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Old 19-12-2012, 06:20 PM
chinese1980 chinese1980 is offline
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by restart View Post
Hi, I applaud your courage in deciding to go for the cut.

I was circumcised a month ago and the most annoying and painful thing for me was the wound sticking onto my underwear.

When your doctor tells you that bandages are no longer necessary, please at least wrap a tissue around the wound and do not attempt to change the tissue dry. Always soak it off in the shower first. Try to hold your cough and sneeze as well.

These precautions are to prevent the stitches from ripping apart early, leaving behind gaping raw flesh(wound dehiscence).

A few pages back, people were also recommending vitamin C and zinc tablets to aid healing, and to avoid blood thinning foods like coffee. Good luck!
thanks for ur support!!
Old 19-12-2012, 06:35 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by bluez85 View Post
penguinrider: bro, don peel the scabs... looks like ur healing is almost complete... does ur erections hurt and as it stretch the skin?

merrygoround: hi bro... u got lots of homework to do... u got to read the whole tread and read this webby do look out for the styles and methods
yup. i dont peel them off. however i use a calcium alginate dressing to soak up the liquid scab. This actually promotes the glowth of new skin.
It doesn't hurt anymore during erection. in fact it feels like normal before the cut already. just it will sting a little when i bath.
i think my wound should fully cover up in another week.... and i should be able to play on new year =P

you should. really. for your wound and your underwear. make sure you purchase sterile gauze and cleaning agent to clean your wound everyday. but don't over do the cleaning part as it will also kill off new born skin.
avoid seafood. rest a lot. don't go running swimming fucking.
Old 19-12-2012, 06:42 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by chinese1980 View Post
I finally get it cut, by laser at a private clinic and now lying down on my bed.
but there's still a bit bleeding on my wound and I worry about e pain later.
I asked e nurse they mentioned don't nid to put bandage and just let it open. so shall I still put bandage when I going down grab my food?
If it's only for a short while then I wouldn't worry about bandaging it. Only when you're out for hours at a time then I'll suggest wrapping it up, because that's when it will start sticking onto your clothing
Old 20-12-2012, 02:20 PM
merrygoround merrygoround is offline
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by bluez85 View Post
penguinrider: bro, don peel the scabs... looks like ur healing is almost complete... does ur erections hurt and as it stretch the skin?

merrygoround: hi bro... u got lots of homework to do... u got to read the whole tread and read this webby do look out for the styles and methods
thanks for the link. so what style did you all choose? i read about the high and tight style liao . it says residual shaft skin will be under tension and the penis will look short and semi erect. so when erect will it become shorter compared to before i circumsize?

and since its under tension meaning you will keep feeling uncomfortable even when you never erect? sorry dont really understand or feel the terms.
any bro here got experience can share here or pm me . thanks=)
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Old 21-12-2012, 09:58 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

merrygoround: hi bro... u have to read everything....

mine is high and tight..
basically u got to know that there r mainly 3 parts to the skin on ur dick
1) outer foreskin (the turtleneck look alike)
2) inner foreskin (the slightly red skin directly behind the head)
3) shaft skin (rest of ur dick)

high/low tells u where is the scar situated
high = scar towards the middle of the shaft
low = scar closer to the base of the head
tight/loose tells u how much outer foreskin is left
tight = most outer foreskin is cut way
loose = some other foreskin is left (mostly on underside of head)

by right the removal of foreskin is cutting away the outer foreskin and joining the inner foreskin to the shaft skin... so should not shorten ur dick..
even if the doc cuts some shaft skin away, ur dick can stretch the skin aft it has recovered =)
Old 22-12-2012, 08:27 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

most important to keep it dry and clean after operation. i didn't have any pus discharge after first few days. this is the beauty of laser cut, i guess.

please discipline yourself not to use the tool until fully heal. you will definitely feel the difference. i recall my first shot was intense and flew the furthest i've experienced. no kidding....

take care bros...
Old 22-12-2012, 08:51 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

lelo. considering you stored up so much. sure damn power one. how long did you wait to heal up before you shot your first post-op cannon?
i realise that after op. my erected tower looks so much better. no excess skin to cover the turtlehead, allowing it inflate a bit more,
don't expect an increase in size/length though. it circumcision, not penile extension afterall. but neither will it shrink because of the lack of foreskin.

