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Old 22-12-2016, 11:15 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
One more thing you will have to take note on,that is ONLY their package has 40% off during happy hour,the rest of their other add-on or extra things,has zero discount (and they arent exactly cheap,for your info). So its naturally why they will try to up-sell whatever they have,just that for now,they are STILL not yet as aggressive as Delta Spa.

Its NOT a matter of 'if', its MORE a matter of 'when' that day will come,hehehe...

I am speaking base on having tried that place 4 times and i dwell-ed in it for a bit,interacting with the staffs (and some other massage girls) who could speak English. I may just go back to my regular men's spa,hehehe...if this one is pronounced 'Delta' in Batam later,hehehe...

(at least my regular men's spa got no algae in their pools,hehehe..)
I tink wat u are trying to say is every step in btm is an experience tat we'll have to face it whether it turn out good or bad. The least wld've expected of u to use the journey to the west story to illustrate yr 'journey' to explore btm.

i jus tried tat spa,girls there quite ok only for me as first timer there,since i only go there once & during early noon. i still prefer the spa u regularly go to. I was ask in the new spa if i wan a drink during massage session,& if i could treat her (MG) girl to 1 & later wen it cms to dick massage,like u said earlier she'll ask if i wan use sm aroma oil for my lil bro (xtra 50k if i say 'Yes').

I've to firmly tells her 'No,i dn't need the oil' as she keep pestering me,telling me hw BAD it will b to use the std oil/cream for my dick,as if she is super good w it. Overall massage stil ok. I'd say relatively close to Indo thai style except my girl couldn't quite hit the vital pt of my body.

If indo thai for me is 8/10,i'd rate my girl who massage me 7/10. i didn't tip (if she nver pester me during the massage,i might've).

After u say the hot/cold pool got lots of algae,i didn't dare dip in but the sauna is quite good cos bigger spacing w 2 stone steamer in it. Hwever, octopuss O2 rm still better,there got no sun tan chair to lie dwn (octopuss have).

My first try of tat place.
Old 22-12-2016, 11:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I've been to batam a few times but is always a day trip if not couple trip. After reading this forum I've the urge to go alone. Can someone recommend where to book the chicks and what is the damage like ?
Old 22-12-2016, 12:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Read the first 2 pages of this thread. Most info there. Then, post again if there's anything else you want to know.
Old 22-12-2016, 01:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Trying the "NEW" Fitness and Spa in Batam City Hotel yesterday
the place is good, d price is bit high $25 for massage and vitality massage.
got fitness place , nice sauna , steam , oxygen room , and woman can use em too .

back to spa ~ they got TH2 there, several only , it cost about $35 for silver one and $60 for Gold one , not include the room ,
btw the room is $50 and u got 40% discount for Happy Hour (1-5 pm i think)

Location is infront of BCS , go straight behing EasternHotel , inside Batam CIty Hotel (btw they got new building where's the spa at , and i think the room is nice )
Old 22-12-2016, 03:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Xhuuya View Post
Trying the "NEW" Fitness and Spa in Batam City Hotel yesterday
the place is good, d price is bit high $25 for massage and vitality massage.
got fitness place , nice sauna , steam , oxygen room , and woman can use em too .

back to spa ~ they got TH2 there, several only , it cost about $35 for silver one and $60 for Gold one , not include the room ,
btw the room is $50 and u got 40% discount for Happy Hour (1-5 pm i think)

Location is infront of BCS , go straight behing EasternHotel , inside Batam CIty Hotel (btw they got new building where's the spa at , and i think the room is nice )
Wow, 233k rupiah for massage + HJ + usage of facilities and you said the price is a bit high? Hmm, can you please share where you can get cheaper?

I believe the pricing that you had stated for TH2 is incorrect, I would suggest that you reconfirm before sharing to avoid confusion. Happy hour is between 11am to 5pm. Cheers...
Old 22-12-2016, 05:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by hawkeye007 View Post
I would suggest that you reconfirm before sharing to avoid confusion. Happy hour is between 11am to 5pm. Cheers...
You tell him bro. Lol
Old 22-12-2016, 05:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
As one of the Seniors in here, I felt that there is a need to maintain the cheap prices when we sillypore go cheong in batam.
There are often ways to get things done. Price has never been a factor for most Sillyporean in Batam. And the best ways is often the most suitable way for oneself.

