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Old 22-06-2008, 11:00 PM
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Talking Circumcision joke

Just came across the following joke on a sexy girl's blog. It gives a good laugh Just one warning: Bros whose circumscision wound has yet to heal had better not read it!


某君包皮过长到医院做个手术,在手术前护士要将要害部位的毛毛剃干净,该护士生的花容月貌,某君有点把持不 主,该护士开始剃毛,某君DD开始长大,护士心想:你小子不会吧,逗逗你!于是故意慢慢的剃,摸摸索索的剃 ,结果某君按耐不住,狂射一番……


  手术很成功!!切口缝合的很好,医生说一星期就可出院,静心养养,第二天,女护士单独来病房,某君见到 甚是尴尬,女护士今天份外妖娆,见四下无人,突然拉开上衣说:你看我的胸罩颜色和款式好看不?说时,只听被 窝里传来三声“乒”“乒”“乒”,男人不可抗剧的生理反应发生啦,结果刚刚缝好的伤口线全部拉开……痛晕… …重新再缝!  ???隔日,女护士再到病房,关上房门拉起裙子说:你看我内裤的蕾丝花边,还有……某君再 次惨叫……

The shortest distance separating a man and a woman is that between their parts; the longest, that between their brains!
Old 29-06-2008, 06:05 AM
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Talking Re: Circumcision: my experience

This has to be one of the scariest things I have ever heard of man!

KNN, wait you wake up that time the doctor tell you, "Eh bro, sorry ah, we accidentally cut off a bit too much ah... But ne'mind! Shorter cock sometimes also look quite cute one!"

KNN, that time ah, dunno how to die is the best method man!
all gals are made of sugar and spice and all things nice...

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Old 29-06-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by noble_guy View Post

But as an adult it may be different....
child do not get erections compared to adults, that's when the pain comes... erection + post circumcision wound. *ouch*
Old 30-06-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: Circumcision joke

Originally Posted by H-suru View Post
Just came across the following joke on a sexy girl's blog. It gives a good laugh Just one warning: Bros whose circumscision wound has yet to heal had better not read it!


某君包皮过长到医院做个手术,在手术前护士要将要害部位的毛毛剃干净,该护士生的花容月貌,某君有点把持不 主,该护士开始剃毛,某君DD开始长大,护士心想:你小子不会吧,逗逗你!于是故意慢慢的剃,摸摸索索的剃 ,结果某君按耐不住,狂射一番……


  手术很成功!!切口缝合的很好,医生说一星期就可出院,静心养养,第二天,女护士单独来病房,某君见到 甚是尴尬,女护士今天份外妖娆,见四下无人,突然拉开上衣说:你看我的胸罩颜色和款式好看不?说时,只听被 窝里传来三声“乒”“乒”“乒”,男人不可抗剧的生理反应发生啦,结果刚刚缝好的伤口线全部拉开……痛晕… …重新再缝!  ???隔日,女护士再到病房,关上房门拉起裙子说:你看我内裤的蕾丝花边,还有……某君再 次惨叫……

This is one of the few times I am thankful that I cannot read Chinese! (Even though I am long-healed from my op and fully satisfied with the results!)
Old 01-07-2008, 05:12 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Bro, this is just a good joke. Nothing intimidating, don't take it seriously!
The shortest distance separating a man and a woman is that between their parts; the longest, that between their brains!
Old 01-07-2008, 06:07 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

yo !

thanks all ppl who posted in this thread.. the informations are very useful for me. i'm now in the healing process after circum, and wanna share this article hope useful for u too:

Caring For My Newly Circumcised Penis
Old 02-07-2008, 09:43 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi Bro tprwr,

Whr did you get it done? what method you used? laser? how much. pls advise

Old 03-07-2008, 08:36 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by noble_guy View Post
Hi Bro tprwr,