i am glad i did the op. It solve my phimosis problem. The healing process is not that bad. it will not be a cruise but it's something anyone with balls can tahan though one.
Old 25-12-2012, 07:27 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

To all my bros here
Merry Christmas and have a blessed new yr!!!
For those who r recoverying.. Don forget to watch wat u eat!
For those who have recovered, have a BLAST!
Old 25-12-2012, 02:53 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Book my op on the second week of jan at khoo teck puat. Excited!
Old 29-12-2012, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by chinese1980 View Post
I finally get it cut, by laser at a private clinic and now lying down on my bed.
but there's still a bit bleeding on my wound and I worry about e pain later.
I asked e nurse they mentioned don't nid to put bandage and just let it open. so shall I still put bandage when I going down grab my food?
wow bro! u've gone ahead and did it! congrats!

Everything ok? It's been more than a week leow, should be recovering very well now!
Old 29-12-2012, 06:13 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by newhotdog View Post
wow bro! u've gone ahead and did it! congrats!

Everything ok? It's been more than a week leow, should be recovering very well now!
hi thank you for your support! yes I also can't believe that I'd finally make my decision to do it!!
yeah it's my 11th day since my cut. so far everything still ok just very discomfort with the stitches but I believe it's worth to endure for the end result!!!
went for my review today that suppose to be done on Wednesday and doctor commented that it healing quite well just nid to take more time for one of the small open wound... hopefully everything will be recover in 2-3 weeks time.
Old 01-01-2013, 12:37 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by bluez85 View Post
For those who r recoverying.. Don forget to watch wat u eat!
Can I ask if watching your diet is what the doctors advised, or is it just some old wives tale?
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 01-01-2013, 02:21 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
thats y he never ask u wat type of cut u want, they only know one type of cut.
Hi Fiddler,
Does that mean you are high and tight too? I find this confusing since I thought the usage of a Gomco clamp always ends up in a "low" style one..
I am specifically asking because I am considering circumcision and might go for the Crescent Clinic.
I would have got it done long time ago, but how to choose the right doctor? I am so much worried about the cosmetic result?
Would you mind posting a pic in the "show your penis" thread?

Sorry guys - I haven't yet been active in here. I will contribute more, this forum is of big help for many of us!
Old 03-01-2013, 12:24 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Radiologist View Post
Hi Fiddler,
Does that mean you are high and tight too? I find this confusing since I thought the usage of a Gomco clamp always ends up in a "low" style one..
I am specifically asking because I am considering circumcision and might go for the Crescent Clinic.
I would have got it done long time ago, but how to choose the right doctor? I am so much worried about the cosmetic result?
Would you mind posting a pic in the "show your penis" thread?

Sorry guys - I haven't yet been active in here. I will contribute more, this forum is of big help for many of us!
Yes, I'm high and tight. The Doc uses a clamp but he does circumcisions for muslim converts, so i think he does only high and tight cuts only.
Regarding choosing the right doctor. I choose him mainly because his clinic is near my house, just in case of any emergencies, I don't have to travel too far to get to him. The other factor is because he does converts and malays, so i expect him to be very experienced.
I'm sorry but I do not want to post pictures of my dick.
Old 03-01-2013, 07:47 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Gentlemen, today I join the club. I just had my circumcision done by laser today under General Anesthesia. The experience was great. No pain, no swelling, no blood.

The only discomfort was not from the cut, but from the anesthesia. The first hour after waking up was very uncomfortable: felt a bit nauseas and very sleepy, the same feeling as when you don't sleep the whole night. But gradually felt better over the next hour. No pain on my dick at all. When I got up to pee at the hospital, the dressing dropped off. The doc took a look, and said the dressing is no longer necessary as I'm not bleeding at all.

Doctor is an experienced urologist who does alot of adult circumcision, so he knows alot about dicks I guess. He suggested that I get a "standard cut", because he felt that adult dicks, unlike children's, expand alot during erection, and getting too tight a cut may result in torn stitches during erection. The standard cut means that there is abit of foreskin left when the dick is flaccid, but once erect, there is no foreskin. This ensures that there is enough skin to avoid overstretching, and is the safest choice for adults.

Even now as I sit in front of my computer, I feel no pain or discomfort. Tomorrow I go back for a followup.

Cheers bros. I can't wait to get back into action.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
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