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Old 29-05-2016, 11:26 PM
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Batam Trip Summary
from 15th May to 17th May 2016

(28th Batam Trip)

Reference to my 27th Batam Trip Summary

This trip was relatively quite unlike the other trips i had before becos it was initialed by a friend 1st before i decide to pick on the date to go. So i count myself as just a follower instead of an organizer.

The trip begins with a little hiccups. We were all suppose to meet at x time at Harbour Front but only one turn up. There were suppose to be 4 of us going in this trip,the other 2 seems to have forgotten...but base on my understanding of this friend (1 of the 2),he isnt those irresponsible kind. So i go take the ferry w/o the 2 and later found out they actually took a ferry ahead of us to reach Batam and stayed in another hotel which we initialed planned to stay in.

Reason is simple,he brought along a newbie,a 1st time Batam visitor which he feels he didnt wish to drag all of us down. Most of us in this trip were somehow experience-enough when it comes to Batam and all of us were there to experience together and to learn from each other,hence we got ourselves divided up for a bit to help newbie catch up and understand the scene better.

So now,we have a group of 4 pax divided by 2. Its a 3D2N trip. Newbie will be staying for 2D1N,and my friend will be coming over my hotel on the 2nd night stay. So this arrangement has been fixed.

Upon touching down Harbour Bay,as usual...we head over 1st to change money opposite Formosa. My 1st group of friend change thousands in Sin$ at 9690/SGD,my friend and i changed the same at S$300 for the same price, other friend with with me,together we changed S$600. At this point,the 1st group and myself hasnt see each other yet. But we were suppose to meet later to go cewek-shopping together.

The usual,change money,head to Kaha,grab room voucher and then proceed to hotel to check in. Room not ready,we left our bags there and then head for brunch at the Meximo Pub want tan mee. for the other group,they headed to Instar Coffee shop for their meals.

As usual,the noodles was good blah blah blah and we manage to finish our noodles within mins (the usual 3 min eating speed,hehehe...),head over back to hotel to check in to one of our room 1st becos the other 1 one isnt ready ;before merging the 2 groups together to go cewek-shopping,hehehe....

At this point of time,i knew...a few bros were already in Batam,hehehe...15th May 2016. So many of them were staying in Formosa Hotel. (i knew at least half a dozen of them inside it)

During checking in my 1st room,i learned that Formosa Hotel will be ending its contract with Kaha on 22nd May 2016. To be exact,after the end of their contract,they will not be extending the contract anymore. So in my next trip,i need not go to Kaha to get room vouchers if i want to stay in Formosa. Other hotel's voucher still available tho.

Here's the information i wish to keep in record on this summary :

Formosa is now offering FREE membership to all their clients (i think should be all) Below photo shows its privileges but please skip the part where you need to pay 400k and get the 450k voucher tho.

Let's make some comparison here.

Kaha current price for Deluxe room is 475k for weekdays and 525k for weekends.

Formosa Free Membership offers 460k for weekdays and 510k for weekends. So it is cheaper. On top of it,each night entitles a guest 10 points,and upon accumulation of 150 points,guest get a free night stay. And a free upgrade to silver membership. There are some % discount from Vienna Restaurant,Tea Story,and Alishan KTV too,but i guess thats not important becos not many really goes there and Alishan KTV also give customer the same discount as of the member discount w/o being a member,so that part would be a total crap to me,hehehe...

Only setback is,its a promo. So the pricing may change from time to time. I argue about the pricing with them,citing that Biz and Da Vienna Hotel offers much better room rates with better newer rooms. Gave them the pricing of some other hotel rates and tell them their prices were "way too high" if i were to make an apple to apple comparison. I asked for a better price. As in,"my price"...i mean since i am pretty much regular there and i used Formosa like a school for Batam newbies (or 1st timers).I believe they should offer me some premium pricing/offers for the newbies who are with me and myself too.

Like i say before,whatever good price i got,i dont pocket it like a commission thingy. I dont wish to share it openly in public either,but the people with me pays only what the hotel ask for and that is their price,a supposingly good price if one compares apple to apple (which i often ask bros to make comparison with before their trip).

