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Old 05-05-2006, 01:19 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi Bro,

i am contemplating circumcision for the following reason; i think i have some sort of phimosis. i can pull my foreskin all the way back when its not erected. But when erected, its difficult and slightly painful to pull it back, because there is a this thread of skin that is attaching the foreskin to the glan . Can i just cut away that thread of skin so my foreskin can be pull back more easily (by professional surgery of course)? Is this also called circumcision?

any advice is very much appreciated
Old 09-05-2006, 01:20 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I had mine during primary 1 after a nurse checked all our banana one fine day. My parent received a letter for MOH requesting me to go for ops on my banana. It is due to phimosis; my forskin too long or was I too frightened by the Auntie nurse who inspected the boys' penis liked QC inspector?

Anyway its better to do it when you are young. And those brudders whoa thinking of doing to especially some with tight foreskins, better do so because there was one time at a hospital visit I came to nknow an old man had his forskin removed due to some infection. Can you imagine being old yet still got for circumcision?

So far was suprised that (not sure if there are any Malay brudders had constributed) Malay brudders had not shared their experiences on circumcisions. I heard from my Malay friend that they have to go thru when they are 8 years old (If I remember correctly, pls correct if wrong) by the religious leaders with painkillers!! Ouch! Really admire them!

The Arabs and the Jews are the 2 races that practise circumcisions to their boys.
Old 12-05-2006, 11:19 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by u-vindicate-mi
just to share wat i do.
from young,i didnt know i had to pull back the foreskin until i was much older in 20's when i hear from some gers(pai seh man).. at that time, i wasnt able to pull back the foreskin coz it hurts and the skin is tight..then i decided to simulate the 'circumcision' without actually doing it..

after downing a few cans of beer + hard liqor,i locked my room..pulled down my pants and pulled my foreskin hurts so much but i tahan..i guess its time to be a man...down a few more drinks and i was surfing sammyboy at the same time dick was in a pain cause it was erecting from the porn.. but i tahan...n tried to masturbate..too 4get it and just leave it in tis position and sleep..

pain wake mi a few times..probaby too much drink and wanan go i go pee and splashed all over..aiming really lousy without foreskin ..still pain but now after a few hours ..kinda got a bit seasoned feel....just igonored the pain and slp...

next day.. still feel kinda strange.. but when i look at the mirror..looks big..maybe is due to sore dick.. hahah.. wear boxers and ouch..the fabric can realy prick my head..tahan and tahan.. n meantime keep the foreskin back...die die must tahan until used to this feelin

after 4-5 days..fabric still pricks my head but kinda got used to it liao... tried to pcc and i succeeded.. alittle pain but a good start....btw i make it a point to roll up my skin whenever im home..hahaha...a least when the fabric pricks you and u jumps in pain ,no1 is lookin at you..

whenever i bathe.. i make it point to masturbate with soap and rub it on my dick head.. coz i believe tat soap can somehow make it less sensitive..howver i make sure i did not come and my purpose is to make my cock big,as long as possible so as to stretched the foreskin ..a little pain but feels shoik liao..SM? haha...

whenever i sleep..i also stroke my cock to make it erected so it will stretch the skin..

so basically i stretch my skin day n nite with my cock, (sometimes with the help of or most of the times with FHM,etc...)with the foreskin always rolled back.. after a week of my experiment.. i pcc alot to make it seasoned ...

soon.. i was ready.. i screwed my gf and she was so shiok..she commented it was bigger..haha.... so for the next week..i explained to her my experiment and she had to 'sacrifice' and let my screw alot... hhahahah.. in the was an happy ending.. we all shiok..

all in took about 1 month to fuck with/without foreskin.. getting the pleasures of 2 world..

imagine..ur gf nibbling at my foreskin ..before using her mouth and slowly slide the skin up and down..and her tongue swirling around ur dick head..just some of little pleasures of life u can have with a foreskin.

abt having circumcision and i asked opinions from several friends who had it.pros and cons.
finally i came to this conclusion.

circumcision can maybe make your cock terms of ,thicker and longer coz no more foreskin to stop it from growing.
visually it will also look bigger ..cant explain why it looks bigger also..perhaps due to the isometric proportion?just like a bald guy always look larger than life?haha

the bad thing is..
since a foreskin is meant to protect ur dickhead..just like our mouth is to protect our teeth, removing it would render it doubt easier to clean..but it isnt too much trouble to clean on an uncircumcised dick.
some research on yahoo (search for effects on cirumcised penis) says that most men who circumcised got a high rate of gettin erectile dysfucntional when old.. meaning cock got problem standing..reason is because the dickhead is not sensitive and damaged by the wind,snow,rain and other harsh weathers..

1 more thing is when you dick is circumcised and you try gettin into a tight and dry pussy.. most likely i tink cant succeed.. i duno..not very sure..any circumcised bro would like to clarify?

but with foreskin.. u can..just use ur dick in the 'skin-covering-ur dickhead' version and gently push urself it goes in,the skin will roll back slowly at the same time..and voila..u r in..and she becums wet..

about the cleaniness and long as you wash problem 1 lah..

overall guys can try my 'hard' way and make ur cock versatile and still keep ur skin .....
or go get it cut if really no choice.

if u failed after doin my hard way..u can still cut it later..
but if u cut it now.. there's no un-doing if u regret.. unless they find a way to fix back ur skin

*ps:i wont hold responsibility if u get urself injured by following my experiment.. do it as ur own risk.

yup bro i think i do the same experiment as u when i was a teen...tat was the first time i am watching porn and masturbate....and as it stimulate my dick become big but quite hurts cos the skin is covering the head so i just straight away pulled the skin and oh my many dirts was behind the quickly go to toilet and wash it clean...and continue with the porn and unload....
so from that time my skin can already be pull and reveal the dick head...i din go to circumcision at all....i still prefer this way.....
Old 13-05-2006, 05:01 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Er... just to check with bro who are not circumsize.

