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Old 24-01-2020, 02:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Pre-CNY temple trip, so as to be able to know the place about being kiasu plus kiasi...

Wrong timing to be there, the temple were having some minor renovation when i reached.

They moved the deities altar to the side platform.

Until when they finish doing up the painting and renovation, then will they move the deities back to the main altar right inside the temple.

Behind the temple...

I was trying the capture the how the rest of the koi in the pond were following the white koi,hehehe....

Which is fresher? The mango at Penuin wet market...

...those near the Jodoh bazaar....

...or the ones behind the temple? Hehehehe...

This place still not very populated by too many tourist tho...just some chickens and birds,hehehe...

Talk about curi ayam,hehehe...

Chicken and pigeon living in harmony together inside the pigeon hole cages.

This temple is the Vihara Cipta Dharma Temple (玄天上帝庙 ) i was talking about in my earlier post.

I need to go there before CNY just to see and get a better understanding of the place before i can bring others go during CNY time. The next place i go to on that same day is the Hock An Kiong Temple (福安宫)

The Hock An Kiong Temple (福安宫) is actually quite far out from Nagoya area, near to the Batam University.

Rather simple temple for now as they are still kind-of under construction. They started as a home base temple, remember? And that steep slope up the temple is a real killer,hehehe...and then besides the 2D door and the 24 piety marbled wall...

...there's the dragon statue fountain. Out of its main temple area at the datuk kong shrine.

Big place with nice ambiance too.

I think they are going to have some event during the cny period as well,hehehe...hope i have the time to catch up with that.

Just doing some homework before my actual CNY 2020 trip.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-01-2020, 02:30 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post 4 more days then is cny liao lo....tis yr like no good movie for cny in btm ya?
1 more days to CNY 2020,hehehe...this year, the only set back in Batam is really no good movies for me to look forward to except one! Or at least, nothing really caught my interest.

This year's CNY 2020..."Be a true your own way"...hehehe....

Unlikely to come to Batam during CNY and stay for a long time (i hope i'm wrong,hehehe...). Nezha was here for a short while and this Jiang Zi Ya movie gonna launch in China on CNY eve.

By the time it reach other parts of Asia, its probably February time.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i got feel tat it's gng 2 be no so crowded like previous years cny
There wont be no rooms to stay in if one comes during CNY. Just what type of rooms that is left,hehehe...i look forward to go to places that are quieter in Batam.

And finally...its CNY eve.

True inner peace be upon all in this thread.

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Old 24-01-2020, 02:30 AM
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Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
The local called this place VG.
I remembered the ladies there were all from Octopuss Cat. Sliver.
Thats why now Octopuss level 8 only have Gold and Platinum.
And ladies there are for ST.
Maybe there is a change on their system now

No more Sphinx, No more Seruni hotel.
Now have changed to K hotel,
Sphinx building is now K2 KTV, and they have 2 level of KTV rooms and a lounge for drinking and betting of ping pong nos.
Also have Mookata at level 1.
Thank you so much. You definitely know a lot.
I have just returned last Monday after 8 days in Batam. Overall the disco scene was disappointing:
NEWTON: never more than 50% full, no more young SYT looking for a dad with money in pocket, some hit and miss.
P3: as usual, some hit and miss
P1: I tried on a Monday night, and it was EMPTY (5 people dancing on the floor).
Old 24-01-2020, 07:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Did yr friend go buy 4D?

His not the type that gamble his money away but his life while farking his gals raw and cumming inside thier pussies
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 24-01-2020, 11:03 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
it is a cultural difference & people mindset in diff countries. If Sgreans choose 2 visit tose places, then they must accept tose kind of attitude them, this might b normal everyday routine, even they do the same towards their own ppl. China used to be like this aso & has improved over time.

I think once Indo gov see how far behind they are, the gov body wld impose tougher policies & no b under their ppl's (Demonstration) threat.

Question is when? lol....
i think it's already in their blood abt the corruption to the extend that they might not even knw that they're actually committing a crime (corruption).

Just recent 2019 news, Indonesian tourist come Sg & try to bribe the Sg immigration officer.

Though he alone cannot represent the whole of Indonesia but i would say most of them, likely would do the similar when getting into trouble with any government officers anywhere, it's a just part of most of their natural reflexes to just push money to get themselves out of trouble.

This don't just happen from the bottoms up, it goes right to the top. Like this Indonesian Riau Islands Governor Nurdin Basirum (Batam was part of his charge,within the Riau island) that was caught during mid 2019.

Their law for corrupted practice just isn't hard enough to deter others & the rest of from committing the same offence again. U can catch them all but the punishment is just a slap on their wrist & they're free to go after.

Perhaps it's just a small crime to them, just like littering in Sg.

I'm on my way to Batam in a couple of hours time. See u guys there!
Old 24-01-2020, 01:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Leoric View Post
I'm on my way to Batam in a couple of hours time. See u guys there!
Dont forget to keep a look out for the best rate in almost ALL the Singapore money changers,hehehe...

(i sent the above links to you guys since ages ago,hehehe...)