As for the collected points,every 150 points entitled a member a night of free stay and every night stay gives me 10 points. This trip i have 3 person i knew using my name to get the room and another 1 more coming on a later date, also using my name. And guess how many points i will be earning. I checked and double checked with the hotel recpeionist and their manager,i only get 10 points for all the above. They only counted in the points for the room i stayed in,so irregardless i have how many people joining me,i still ONLY get 10 points per night stay. And i have to be there in person in order to clock those points. Which also means if i have a dozen friends who use my name to book the hotel,i dont earn those points and i can only earn points for the room i stayed in per night. Again,no extra earning on clocking points to earn free stay and please dont believe what i say here,check and double check with the reception manager.

Ok,back to after checking in and meeting up the other 2 friends who came from another hotel. We start cewek-shopping....

Cant remember the sequence,we go thru New Berry,Gold Bird (aka Sedona),Bunga,Hawaii and Happy 8. New Berry has like 15 girls....yes,i remember someone saying there were on less than 5 girls on a wrong timing,and gold Bird has like 15 girls too. Bunga about 20 over girls and Happy 8 about 30 plus. We got 2 from New Berry becos my friend wish to test water due to the fact he didnt had a good trip the last time round. Ah Beng (or ah peng) from ex Gold Bird moved to Hawaii and due to his strong recommendation,we took another one there. Newbie bro too a 19 year old SSYT from Bunga,hehehe... (yes,she was a super sweetie in looks and i believe 19 years old is young enough,hehehe...)

Next,we headed over to Altalanta. If this trip is planned by me,i wont be going there,but well...they say go and since i am a follower in this trip...i just follow along,hehehe...and i learned a few tricks from the seniors too.

What kind of tricks,you may ask. Well,all i can say is if i normally pays 150k for HJ and 300k for FJ in an upscale men's spa like Altalanta. Then they are actually paying lower than me and yet still the girls were very happy and willing to serve them well. continue in the next page

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-05-2016, 11:27 PM
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After the spa,we were all headed back to our respective hotels to rest up and wait for our girl/s. Here's the funny part,the driver were suppose to send the girls to room XXL,but end up sending to my ex.usual room of XXX. And XXX has another of my friend staying in it...hehehe...almost immediately,he (friend from room XXX) send me an sms telling me something like,"I think your driver send me your girls to the wrong room"...i was laughing all the way. Such unreliable driver,hehehe....the unreliable driver werent the only one heading to the wrong room tho. Other friends staying in the same hotel too,but lucky my friend from room XXX wasnt inside room when they go pressing his doorbell.

Anyway,the girls arrived. Got to know most girls in joints were returning on Ramandan,blah blah blah...have some TCSS,break some ice and later go back to our respective rooms for OTOT. We do planned dinner beforehand tho.

By the time we meet up for dinner,all of us would already have a shot and we arent suppose to bring our girls together for dinner but 2 of the boys choose to bring them along anyway. So that means we cannot go far. And we head to the new Zhi Char Store beside Grand Nagoya 68 hotel called..New Siang Malam Sea food.

Honestly,i didnt take photo of the food,makes me feel like those selfie craze who spend too much time taking photographs and i only manage catch a few shots of what they have to offer in their menu...

Anyway,we have a total of 7 person in this meal including some girls,and the bills turn out to be....hehehe...400k rupiah.Their Menu got write price there,so not so much scare that they will carrot chop too.

Kind of lost count of the number of dishes we ordered and ate as there are 2 round tables of food...but good thing is,there was minimum leftovers (less wastage). Shall RTE (return to eat) in my future trips until it turns bad again...why do i say this,it is becos when too many people go there to eat,business will become good for them...and when business is good,some eateries cannot maintain its consistency on its produce and/or its service level. And worse if the boss knows business going good and increase price...seems like its the Batam culture for new places nowaday.

Do note too that most of us eating were non-sea food person. So this meal has only some prawns and no crabs. But has fried squids and sotong i think. Simple food for the simple man,who eat to live. Good tasting enough for me (no pork tho) I remember i asked myself this question before,if i think (or feel) a certain place around Nagoya area is expensive,am i able to find myself a cheaper alternative/s? I think i just did.

This place only less than 5 mins walk from Formosa Hotel and at the Lucky Plaza area, almost beside almost Mickey Mouse Bak Kut Teh.

*the name ,Siang Malam reminds me of the Budi Siang Malam chicken rice store. continue in the next page

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-05-2016, 11:33 PM
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Dinner was pretty good. After dinner,some went to nearby Alfa Mart to buy some stuffs,some planned for a movie while i head back to room becos i have an appointment with friends in the hotel who stayed on 3rd storey. Well,they came down looking for me,end up heading to the room XXX where my other friend stays in. End up we change to meeting at lobby for some tcss.

