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Old 22-06-2019, 07:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I have been to Batam a couple of times now, besides those massage places near dc mall, there are also some massage places at the adjacent street besides rumah makan Indorasa, near nagoya hill.

I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way

Just to share. Sorry if writing is too Batam newbie.
Old 22-06-2019, 10:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Recently i hear there are actually quite a handful of massage girls who work in dirty massage shop switched side to those "clean" shops. So, sometime it really depends on luck if you could locate these girls in those clean massage shops. Massage girls in clean massage shops seems to earn a more stable and a bit higher income (in general) as compare to those who work in the dirty massage shops. But they have to work hard on more customers a day,got to go through some sort of training and pass some tests (before getting enlisted).

*shops mention here do not include massage parlor inside hotel.

** there are also many clean massage shops whereby their massage quality is not-that-good, eg Eska, Reborn, Alamanda, Rejuv-a etc (my personal view when i compare clean versus clean).

One thing surprising in my June trip is that clean massage shops has many girls as young as 18 onward,below 21. But most looks about 6/10 at best in looks.
Bro NoNo
Where is this area?

Old 22-06-2019, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Splitter100 View Post
Bro NoNo
Where is this area?

Its just opposite bcs mall if im not wrong...At penuin area
Old 23-06-2019, 03:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Myhorizon View Post
I have been to Batam a couple of times now, besides those massage places near dc mall, there are also some massage places at the adjacent street besides rumah makan Indorasa, near nagoya hill.

I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way
Basically, you offer ladies money and they are happy of that. Wow!
Old 23-06-2019, 04:10 AM
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Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
tose brother eye sight no so good feel free 2 also do sm eye
555 long time no test urh
Old 23-06-2019, 04:12 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

QUOTE=nono1973;18850838]Its 70k rupiah, if i didnt remember wrong.
(there's a taxi fare price list at the lobby area)[/QUOTE]
Old 23-06-2019, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Another new shop opens in Harbour Bay Mall...
Last Thursday return via HBB.... found that they hv block the passage between the old horizon counter building and the ferry terminal. That means.. can't turn right and get out fr the Balai terminal side.
Think there is a new exit/entrance at the opposite end of the long "hall"(where we took the escalator up to Hor counter.)
Look like the old counter building and the link bridges will be gone...
Together with the touting taxi/ojet.
Old 23-06-2019, 11:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hmm...Men in Black movie, is it any good? They are now screening all over Batam as i typed,hehehe...


Storyline :

The Men in Black have expanded to cover the globe but so have the villains of the universe. To keep everyone safe, decorated Agent H and determined rookie M join forces -- an unlikely pairing that just might work. When aliens that can take the form of any human arrive on Earth, H and M embark on a globe-trotting adventure to save the agency -- and ultimately the world -- from their mischievous plans.

Trailer :

Its a comedy, so be expecting a lot of families (tourist/s) going to Grand Batam there to watch. I think i had better move from Grand Batam Mall to somewhere quieter. Aladdin (2019) was not bad, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) was alright but i preferred Aladdin better which is a musical styled movie. The girls however like Godzilla more than Aladdin tho....hehehe....

Well...enjoy the movie, enjoy Batam...

Look here!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 23-06-2019, 12:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
to me is wen ger say borrow, means borrow...i aso no care abt 300 dollar or 3000 dollar, but 'borrow' is means 'borrow'. Borrow means must return. Got few gers borrow frm me b4 too & i aso lent though not all of em i will lent. But i will ask ger hw they gng 2 pay me back. They usually wil say pay me onli wen able, so i suggest beter 2 pay by mth 10 dollar, 30 mths finish liao lor....they aso say ok. Sm is pay 20-30 dollar a
Actually, no one likes to borrow money from another but like yourself, i dont usually lent to someone as i rarely trust anyone. So if i were to lent someone money, i dont expect that one who borrows to return.

Borrow and return, its a cycle. To return or not to return tells a person's character too. So far i have only lent one Batam girl money and she returned, and that tells me she has got good character.

My own perspective.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
so far so good, they pay me finish liao & today i can dare put my head up here 2 tell ppl on internet sbf public forum btm tread, my gers who borrow frm me is no a Beggar , NOT a Scammers or Cheaters openly. Few hundred onli, i tink no sinkies will put in the eye & if they one day decide no return me then ok lor...i no more trust tat ger ani more but so far all gers i lent 2 got pay & sm more pay

i tink mayb due 2 my action, mani gers i knw nwday wen they go back kampung cum back btm tat time wil buy me small gifts frm their home twn & sm even cook 4 me 2 eat 2 shw their other word, we aso built a small genuine friendship tere.
It is still money, we all have to work for it which is parts of our sweat and blood,hehehe...if can work why beg?

