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Old 03-05-2017, 08:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Going back to Sgp in few hrs time
Check my passport...
Found that in Apr...
I hv used 7 tickets and Spended 13 nights in batam

2-5 = 3n

I must be crazy...
Bro, ur passport chopped full in 6 mths time? Lol
Old 03-05-2017, 09:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
You may wish to try this one...which is right inside the mall itself. Very basic,very simple.

You can email them for room availability and reservation. (it may take a while for them to reply you)
Wow, now shopping mall also have room


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Old 03-05-2017, 09:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Wow, now shopping mall also have room
Unfortunately NO SMOKING is allowed in the rooms. The hotel is very strict and will imposed a fine.
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Old 04-05-2017, 01:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone going next week from the 10th May (vesak)? I am hoping to tag along.
Old 04-05-2017, 01:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by kardinal05 View Post
Anyone going next week from the 10th May (vesak)? I am hoping to tag along.
Enjoy the time in batam
Old 04-05-2017, 02:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
FR on Trip from 1/5 to 2/5

Day #1
Took 1150 batamfast (see above for reason), bought cheapo 70k sim card with no data plan and then call silvercab. While waiting had lunch. 1pm Batam time cab came

My initial plan was to go to Permata Indah and get a girl from there that I saw during my lasst trip then check in, but she was not there. Took the silvercab to Goldbird but didn't see any girls I liked so went to Formosa hotel to check in

After drop barang barang, went back to Permata Indah, talked to the papi for a while and after badly describing the girl he said that she is not working. Ended up walk back to hotel and then walk to Happy Massage 8 and also didn't see anything to my liking.

Walked back to hotel and then paid a cab 50k to take me to Goldbird and back, there I just randomly picked 1 girl and went back to hotel.

At hotel bonk her 1 time then after that just lie around and play handphone. Bonk her again at about 5pm batam time and was wondering where to go for dinner when she said that she wanted to go off and will come back only at 8pm batam time, she left her stuff in my room after I ask her for her mammi number in case she never come back.

Her leaving is also helpful to me as I can have the luxury of going to Nagoya Hill Mall jalan jalan, went to supermarket to buy snacks to bring back and also bought that cheap and good goreng pisang in a box with topping from one of the street vendors along the way.

Come back to hotel, it was only about 6+, so rest a bit and then 7.30pm decided to go Alishan KTV to bio the overnight booking girls (they quote me 1.5 juta )

My girl came back at 8.20 and the good thing was that she had already eaten (no need buy dinner for her hehe), lie around somemore then bonk a 3rd time. A short while after the bonk, she said she wanted to leave (see my above post about the 3 bonk rule) so I gave her 50k (she wanted 1000k) and told her to buzz off.

Went to bed not long after

Day #2
Worke up naturally early and went to breakfast, laid around till 11 then walk to Nagoya City Walk Mall (which was lame btw), came back and at 12.30pm went to Permata Indah again to look for that girl.

The OKT show me this girl that wasn't there the day before and said that it was likely the girl I was looking for (Just to detour a bit: I was only booked for 2D1N and I was thinking of extending but wasn't 100% sure yet). The girl seemed to be the one I saw from my last trip, but that time she was smiling and eager and now she's like totally disinterested.

Mood totally killed and I decided to stick with my original plans, instead went to Happy Massage 8 for ST (500k+ 100k tips) with a SYT and then took silvercab to ferry terminal.
sorry bro, never went Batam, but 50K for 3 bonk? 50K is S$5+?
No min points to exchange, just queue, do pm me if I missed. Thanks
Old 04-05-2017, 03:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
As far as I know, in all civilized countries the law prescribes that a foreigner must have the passport with him at all times, to be ready to demonstrate he is a legitimate visitor in case of police check.

Try to come to Europe or USA, do something wrong or just be stopped by police for a random check in the street. Do not expect that a smile and "I am Singaporean" without your passport would be enough to leave. Most likely, you would be suspected to be an illegal immigrant, from China, India, somewhere in SEA.

HOWEVER, unless police has a special agenda or reasons to suspect that something is wrong, such rule is never tightly enforced till the consequence to detain someone until he provides the passport (again, I speak about "civilized countries", and I include Indonesia).


