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Old 01-10-2016, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by localbest View Post
...without financial burden..
What to do...
Oldman hv too much time to kill
With too little to spend...
Old 01-10-2016, 01:56 AM
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Public transport in batam


One thing good about travelling in batam is that its road conditions is not as congested as johor bahru due to less vehicles on the road. Although Batam does not have many highway or big roads, there are many short cuts one can take in the city (small lanes) to avoid or bypass the heavy traffic ahead to reach its destination faster.

As for taking Batam public transport, the drivers usually pick up and drop off passengers at any place and any time unlike spore. Pedestrians are advised to be more careful when crossing the road as most of the vehicle will not give way to pedestrian even though there is a pedestrian crossing road mark.

Example: crossing the road to nagoya hill mall from bridge massage / alfa mart. Unlike malaysia has many overhead bridge and singapore has many underpass, pedestrian crossing the road in batam requires some crossing skill.. (crossing road in vietnam is lagi more terok )

As we already know that there are a few mode of public transport in batam and each type of public transport can cater to different needs, different groups of passengers and on different occasions :

The Ojek is the so called unlicensed motorcycle taxi which can only take one passenger behind only.


1) Brings its passenger faster to his/her destination as it can travel through small lanes and beat traffic jam. Lone ranger man or booking joints cewek favourite..

2) They are generally easy to hire as they can be easily found anywhere in the city, usually can be identified by their "spare helmet" and they often ride their motorbikes slowly to look for passengers.

3) Would not say it is cheap but economical. A short distance negotiable fare is about 10k rupiah. Cheaper than teksi (taxi in bahasa) but more expensive than metro van / bus.


1) Cannot accomodate 2 passengers who wish to travel together.

2) Be it rain or shine, the passenger has to endure the weather.

3) Could be slightly risky if the driver rider does not ride carefully. (汽车是铁包人,摩托车是人包铁)

4) Inconvenient if the passenger is carrying some belonging or grocery

The Teksi- pronounced as "tuck see". Generally two type of taxi : private sedan non-metered taxi (霸王车) and taxi company metered taxi.

As you are aware that majority of taxis in Batam are non-metered taxis and do not have the taxi-sign on the roof of the car. These private non-metered taxis usually use old type of sedans and usually in black color and the driver can also take other passengers even though you are already in the car, unless you say you “charter” or bao the taxi.

These non-metered taxis can be easily found on the side of main streets, in ferry terminals, airport, and other public places.

Non-metered taxi fares depend on how far or close your destination and all fares are negotiable. So please feel free to bargain to get a cheaper fare in order not to spoilt the market...hehe

As for metered taxi, Silver Cab and Blue Bird taxis use a digital meter machine and can issue a payment receipt upon reaching destination.

Blue Bird taxi can be reached at +62 778 421234.

Silver Cab call be contacted at +62 778 461 000


1) Suitable for people travelling with families and friends. Toyota Avanza taxi can sit 6 passengers while Toyota Innova taxi can sit 8 passengers. Can also bring your barang barang along together with booking cewek, hehe..

2) They are easy to hire as can be easily found anywhere in the city, especially the non-metered taxis. Can telephone booking in advance to the taxi company should you need to arrive at your destination on time.

3) Comfortable air-con with shelter from weather.

4) Safer than other mode of transport


1) Most expensive way of travelling. Usually the supir/driver like to chop carrot on foreigners unless you possess the skill of negotiation.

2) Driver likes to pester male passenger to book cewek, go to restaurant and book hotel so that he can get a commission from booking joints, restaurant boss and hotel operators besides his taxi fare.

The Angkot is a metro trans or mini van that can be easily identified by their colors. Below are some angkot routes based on their colors:

Jodoh - Nongsa/Airport = White/Pink angkot

Jodoh - Bengkong = Green angkot

Jodoh - Batu Aji - Tanjung Uncang via Batam Centre = Dark blue angkot

Jodoh - Batu Aji via Sukajadi = Maroon angkot

Muka Kuning - Batu Aji = Brown angkot

Bengkong - Muka Kuning = Yellow angkot

Angkot can accommodate about 8-9 people (including the driver).


1) Metro van fares in Batam depend on how far or close your destination is. But it is the second cheapest form of transport in Batam. For example, from Batam Centre International Ferry Terminal to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall will cost you only about 6k-8k rupiah compared to taxi which cost about 10 times more at 70k rupiah.

2) Can hop in for short travel, for example I took angkot van from main road near morning bakery to nagoya hill mall at only 3000 rupiah only..dirt cheap since the route got pass by nagoya hill. From nagoya hill i walk to formosa. You can speak to them in simple english or bahasa, some may understand.


1) Due to limited space in angkot, for travellers who carry a lot of luggages, taking angkot van is not a good choice.