My after dinner purchase at Alfa Mart :

I need some lubricants,hehehe...guess those who knows me know what i use it for with my girl.

The rest of the evening after my return to room is just plain OTOT and my girl and me had supper at 549am Batam time. I threw away the room service supper receipt,otherwise can post it here becos i didnt know it was so late until our supper came.

Next morning,we planned breakfast at Momo....well,thats my 1st fail. We took an almost 15 min drive to Momo,only to learn that it was close. And that was before 11am. Then we took another 15mins drive to a2 food court for our brunch.Some time were wasted during travelling to and fro.

I learned that the black chicken soup in a2 food court was a complete crap. My friend has the same ratings too.

Once brunch is done,we head for cewek-shopping again. I extend my girl,the other 2 friends need to look around,go around. We head back to get girls that they have bookmarked the previous day,and we also hit some places that we didnt visit yesterday too. We go to a new place called Tulip Massage. Not exactly new,but this massage shop has recently turned itself from a massage place to a booking joint.

7 girls there,2 SYT going at 1 million rupiah and 1 particular outstanding SSYT,but going rate at 1.5 million rupiah. 1 look see all the girls,maybe one day should give this place a try but not during the coming Ramadan month tho. We all skipped this place and went to fish from the rest of the joints. They eventually found what they are looking for after about 5 joint visit. This time round,they picked some semi-syt, at 1.1 million and another at 900k. continue in the next page

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-05-2016, 11:34 PM
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We helped one of my friend and his newbie friend check out and moved to our hotel. Newbie friend will be leaving to Sillypore today,so they decide to head to do some shopping since the night before,they have failed to catch the movie they wish for. My other friend and myself head over to look for Enter Spa,a supposing new spa.

When we reach there,we were told the massage wasnt ready and it wont be ready until dont know when...took some photos of the place...

This is exceptional strange,2 guys (staffs from the spa) trying to catch something in the spa's pool...dont know what they were trying to,hehehe...

...maybe got sea monkeys inside,hehehe...just curious.

Below is their hot pool,test the water temperature. Its not hot enough...

...i went to check out the price for using the facilities w/o the massage and its cost a whopping 104k!! Even with the 20% discount,it is still quite highly priced. And look at the inside of the pool,green color water. The whole place looks new,even has a thatre room and a Pole dancing area...well,i was looking forward to see these dancers there tho...hehehe...

Do note that the place is way much smaller than it looks. At least more than 70% smaller than Altalanta or Octopuss men's spa. So dont get tricked by the multiple pictures above i took from the website. No photos of the locker room tho but Octopuss spa locker room is definite about 4 times bigger than that of Enter Spa in L-Hotel.

There was no exact date when this spa is opening.

I think my photography skill sux,hehehe...i am suppose to take the price of the spa beverage pricing,end up most part of it cannot be seen clearly...

Anyway,their pricing were about Formosa Hotel Vienna Restaurant price point. And menu price were before their 20% off. Enter Spa was at the 1st floor of the hotel. The front office looks like a 2 star hotel tho. Other much to take note on except the part that this psa has more prettier hostess aka GRO than Octopuss,Delta and Altalanta,hehehe...

There was only 2 of us checking out this Enter Spa,and we turn back almost empty handed. And since there was only 2 of us,we finally decide to head for foot reflexology. Both of us were dead tired from our previous nights of OTOT and we both dozed off during my rest time. By now,my friend has send his newbie friend to the ferry and we were all gather in another room XXO for fear that our unreliable driver woud send the girls to room XXX again, was still early noon,and as my girl was extended,she slep thru all the way during noon and having nother better else to do,i head up to another foot reflexology,this time intended for for special service.

Now here's something i havent tried before. I had foot reflexology,i had a hard on,the girl didnt prompt GQ and go ahead to massage my lil bro....and this is the 1st time i did not negotiate for a special service in a hotel massage shop. i can only say it is a totally a very good time i had (fj). I tested the girl by 1st not giving her money when i walked out...she didnt even ask,so i trun back walk in back to the room and test her again by giving her a 50k rupiah,she looked surprised ,took the money and returned a smile. I walked out and decide to wait for her at the reception to see her again. She looked totally in shock when she realize i was waiting for her,hehehe...LOLOLOL....

