Hi thanks for your tips! I have booked batam star since it is cheap but I just realise they don't have Free wifi. Anyone knows is it worth it to get a sim card there? I won't use much data mostly is just to read this thread for more info.
Behind Batam Star is New Star Coffee Shop. Opposite this coffee shop is Gold Bird. Beside this coffee shop is a provision shop operated by Chinese. You can buy sim card "Simpati" by Telkomsel here. Data package can get 300mb valid for 7 days at 23,000 rp. This should be enough for forum browsing. I'm there frequently, so I bought the 10gb for 99k rp valid for 30 days. Much worth it to buy local SIM card. My place will be quite nearby. I'm there from 31/12. Maybe can meet up for makan.
I think bro nono also mentioned about joint "Justmine Massage" at Gideon Hotel. But, they are equally expensive and charge carrot head rate.
At Pleasure Massage, you can take the O package at 400k +/- then nego with the masseuse for the FJ. I always call for this cewe "Nurul" when I'm there. Young milf at 27-28. Good hardworking cewe.
These are the current 3 joints around Penuin area I know about. Only BCH's New Spa is worth a visit for their free HJ package (only if cumming is allowed).
Yes, the HJ is part of the package in New Spa; it is based on the same operating model as Octopuss. Don't let the therapists pull a fast one over you, they are just trying to make a quick buck. Threaten to complain if they try to play punk.
The happy hour (11am - 5pm) rate of 233k for massage+HJ+use of facilities is in my opinion the best value in Batam at this point of time.
Well, there is of course the algae in pool situation; hope they resolve it soon
Hi bro...remember i used to come up with a list of Haunted Batam Hotels some time ago,but i stop updating the listing after knowing that the list will eventually cover nearly 90% of hotels in Batam if i continue...lol. The ONLY 2 hotels i die die will avoid is Batam Star and Hotel Bali. And i believe its all that needs to be known.Other than that,speculating may result in many who will mistaken that its the whole hotel that is haunted,but in truth it is not. Its more like the room having supernatural occurrence instead, rather than the whole hotel.
My point of view.
I refer back 2 last time 2015 u said & wil always r'ber tat.
I am a newbie and gonna go batam for the first time on 31st December to 1st January, is the price of $65 good for 2 nights?. i know it will be busy there as it is the end of the year. I tried to book formosa hotel as adviced in the newbie guide but I guess it was all sold out so I am thinking of barelang hotel. Is it a good place for beginners and its it near joints like new berry? Is there a newbie friendly hotel to recommend other than formosa? have read up this thread and realist most people will buy their own condom and that is what we should do right? And we dont have to buy sim card as there is wifi in the hotel i guess. Any tips would be great!
Hi bro, I believe some other senior samester has shared their recommendations to you. As for Barelang hotel, it is very close to Sedona aka golden bird for booking enjoyment and kampung blue. If your are interested in pubs and drinks, it will be a good place to stay. To be honest, I feel most hotel in Batam if not all, is newbie friendly so don't worry too much of it. And Barelang is quite new and nice considering its affordable price. Just start trying with basic intellegince and you will learn how to enjoy yourself there. And for hotel price, Agoda and Booking are your best friend there, Cheers...
With staying in the right hotel, wrong is usually minimized if you deemed yourself a newbie/1st timer. Many examples of failures in this this thread just becos they took their step number ONE not right.
When you are deemed no longer a newbie or 1st timer, you can always change your hotel stay. But it may means reliance on taxi would likely become higher and physically learning expereince in the trip becomes lesser. At least it would means that from my perspective.
Once you are seasoned-enough, you can stay as far as Pulau Galang,aka ex. Vietnam camp (almost an hour drive from Nagoya). You will still be able to get girls for the night. And getting wechat girls do not equates to being a season cheongster in Batam,hehehe... becos I would run a much higher risk,get not-as-good service (most time) and be paying a higher price.
Remember I say about paying higher and getting less comparing to paying lower and getting more?
Good advise 4 those who haven't yet aldy wish 2 learn. I see u r nt standing frm oldbie position 2 giv advise.