Do you not pull back your foreskin to expose the piss hole before peeing? I am a little confuse as bro who just went under the knife mentioned about aiming problem when peeing.

I always pull back a bit when I pee so that urine will not go under the foreskin. Any bro to confirm that this is a common practise? I am beginning to feel alien. Ha ha ha
Old 14-05-2006, 10:20 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Yeap i pull back too...

Cleaner and the piss dont get under...

Old 02-06-2006, 09:06 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by TommyPingPong
I had mine during primary 1 after a nurse checked all our banana one fine day. My parent received a letter for MOH requesting me to go for ops on my banana. It is due to phimosis; my forskin too long or was I too frightened by the Auntie nurse who inspected the boys' penis liked QC inspector?

Anyway its better to do it when you are young. And those brudders whoa thinking of doing to especially some with tight foreskins, better do so because there was one time at a hospital visit I came to nknow an old man had his forskin removed due to some infection. Can you imagine being old yet still got for circumcision?

So far was suprised that (not sure if there are any Malay brudders had constributed) Malay brudders had not shared their experiences on circumcisions. I heard from my Malay friend that they have to go thru when they are 8 years old (If I remember correctly, pls correct if wrong) by the religious leaders with painkillers!! Ouch! Really admire them!

The Arabs and the Jews are the 2 races that practise circumcisions to their boys.
Mine was slightly different. Pri 6 check up before leaving school and the nurse
check already and gave me an appt at Pegu Road Clinic (at balestier road).
The clinic no longer exist liao... haa haa...

Went there with parent (of course!) and was told to remove pants and show
the penis to the doc... then the doc said "hmmmm... the foreskin is wrapping
around the head so will have hygiene problems next time."... then told my
mum some stuff which I didn't really understood at that time.

My mum then told me (after leaving the clinic) that doc told me to go cut
the skin and luckily I protested... Haa haa... so she told me to put back the
foreskin regularly and rub it and clean it... and guess what???!!! That was
how I found out about masturbating!!!

So now, some 20 years later, my penis is fully functionable and I'm lucky to
say I didn't go "cut" the skin... phew!
Old 02-06-2006, 02:13 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

*Ouch!* I don't believe in Genital Mutilation!
Old 09-06-2006, 11:04 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I had my done about two months ago... i still feel abit of pain of the side of the penis.. is that normal? at where the sitch is? can anyone enlighten me... thank you
Old 09-06-2006, 12:11 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

i had mine almost 1 1/2 yrs ago...
to be honest..
i had a shock when i saw my penis 1st time too..
really looks horrible and was wondering if it can be like normal after it heals
thanks god it heals perfectly normal...

actually i tried gogin to tn 2 wks after the op..
when all the stitches fell...
it will bleed...

abt 1 mth after the op... (you should be able to to vigourous exercise to ur didi)
Old 14-06-2006, 02:55 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

OT abit ..
you sound quite okie ... I think is really bad to remove piles

shitting to me .. is like gg to hell and back to heaven
Old 08-07-2006, 10:33 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi all,

Sorry for reopening this "dead" thread, but there is something i would like to ask all bros.

I can retract my foreskin normally. But it doesn't auto-retract when my penis is erect.

Does this entail circumcision?

Old 08-07-2006, 10:40 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi all,

Sorry if i double-post, but as i didn't see my post go up, i was worried that SBF didn't log my post.


I have a problem. I can retract my foreskin when it's erected. However while reading a Mind Your Health column a couple of weeks back, i realised that contrary to normal workings, my penis foreskin doesn't auto-retract when it's erected. Needless to say, this has been troubling me.

I would like to ask all bros here their esteemed and hopefully, professional advice. Is this a penile "malfunction" that requires surgery(circumcision)?

Thanks in advance
Old 09-07-2006, 06:35 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by veritas1
Hi all,

Sorry if i double-post, but as i didn't see my post go up, i was worried that SBF didn't log my post.


I have a problem. I can retract my foreskin when it's erected. However while reading a Mind Your Health column a couple of weeks back, i realised that contrary to normal workings, my penis foreskin doesn't auto-retract when it's erected. Needless to say, this has been troubling me.

I would like to ask all bros here their esteemed and hopefully, professional advice. Is this a penile "malfunction" that requires surgery(circumcision)?

Thanks in advance
i had the same problem with you. My foreskin works perfectly but during erection, it does not auto retract DUE TO our foreskin is longer. You do not require circumcision but personally, i would recommend it even though there is not proven health benefits other than its much easier to keep it clean.

Old 09-07-2006, 08:03 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I have the same problem too! It doesn't 'auto' retract but I must pull it back and it doesn't hurt. Been having the idea of going to Circumcision
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Old 10-07-2006, 09:03 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Yeah, I'm having the same problem too, and i hate it when the foreskin will automatically cover back my didi during intercourse, and i have to keep my fingers at the base in order to keep it 'botak'.

Been thinking of getting a cock ring hoping that it would solve the problem. Any ideas from bros here?
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