I later pull out another 4 pieces of 50k and pass it to her,hehehe...and she was all smiling and i had a good time teasing her too. Nicknamed her Hantu,hehehe...i think she nicknamed me the same too (language barrier). continue in the next page

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-05-2016, 11:37 PM
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I still have sometime before dinner time,i head back to room. My girl tho woke up,still look quite tired,so i ask her continue sleep while i head to room XXX to meet up the friend that a handful of my other friends has knocked wrongly on,hehehe....we have an almost one hour of TCSS and he shared some photos of his conquest all over the globe. Oh my,i was drooling all over from those photographs...there must be at least 10s of thousands of photos.

Its not the 1st time i see so much photos of Batam girls in one single mobile phone from any individual,there are many other bros who also has more or less that amount of photos in the number of thousands,even myself has a handful of them over my 2 years in Batam too. But like i say before,these friends,they are man who honor their words. They do pay to bonk these girls,they most likely have permission to take those photos (nude and non-nude),but they know they do not have had the permission to share it publicly. This is one reason why i respect this particular group of friends.

己所不欲,勿施于人 meaning do not do unto what i dont like others do unto myself.

In my humble point of view,man who honor their words are friend-worthy.

We have a good time chatting over Batam girls,our conquest,the joints,about the forum etc etc,to the extend i almost forget that i need to meet up with the other boys for dinner. I bid farewell to this friend and off i dash to my room,get myself changed and drop a 100k rupiah for my girl to settle her own dinner while i head for our group dinner at Ibu Joko...i mean since one of the boys hasnt been there before,so i thought maybe show him this place where the locals eat.

I think total bill was about 200k plus a bit for 4 person. After dinner,it was again OTOT all the way.

My original plan,to have a 2 hour hot stone massage (330k). I left my girl alone in the room while i ordered a massage service for her. I head upstairs but here's my next fail. They dont do hot stone massage in the evening,grrr.... now i am left with no choice but to take up the full body massage service. No,no special service...not even GQ becos i know this massage shop at the back of my hands (too well) and the girls in it too.Practically all of them knows i have had 3 massage services at the same shop on the same day,hehehe...thats the problem about being too regular to a place.

Anyway,save my money on special and goes back room to OTOT after my massage service ends. Back to room,my girl also complained to me that the massage service was not good....come to think of it,i think my friend also ordered a massage service to his room and complained the massage girls refuse to massage his girl properly too. Just too bad,they didnt note down their working numbers.

Next morning ,all of us met up for breakfast (the free one) to plan what to do next. Its our last few hours in Batam,so we better fully utilize it. I informed the receptionist that we will all be checking out late,except my room. I decide to be considerate to check out my room before 2pm becos mine was a special room,other guest may be waiting for my room.

Before checking out,its is still morning after our breakfast,so we decide to go for one more massage...yes all of us. We decide to try a more authentic massage place,and yes,i think they had a good time. One of my friend even took the number of an indo chinese massage girl and wechatted with her. My friend showed us her wechat photo,she looks 9/10 on photo but in real,she look about 7/10,hehehe...shant elaborate more in the summary.

After massage,had early lunch at Budi Siang Malam chicken rice ,all of us headed back to our respective rooms thereafter. i showered,pack up and checked out earlier than usual and have all my things moved to my friend's room. As for my other friend,he call for another massage and while waiting for him to finish ,we have some in room TCSS... once my friend is done with his extra time massage,we all went down to check together (except i had checked out earlier). Time is still early since its only 3pm plus,we head to a small scale theme restaurant to sit down to tcss ,had some finger food,kill a bit of time and when the time is up,we head to Harbour for the final home sweet home.

Upon touching onto the ferry back home,i realize i forgot something. I forgot to take a picture of Formosa Hotel's before and after picture,so i request a friend who will be visiting Batam after my trip to help me take some photos of the hotel exterior,so that i can keep a record in this summary.