Looks like i'll probably b seeing sm 'green bean soup' soon if they hv no physical hold-hand help on tat day.
btm star? Hahahahaha....the hotel is a must avoid 4 me,free oso i wn't wan 2 stay.
ppl read ppl 4got. I dn't.
Hmm.. sorry that you guys might have had supernatural encountering at Batam Star. I actually spent a lot of my beginning cheonging years in this hotel as it's near to Sedona (Gold Bird) where my then regular girl is from.. And I've not had any of such encounters.
Yes bro. Aaron kwok sang quite well too. But sad though. Due to $$ most of the HK actors run road and join Middle Kingdom counterpart. If talk about movies i prefer to watch HK actors than PRC actors.
Same here bro
I prefer hk movie more 2.
Most movie by mainly prcs lead i watch in btm was a flop. They wn't die w the prc market la but smtime i feelin it's reli a waste of my 25k rp spent.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464
Hmm.. sorry that you guys might have had supernatural encountering at Batam Star. I actually spent a lot of my beginning cheonging years in this hotel as it's near to Sedona (Gold Bird) where my then regular girl is from.. And I've not had any of such encounters.
I din't 2,tho i onli stayed there once/twice b4 i cm tis forum, mayb our good luck is tere (blockin the 'watever' ),but my cewek did mention smthg 2 me then. So tis kind of thg's reli up 2 individual.
I tink situation is smthg like a bro here who once shares abt his grp of frens abt not wearing CD wen engaging sex serv in btm,they never had ani prob 4 mani years until @ a later time wen 1 of em got caught w hiv. They nvr return since. Bad luck? I tink it's a matter of choices.
I go btm jus 2 enjoy myself.
dn't quote photos posted by another person inside Balai tread
Most movie by mainly prcs lead i watch in btm was a flop. They wn't die w the prc market la but smtime i feelin it's reli a waste of my 25k rp spent. :
Speaking of movie, read this "review" about Passenger
Speaking of movie, read this "review" about Passenger
Makes me think twice about catching it.
Actually, I beg to differ. I caught the movie at BCS yesterday and I thought it was really good..! Good balance of intellect, suspense and action/excitement. I will on the contrary recommend this movie!
Behind Batam Star is New Star Coffee Shop. Opposite this coffee shop is Gold Bird. Beside this coffee shop is a provision shop operated by Chinese. You can buy sim card "Simpati" by Telkomsel here. Data package can get 300mb valid for 7 days at 23,000 rp. This should be enough for forum browsing. I'm there frequently, so I bought the 10gb for 99k rp valid for 30 days. Much worth it to buy local SIM card. My place will be quite nearby. I'm there from 31/12. Maybe can meet up for makan.
Thanks all for the tips. Am more confident now and hopefully can learn something new from there. Had pm you so we can meet up for makan haha.
I am a newbie and gonna go batam for the first time on 31st December to 1st January, is the price of $65 good for 2 nights?. i know it will be busy there as it is the end of the year. I tried to book formosa hotel as adviced in the newbie guide but I guess it was all sold out so I am thinking of barelang hotel. Is it a good place for beginners and its it near joints like new berry? Is there a newbie friendly hotel to recommend other than formosa? have read up this thread and realist most people will buy their own condom and that is what we should do right? And we dont have to buy sim card as there is wifi in the hotel i guess. Any tips would be great!
Book Hana Hotel..Its just directly opposite new berry...Hotel is cheap and clean...
I have a small question. I was doing spring cleaning few days ago and i found some old Indonesia notes given to me by my parents long ago. I am wondering if they were still legal tender. If they are not,any idea if they can still be exchangeable to legal notes?
Thanks you.
I tried searching online and many interesting info came out ,especially on the 20k note above.
Why does Indonesian 20,000 rupiah currency note (1998) have the picture of Lord Ganesha?
Ganesha is worshipped as god of education which fits the main theme of the note — education. If you look at the backside of the note, you'll see a picture of typical classroom activity in Indonesia and in front, a picture of Ki Hajar Dewantara whose birthdate is celebrated as National Education Day in Indonesia. The use of Hindu's deities and symbols is common in Indonesia as in the early centuries, Indonesian archipelago was heavily influenced by Hinduism.