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Old 20-11-2012, 06:05 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by bluez85 View Post
Don touch it, let the wound dry up.
I remeber when i did mine it was itchy like hell, but i control not to touch after a
while it went away
Old 20-11-2012, 08:50 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Putin View Post
I remeber when i did mine it was itchy like hell, but i control not to touch after a
while it went away
Mine's really itchy right now.
The wound that is pulled is at the under part near the balls, very diff to dry up.
The itch is really unbearable. But trying my best to not scratch it.
Old 20-11-2012, 09:45 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Mine's really itchy right now.
The wound that is pulled is at the under part near the balls, very diff to dry up.
The itch is really unbearable. But trying my best to not scratch it.
Ooo that is good news! That means the skin is healing! Good!
Old 20-11-2012, 09:58 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

but the problem now is that a part of the wound seems to be opening up, like a lip.
probably need to go for a re-stitch.
Old 21-11-2012, 01:23 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Mine's really itchy right now.
The wound that is pulled is at the under part near the balls, very diff to dry up.
The itch is really unbearable. But trying my best to not scratch it.
I did mine at the same clinic a few days after you. The wounds kept sticking to my underwear and it is really painful to separate them. I've resorted to wrapping a piece tissue over the wounds and then taking it off in the shower.

Is yours still swollen above the stitches? Mine's still swollen and sensitive 6 days after the op.
Old 21-11-2012, 04:32 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

thats actually quite normal I think but unless u ripped out like half your stitches.

the doctor probably wont restitch as he would need to inject LA and everything

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
but the problem now is that a part of the wound seems to be opening up, like a lip.
probably need to go for a re-stitch.
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Old 21-11-2012, 06:34 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by restart View Post
I did mine at the same clinic a few days after you. The wounds kept sticking to my underwear and it is really painful to separate them. I've resorted to wrapping a piece tissue over the wounds and then taking it off in the shower.

Is yours still swollen above the stitches? Mine's still swollen and sensitive 6 days after the op.
It's been 9 days since my op, thing is i dun wear anything at all, so there's nothing to stick to. Though it did stick to my balls, so i resorted to holding my dick to air after a shower.

Do you mean the inner foreskin? it is still a bit sensitive, walking is a problem cos it rubs against the cloth. (When i leave my room, i dun wear anything below inside my room to let it air)

It's not really that swollen, but a bit of dead skin has started peeling off. Kinda like exfoliating, lol. (on the exposed inner foreskin and head)
Old 21-11-2012, 06:38 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by drcchdrcch View Post
thats actually quite normal I think but unless u ripped out like half your stitches.

the doctor probably wont restitch as he would need to inject LA and everything
Yup, i suppose so too. Thus, i didn't go down today.

Actually, on the first day, one part of the stitches tore and it bled like a tap.
Called the doc on his mobile and we were there like in 15 mins.

Injected LA at 2 points and stitched up the torn part.

Anyway, the wound is secreting some sticky transparent substance. Just wait for it to harden and let it be.
Old 21-11-2012, 08:05 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Do you mean the inner foreskin? it is still a bit sensitive, walking is a problem cos it rubs against the cloth.
Yes, I was referring to that. So far that's the most sensitive part to me, even more so than the head.
Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
It's not really that swollen, but a bit of dead skin has started peeling off. Kinda like exfoliating, lol.
I have the peeling as well, although my inner foreskin is still a swollen ring.
Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Anyway, the wound is secreting some sticky transparent substance. Just wait for it to harden and let it be.
Same here. Sounds like we are facing the same thing. Thanks for sharing!
Old 21-11-2012, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Anyway, the wound is secreting some sticky transparent substance. Just wait for it to harden and let it be.
Brudder are night erections causing you problems? If yes then try not to drink water after 8pm so your bladder will not be full of urine in the morning.

Another trick is to sleep in fetal position on your side. When you are curled up, your erection won't 'pull' your wound so much. And put a pillow between your knees for comfort.

The transparent fluid is pus and it is your body's by product when your white blood cells are fighting infection. Keep up eating vitamin C and zinc to boost your body's immunity!
Old 21-11-2012, 10:18 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by newhotdog View Post
Brudder are night erections causing you problems? If yes then try not to drink water after 8pm so your bladder will not be full of urine in the morning.

Another trick is to sleep in fetal position on your side. When you are curled up, your erection won't 'pull' your wound so much. And put a pillow between your knees for comfort.

The transparent fluid is pus and it is your body's by product when your white blood cells are fighting infection. Keep up eating vitamin C and zinc to boost your body's immunity!
Bro, it's the morning wood that's giving me lots of problems.
Being too healthy down there is a real problem.
Imagine this, just this morning i woke up at 0400 because of the morning wood pain. Made it go down, took a piss, went back to sleep just to wake up at 0700 due to the pain again.
Happened at almost every 2 to 3 hour interval till 1000.

The pain came from a part on the underside, upon close inspection, there was a spot where the skin is short. (wonder if this was due to lack of skill of the doc or if it was just because it is a scab.)

Btw bro, the transparent substance is not pus as it was not yellow in color.
I looked it up, it's something called serous fluid.
Pus is fluid with all the nasty stuff inside.

All bros who just went for circumcision please take note of your diet.

As mentioned above, vitamin C and zinc. (Tablets would do fine)
No seafood and caffeine. (Tea coffee coke)
For the 1st week, do stay in bed. Walking about might pull on the stitches.
(And since you're lying on the bed, don't wear anything below in order to let it air.)

Ps. Before I sleep, I always got to the toilet to empty my bladder.
Old 24-11-2012, 08:27 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

anyways for those bros who need to gauze up but it keeps sticking, the pharmacy here sells this gauze that is fairly non stick and it slightly medicated with antiseptic, its very thin so might be used as a base layer, its called bactigras, can get one big piece 10by10 and cut into 2 to wrap around
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Old 24-11-2012, 11:19 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by drcchdrcch View Post
anyways for those bros who need to gauze up but it keeps sticking, the pharmacy here sells this gauze that is fairly non stick and it slightly medicated with antiseptic, its very thin so might be used as a base layer, its called bactigras, can get one big piece 10by10 and cut into 2 to wrap around
Thanks. Some of my stitches at the top split so it's a seeping wound that sticks to my clothing. So I may just try this. The stitched parts are healing fine.

I've read that burst stitches are common, but how do I know if it needs to be restitched? No blood, looks like a grazed wound on your knee if you fell on the pavement and kinda stings in water. But healing is slow compared to the stiched area.
Old 24-11-2012, 11:25 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
but the problem now is that a part of the wound seems to be opening up, like a lip.
probably need to go for a re-stitch.
How is your wound now? Part of my stitches came off and that area is healing considerably slow compared to the stiched area. The most annoying thing is that it sticks to just about anything after a while.
Old 25-11-2012, 10:26 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Yah I busted a few stitches and opened a 1cm gap about 1week after ops?, then i went to see the doctor, he said just keep clean should be fine. how long has it been for you before it burst?

now the its like almost 3 weeks since ops the gap area like 2mm in length haha so dont worry you would be fine

Originally Posted by restart View Post
Thanks. Some of my stitches at the top split so it's a seeping wound that sticks to my clothing. So I may just try this. The stitched parts are healing fine.

I've read that burst stitches are common, but how do I know if it needs to be restitched? No blood, looks like a grazed wound on your knee if you fell on the pavement and kinda stings in water. But healing is slow compared to the stiched area.
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