Special thanks to my friend who helped me took the above photos.

~~~~~~~~~~End of Sumary~~~~~~~~~~

Thoughts for the trip :

1. This trip is more like a reunion trip,met up with old and new friends i met in the past trips and also friends that i have been talking to in the forum whereby we havent got ourselves a chance to meet before.

2. I know this trip number 28th isnt as good as trip number 27th (or it may seems that way). But glad to see that it didnt turn out worse than i expected. All in all,i think this trip is a relatively good one,just not as good as my last one. I would rate this trip 7.5/10.

3. A few new things this trip. A new "girl" in a massage shop (not going to elaborate,those who are there knows). A new Zhi Char store. A new booking joint Tulip Massage (massage-shop-turned-booking joint). Oh,i forgot,a booking joint with 500k/600k/700k girls still existed in Batam.

4. An incident,2nd day of the trip when we go to change money again. I drop off the car last whereas my friends head for the money change a min before i arrived,got 9600/SGD. I mean they were quoted 9600/SGD. When money changeress saw me,the price immediately went up to 9700/SGD. Its the best price for that day becos another of the money changer's customer that comes with more than 15 pieces of 1k S$ notes also get the same rate.

5. The girls in booking joint that i knew whom i talk with tells me that most girls will be heading back to hometown for Ramadan after the 1st week. Asked them why,they explain that air ticket will cost very much higher as the days gets closer towards Hari Raya. Cost of tickets according to them can cost up to 5 million rupiah so its rather LPPL for them to try to earn more and goes back later at a higher cost too.

6. More new girls coming to Batam about a week or so after 6th July 2016,according to some OKTs.

7. Formosa Hotel membership is now free.

I dont know how the 10% discount for King massage going to work ,hehehe...soon,i will be a silver card and eventually the Gold Card member.

Let's not forget there is also a free shuttle service 4 times a year from hotel to ferry terminal (or Airport) for silver card member and 8 times a year for Gold member. The cutest part of this promotion is silver card holder and above get to have their laundry done for free too,hehehe....(2 pieces laundry for Silver and 3 pieces for Gold)

Details :

8. Ramadan month is unpredictable. This trip was mainly to prepare myself for my next month's trip. Had a feeling its going to be good,even tho less girls were expected. Hopefully i will be prepared enough.

9. Whenever heaven closes one door,somewhere there will be an open window. When Formosa no longer do business with Kaha,there is still....hehehe....i thank my friend,Samat who impart an alternative to me before he passes on.

10. Time to plan for my June trip,hehehe...this would likely be a solo or friend-only trip.

Thank you,if you are reading.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 30-05-2016, 12:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Me too want to know where to rent motorcycle.
Bro go to carousell search for bike rental in batam but pls make sure u got IDP n bring your spore license along.going to ramadan police lookin for extra cash.
Old 30-05-2016, 01:09 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
Bro go to carousell search for bike rental in batam but pls make sure u got IDP n bring your spore license along.going to ramadan police lookin for extra cash.
Tried asking the carousel one but less bike offered. Mine is $15 per day(24hrs usage) $10 for delivery and pick up of bike from the location u want. And another $5 for extra helmet. The guy will require u to fill up a form and keep ur ic as deposit in case of any damage or loss. And by right our license need to convert to international license to ride/drive legally there. Rental of car will be usually from $45 per day. The $7 one is the price for indonesian. Do take note too that u can turn left when the traffic is red. Hahaha. Or u will be honked.
Old 30-05-2016, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
Do share updates if u decide in bringing ebike over
Sorry last minute I got brother Cheo me to go Balai on Wednesday to celebrate his BD.
A little troublesome to hoop around with the bike.
So wouldn't be ebiking this trip.
Will check with hotel if they allows me to diposit my bike there first.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
... Thx for the idea
Pls don't say that..
I should be the one say thanks.
(Upped you)

BTW... I'll visit the rantal shop opposite Batam uni. to gether more bikes rental info.
at the same time recce the area for...
Old 30-05-2016, 11:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
.. while i head back to room becos i have an appointment with friends in the hotel who stayed on 3rd storey. Well,they came down looking for me,end up heading to the room XXX where my other friend stays in. End up we change to meeting at lobby for some tcss.
