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Old 07-01-2013, 10:49 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Power35625 View Post
Well indeed I am afraid of needles. Hence a phobia not any others. Maybe you should cut off an arm or something, since there's nothing you can't endure

Anyways economical wise, hospital or private will be cheaper? And to dear bros who got circumcised, how long will it take before you can exercise (say run/jog) without being uncomfortable or risk infection due to sweat?
hospital got private and public. Private can be specialists, clinics or hospital too. After some research I think the prices, in ascending order, are :

1. Malay doctors who do circumcision for Muslims are probably the cheapest ( just a couple of hundred bucks, but not all are this cheap ). I don't advice this because they tend to do circumcision for Malay kids, and may not be used to doing it for adults. Uses LA.
2. Subsidised public hospital (referred by polyclinic) is next cheapest (maybe 300-500$). uses GA.
3. Small private clinics. Can be from $500-$1400. LA.
4. Unsubsidised public hospital (urology dept, walk-in or refered by GP). Around 1K, depending on hospital and seniority of doc. GA.
4. Private doctors (urologists) at private hospitals (Mt E, Gleneagles, etc) are the most expensive ( $3000 and above). GA.

As in all things, you get what you pay for.

My doc suggested 2 weeks before engaging in sports, but I've read of people on the Net who went jogging the second day. You certainly can walk around, even briskly for long distances after the first 24 hours ( which according to my doc is the most delicate period ). Make sure you wear briefts which will hold your dick in place. Letting it jump around is not a good idea as it strains the stitches.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 07-01-2013, 11:31 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Power35625 View Post
Well indeed I am afraid of needles. Hence a phobia not any others. Maybe you should cut off an arm or something, since there's nothing you can't endure

Anyways economical wise, hospital or private will be cheaper? And to dear bros who got circumcised, how long will it take before you can exercise (say run/jog) without being uncomfortable or risk infection due to sweat?
Read the whole sentence properly before you try to make a retort.
You did not mention a phobia of needles.

All your sentence suggests is that you are afraid of pain, and the fact that you are quite dumb.
Why the hell would LA be injected in your arm or thigh if they are gonna operate on your dick?

The injections are nothing anyone can't endure.
Which has nothing to do with cutting off an arm.

In fact, cutting off an arm would inconvenience anyone.
But not cutting off the foreskin.
Old 07-01-2013, 11:47 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
Read the whole sentence properly before you try to make a retort.
The injections are nothing a man or woman can't endure.
Which has nothing to do with cutting off an arm.

In fact, cutting off an arm would inconvenience anyone.
But not cutting off the foreskin.
Bro Power has already indicated that he has a phobia of needles. A phobia is, by definition, irrational, so no amount of reasoning will convince him otherwise.

For example, someone with claustrophobia will find small spaces frightening, while most of us find small spaces rather cozy, and that such fears border on ridicule. Likewise, to a person with a phobia of needles, a jab is a very big deal.

Rather than attempt the impossible task of convincing him otherwise, it's probably better to help him avoid it ( better still, overcome it, but that's not possible through the forum).
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 07-01-2013, 11:49 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
...I don't *advice* this because ...
Oops, made a mistake. Better correct myself before Sam does it for me. It should be "advise", not "advice". Advice is a noun, not a verb.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 08-01-2013, 12:05 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Oh, my bad.
Saw the last line asking about pain levels with a blood test.
Didn't see the phobia of needles.

But anyway, you gotta admit that asking if the injection would take place on the arm or thigh when the operation is on the dick is rather dumb.

And the fact that he suggested cutting off an arm is quite rude as well.
Old 08-01-2013, 07:13 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Bros relax...
The LA injection to me is like a neddle prick then no feeling..
Don exercise until u r recovered aka no wound.
Don risk the chance of raptured sitches coz that is painful.

Bro peanut123: I spam coffee and tea everyday.. And juz drink coffee or tea.. So u can guess y my cut didn't stop bleeding...
Old 08-01-2013, 09:13 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Gentlemen, today I join the club. I just had my circumcision done by laser today under General Anesthesia. The experience was great. No pain, no swelling, no blood.

