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Old 31-07-2009, 01:17 PM
ducatirs ducatirs is offline
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi Bros,

i just had my circumcision done on 23/7 and just want to share my experience.

firstly why i need to get it done:

1) My foreskin is too tight. though i hv no issues in sex with or without condom but if i get too vigorous, the foreskin will feel swell. this only happens once in a while

2) Hygiene purposes. Many of us would think that its not necessary as perhaps your foreskin can be retracted or you hv no issues in the past BUT no joke as this is wat happen to me.

As the fore skin covers your head, when you pee, ur urine goes around the forehead. our urine might contains micro deposits which we cannot feel and as time goes by, these deposits stays underneath your foreskin. A cyst was developed in my case and this cause lots of pain and discomfort whether u hv sex or PCC.

Also if you cant retract your foreskin, ur broher usually stinks as well. my previous gfs always complain about this. my urrent gf hates giving me a bj due to this also.

Where i got it done:

Initially i went to my gp as i felt swell and pain while peeing. gave me antibiotics and cream and disinfecting solution and was recommend to sgh for circumcision.i put it of for a mth as i thot i was recovering well.

I felt a lump and got worried so quickly went to SGH for my appointment. Told doc abt the lump and he says cant feel anything and also said that until i do a circumcision,he wont be able to tell wats inside. i got scared as a lump is no joke and went online and search on "lump under penis". there was a lot of info and i got even more scared, fearing possible cancer.

Immediately called up Raffles 24 hours Booking Service and book an appt with an UROLOGIST. Went there and told him the story all over again and he took a look at brother for me. He told me i needed a circumcision as my foreskin couldnt even be retracted. and the lump was cyst. He said that he would remove it during my circumcision for me. He was professional and gave me confidence that it was a small issue.

Surgery was booked on 23/7. i couldnt sleep nor eat at all as i am really afraid of going surgery.

first consultation: $100
Cost of surgery after medisave (includng medicine): ard $1650
follow up consultation: $100

I know its very ex as sgh only charges $300+ after mediasave and medicine are also cheap.

I went with Raflles after consultation with family.

Reason being he could confirm to me its a cyst and removed it at the same time whereas sgh cant confirm and says only after circumcision then would able to tell and i am afrad they would just leave it and may hv to go for 2nd ops.


1)Admission: take weight and height and check medical history, change to the hospital clothes and rest in bed while waiting for surgery time. heart was pumping and super scared.

2)Pre-surgery: they will bring you to holding area and wait for abt 10 mins before wheeling you in.

3) Surgery room: As what you see in TVBs and movies. GA doc comes in and chat with you. put a needle in me and gave me a sedative to calm me down.
Then Urologist comes in and tell me not to worry. reminded him abt the cyst and he says "dont worry!" GA doc ask if i am ready and i told him ok and in goes another bottle of dont know wat.

4) by the time i woke up, i was in the ward and my gf is beside me. Ate some snacks and rested awhile more. Doc came and inspected. Says things are looking good and was discharged. Little bro was bandgae up so i manage to put on my boxers and hm i went.

Like all other bros says, really super sensitive. worst was trying to shower. peeing is now clean. in my case i didnt had any problems, only after 3 -4 days later when waking up with an erection and thats hell.

i am now still on mc as there was a inflammation.

Head is no longer that sensitive and:

How i went for my follow up is wearing briefs instead of boxer. do get a size bigger. reasn is that briefs will cover your head and prevents brushing of your clothings to the head thus more comfortable. also a size bigger so its not that tight.

My gf says that my dick looks bigger now.....will be out of action for some time i guess. Doc say at least 6 weeks. i guess its individual as well
Old 02-08-2009, 02:24 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

you must be a fucking ma la yu siboh?
Old 07-08-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by walle View Post
you must be a fucking ma la yu siboh?
Bro..hope u r joking..its crude of need to involve race here. From wat i noe..malay will circumcise their son young..usually below 12 yo...I dunt tink TS is dat young..

PS, Im not malay. Pls be sensitive to other race. Approaching National Day soon.
Old 10-08-2009, 12:35 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

anyway why all the porn star cock is cut bcos they last longer ?

well it looks bigger definately

well this bro is speak the truth i guess
Old 17-08-2009, 11:32 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Anyone can recomend cheap and good laser circumcise doctor.. thanks..
Old 30-09-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi bros, after pondering for almost one year, i've decided to go for the op as well. Wish me luck!
Old 30-09-2009, 05:36 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi bro ducatirs, your is also laser circumcision or conventional circumcision?
Laser Circumcision heal faster and lesses pain? The web state that most patients can return to work within 2 -3 days, really?
Old 02-10-2009, 01:10 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

ok going for op later today~

super anxious but looking forward to getting it done and over with.

also kinda looking forward to taking the sleeping pills (am not an addict or anything but my sleeping hours are way off now. Hoping to get back to local-sg time)

Haha, a bit crap.