1) When you travel abroad, never bring the passport with you, when you go out from your hotel. The worst thing that could happen to you is to lose your passport or have it stolen, much worse than having the wallet stolen with all cards and other documt to you, pay the expenses, and ONLY THEN you can leave the country. You might even waste your flight return ticket, since all this may take several days.

2) At all times....u lose the paper photocopy and need to print another on........
Just a few weeks ago, the police conduct a spot check in kampong bule and those without passport were detained, questioned and haress. Finally they were released after they went back to hotel n produce their passport .However i read that 2 ns men were deported back to singapore. I believe these 2 ns men hv passport.

So if we didn't bring along our passport when we go outings in batam, we also face a risk of harrassment if questioned by police.
Old 04-05-2017, 03:56 PM
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Old 04-05-2017, 04:18 PM
sohbuckkong sohbuckkong is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
With technology nowadays where everyone al....... Of course, I'm still going to leave my passport in the hotel safe or hotel counter. Can't risk it getting lost.
Ya, even though I know its mandatory to carry d original passport wherever I go, I will still play safe by keeping my passport in hotel.

But I will hv a photocopy of my passport with me all d time.

I was robbed ,once in Phnom Penh, of my wallet which contain all my money, ic, driving licence, vocational licence, but fortunately my passport was in my hotel. This is a good lesson for me.

Without going into details, I also advice against accepting help from strangers especially when they appear to be vvv helpful.
Old 04-05-2017, 04:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong View Post
Just a few weeks ago, the police conduct a spot check in kampong bule and those without passport were detained, questioned and haress. Finally they were released after they went back to hotel n produce their passport .However i read that 2 ns men were deported back to singapore. I believe these 2 ns men hv passport.
I do hv a feelin the indo police r getting hungrier as their big day draw closer & r gng 2 bring wat they do in jakarta 2 btm base on readin tat recent news. They've nvr admit tat's wrong all tis while.

Originally Posted by BlackAndRight View Post
btw the article about the raid is here:
I got the vid from tis thread...

There's used 2 be a discussion on tis on the other tread link i post abv.
Old 04-05-2017, 05:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
I do hv a feelin the indo police r getting hungrier as their big day draw closer & r gng 2 bring wat they do in jakarta 2 btm base on readin tat recent news. They've nvr admit tat's wrong all tis while.
Is there any difference from this than SG polis doing road block or asking for your ID for no apparent reason except for telling u it's just random check or security guards just randomly want to check your bags. All are just doing thier job only differently is when u are in someone country especially in Indonesia, respect them and they will be happy to treat u like human being.
Old 04-05-2017, 05:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Is there any difference from this than SG polis doing road block or asking for your ID for no apparent reason except for telling u it's just random check or security guards just randomly want to check your bags. All are just doing thier job only differently is when u are in someone country especially in Indonesia, respect them and they will be happy to treat u like human being.
No,no difference...believe me.

a job well-ly-done
Old 04-05-2017, 05:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
No,no difference...believe me.
Good one bro, if we were to plan and meet in batam, do let me treat u 1 boking gal for u........ I meant treat u tehobeng. Lol. Peace
Old 04-05-2017, 05:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
I got the vid from tis thread...

There's used 2 be a discussion on tis on the other tread link i post abv.
Interesting. Overall, my impression is that Batam police retains that "gentle touch" of Indonesian people
In spite of the shouting and drama of those people, they always behaved very professionally, at least under the cameras.

I don't know how many did read about police shootings in the USA, but there, if one tries to run away from police as that black guy did in Batam, it is somehow likely that police first shoots bullets to shoot him down, then asks passport again. Crazy country.

In this video, I notice that most Western people simply reject the concept of "passport check", like "I am not in a civilized country and here I can do what I want". Especially the first one, so drunk he cannot even stand.
I doubt they would have behaved the same way if stopped by police in Singapore or Switzerland, to mention two countries in two very different continents.

After all, what we read is that everyone was simply taken to their respective hotels to show their passports. One may be pissed off for the wasted night, but the request is not absurd.

Should that happen again, to me or others reading this forum, my advice is to be as much collaborative as possible with police officers. No drama.
(and of course, never do anything illegal, as consuming drugs in disco)

PS: For those who are curious, I do not look as any of those bule in this video. Besides physical appearance, I never got so drunk as those.
Old 04-05-2017, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
It's meant 4 every1's offence intended in ani of my postin here la...

Enjoy btm,enjoy life! i tink we onli can live once in our lifetime.
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