2) No air con but the windows are normally open.

3) Stop at many places to fetch passenger so the travel time tends to take longer. Not suitable if you are on a rush.

Public Bus in Batam is also known as Trans Batam. It was implemented in early 2016 this year.

The bus services start from and end at 3 locations namely Sekupang, Batu Aji and Batam Center. Bus fare is 4k per trip.

Currently there are 2 bus routes in Batam :

Batam Centre-Batu Aji and Batam Centre-Sekupang with the same fares of 4k rupiah flat.

The public buses can be board in front of Harris Hotel Batam Centre.


1) Taking public bus is the cheapest way of transport as it travel a long journey but at a low price..4k rupiah.

2) Passenger with luggage should not be an issue as ample space in the bus


1) Passengers who do not have much spare-time in Batam should not take bus because the bus always depart 30-45 minutes later than its schedules or maybe even more.

2) Do not stop at many places in the city unlike the ojek/taxi/van. Mainly stop at designated bus stop.

Last edited by localbest; 06-10-2016 at 12:23 AM. Reason: add comments
Old 01-10-2016, 03:32 AM
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Smile Re: Public transport in batam

Originally Posted by localbest View Post

The Angkot is a metro trans or mini van that can be easily identified by their colors. Below are some angkot routes based on their colors:

Jodoh/Nagoya - Nongsa = White angkot

Jodoh/Nagoya - Bengkong = Green angkot

Jodoh/Nagoya - Batu Aji via Batam Centre = Dark blue angkot

Angkot can accommodate about 8-9 people (including the driver).


1) Metro van fares in Batam depend on how far or close your destination is. But it is the second cheapest form of transport in Batam. For example, from Batam Centre International Ferry Terminal to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall will cost you only about 6k-8k rupiah compared to taxi which cost about 10 times more at 70k rupiah.

2) Can hop in for short travel, for example I took angkot van from main road near morning bakery to nagoya hill mall at only 3000 rupiah only..dirt cheap since the route got pass by nagoya hill. From nagoya hill i walk to formosa. You can speak to them in simple english or bahasa, some may understand.

hi bro if i alight at batam centre where can i board the Angkot ? outside the car park gantry or need to walk further down ?
can explain abit detail since i may going alone.
Old 01-10-2016, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
where can i board the Angkot ?

Can also take aircon bus rp4k
Old 01-10-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Old 01-10-2016, 12:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Sorry can't post map
Anyway just cross the road wait at magamall side.
Face MM walk right towards mosque will see bus stop for aircon bus.

Any bros can advice how to remove post?
Old 01-10-2016, 12:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Sorry can't post map
Anyway just cross the road wait at magamall side.
Face MM walk right towards mosque will see bus stop for aircon bus.

Any bros can advice how to remove post?
tks but is this the only bus at the bus stop. The bus got label number or words telling the destination.
Ah does the bus stop near Nagoya shopping mall.
Scare i miss the stop to alight.
Old 01-10-2016, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
tks but is this the only bus at the bus stop. The bus got label number or words telling the destination.
Ah does the bus stop near Nagoya shopping mall.
Scare i miss the stop to alight.
This is a Terminal Stop
4 bus services

Clear big label at wind screen state both end terminal.
Sorry can't post pic but you can check my old post.

It is a little tricky if you are going to nagoya hill.
This bus takes a different route, it don't passed by NAGOYA, it takes the Sungai Panas - Bengkong -Batu Ampar DCM and end at Jodoh terminal.

Bros who hv done booking joints walk before should be able to navigate fr Jodoh Top100 back to nagoya by foot.
Old 01-10-2016, 04:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Took an ojek into Pantai Danga to check the so call possible launching ground.

Ya this place can see us clearly.
But with my poor HP cam
This is what I get
Interesting, is this place anywhere near Sekupang?

I took a few photos from Sekupang KTM Resort last year Dec 2015 from the Guan Yin Temple whereby I am able to catch a glimpse of Marina Bay Sand...

both photos were unedited, so its quite big in size

...and apparently, the photos you took show that the place where you took your photos is closer to Singapore than from the place I took mine. Try retaking the photo at the end of this year (if there is a chance) where the fog were lesser and during the later noon time. I think it will be clearer.

Base on the photos you took and comparing with mine, your mobile phone appears to be more superior than mine in terms of camera resolution. The photo you took isn't clear more becos of the environment and climate when you shoot it.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-10-2016, 12:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

hi bros,

just want to share my experience, this is the first time i am encountering this.

i went to one of the joints, forget the name, bargained from 1.6 to 1.2, bros here will know based on price, she is definitely one of the upper range.

The boss did not mention anything, except from the usual good svc etc.