Didn't knw u were so busy until i read yr summary. Just wish to drop u a thank you note for taking the time to link up with us for the tcss & pointers. Opps! We rang the wrong doorbell,should've double confirm yr room no. with u.

We visit the few loc u pointed us to,they were indeed fabulous places. Since u say to keep it discreet,i probably shouldn't be posting it here. Btw,a few FRs has been send yr way. If there's a chance,hope to link up again,dinner's on me bro.

Old 30-05-2016, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
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I still have sometime before dinner time,i head back to room. My girl tho woke up,still look quite tired,so i ask her continue sleep while i head to room
wow..boh u le..
Old 30-05-2016, 01:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

been some time since I logged in . Must must share some REALLY solid food I found and ate several several times (to confirm consistency).

1. *the bestest* pizza : Spiro Pizza at Food Colony (Nagoya City Walk. Food Colony is a food court behind Brewsky pub). Will definitely post FR soon - love the thin crusted pizzas and the lasagna.... enak sekali AH!

2. Benny Beng Bak (bbq pork belly, charsiew) - this one is the outright winner for charsiew, siobak - my bro-in-law + parents vouch it loooooooooool ! . unfortunately it is at Mitra Batam Center. Near Momo, near Kampung Medan. But out of the way for quite a few. Will post FR soon as well.

Dun be late
I won't wait
Live2Eat Philosophy
Old 30-05-2016, 02:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
been some time since I logged in . Must must share some REALLY solid food I found and ate several several times (to confirm consistency).

1. *the bestest* pizza : Spiro Pizza at Food Colony (Nagoya City Walk. Food Colony is a food court behind Brewsky pub). Will definitely post FR soon - love the thin crusted pizzas and the lasagna.... enak sekali AH!

2. Benny Beng Bak (bbq pork belly, charsiew) - this one is the outright winner for charsiew, siobak - my bro-in-law + parents vouch it loooooooooool ! . unfortunately it is at Mitra Batam Center. Near Momo, near Kampung Medan. But out of the way for quite a few. Will post FR soon as well.

Wow, super long time no hear from you...
Old 30-05-2016, 07:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Quick report for today (Sorry! Photo insert later)
Objective: visit bike rental shop and explore area near UniBtm
Took Sindo 1020 delay till 1030 (SIN time)

1030 arr BTM CTR
1040 took pink van toward Nongsa
Over shot uni BTM
1120 Alight at kapita
Have a bakso Gaja 13K
Crossover to Cendana
Dengdeang Baka (BBQ Buffalo meat) and Kulik gulai (Bufflo skin)
TehObing =24k
found one Salon (Unisex)
Direct opposite Uni
Discover a Kuew trading market on the road side.
Further back saw Mustafa plaza
And the bike shop is just directly opposite.
info gethered:
Rental 140k/d
Deliver 50K
Pickup 50k
And they hv a branch near Nagaya hill opoassite Hotel Seruni. Don't need to go there liou.

after that cross the road to check on y he Mustafa plaza.
Nothing to shout about.
1:00 take pink bus back to Jodor

Girl hungry aldy..
Later continue...

Last edited by BFOMF5; 01-06-2016 at 03:00 AM.
Old 30-05-2016, 10:08 PM
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Aneka updates

TULIP Massage
Yes, it turned to a booking joint. As soon as I read that by Nono1973, I went to have a look. Worst timing possible: 17:30. Girls are resting. It's Monday, so I do not expect many girls were booked before, but yes all the best is gone at such a time. Said this, I saw some talent.
I took an average one ST for 350k.

28 (82)
I was nearby, so I went to have a look at around 19:30.
Suprise!! The old mami with grey hair who was for a long time at Happy8 than at Bunga now is at 28. She massaged my shoulders and legs all the time.
There is some young talent! A small one is remarkable, looking like my beloved viet who was my "girlfriend" in KL for a few days. Small and tiny like a kid. Her eyes are not innocent. Booking price proposed: 1.75J.
Other nice girls were quoted 1.5 or so. I don't know what made prices so steep recently (the 1.5 became 1.2 after a while though).

Princess Salon
I went to have a look. 3 young girls looking not very happy and enthusiast of their job. Pretty, but "not elegant" so to speak.
Price: 500rb for ST (readily down to 400; note that the girl gets 200 (from insider)).
1.2J for booking (down to 1J).

Nice Massage
I had a standard massage session with a nice girl. 110k 1 hour.
She asked 300k for BJ. I offered 100k I was leaving when she said ok 200.
Old 30-05-2016, 11:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Quick report for today (Sorry! Photo insert later)
Objective: visit bike rental shop and explore area near UniBtm
Took Sindo 1020 delay till 1030 (SIN time)

after that cross the road to check on y he Mustafa plaza.
Nothing to shot about.
1:00 take pink bus back to Jodor

Girl hungry lady..
Later continue...
Salute u for your exploration spirit... Up you my 8 pts...
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