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Old 23-12-2016, 04:17 AM
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Hi guys!

I'm planning for a batam trip from Tues to Thurs (27-29) Dec. Any seniors around batam don't mind meeting up I will be very pleased to join in.

Cheers !
Old 23-12-2016, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by tcss000 View Post
Hi guys!

I'm planning for a batam trip from Tues to Thurs (27-29) Dec. Any seniors around batam don't mind meeting up I will be very pleased to join in.

Cheers !
Wechat me : Muthu_33
Old 23-12-2016, 12:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by hawkeye007 View Post
Wow, 233k rupiah for massage + HJ + usage of facilities and you said the price is a bit high? Hmm, can you please share where you can get cheaper?

I believe the pricing that you had stated for TH2 is incorrect, I would suggest that you reconfirm before sharing to avoid confusion. Happy hour is between 11am to 5pm. Cheers...
The price is Rp 300k and Rp 500k in indonesia rupiah. well, yeah its cheap
Old 23-12-2016, 01:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Does the off-peak discount of 40% applied to the fuck job package as well?
Old 23-12-2016, 01:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Does the off-peak discount of 40% applied to the fuck job package as well?
I don't think the off peak discount applies for the FJ package. Pretty tricky there. Kind of like, they minus out the Executive room price, adds the 40% on it and then adds in the remaining FJ package price.

Below is the closest in details taken from bro Hawkeye007 post :

Sorry,i couldn't answer your question in details becos I usually negotiate privately for FJ with the massage girl while in the room and seldom take up their in-house package/s. But I think bro Hawkeye007's post above should be sufficient to answer your query.


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Old 23-12-2016, 02:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Bros. So for walking distance to naughty massage parlours at Nagoya hill shopping mall area will be left only Delta and King spa?
Pls up me if my forum/pics is good,i will return favor once power is up =D Do pm me if i forget
New Target to reach ~~3000 pts!~~ Thanks for all the Support!!!
Old 23-12-2016, 03:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Already done up my summary a week plus after i return to Singapore,i was trimming it to cut back on the number of posts and waiting for the right time to put it up. Its on the below link :

Happy reading.
Now on tab for yr 35th one.

Yr 3rd Batam anniversary also coming.
Old 23-12-2016, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I don't think the off peak discount applies for the FJ package. Pretty tricky there. Kind of like, they minus out the Executive room price, adds the 40% on it and then adds in the remaining FJ package price.

Below is the closest in details taken from bro Hawkeye007 post :

Sorry,i couldn't answer your question in details becos I usually negotiate privately for FJ with the massage girl while in the room and seldom take up their in-house package/s. But I think bro Hawkeye007's post above should be sufficient to answer your query.

Right, that's what I will do too. The amount charged by that joint at BCS is a king's price to pay for FJ. I just take the normal Package and then pay the girl directly for the FJ.

If the discount apply to the FJ package, then it might be worth a look.
Old 23-12-2016, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by SupremeD View Post
Bros. So for walking distance to naughty massage parlours at Nagoya hill shopping mall area will be left only Delta and King spa?
Inside Nagoya Hill Mall, Delta is the only naughty one I know. But, get to King's Massage at Formosa Hotel, almost - almost only - all in that area have some form of plus2 service.

Massage + HJ can be had for about 200k. No syt though, at this price.
Old 23-12-2016, 04:43 PM
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The Passengers

Finally, the movie The Passengers has arrived ,hehehe...and they are screening all over Batam as of this post.

The Passengers

The storyline :

On a routine journey through space to a new home, two passengers, sleeping in suspended animation, are awakened 90 years too early when their ship malfunctions. As Jim and Aurora face living the rest of their lives on board, with every luxury they could ever ask for, they begin to fall for each other, unable to deny their intense attraction... until they discover the ship is in grave danger. With the lives of 5000 sleeping passengers at stake, only Jim and Aurora can save them all.

The Trailer :
This movie is going to be something different from the other movies shown before, hehehe...and here's the best part...


2 supposingly good movie in Batam now...Assassin's Creed and The Passenger...hmm...I am already drooling all over my keyboard as I am typing,hehehe...

I think you know what I am going to say right now,hehehe... Don't eat and drink when you are watching a movie, ok? Best would be, you don't buy food and drinks from the theater.

Those who will be in Batam,enjoy the movies this coming long weekends, enjoy the your girls...and most important of it all, ENJOY Batam!


Now, the next big movie for me to forward to in Batam...


Nameless soldiers in hundreds of thousand guarding the Great Wall, training all their life for this once every 60 odd years battle against some ancient mythology creature called Tao Tie (饕餮) that might end humanity.

It should technically be coming next month (who knows, maybe even next week,hehehe...).


