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Old 30-07-2008, 11:35 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

...Thanx for the info. Useful, but i do consider seriously before going for the knife.
Old 30-07-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Well personally i had undergo this surgery when i was 15. During sch hols. pre op was quite scare cuz dunno wad will happen. den enter the theatre doc put a mask over me and i felt aslp. woke up abit giddy but was alright went to pee and saw my swollen penis but it was ok.

During the course of the healing, i did not really experience must pain or wadever, perhaps this will differ in different ppl. just take note not to do any thing to ur didi.
well after 1 wk i pcc -.- cuz cannot tahan . the stitches were still there and i just went ahead. but it wasnt painful at all.
Rest of the wk i spend time tryin to get the stitches out by pulling them -.-.

now after 3 yrs the small head not as senstitive as it used to be becuz no more skin covering it. yup and its cleaner
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Old 05-08-2008, 03:18 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

TS, i was also contemplating circumcision after realizing that i had phimosis. At first, i had difficulty coming to terms with my condition and thought that cutting was the best option for me. But i looked through some websites for any alternative cures. Other than circumcision, one can choose to literally stretch the foreskin. ( - cure phimosis - About Phimosis and How should phimosis be treated? ) I decided to give stretching a go before deciding on whether to go for circumcision.

My ordeal with stretching, i did it by trying to insert my tiniest finger into the foreskin. At first it was tight and pretty painful. But i would leave it there for about 1min. I would also take the opportunity during bathing for some stretching. Soon i realised i could roll back the skin a lil to expose the tip of my head. Then i started with inserting my index finger and so on.. now i am onto my thumb. I was soooooooo glad when i reach my thumb. Its been a long way from the TIGHT foreskin. I could roll back my skin further and expose my head more. Slowly i pushed the foreskin all the way back till it completely exposed my whole head. But my work is not done yet, its still uncomfortable as its quite tight when i roll all the way back, so now i am proceeding with inserting 2 tiny fingers and so on.. I am only worried that if i stop my stretching, would the skin tighten again.. I'll be damn sad and go for an op.

But definitely, i have experienced the foreskin and without foreskin, and w/o is a definitely better experience. No doubts about that.

I took about 2 months to move from small finger to thumb, and sometimes i think its a little perverted to keep playing with myself. But i have no choice.. i am scared of the ops.. so i resorted to the alternative. Anyone can help me with their stretching experience?
Old 05-08-2008, 10:32 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by mentos1 View Post
I got mine done at a local GP. You can go to one of the clinics on this thread, i think is page 14-16. either one of these. Mine was at enous cos nearer to my house. Hope it helps you.

Anyway, it is still recovering now. Not even hit the 1 week mark. Will be quite painful when having an erection.
Bro, what is LA and GA? i am planning to go to Eunos clinic for my circumcise too this month...

1) Did the Malay doctor explained to you and asked you how you want it to be? like Moderately Tight Circumcision or Tight Circumcision, Frenulum Intact
2) After 7 days of MCs, any more MC extended?
3)Total cost throughout is $220/- rite?
4)Take how long throughout the process for circumcise?

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Old 05-08-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by holymonk View Post
Bro, what is LA and GA? i am planning to go to Eunos clinic for my circumcise too this month...

1) Did the Malay doctor explained to you and asked you how you want it to be? like Moderately Tight Circumcision or Tight Circumcision, Frenulum Intact
2) After 7 days of MCs, any more MC extended?
3)Total cost throughout is $220/- rite?
4)Take how long throughout the process for circumcise?

1. LA is local anesthesia and GA is general anesthesia. Local means only the area that is being operated on will have no sensation. General means you will be unconscious during the operation. Only hospitals can perform GA. So if you are going to a clinic, you can see how the doctor is 'cutting' your penis if you want to.

2. For me, the doctor did not explain cos i did not ask also. He only asked why i want to do the operation. You can ask him if you want but my frenulum was left intact though.

3. For MC, i not sure if can extend after 7 days. Cos i was able to perform normal daily routine after 1 week. Did not bother to go and extend it. If you take care of your wounds, it will recover quite fast. Should be able to extend because the doctor is quite friendly.

4. Total cost is $220 inclusion of GST, any followup consultations and medications that you might need. The first set of medication that you will receive are 2 sleeping pills for your 1st 2 sleepless nights, painkillers, antibiotics and one more which i do not know is for what. The only one to finish is antibiotics, the rest you can choose not to finish the course.