Thanks all bros that answered my queries, you guys have been very supportive!

Old 02-10-2009, 12:21 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

did they let u keep the skin?

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Old 02-10-2009, 05:13 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Ok, its been about 2hours since i had my LA... there is a hot, burning sensation down south but otherwise manageable pain. Haven taken any painkillers, still wondering if i have passed the climax. Intending to just watch a movie to distract myself from it all.

I'd like to share my experience here, hope you bros dun mind.

Like many brudders, i went to a clinic at eunos. Arrived early, so I walked around thinking if i should buy disposable underwear and etc... Decided to head on straight to the clinic. Lo and behold, got pasar malam this week, dunno why but i just had a craving for taiwan sausage... After that, went into the clinic to register, the female staff behind the counter were friendly and professional, lucky they do not hire young voluptuous chicks else i would be doubly embarrassed. Waited for about 20mins before i was told to enter a room to see the doctor.

As reported by most bros, doctor asks why wanna cut? So i said for hygiene purposes. Took off my pants, put on a chair nearby and the doctor begins to examine. Cleans the dick head with some wipes quite forcefully. Then begins the LA, injecting various parts of the penis, at times it felt quite painful but as all injections it only lasts awhile so i try not to concentrate on the jabs but explore my surroundings. Doctor starts to fix on his apparatus but in my mind i was kind of protesting, "hey, my cock doesnt feel numb enough", but i just keep quiet. He seems like a mechanic, tightening some bolts here and there. All this while, he also talking to me, sensing my nervousness. And he leaves me for 5mins after setting up everything saying that he needs to give it time to clot.

So the 5mins that i was alone, i started to think if all this was necessary, its like having an abortion if you get what i mean. I take a peep at the set up, i see a pair of scissors here and there, i see some blood, not really the bloodbath that i had imagined. Dont feel any pain too at this moment. Finally the doctor comes back in as i close my eyes, trying to relax. He acts quickly, and i didnt even know if he had cut my foreskin. The next thing i realise, he is already sewing up and stitching my cut. He is quite rough, tugging at the string, i can feel my dick being pulled by the string. But its all relatively painless. He finishes the stitching and asks me to put my trousers back on before exiting the room. I did not even see a drop of blood, neither do i know where is my severed foreskin. The LA is still working, i put my pants on without feeling any pain.

I left the clinic feeling a bit weak, is it the loss of blood or the trauma? Feel a bit giddy, so headed back to the pasar malam to fill my tummy with a drumstick and flagged a cab back home. Was advised to stay in bed the rest of the day and avoid unnecessary walking. I think i got the feeling that i need to pee but i cant at the moment. The burning sensation has over rode the urge to pee. I was afraid i cannot control myself and might get an erection sometimes but i think this burning sensation is keeping my urges in check.

How i wish i can play it forward one month... Anyhow, its been done, so got to live with the pain even if i dont like it. If i need to describe the sensation, it would be akin to rubbing the dick head with chilli padi. Thats all.. it wunt kill you.
Old 02-10-2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

U mean they never made u totally knock out before they start poking needle onto your penis to make it numb?

Old 02-10-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

no he doesnt.

Quick update - the burning sensation is over! Initially thought that i would have to endure it for much much longer. But watched a movie in my bed, couldnt fall asleep and now its just feeling a bit uncomfortable thats all. Uncomfortable becos its like all wrapped up and a bit tight thats all.

Oh, erm just fyi, i paid $250 instead of $220 so perhaps bros might want to take note of it too. Prices are going ^^.
Old 03-10-2009, 03:06 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I've not done circumcision before, but I've done tonsilectomy before.
Well, the pain after removing my tonsils is bad.
And since I am allergic to all painkillers, including paracetemol(Panadol), life was shit.

I reckon if I were to do my circumcision, I might as well die...

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Old 03-10-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Ktsg View Post
I've not done circumcision before, but I've done tonsilectomy before.
Well, the pain after removing my tonsils is bad.
And since I am allergic to all painkillers, including paracetemol(Panadol), life was shit.

I reckon if I were to do my circumcision, I might as well die...
Hi bro, why remove your tonsils? is it because of tonsil stones? Asking because i also have it. Doesnt really bother me alot most days of the year. What is the cost of doing that operation and how long to recover?
Old 04-10-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I've got tonsilitis.. basically inflammation of the tonsils.
That's why I had to remove it.

I took about 1 week+ to completely heal...
A very slow and painful process.
Couldn't really eat for more than a week!

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