If Batam rate not as good enough, can change for you. 10050/SGD is best rate in Singapore but minimum S$300. The rest of them mostly just 10000/SGD.

I no need change anymore, as i already got 10150/SGD in my last batam trip,hehehe...and i changed enough to last me for this whole CNY 2020 trip. Maybe even the next one too.

A kind bro just PM me that ferry is loaded FULL with lots of foreign workers from Singapore at 1045am. And some Indo Chinese (girls) too.

Keep in contact and see you guys there soon!

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Old 25-01-2020, 10:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Take this opportunity to wish everyone in this thread and in Batam today, a happy and prosperous Chinese Lunar New Year.

Harbour front was so crowded like never before. I have never seen such enormous crowd over my past 5 years of CNY trips (5 consecutive year, i am in Batam during CNY time). Waiting in queue to scan my passport from the Singapore side took more than 40 mins reached and Horizon ferry delayed (other ferry companies as well),hehehe...1st time experience.

Once i reached Batam, all was back to norm. No queue from the Batam Harbour Bay side. Rejected taxi from Harbour Bay to hotel even tho signboard says 30k rupiah. Took the Zest Hotel taxi instead at 35k rupiah,hehehe...5k rupiah extra for peace of mind during CNY, its worth every bit.

(base on experience from last year CNY trip was that many taxis would start asking for 50k rupiah per trip)


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Old 25-01-2020, 10:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Take this opportunity to wish everyone in this thread and in Batam today, a happy and prosperous Chinese Lunar New Year.

(base on experience from last year CNY trip was that many taxis would start asking for 50k rupiah per trip)

Gong Xi Fa Cai!...

Reason why I will not like crowded Batam or anywhere crowded during long weekends or public holidays...
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Old 25-01-2020, 11:02 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

How is batam now? Loads of Aneh around? Last year wasn't as crowded the year before
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 25-01-2020, 11:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Reason why I will not like crowded Batam or anywhere crowded during long weekends or public holidays...
Comparing the crowd in Singapore and Batam, i still prefer Batam,hehehe...went to Sentosa some 10 over years ago to the Spring flower festival. From the birds eye view on the cable car, i see rainbow colors of flower from it. Then all of a sudden, i patches of "black crowd" (99.9% non-Singaporean). That day onward, i work on giving Singapore a miss and chose Batam. Even "call chicken" in Singapore also so crowded.

Batam is quite different (at least to me). Due to my couple of years of working and analyzing, i am able to locate places in Batam which are not "infested" (or least infected) by the CNY holiday tourism. In Batam, i get the best of both world, i get less or literally no crowd in it to places i choose to go (at the best timing), i also get the CNY ambiance, crackers, temple praying with lesser chinese-rush, massage places with lesser business,lower pricing+better service, Indo girls which are lesser affected by the season etc.

Comparing with the influx of foreign workers from Singapore who would share 2 to 5 person in a single room and paying a much higher price for girls, i think i am better off than them,hehehe...and comparing with those Singaporean who are on par with me, not many of them has my experience and knowledge of the island during this season.

I confirm gain the upperhand most of the time.

You should come by one CNY in future, just endure an hour or 2 from the Singapore immigration side for a while and you would touch heaven on earth,hehehe....

Just sharing.

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Old 25-01-2020, 04:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just reached today. Line up harbour bay custom 1 hour. Hotel mostly fully booked. All shopping malls are open. Chinese owned shop mostly closed. At DC mall now. Quite crowded. Later will go nagoya shopping mall walk walk see see
Old 25-01-2020, 05:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
You should come by one CNY in future, just endure an hour or 2 from the Singapore immigration side for a while and you would touch heaven on earth,hehehe....
NO thank you...even queue 45 mins in an airport I hate it...if I want to spend CNY in Batam then I will go a few days before CNY and stay a week till all mad rush over..
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Old 25-01-2020, 10:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Guys update here...those wanna go hai ou seafood for dinner pls take note...this few days hai ou will be closed for this few days durong cny...

Last edited by PowerBenz; 26-01-2020 at 12:21 AM.
Old 25-01-2020, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
NO thank you...even queue 45 mins in an airport I hate it...if I want to spend CNY in Batam then I will go a few days before CNY and stay a week till all mad rush over..
Same thinking...
Already here last Wed...
Long time didnt do my after dinner walk.
Last night make a tour in Nagoya area,
Ride pressed Bunga,Kupu2,SriKandy, saw some aneh shopping around.
At Seker(ExNB) saw Chandra n
AhLong was burning jossstick in front.

As for eating place most chinese stalls were closed....
A2 Quite
J8 dead,
98 hv Singer/DJ/Firework 50% full.
Nagoya FC See Car park 80% full.

Usually dont go kampungBule.
As it was stillhv time before the fire work start. Desided to just Go one round and to my surprise.. it was quite happening.

Windsor TPK firework start at around 1130Wib.
and Lubuk Baja (near Martabak Har)IMLEK Event ground firework starts at midnight.
Old 26-01-2020, 08:26 AM
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