I will remember.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
To be frank, ALL of us are able to afford a 2juta ST for a batam cewek. Yes we all can do that without getting in large debts.
The ability to pay consistently a certain price rate is different from paying a much higher price inconsistently when the motion is on a regular basis.

Example :

I pay 10 juta for a pop,but can I afford to pay 10 juta a pop everyday, everytime? But if I pay 250k a pop,i am able to pay the same price consistently everyday,everytime. And this is what I meant by having the consistent ability to pay.

10 juta a pop,i strongly believe,every Sillyporean will be able to can afford the price, just not consistently. Something I learned from my part time boss when he asked me not to over tip girls in certain Sillypore KTVs and night clubs if I cannot be consistent enough.

He's the same guy I mentioned who once visited M1/M2 and tipped almost every sitting girls there S$50 (minimum amount and max was S$200). But at least this is what he did every night 6 days a week in Sillypore and he's just being consistent, hehehe... (just a personal view)

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
But the fact is, there are many Bros here who are "hardcore chiongsters". They do it more than once a month kinda thing. Some even weekly affair. Imagine weekly affair, each ST is 2 juta. That 8 juta for 4times ONLY. It is painful especially after including the ferry and hotel prices in.

Even if in massage 500k for fj and you dont bother to bargain. That's 2 juta per month if done weekly.

At the end of the day, we cheongsters should enjoy bearing in mind that we do want to spend as little as possible with the maximum benefits. There are so many things we can do with money to make a difference rather than just throwing it at any cewek in Batam.
Please bear in mind that the average income for most batam people is 2-3 juta per month.
Your words above reminds me of my "pay less to get more,pay more and get less" theory which I have physically tested in this thread (base on reading this thread) and with some of my friends whenever I am with them in Batam.

Its easier to pay 1 juta for an apple which usually cost 500k. Those who has paid 1 juta already knows how to pay 1 juta for the apple but they most likely wouldn't get to taste the exact same apple for 500k (ever). Whereas another person who pays 500k for the apple can easily get the same apple for 1 juta. Who knows,he might just get 2 apples,hehehe...

Those who pays 1 juta for an apple will never get a chance to taste the 500k side of the same apple. Whereas those who pays 500k for the apple will still be able to taste the 1 juta side of it whenhe pay the 1 juta. Its easier to pay 1 juta for that apple than to pay 500k.

Now transform that apple to human, you might now notice the one who pays 1 juta is actually losing a certain element there from what he is paying,hehehe...this is the part where he already lost to the one who paid lesser.

Let's not forget most who pay lesser actually enjoys more (and much better at most time). Those who enjoys more tends to visit Batam more (pretty much common sense here) and those who enjoyed lesser actually visit Batam lesser, at times even rarely. We human beings all like to do more on what we enjoyed most right? Make sense?

You will eventually notice similar situation in most of the FRs over the last 3 years (which i read before) that those who pays more are usually those who don't visit Batam as much.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
I am familiar with batam and pattaya playstyle. Yes, you may say you are helping them if you give extra money but at the end of the day, you are just making them to be more hopeful that the next customer she will get the same amount of money etc...... It is not healthy. And it may jack up the prices in batam in a short moment.
Gone were the days when you can pay $50 for overnight in batam and fcuk as many as you want.
Its a game. It will become,you trick me, i trick you kind of game.

500k rupiah fuck till you drop still exist in Batam, hehehe... they were hidden away,wait no...they weren't exactly hidden away just not many notice it. The name of the place were in the Batam cheong list onmy signature....hehehe...and they have been operating way before I started Batam.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
I used to take ceweks from booking joints. Even then i felt the best of the best girls i got before still felt abit too commercial and deep inside i knew they are doing this just for the money.
Even wechat freelance same thing. Perhaps I was lucky enough to keep 1 which i RTF on a weekly basis for less than 1juta LT, 22yr old woman.
But that doesn't stops me from wanting even lesser to give to the girl.
I don't know about others but i find that most girls in NED were more commercialized than in booking joints. Different man different definition of commercialize, i guess. Most booking girls who joined less than a year yet under contract were from some rural part of Indonesia, innocent enough until their job taught them to play smarter. Whereas most freelancers, wechat girls or part time working ladies already been thru those motion and were already smart enough (many were even considered the cream of the crowd), thats why they can be on their own.