5. The process of circumcision will take around 20 to 30 mins. Be sure to shave before you go there and also shower, if not he will just give you a lousy shaver and ask you to go toilet and shave. That was what i did because i did not shave. If possible, also the hairs on your balls. For the first 2 days, you cannot shower because of your wounds. After which, you will need to go back and change your dressing. If you want, shower before going BUT do NOT take off your dressing. One thing to note, after showering must dry the dressing or go and have it change fast. Do not let it be wet for a few hours or there might be complications such as infection or worse rot.

6. The opening hours of the clinic is Mon-Fri, 8.30 to 12.00 and 2.00 to 5.00. Sat-Sun, 9.00 to 12.00.

Cresent Clinic & Surgery
Blk1A Eunos Cresent #01-2473 (S) 401001
Tel : 67458624

You can make an appointment in the morning by giving them a call and have the operation in the afternoon. Better this way than going there and wait for your turn. Do not try weekend because it will be very crowded.

Payment will be by cash.

All the best to you bro. If you need anymore information, feel free to pm me.
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Old 05-08-2008, 06:29 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Bro mentos1. Thanks for your very detailed info. will follow the infos b4 and after. Any difficulty in walking the first few days? did the doctor mentioned how many days then the stitches will drop off? how unbearable is the pain? worst is during sleeping time as i use to turn here and there....and must hug to my booster to sleep...siao liao..
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Old 05-08-2008, 07:57 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Me too scared of the ops as well. During the sec 4 medical check up, the nurse only told me to report to dunno what clinic after giving me a piece of paper with the word "phimosis". Hell she did not even explain anything to me about condition and what to do. Eventually I did not turn up at the clinic. The smell of hospitals and clinics can make my legs weak.
Old 05-08-2008, 10:21 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by holymonk View Post
Bro mentos1. Thanks for your very detailed info. will follow the infos b4 and after. Any difficulty in walking the first few days? did the doctor mentioned how many days then the stitches will drop off? how unbearable is the pain? worst is during sleeping time as i use to turn here and there....and must hug to my booster to sleep...siao liao..
For the first hour, walking is not much of a problem because you will still not feel anything yet due to the anesthesia. After which, you may feel sight pain. As what the doctor said, try not to move around as much as possible within the first 24 hours. If possible, try to rest on the bed. It is because the wound has not closed up.

1st night will not be too much problem cos your penis is still in 'shock', thus will not have too many erections or none. This problem will set in during the 2nd or 3rd day. The level of pain will be quite high and this is where painkillers are useful.

Try to stand up as soon as possible when you have an erection. Lying down will not make it go away. If possible, sleep on your side instead of your back cos it will be easier to sleep and less painful.

The most painful part will come when the dressing is removed and an erection occurs. Since there is nothing to suppress it, it will really be 'holy shit'. Nothing much you can do about this.

Walking around when the dressing is still on will not be too much of a hassle. When the dressing is removed, then you may have to walk with your legs wide open.

The sutures will dissolve by itself in around 2 weeks. By the 5th or 6th, should not be much of an issue. When it comes to the 10th, you should not have problem with erection.

I did try to have sex by the 14th. Will have abit of bleeding due to my wound has not totally healed. Putting on a condom is a must if you want to 'test water' at this point of time, raw will be too dangerous because of the friction.

To play safe, you can wait for the 1 month mark or 45 days.

Anyway, it will depend on you and your spouse needs and also how fast your penis heals.

For the first few days, do watch out for any EXCESSIVE bleeding. Normal bleeding may occurs but if it bleeds non stop then call one of the three numbers that they give you.

Just endure and all will be over soon. There will be grumbles for the first 10 days. I am glad that i got mine done.
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Old 06-08-2008, 12:25 AM
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Talking Re: Circumcision: my experience

This thread is getting scarier and scarier...

Having been based here in UK for so many years and I know myself, I have the guts, I am not afraid of anything or anyone. Have been in countless fights with the ang mos here over char bo, whites, blacks, greeks, u name it, I have whacked them, and I have conquered their women.

But if you ask me to put my dick under the knife, I can honestly tell you, my balls will shrink and I will lau jio first. 2 thumbs up to each and every one of the bros here who willingly submitted themselves to the test of courage, for whatever reason, religious or health, you guys have MORE BALLS than me...
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Old 08-08-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by phame View Post

Ive just found this thread and read through all the pages. I was just circumsized 5 days ago.

