice ambience with awesome interior design. However , doesn't attract crowd maybe due to the poor location. Less than 20 customers including me on a Saturday afternoon.

V Salon, no longer as popular as before (I might be wrong) , less than 5 customers during a Saturday afternoon while the famous hair stylist (E***** the scissor hand) is shaking leg hahaha..

9830 rate changed yesterday night (friday)

Gonna try the sate in a cup (food street nagoya hill) later and catch a movie (X men) before ending my day having dinner (loklok) near De Vienna hotel and a massage session at relax (opposite formosa hotel)
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 21-05-2016, 04:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Food colony (food court beside bento tei) in citywalk . 10-15 food stall, price average (20k up). Nice ambience with awesome interior design. However , doesn't attract crowd maybe due to the poor location. Less than 20 customers including me on a Saturday afternoon.
You need to use their card (like kopitam card) in order to buy which could be a nuisance. Before you leave, you need to return the card to collect back your deposit and whatever balance in the card, else the card will expire in a month's time which and become totally useless.
Old 21-05-2016, 04:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Food colony (food court beside bento tei) in citywalk . 10-15 food stall, price average (20k up). Nice ambience with awesome interior design. However , doesn't attract crowd maybe due to the poor location. Less than 20 customers including me on a Saturday afternoon.

V Salon, no longer as popular as before (I might be wrong) , less than 5 customers during a Saturday afternoon while the famous hair stylist (E***** the scissor hand) is shaking leg hahaha..

9830 rate changed yesterday night (friday)

Gonna try the sate in a cup (food street nagoya hill) later and catch a movie (X men) before ending my day having dinner (loklok) near De Vienna hotel and a massage session at relax (opposite formosa hotel)
Didn't know you're there now ... No Sayang ? Cewek news ? Enjoy bro
Old 21-05-2016, 04:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I think that such a killing question was so lethal that you did not have the strength to write RTFF as you intended to, originally.
Return +11 points under KIV listing

bro Black Page,

Return back =11 points, thx

Exchange is welcome but a MIN +8 points is require

thx n rdgs

Next on Upz list - NIL ..........
KIV - 1 person

Please have the latest posting ready. will skip and upz next bro if you do not have a valid posting.
Old 21-05-2016, 05:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

~Post removed~

Last edited by blehz; 21-05-2016 at 07:01 PM. Reason: edit
Old 21-05-2016, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Ojekbtm View Post
Bro tomcat007, I am confused here. You talking about HCM or batam gals here ?
Sorry for the confusion. Over the past month, ice been on a 5 day trip to HCMC and 2 trip to Batam. The 2 girls I mentioned in my post are in Batam.
Old 21-05-2016, 06:50 PM
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Exclamation Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I am shocked to see this.
Videos of girls posted on a public site with their face in clear view. Even their names.
I guess it's useless to ask you to delete this post and tear them down from gdrive, as they are proudly posted in the web site of this gross guy, right?
But please, PLEASE, remove the files from the folder! Immediately please. I beg you. Think about the girls.
Can you imagine if you are one of those girls working in one of our favourite hotels and someone tells you "hey you are on the Internet!" This is horrible, too horrible to even think it.

This guy filming his adventures is so gross. I wonder what the staff of Formosa will think when they will see these videos. And they will, I am sure, sooner or later. He cannot go back to Batam. If he will, I hope he will be identified and arrested directly at the border. Filming people having sex without consent is a felony in any country. Imagine posting them in public. The concept of legality in Indonesia is vague, but I hope that some friends of these girls could handle this gross guy adequately and make him learn how to behave in the world.

(and I hope nobody thinks that I could be or simply look or talk as this idiot. I am bule, I go to Formosa, but I look and talk totally differently. Who met me in person can testify that)

Originally Posted by blehz View Post
These are some videos which i found before i made my virgin trip to batam.
They are from my asian sex diary about this guy's adventures in batam in Feb 2016. There is some on him hiring fl from social apps and one on him visiting no name disco.
Not sure if they are useful. But downloaded them and sorted them out anw.
Old 21-05-2016, 06:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

lol..the guy actually stayed at any chance its bro black page?
Old 21-05-2016, 07:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I am shocked to see this.
Videos of girls posted on a public site with their face in clear view. Even their names.
I guess it's useless to ask you to delete this post and tear them down from gdrive, as they are proudly posted in the web site of this gross guy, right?
But please, PLEASE, remove the files from the folder! Immediately please. I beg you. Think about the girls.
Can you imagine if you are one of those girls working in one of our favourite hotels and someone tells you "hey you are on the Internet!" This is horrible, too horrible to even think it.

This guy filming his adventures is so gross. I wonder what the staff of Formosa will think when they will see these videos. And they will, I am sure, sooner or later. He cannot go back to Batam. If he will, I hope he will be identified and arrested directly at the border. Filming people having sex without consent is a felony in any country. Imagine posting them in public. The concept of legality in Indonesia is vague, but I hope that some friends of these girls could handle this gross guy adequately and make him learn how to behave in the world.

(and I hope nobody thinks that I could be or simply look or talk as this idiot. I am bule, I go to Formosa, but I look and talk totally differently. Who met me in person can testify that)
Okay, i just removed them.
Just to let you know, I don't condone his actions as well.
Will be more careful before posting such stuff next time.
Old 21-05-2016, 07:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by blehz View Post
Okay, i just removed them.
Just to let you know, I don't condone his actions as well.
Will be more careful before posting such stuff next time.
Thank you my friend. I know you just reposed in good faith, but I wish this guy (German from his accent) could be caught and "treated" appropriately by a bunch of guys living behind the Planet Hotel.

Btw, I did not see all videos, but just a couple of highlights, when:
1) he asks the receptionist of King's Massage "are girls here all VIETNAMESE?"
2) then in the room of Formosa accepts to pay 1M for extra FJ service without saying anything (ultra carrot chop, well deserved)
Old 22-05-2016, 08:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by flyingarrow View Post
You need to use their card (like kopitam card) in order to buy which could be a nuisance. Before you leave, you need to return the card to collect back your deposit and whatever balance in the card, else the card will expire in a month's time which and become totally useless.
Yes it's very troublesome.. only ordering the pizza can choose cash or card, the rest of the shop strictly only card.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 22-05-2016, 08:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Ojekbtm View Post
Didn't know you're there now ... No Sayang ? Cewek news ? Enjoy bro
No sayang or cewek leh.. waiting for you introduce

Planning a assault on coming Friday before most of them goes back to kampung .. itinerary = book a girl from farm, lunch go octopus eat some sotong and soak some water, back to hotel 1st round, dinner non-seafood, go gaming place hit some ikan bet some monkey earn some taxi fare. Back to hotel 2nd round, watch a pre downloaded horror movie in room with indon subtitles, 3rd round if possible. Morning wake up breakfast together then request for round 4, or round 4 straight if girl doesn't want breakfast. After breakfast = end of trip.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
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