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i often believe do good thg mayb wn't get good return but do bad thgs, surely wil hv bad returns in one way or other ways. My ownself tinking is tat, fl is commercial deal & i shld go by the commercial way. i can pay 4 fl bills if they got face 2 open mouth 2 ask me 4 it but if they open mouth say borrow it means is borrow. Borrow means must return even though return or no return no mean much 2 me as they are jus small $ 2 me.

chines proverbs says, 有借有还上等人,有借无还下等人..meanin of Chinese words is got borrow got return is 'good' ppl, got borrow no return is 'no good' ppl. i tink like u 2 mayb it's karma...& no wonder i can find 'good' fl while others find 'no good' fl in btm. At least i giv em the chance 2 be 上等人 wich is 'good ppl' but others nvr giv em a chance 2 be one & yet aldy categolize em as cheats or scams.
Yes, i agreed with your point.

Someone from another culture, another country, another place of brought up borrowed from me, i didnt give them a chance to return or any suggested means to return, i come out to public to shout out that they "could be" scammers or cheats even tho i dont care of how little it "could have been" scams or cheated. I have already indirectly given them a not-very-good name,hehehe...

I would say it this way, the Batam girls try to borrow money from me, i didnt lent them a dime. I "gave" what they ask for to help them get through their urgent needs (since i dont expect them to return). Its a happy and willing thing, right? I fell for their KC-ing becos i cant stand the sight of girls in need and yet not helping them. I have a soft-heart,hehehe...and lack self-control.

Now, change the gender to Batam MEN o Batam Grandmothers instead of Batam girls...will my heart still be as soft as mentioned on above paragraph? Hehehe... hope you get my message.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
i believe in all kind of trade, most indo ppl r good ppl, especially tose not veri rich ones.
Any country,any types of culture also will have good and bad people,hehehe...let alone girls in Batam. i could be a bad person the view of the girls too, much as i knew i am a stingy person in most the girls i have met in Batam.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 23-06-2019, 09:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Been reading for some time. Thought I contribute by sharing my recent experience on a weekday.

Used the guides provides by fellow forummers here, esp Nono. TY.

Started from Formosa at about 1.30pm. Went to Happy 8. About 10 girls but they either were abit big size (not fat though), had tatoos or looked fierce. Prefer the demure petite type.
Went over to a one unknown (not mentioned in this forum before) shop where the tender said the girls are not in so early. Went over to Havana which seems like a club.
There were about 3 men outside who seem unrelated to the joint but one followed us in, likely in a bid to get some commission. Only 1 girl downstairs. It was like a club that was not opened yet. The staff didn't seem to mind when he brought us upstairs. It was the girls' quarters. He started knocking on the door and one young girl came out in a daze. Quite pretty, big eye with her fake lashes still on. Another woke up too. But we felt uncomfortable waking the girls up so we left.

We wanted to walk on our own but one of the guys followed us. Brought us to MM but no girls there. Staff said the girls are back in kampung for Raya. Went over to Sri Kandy (less than 5 min from Havana). The mami rang the bell and about 8 girls appeared. We were uncomfortable with the guy around and left. Then entered again when he left. Chose a girl named Stephanie. Slim, fair skinned, quite big eyes and a beautiful smile (she was joking with her friend about something). She was a in a tight low cut dress and her boobs, not too big, probably a B, were pushed up very nicely. Was quoted 1.4 juta. Offered 1.3. The mami asked her and she agreed. I later found out from her that she splits 50-50 with the joint. Paid and mami said that I need to collect her later. Told her about 7pm as we planned to go Octopuss and then have dinner.
Old 23-06-2019, 09:47 PM
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Ended up collecting her only at about 7.30pm. She had removed her make up and fake lashes but still pretty and looks the same except that that her slight freckles were visible. She was smiling and we boarded the Grab. About 1.65m without heels. 26 yo. Back at Formosa, she switched on the TV and watched a drama serial while we held hands and lay next to each other. Not a phone addict... nice. After about 20 min, during an advertisement, we started the deed. She was quite passive and I was not very demanding. It was me servicing her more. Ok with FK and neck nibbles but said nipple licking is too itchy. Ok with DATY too. She was very nice to cuddle; nice boob size and perky butt while being slim. Finished off in missionary.

It went downhill from there. We watched tv for awhile more and I noticed her falling asleep. Then she fell asleep. I went to Alishan to find my friend. She said she's too sleepy and I left her in the room. So I came back at about 1am, she was still sleeping (never bath, never brush teeth). Next morning, we went for breakfast. During breakfast, her cleavage was like... wow when she was sitting opposite. I was expecting another round after breakfast so didn't ask for one after waking and I prefer to undress her again rather than start naked. When we returned, she was texting on her phone and told me she needs to leave because her sister is sick. I said one more time, quick one but she said something about medicine and die. She looked really worried. No point forcing her to stay so I said ok. She said sorry and left without even asking for tips. I'm also noob... should have woken her up in the middle of the night for 1 round.

In case any of you want to try, poor service but pretty and really hot body. It really depends how you KC her. Maybe go out for makan before the deed or if you can speak bahasa indonesia, it will be better (mine is very elementary). She's leaving back home for Bandung in early July for long-term.

The quality of the girls in the joints I visited is really not good. Geylang Cat 50/80/150 is really much much better (I know cannot compare but it's just give you get a gauge). This Stephanie was really way above the others in the 2 joints I visited.