Nice catch on the 22 year old 1 juta girl you got yourself.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
So I venture into the KTVs in Batam. Basically M1 and M2. So far I've been in "relationship" with 2 ceweks from M1. The first one was about 7 months and now the 2nd one whom is a 20yr old petite girl (1.56m, 44kg) has been with me for 2 months.
Lady luck seems to be shining on you,hehehe...ok,ok...its not all about luck on this one,certain level of personal skill set and commitment is needed.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
What benefits do i get?
RTF weekly, longtime i only give 600k-800k depending on how much i left with after changing $100 per trip (for her expenses). No asking for more. Of course makan everything i sponsor.
Best part is she fetch me from harbourbay terminal.
Fcuk more than 3 times no complain either.
From 9am arrival until next day 7pm ferry back home.
GFE was more real this time round.
I did this to both my ex batam cewek and the latest one now.
Thank you for sharing this part. Your shared info is going to help some of my friends. Its interesting.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Some tips:
1) Speak bahasa indonesia
2) Have a heart and not just throw money just bcoz you from Singapore
3) Discuss some future with her for a long term period
4) Contact her on a daily basis with video call etc to make her confident.
5) Do what you have promise to her and she is all yours.

Yes at start you need to do some investment go KTV etc spend money. But that is the opening to get to know these ladies especially the young ones whom just started and hasn't been corrupted yet with money.
1. I don't speak Bahasa
2. Fits the criteria of being nice,being humble and patience.
3. I talk that to almost every of my girls,the last one from Kupu who hears it married off to one of her best customer (according to Mami).
4. This is something I don't like, to over commit myself.
5. I keep my words to almost every girl tho,hehehe...hence I speak carefully when it comes to promises.

Apparently I failed in most aspect. But I failed becos I am not into looking for what you are looking for in Batam,hehehe...nonetheless,its good info.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Anyway, whatever you Bros gonna do in batam just remember that the average pay of Batam people is 2-3 juta per month.Tip wisely and don't let them prey on us easily. Thank you. Have a nice day.
You just shared another very useful information here. Those I already know will serve me as a reminder. Some of which I may need, some of which I do not. But what I may not need today do not means that I wont need it in the future.

I sincerely thank you for sharing.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 22-12-2016, 07:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
After reading the latest few FRs, I have to do a little intervention down here.
As one of the Seniors in here, I felt that there is a need to maintain the cheap prices when we sillypore go cheong in batam.
I admit I had missed it until I read today the reply of Nono, but this is one of wisest posts I have ever read here.

Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
To be frank, ALL of us are able to afford a 2juta ST for a batam cewek. Yes we all can do that without getting in large debts.

At the end of the day, we cheongsters should enjoy bearing in mind that we do want to spend as little as possible with the maximum benefits. There are so many things we can do with money to make a difference rather than just throwing it at any cewek in Batam.
Please bear in mind that the average income for most batam people is 2-3 juta per month.
Well said. That is the key, which not everyone understands.
Overspending, just because one can afford it, is just plain STUPID, where "stupid" means really a lot, as it was theorized by the economist C.M. Cipolla with his "Basic Laws of Human Stupidity".
If one does not want to read the 25 pages easily available on the web, there is the summary of Wikipedia.

Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
1) Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
2) The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3) A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
4) Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
5) A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

Law 2) reminds that it does not matter if one has a PhD or cannot even write: stupidity is everywhere, in every country, every social class, every level of instruction.
But please look at Laws 3) and 4), which I highlighted in red: the stupid behaviour of few stupid individuals makes damage not only to them but also to many others.

We should not be stingy (i.e., bargain to excess) when we are with a girl who earns little money and have problems to sustain her baby and life, but also do the opposite is wrong (that is, stupid).
One thing is having a generous hearth, another is being stupid.
Finding the appropriate balance is not always immediate, but that is what one should aim at.
Originally Posted by QQ.[B]lurry View Post
Some tips:
1) Speak bahasa indonesia
2) Have a heart and not just throw money just bcoz you from Singapore
3) Discuss some future with her for a long term period
4) Contact her on a daily basis with video call etc to make her confident.
5) Do what you have promise to her and she is all yours.

