I m health freak. I have tis feeling they added sugar too. Cost pure madu cant be cheap. Then again if is mkt value also cant guarantee is madu asli. I did visit a dusun lebah at Pontian sm 2 decades ago. Right under my nose the pakcik extracted the honey fm several man made bee "hive" compartments. 100% pure honey. Tat was my 1st n last encounter/visit. Guess the only way to confirm is pure honey is to visit those Honey farm n have it extracted on the spot. But tat could prove as a challenge too cos most of the time tere will be some stocks available n on display already.
I also say don’t buy. It is a scam. Got two kind. The one with the pollen one also bluff people one. Price is about 100 to 150K per bottle. This is adulterated. If at best sugar mix with honey, if contaminated can lousai till weak knee. Even buy from bee farm no guarantee unless the farmer is an honest guy
Please refrain from asking for point exchange
Mind if i ask, were they sold in glass bottle or plastic bottle? And how much does it cost back then?
Many i hear add water with sugar and perhaps some honey. There used to be an old lady selling it just outside formosa hotel few years back tho and at 50k rupiah per bottle in glass bottle (its non-organic too).
I live in a European country where we appreciate good honey. Leaving aside the industrial honey widely sold in supermarkets (mix of cheap honeys from EU and extraEU), we can choose honey from mix flowers or single flower species (like single-malt whiskey!).
You can taste the difference of honeys made by bees taking pollen from flowers of thyme , pine, rhododendron, heather, acacia, chestnut, etc etc. Not less than 20 different flowers are available in a specialized shop, each with its flavour and price.
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr
I m health freak. I have tis feeling they added sugar too. Cost pure madu cant be cheap. Then again if is mkt value also cant guarantee is madu asli. I did visit a dusun lebah at Pontian sm 2 decades ago. Right under my nose the pakcik extracted the honey fm several man made bee "hive" compartments. 100% pure honey. Tat was my 1st n last encounter/visit. Guess the only way to confirm is pure honey is to visit those Honey farm n have it extracted on the spot. But tat could prove as a challenge too cos most of the time tere will be some stocks available n on display already.
Last edited by Black Page; 17-06-2019 at 06:58 AM.
I live in a European country where we appreciate good honey. Leaving aside the industrial honey widely sold in supermarkets (mix of cheap honeys from EU and extraEU), we can choose honey from mix flowers or single flower species (like single-malt whiskey!).
You can taste the difference of honeys made by bees taking pollen from flowers of thyme , pine, rhododendron, heather, acacia, chestnut, etc etc. Not less than 20 different flowers are available in a specialized shop, each with its flavour and price.
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
Yup and that guy from barelang who sold you the bottle of adulterated honey had scammed many tourists with his red pail of fake honey. A piece of honey comb to make it looks real and some dead bee to make it more believable. Real honey will last for years even decades. An adulterated one will become sour after a month.
Please refrain from asking for point exchange
book a young lady for 1.2 million
23 yo
she is from central java
very horny n pretty, can anal too
too bad today she text me and flying back to her hometown due to family matters
I realise the joint HAVANA got many young girls. All in 20s
The joint is very near to Newton
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
1kg at S$45 consider cheap leow. To me quite doubtful....chances are they are mixed with chemicals, water or/and sugar.
As for quality honey, even from NZ also cant be trusted 100%.
Havana, ST, 500k
Booking ard 1.2 million
Age of girls - 21 to 26
OKT told me at night after 9pm, got sexy dance but not sure got stripped or not. Only pay for drinks, no entrance fee.
Only S$50. Frankly, u give me foc i will say tks but no tks. U know how difficult to get honey? Weather very important. If it rains means no honey. Bees will stay indoors