Just wondering if any of the guys who have now recovered can comment in detail about sexual sensations.

1. Is sex more enjoyable the same?
2. When you masturbate since there is no foreskin to move around, is it less pleasurable?
3. Blowjobs? Are they more pleasurable?

Thanks guys!

So is it more pleasurable for circumcised dick? Anyone can tell me? Also can you last longer with a circumcised dick? I have no problem cumming, just want to last longer so my wife cum too.

A lady friend of ours who had sex with both types of dick told us that circumcised dick more shiok for the woman. Is this true?
Old 09-08-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by clean&neat View Post
So is it more pleasurable for circumcised dick? Anyone can tell me? Also can you last longer with a circumcised dick? I have no problem cumming, just want to last longer so my wife cum too.

A lady friend of ours who had sex with both types of dick told us that circumcised dick more shiok for the woman. Is this true?

I have the pleasure of having sex before and after circumcision.

In MY OWN Opinion,

1) yes, it is more pleasurable for me.

2) My GF loved the new and clean look. Makes her even hornier.

3) As for lasting longer, i think i personally do not think there is much diff. Its all in your mind.

Go ahead, gather the courage and get it cut. Just tahan for 2-3 weeks, and you are ready to go. DO NOT take the risk by masturbating during recovery period. Your stitches might break and it won't be nice for sure.

Old 12-08-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by whitegals View Post
This thread is getting scarier and scarier...

Having been based here in UK for so many years and I know myself, I have the guts, I am not afraid of anything or anyone. Have been in countless fights with the ang mos here over char bo, whites, blacks, greeks, u name it, I have whacked them, and I have conquered their women.

But if you ask me to put my dick under the knife, I can honestly tell you, my balls will shrink and I will lau jio first. 2 thumbs up to each and every one of the bros here who willingly submitted themselves to the test of courage, for whatever reason, religious or health, you guys have MORE BALLS than me...
Bro, not "MORE BALLS", but maybe the 2 balls heavier....
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:51 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

After full details and informations from Bro Mentos1 . I called up the Eunos Clinic at 2 plus in the afternoon and went there and at 3.10 pm. Circumcise quite fast within 20-30 mins. Bandaged up and left with medicines and told to return 2 days later. Total cost $220/- without more.

now the time is 4.48 pm, the pain started, pain and burning feeling together...Ough Ough...!!!!!!!

Just taken the pain killer, antibiotics, gastric medicine.....but still pain called lang pan jeng (Penis swollen)

Hope the days past faster.............
女人-不吃饭的女人这世上也许有好几个,不吃醋的女人却连一个也没有。女孩子说没有想什么的时候,心里一定有心事 。

人生-多情人隐藏情感,远远要比无情人隐藏冷酷困难得多。无论是什么人,在梦中、他永远比在清醒时更为勇敢、更为 坦率。

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Old 12-08-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by holymonk View Post
After full details and informations from Bro Mentos1 . I called up the Eunos Clinic at 2 plus in the afternoon and went there and at 3.10 pm. Circumcise quite fast within 20-30 mins. Bandaged up and left with medicines and told to return 2 days later. Total cost $220/- without more.

now the time is 4.48 pm, the pain started, pain and burning feeling together...Ough Ough...!!!!!!!

Just taken the pain killer, antibiotics, gastric medicine.....but still pain called lang pan jeng (Penis swollen)

Hope the days past faster.............
You're scaring lots of pple here....
Old 13-08-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Second days morning.............

Flat raising....saw my new head and saluted him as he has been promoted without wearing a helmet....(I took out the bandaged on the first day myself as urine wet the bandaged)

Pain already subsided a lot......not really pain now.

Still taking the medicine....the medicine to be taken at night really dozed me off.....

Now waiting for tomorrow to go back to see doctor.....

The pain yesterday was like someone kicked my bro, then put chilli padi adn rubbed on him....pain and burning feeling....
女人-不吃饭的女人这世上也许有好几个,不吃醋的女人却连一个也没有。女孩子说没有想什么的时候,心里一定有心事 。

人生-多情人隐藏情感,远远要比无情人隐藏冷酷困难得多。无论是什么人,在梦中、他永远比在清醒时更为勇敢、更为 坦率。

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