Whr did you get it done? what method you used? laser? how much. pls advise

i had my cut cos got phimosis since i was kid so couldnt see the head. the method was conventional and the price is $606 at sgh (private outpatient). the doc told me that laser is mainly for young children, and for adults he always use conventional method. i heard price for laser here is somewhere around 4 digits $$$$ ... so i dun bother looking for it
Old 05-07-2008, 08:07 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by noble_guy View Post
Hi Bro tprwr,

Whr did you get it done? what method you used? laser? how much. pls advise

bro noble_guy, it is not expensive if you go through the policlinic route, see my earlier experience, price & event all documented.

don worry abt laser or wat, if need to do it, jus do it.

i hv no regrets, looks so much cleaner.
Old 17-07-2008, 09:09 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just went for my circumcision today at a local clinic. Called up in the morning and then operation was done in the afternoon. I think that the only difference in getting in done in local clinic was that they can only give you LA instead of GA. The cost is much much cheaper. Mine was like $220 in total. It was a one hell of an experience to be awake and watching my 'bro' getting cut. Anyway IMO, i think the doctor who performed on me was very experience as he had often performed it for our muslim brothers. Waiting for my 'bro' to perform now before chionging again.
Old 18-07-2008, 08:29 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

hi brother, are u recovered now? by the way whr did u get it done?
Old 22-07-2008, 09:02 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I got mine done at a local GP. You can go to one of the clinics on this thread, i think is page 14-16. either one of these. Mine was at enous cos nearer to my house. Hope it helps you.

Anyway, it is still recovering now. Not even hit the 1 week mark. Will be quite painful when having an erection.
Old 22-07-2008, 03:39 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Actually to have circumcision is best when you are young. The wound will heal faster and less chances in getting infection.

As an adult going for circumcision the procedure tend to be more delicate hence the charges is also higher. Not to mention the problem that you might encounter should you experience a hard-on. OUCH and also infection should you forget to follow the medication given. But I think you can endure all this. To all the bro have gone through it, BRAVO.....
Old 24-07-2008, 03:08 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hit my 1 week mark, wounds are recovering quite fast. Just some minor infection due to the hairs on my balls. Haha. Went back to see the doctor, he gave me some medications for it Free of Charge. Everything that is related to the circumcision including some post ops complications are covered in the initial payment of $220. Quite a good deal i got for myself.

Pls up my points if my posts are useful to you
Old 29-07-2008, 04:55 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just to give an overall experience on my circumcision experience and some tips i gathered from here and there.

Remember to shave off your hairs around the area and if possible also those on your 'balls'

Try to bonk before the ops if you are those 'horny' types. Cos the first 2 weeks is really no sex and mastrabation.

Try to talk to the doctor about how is he going to carry out the circumcision as some may also snip off the Frenulum, though it is quite rarely seen in Singapore.

Prepare for sleepless nights and raging pain for the first few days. Condition will improve after the fifth or sixth days whereby more undisturbed sleep is possible.

After the compression bandage has been removed (usually the third or fourth day), try to soak your little 'bro' in saline solution (add one or two teaspoons of salt into boiled water) for a few minutes a few times daily. It will help to aid the healing process.

Try to keep the wound dry and clean at all times. Avoid getting into contact with the hairs that has grown. Because it may cause an infection, which i did in my case and it will delay the healing. For extra, can get from your doctor those antibactrial powder and powder it on the wounds to prevent infections.

Usually the sutures will be dissolved by the second week to third week. By the first week, it should not be much of a problem to you.

You can keep to wear briefs for the first few days to hold your 'bro' in place and to reduce the sensations. For my case, i wore boxer when the compression bandage is removed, tried to hasten the process of getting used to it.

If you happens to see some blue-black around the head or glands, can try putting some ice to relieve the pain.

If infection really occurs and you want to keep the wound clean or change the dressing yourself. Do not use cotton pads to cover the area where infection has occured. Use only sterile cloth.

I think these will be about it. Good luck for those who are planning to have one.
Pls up my points if my posts are useful to you
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