The only discomfort was not from the cut, but from the anesthesia. The first hour after waking up was very uncomfortable: felt a bit nauseas and very sleepy, the same feeling as when you don't sleep the whole night. But gradually felt better over the next hour. No pain on my dick at all. When I got up to pee at the hospital, the dressing dropped off. The doc took a look, and said the dressing is no longer necessary as I'm not bleeding at all.

Doctor is an experienced urologist who does alot of adult circumcision, so he knows alot about dicks I guess. He suggested that I get a "standard cut", because he felt that adult dicks, unlike children's, expand alot during erection, and getting too tight a cut may result in torn stitches during erection. The standard cut means that there is abit of foreskin left when the dick is flaccid, but once erect, there is no foreskin. This ensures that there is enough skin to avoid overstretching, and is the safest choice for adults.

Even now as I sit in front of my computer, I feel no pain or discomfort. Tomorrow I go back for a followup.

Cheers bros. I can't wait to get back into action.
Can recommend me which are the SG clinics who do laser?

How much s the costs?
Old 08-01-2013, 08:10 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

The cost involved in public/private hospitals is at the link below: I presume the bill size is averaged out for laser and non laser together.

By the way, during consultation or operation, no lady nurses one right?
Old 09-01-2013, 01:48 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fiddler3343 View Post
But anyway, you gotta admit that asking if the injection would take place on the arm or thigh when the operation is on the dick is rather dumb.

And the fact that he suggested cutting off an arm is quite rude as well.
It was an honest question coming from someone who has never done LA before. I am even unsure as to whether the needle used is IV type or regular syringe or other kind. Put Urself in other people shoe before calling them dumb or sth. Unless u tell me u nvr asked seemingly dumb qns before, u are a big dumbo Urself. Dont come here posting like some arrogant fark just because you went through the procedure and are experienced.

On a seperate issue, however rude ur response was, u did answer my question and clarify my doubts and for that, I would like to thank you, and appraiser what you did. With regards to my rude comments, I apologize as well.

More imptly, thank you bros for all the replies that answered my queries, I really do appreciate it!! I guess I'll be going under the knife or laser or whatever these few weeks ahahaha
Old 09-01-2013, 10:06 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I am also contemplating between a cheap clinic or a expensive urologist (dr Ho)

Then i realised i have private medishield with full riders.

The 3k operation cost and the pre/post follow up should be covered by the plan.

FYI for those who don't realise this. Please correct me if im wrong
Old 09-01-2013, 04:21 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just did the snip this morning, did under LA. Still laying in bed waiting for them to let me go home. So far no pain, just sensitive.
Old 09-01-2013, 06:08 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by louisrocks View Post
Just did the snip this morning, did under LA. Still laying in bed waiting for them to let me go home. So far no pain, just sensitive.
congratulations to u! it's happy to know that u did it... please take more rest for faster recovery.
Old 09-01-2013, 07:56 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Medishield can cover?

Medisave can only deduct $400.
Old 10-01-2013, 12:04 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Power35625 View Post
It was an honest question coming from someone who has never done LA before. I am even unsure as to whether the needle used is IV type or regular syringe or other kind. Put Urself in other people shoe before calling them dumb or sth. Unless u tell me u nvr asked seemingly dumb qns before, u are a big dumbo Urself. Dont come here posting like some arrogant fark just because you went through the procedure and are experienced.

On a seperate issue, however rude ur response was, u did answer my question and clarify my doubts and for that, I would like to thank you, and appraiser what you did. With regards to my rude comments, I apologize as well.

More imptly, thank you bros for all the replies that answered my queries, I really do appreciate it!! I guess I'll be going under the knife or laser or whatever these few weeks ahahaha
I do try my best not to ask any dumb questions by reading up what i wanted to ask.
Read up first, then verify any doubts so that i do not appear stupid or ignorant.
The main reason i acted this way because most people like to be spoon fed information that can be easily found on the web. (Their reason no matter how nice they try to put it, is in fact pure laziness.)
Old 10-01-2013, 04:27 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by chinese1980 View Post
congratulations to u! it's happy to know that u did it... please take more rest for faster recovery.
Thanks bro, currently penis still swollen, can't wait for my penis to be perfect again. Feel so demoralised looking at it now hahaha
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