Some info about Alishan KTV
the KTV room+ nuts+ fruits + 1 girl + about 20 cans of beer was about S$110. To tapow is S$190 more. If you stay late enough, can negotiate with the girl to bypass the bar fine, reducing tapow cost to $130, depending on negotiation. In that case, you leave first then the girl meet you somewhere. About 14 girls came into the room. Girl quality was *slightly* better than the joints but no lookers. Except for the one my friend called. really difficult to choose. I didn't choose since I already had one sleeping in the room
For newbies, the manager is a soft spoken Chinese man man in his 50s who can speak Mandarin.
Old 23-06-2019, 09:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Some info about Alishan KTV
the KTV room+ nuts+ fruits + 1 girl + about 20 cans of beer was about S$110. To tapow is S$190 more. If you stay late enough, can negotiate with the girl to bypass the bar fine, reducing tapow cost to $130, depending on negotiation. In that case, you leave first then the girl meet you somewhere. About 14 girls came into the room. Girl quality was *slightly* better than the joints but no lookers. Except for the one my friend called. really difficult to choose. I didn't choose since I already had one sleeping in the room
For newbies, the manager is a soft spoken Chinese man man in his 50s who can speak Mandarin.

About Formosa
Spacious and clean room and friendly service but doubt I will stay there again. Aircon was not working well in the afternoon and the room service guy said he will settle it. Was fine at night but later in the night, it hovered at around 27 degrees. Sometimes it was about 25 which was still bearable. There was also a smell in the room. Not really mouldy smell but that of an old hotel. The smell lingers in your clothes even when you reach Singapore.
Bed was hard. Low quality bed that you can feel a little bit of the springs.
It was about S$50nett and I found that Agoda has the cheapest price. However, I think you can find better hotels at this price range.
Location is very good but with $1.10 to $1.40 Grab rides, location is not so important.

About Octopuss
Like previous FRs stated, there are FJ options here with tiers of girls at different prices.
The basic package is $48nett for 1.5 hour massage with HJ thrown in. Facilities- suana, jacuzzi, steam room included. No food and drinks like Malaysia spa. Just one type of keropok and one type of cake. A bottle of plain water is around S$2.
The massage is really hit and miss. You don't get to see and choose the ladies. I had a very good massage the previous time but a bad one this time. This time, the girl was dressed in a sailormoon style uniform with very short skirt. When she sat on my back... wow. Not sure how open the girls are to groping but when massaging my hand, she put my hand on her thigh and my fingers were slightly touching her chest area.

A little basic bahasa will go a long way when getting around or when communicating with girls. Despite the grouses above, honestly, I don't know where else you can find a social escort for S100+ for the whole day and night. It's my first visit to the joints too so it may be a one off "not so good" experience at the joints. I also explored only a few joints so more coverage may have helped.

Hope the above is useful info.
Old 24-06-2019, 12:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Last Thursday return via HBB.... found that they hv block the passage between the old horizon counter building and the ferry terminal.
How i wish i have read ur post earlier...

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
That means.. can't turn right and get out fr the Balai terminal side.
Think there is a new exit/entrance at the opposite end of the long "hall"(where we took the escalator up to Hor counter.)
Look like the old counter building and the link bridges will be gone...
Together with the touting taxi/ojet.
With the closure of that right side entrance leading to the old taxi stand & harbour mart, it greatly affects the taxi drivers & food/retail shop business at the old departure/arrival hall.

Coming out of the new entrance is a piece of waste land under construction

Tourist has to walk a very long way out...

Cutting through the car park is a short cut but it might be dangerous for tourists with children or be carrying heavy luggage when there's a high no. of vehicles moving in & out of the carpark.

So now many touring in the premises area do not have much choice but to use this entrance on the left hand side after exiting from immigration bag scanning when they arrive btm or they can take a longer way out of the terminal.

If bro blackpage arrive btm, he will not be able to use his usual entrance to get out of the terminal to pay 50k rp to the taxi drivers anymore.

This small change has cause a big inconvenience to lots of unknowing tourists who planned to stay around hotels within harbour bay or be shopping at Harbour Bay mall,other than Zest hotel. Those who stays in Nine Days hotel,Swissbel,Amir hotel, Ggi hotel & Harbor boutique hotel will be like myself, have to exercise our legs more.

Better hope it doesn't rain upon arriving btm,& that's so much for sharing my yesterday's arrival.

Last edited by Leoric; 24-06-2019 at 05:36 PM. Reason: re-upload photos
Old 24-06-2019, 05:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
veri good deal & well worth the $ ,brother & thk u 4 yr'm full of envy rite nw wen i readin yr fr.

*saliva dripping*

jus up u my bigger than cow car wheel 6

jking onli ya...hope u no offence.
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Old 24-06-2019, 07:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi Likley Buddies,

Im goling solo to BTM tmr, it had been years since there, thereby a newbie now. Anybody kind soul there and able to walk around together?...I am staying at Fomosa Hotel...
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