饕餮 (中国古代传说中的怪物)

饕餮(tāo tič)是古代中国神话传说中的一种神秘怪物,传说是龙生九子之一,被列为四凶之一。饕有贪财的意思,餮有 贪食的意思,故此凶恶野兽极度贪婪。

古书《山海经·北次二经》介绍其特点是:其形状如羊身人面,眼在腋下,虎齿人手,大头大嘴,常见于青铜像。 其名可比喻贪婪之徒,人们一般称为“老饕”。


饕餮纹这种纹饰最早出现在距今五千年前长江下游地区的良渚文化玉器上。但饕餮纹更常见于青铜器上,尤其是鼎 上,远在二里头夏文化的青铜器上便有出现。

Pronounce as Tao Tie

Known as The Gluttons due to their habit of treating mortals as tasty morsels, these fierce monsters with vicious claws and teeth can often be found decorating ancient daggers and weapons. For obvious reasons.
Sorry,this post is really super long and in order not to give others a chance to accidentally quote my whole long post, i choose to quote-lock it.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 23-12-2016, 05:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

hi, jst asking veneisa hotel good or not? saw agoda still hv room, plan to go tmr saturday thx
Old 23-12-2016, 06:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Venessa Hotel too far from city, andthe price is quite Expensive
thats what i think.
Old 23-12-2016, 06:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Here is my FR for 18 dec trip..When to batam with my family members so cannot walk to joint for booking..End up at night calling for wechat girl..The wechat girl look beautiful in wechat but when ask her to come is totally another person..Asking her why not same person she reply is to attract customer..i told her means you all bluff pple la...She immediately face turn black and i turned her down for the service which wanna charge me 400k for st...She said i ask her here must pay her money..I refused to pay and send her out of my room and lock the door...She gt no choice but to leave...
Bro never ever trust the wechat girl, from 8 out of 10 all fake Picture. you ordered "A" u get "B", coz mostly the wechat was operated by the mamasan. so better you go down your and choose it directly.

otherwise go to the massage parlour lah, such as octopus (located at Pacific hotel - Price ranged from S$70 up to S$90, the best pasrt is you can choose directly the girl)

Anyway happy hunting out there.
Old 23-12-2016, 08:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by JRco1 View Post
Bro never ever trust the wechat girl, from 8 out of 10 all fake Picture. you ordered "A" u get "B", coz mostly the wechat was operated by the mamasan. so better you go down your and choose it directly.
Some girl on WeChat is good, however. I would not advise "NEVER USE WECHAT", because there are times when one cannot do anything else, or people who do not like to go hunting or shopping the joints.

1) Never call a girl that you don't know (e.g., from wechat) directly to your room (That guy was lucky he met a good lady, different from the photo but well behaved. Other girls might be nasty and NOT willing to leave the room without a lot of money).

2) Set up the first meeting at a cafe in a mall, for example. Invest the time and money for the coffee to have the time to know her a bit. If one wants a quick fuck, he should go to a joint for a ST. Using WeChat implies that more time is needed, to be really sure about who you are taking to YOUR room.

3) Be prudent and considerate. 95% of girls are good, but plan to deal with the few ones who are nasty and might be willing to steal something or make troubles.

4) If you are a shy guy, easy to dominate and overwhelm, go to a joint and do not take a girl from disco or wechat. There are sharks who recognize the easy prey easily.

PS: I never took a FL from wechat, but I know a couple of them (by other means) who I saw offering ST and BO on wechat in Nagoya. I know they are sexy and honest. That's why I say "don't avoid, but be cautious".
In addition, I met my sexy hijab friend on WeChat!
She's really addicted to give BJ, she's a fine intelligent lady, and she never removes her hijab because she's used to that.
Yes, she is NOT a working lady. She even warned me to not give confidence to other girls in Batam because "they are bad girls who only want your money"
Old 23-12-2016, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by JRco1 View Post
Bro never ever trust the wechat girl, from 8 out of 10 all fake Picture. you ordered "A" u get "B", coz mostly the wechat was operated by the mamasan. so better you go down your and choose it directly.

otherwise go to the massage parlour lah, such as octopus (located at Pacific hotel - Price ranged from S$70 up to S$90, the best pasrt is you can choose directly the girl)

Anyway happy hunting out there.
Last 1 & 2 weekends ago, I bonked 2 girls from WeChat. 2 weekends ago, the girl is 23 years old. Her thinking is different from other girls who came out to FL themselves. Maybe from her father who's a PRC Chinese. She bought a car on credit and spend her nights ferrying other girls to work. Yes, she's a female "taxi driver". 23, perky ass, loud moaner. Great fuck! And she buy and insist you use her Durex condom.

Last week, I wechatted a 21 years old cewe. Petit, skinny but with a handful of boobs. Rare. Not much service on the bed, but at 400k for ST, and such a tight pussy, I can overlook the no service part. And I got her as morning ST at 9am.

With WeChat, it's always a gamble no doubt. There are tips to follow to increase the odds in your favor, but still largely dependent on luck. My luck's been quite good though.
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