Yes at start you need to do some investment go KTV etc spend money. But that is the opening to get to know these ladies especially the young ones whom just started and hasn't been corrupted yet with money.
Golden tips indeed. Thumbs up.
Old 22-12-2016, 09:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

This tip is for what kind of ceweks we talking about here.
Old 22-12-2016, 10:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by JieJieJiaoWo View Post
Hi Bros!

Mama san said 1.2 Juta, I said 1 Juta and mama san was shocked. I think she didnt expect me to bargain on the price as I looked docile. She said okay. So paid and off we went towards the hotel.
Even morena mama san know how to jack up the price by 200000 rupiah. This is all the work of our stupid NONO . The Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity: No 3 can only apply 90 % to him

3) A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses..

The true fact is that the last 10 % is that he himself will gain much more and won,t lost a single cent at all from his stupidity. He is stupid because he don,t know how to speak Bahasa.

I believe if stupid people no bargain in the first place. I believe very very few okt will jack up the price . Thanks to the stupid NONO that everyone must bargain and bargain. Make singaporean feel low class everywhere in batam.
Old 23-12-2016, 12:15 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Here is my FR for 18 dec trip..When to batam with my family members so cannot walk to joint for booking..End up at night calling for wechat girl..The wechat girl look beautiful in wechat but when ask her to come is totally another person..Asking her why not same person she reply is to attract customer..i told her means you all bluff pple la...She immediately face turn black and i turned her down for the service which wanna charge me 400k for st...She said i ask her here must pay her money..I refused to pay and send her out of my room and lock the door...She gt no choice but to leave...
Old 23-12-2016, 12:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
This tip is for what kind of ceweks we talking about here.
Not for the BO cewek working in booking massage places. Not for the hard-core bar girls of Kampung Bule. Not for the lowest-level girls offering ST in Pacific.

Nonetheless, we are all different and not everyone goes to Batam just to book a service girl from, say, New Berlian (R.I.P.).
"QQ.[B]lurry" is not looking for that, but neither for a girlfriend.

His tips are golden, because they may (pls note: MAY, not guarantee to) open the door to a superior experience, not for anyone, and even not interesting for everyone. Indonesian girls can be awesome, a delight of sweetness and yet sexy, in spite of the average poor skills in plain sex techniques (no, this is not Thailand, and there are no PRC girls mastering the red ropes).

Yes, I miss Indonesian girls so much, that I do my best to go back to Batam as much as I can. And I live very far.

I have a dozen of Batam girls on my Wechat and WhatsApp. At any given period, I am used to entertain conversation every 1-2-3 days with at least 3 of them. Yes, I am a chatty person. I love to chat, tease and say jokes with them.
When I go back, I don't tell everyone "I am back" but I postpone the announcement for each of them. I know they expect me to take them out for dinner and dance.
Some of them is so nice, that they are happy to share me with their good girlfriend: we look forward to spend the whole night in THREE (me and the couple of girls: dinner, drinks, disco, sleep in my big bed). That does not happen often, but I succeeded to establish some kind of such relationship in at least 2 cases.
Of course, I give the right amount of money (not too much, or it would be just pay for a service, yet not too few, to not disappoint them). This can happen only in Indonesia, as well I am sure also in some other places of SEA, where unfortunately I cannot go (I imagine Philippines).

Last edited by Black Page; 23-12-2016 at 01:19 AM.
Old 23-12-2016, 12:46 AM
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Let me tell you one thing guys, if you really wanna play.. go to Jakarta
then you will know what is "Heaven" on Earth.

i just scare that you didint bring enough money to "play".

and in Batam, the easier way to get a "free meal" go to "Square" find your Target, and be "generous" for 1 or 2 times (called it Investment) and for the 3rd times almost 80% you can get the girl. (we tried it before and mostly success). and for the next trip, you can get as many "meal" as you want from her.
Old 23-12-2016, 02:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Heading btm for two days next week and so thankful for the many pages I've read off here! just conveying thanks!
Old 23-12-2016, 02:34 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PrinceJ View Post
Heading btm for two days next week and so thankful for the many pages I've read off here! just conveying thanks!
Good that you have taken the trouble to read thru everyone's contributions.

If you have any doubts, queries or require any info not readily found in these pages, feel free to ask and I'm sure someone will give you some help.

Here's wishing you a fruitful trip.
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