After paying, i waited for her to change. After going into the taxi, i realised that two of her hands are deformed. Deformed meaning that there are missing fingers on both hands.

Back to the room, realised that her right feet is missing some toes as well. The service was bad, everything also cannot except fj. After 1 fj, she proceed to sleep all the way except for meals.

please up my points if you like my report. thank you

Actually i did not mind about her missing limbs, but i wish that the boss should have told me before hand, and her performance was bad.
Old 02-10-2016, 01:17 AM
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I had a similar experience from a Macau casino's cocktail waitress! She was attractive young Malay Chinese girl and we settle for $200.00 all night. When we got to the room, she took her dentures out of her mouth and she had NO TEETH! I kind of freaked out but she gave me the greatest and most erotic blowjob I ever received in my life! She lost all of her teeth from an auto accident!
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BOYCOTT Arab owned bars in Soi Cowboy!
Old 02-10-2016, 01:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I am a slient reader for sometime & decide to contribute my humble little to the forum.thank u senior for all the great fr.

Been overseas working and not been in batam for 2 years.went with a buddy last week.

Took horizon business class+10sgd one way.nothing much from regular except for priority boarding and alighting.

Have change quite a bit everything increase.the habourbay more even more empty than before.

Took taxi to hans inn as recommended by friend who stay there before.380k not bad new hotel spacious room.breakfast ok only not much selection fry rice kwatow bread & coffee.

Went staight to hotel instar for makan after check in then walk over to happy 8. Ask for short time rate as I like to chiong ard dun want cewek stick to me whole day.Now st is 450k compare to 250k 2 years back.choose a big boob littlr bit chubby breast quite firm bj also quite shiok.tip her 50k after friend also took another milf but kpkb lousy service bj with cab refuse to ride.just lie down open leg big big no sound effect like a salted fish.

Went sinar bulan kopishop for beer bintang big bottle only 30k.hoot abt 6bottlr then proceed to kampong bule.

To be continue===>
Old 02-10-2016, 07:59 AM
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Smile Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by funtastick View Post
hi bros,

just want to share my experience, this is the first time i am encountering this.

i went to one of the joints, forget the name, bargained from 1.6 to 1.2, bros here will know based on price, she is definitely one of the upper range.

The boss did not mention anything, except from the usual good svc etc.

After paying, i waited for her to change. After going into the taxi, i realised that two of her hands are deformed. Deformed meaning that there are missing fingers on both hands.

Back to the room, realised that her right feet is missing some toes as well. The service was bad, everything also cannot except fj. After 1 fj, she proceed to sleep all the way except for meals.

please up my points if you like my report. thank you

Actually i did not mind about her missing limbs, but i wish that the boss should have told me before hand, and her performance was bad.
hi bro elaborate where the place or nearby which hotel. At least let other bro aware not to be mislead by the okt about good service.
i mostly don't believe their (good service logon ), the more they recommend something not right.
Good stuff always disappear very fast, only fast hand fast leg and trust ur instinct.
Old 02-10-2016, 09:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Yes indeed there is a fifth "B".

Pulau Babi
Straightly speaking it is not an island. It is a peninsula off Pulau Belakang Padang.

Let me explain,.
the term "Pulau", in Indo and Malaysia, does not restrited to the usual "island" commonly we understood.
For the local chinese, places that could only reach by boat(no road in the pass) are classify as "Pulau"

So, it includes places like
Peninsula (in this case, p.Babi) and
Bay (eg. The famous Desaru is called the 4th Bay island[四湾岛])
Oh wow! An insightful stuffs u jus shared.

Thx bro.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Tried to see sun rise but the cloud was too thick
It looks like the building is blocking the sunrise on tis pic.
Old 02-10-2016, 10:33 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
hi can someone give me some suggestions on which hotel to book for my coming trip.
1. Hana ($27)
2. Biz ($36)
3. Holiday hotel ($33) posted by Nono
comments on location breakfast cleanliness
Important point: leave of comfort to rtf
tks for the kind and sincere feedback.

Any other choices will be considered
i see u shld giv Utama hotel a shot,abt $40 or less. But if btm onli has yr 3 mention hotels abv 2 choose frm,then i'll take Biz anytime bcs of its prime loc.

2 star hotel usually breakfast quite simple de,so quite comparable. Jus dn't expect da vinna or goodway kind of breakfast can liao.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Still waiting....
wonderin where bro ozilsanchez run 2 after writing fr halfway?

Originally Posted by faptrum View Post
Hi guys, me and my bro are planning to head to Batam next month for some fun. Any advice for cheap and good bang in the Nagoya area? Expected price for massage joint and overnight outcall will be appreciated.
Tis thread is one of the most well-informed info thread among most others,try doin a bit readin first. i see yr questions aldy been ans no less than 100x. Below my direction 4 yr ans
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