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Old 20-12-2016, 10:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
We decide to go back hotel and check in at about 1pm. Got our two rooms, and calls for in room massage.

Back to fomosa at about 1pm, called for our in room massage, after 1hr massage quoted 300k for hj and 500k for fj. (Fyi, on the 2nd trip i paid 400k for hj, topless and free roam. Even got suck her nips.) But i knoe i got carrot, as she knows I'm interested. So this time round act not intersted. Got 200k for hj topless and free roam. I tried to ask for 100k, but not as easy.
Very smart move this time round for not repeating what you didn't do right the last time.

You are learning,bro. 100k is really rare but 150k should be a challenge. 200k is a walk in the park,meaing way too easy.

Thumbs up for this one!

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
Meet up with my friend after massage, he paid for 300k for hj. Just hj. No topless no free roam. I did tell him before the rate you bros usually pay. But he wasn't able to nego. It's okay i told him, you can always learn. At least he paid 300k for first time, I paid 400k on mine.
Teach him your way to help him go further in Batam and get more in future.

He is like a mirror of yourself when you 1st start Batam, paid less and get more,didnt you? How does that feel?

Fantastic feel isn't it? When most of your friends couldn't get more for less and you could...hehehe...well done,bro.

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
At 3plus we went to fetch our other 3 friends, change their money, check in, it was 4pm by then. One of the guys wanted to try his luck to see if there's any girls he can still book. Tell you bros, at 4pm on the weekend damn jilat. But he did got his girl, from indah2. 1mil looks 5/10 but her service was 8.5/10. Why 8.5? My friend did not leave his room once we got back to our hotel from 10pm to 7am. Within that short period, they both f the hell out of each other 4times. Hahaha. Not bad for a 1mil cewek. time if you want to give your friends some disaster,call his room every hour,hehehe...he will hate you forever for that.

*joking here*

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
Back to the story, for the other 2 bros decide not to take any girls. (Highlight of the trip for me is here) ; I brought them to one of the famous spa there. I can't tell you bros where, as I've promise the therapist not to share with anyone about the price i paid her for the fj. So a promise is a promise. But I'm sure you guys knows where is it and even been there. Massage was 1.5hr. So-so massage. Her looks was 8.5 I tell you. One of the prettiest one I've seen there. Got a great ass and a nice and smooth b cup. After the massage, she told me is done. I acted blur and ask ; is that it? She then ask what do i want? So i asked what you have. Qoted 600k for fj and 400 for hj. So I nego and it wasn't easy. Sweet talk my shit out the price of 300k for a fj. Do note it's not the normal spa, one of the expensive one. Ask her if she does outside jobs, and she said it cost about 600k per round if a therapist were to do outsid job.
Hope you keep your words to the person like a REAL man.

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
So got my 300k fj, worth every cent. Nego took so long that once all is done, all my other 4 friends have already change. One of the guys took a fj which cost him 600k. She did told me it's not possible for the price she quoted me, that's why she has to hide and even wash the use condom and if anyone were to ask, just tell them i just got a hj. I'm not sure if it's a company policy or is there a certain amount that they cant go any lower in this kind of spa's. Any idea bros?
I have been to 1st tier spa like Spa Secret type of MPs,to Hotel's Massage Parlor,to Men's Spa and then to the lowest grade like those in Morena or kost type (lowest grade here refers to ambiance of joint). I have never once paid more than 400k a pop for fj in Batam.

All that's needed to have is some basic bargaining skill, chemistry with the girl, understanding Batam's business culture and most important of it all...some common sense,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
After all is done, it's already 8pm we went for seafood then fetch our girls. Was expecting them to give us the black face, surprisingly no. They were okay. My friend hit the jackpot when his sri kandi cewek begin to speak Mandarin. He was so happy. Hahaha. She was working in Taiwan for 6 years, that's why she's fluent in mandarin. My friend will make her his regular if he visits from now on, as the cewek was gf materiel too.
Argh!! More competitors now,hehehe...with more wiser cheongster going to Batam,most places will just get better and better each time.


Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
Back to our hotel, i did my two shots, then sleep. Morning decide not to take the 3rd shot, send her off with 150k tip as she complied to anything the last night. After breakfast call of another in room massage she qoted me 400 for hj and 800 fj. I just smiled and nego. Got 200k for the same thing as the first one. After that, we went shopping and took our ferry back. Oh Even got stop by our finest Singapore coast guard when reaching Singapore.
When you see yourself in your friend you brought to Batam,i actually see a bit of me in your FR.


Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
What i learn in this trip is, if your not shy, be humble and give and take here and there. You may meet at half way line of the price they quoted, but still not pro as you bros, get lower price. If your willing to learn, anything is possible. Best part is, my friends enjoyed their trip, and already asking me to plan for Jan 2017.
What I learned about Indonesia as a kid from my parents who works there is that, always bargain downward by 50% for things w/o a price tag. I had a rude shock a very long time ago when an Indo Chinese lady starts bargaining downward when in Sillypore by a straight 50%,hehehe...I have to explain to the Indo lady that Sillypore is all fix price.

For my case and maybe even some of friends,our objectives to go Batam is mainly to have a good time, enjoy ourselves. And if paying lesser gives us better time,and paying more gives us a not-so-good time,we will probably choose to pay less for more.

Many who were currently paying less probably already knew what they could get by paying more (since paying more is way much easier than paying less), but there are also many who PAID MORE have NOT KNOWN what they could TRULY GET when paying less...interesting...very interesting.

And then there is those who paid more most of the time didn't quite enjoy Batam as much as those who actually paid lesser, and how did I define that? Becos those who PAID MORE visited Batam way way much lesser than those who pays lesser, hehehe...of course not all of it works that way theoretically, but majority should be.

I enjoyed Batam hence I go there once or twice a month (while some bros here go once a week or even stayed there for good), "Charlie" didn' he only goes once or twice a year (maybe thrice) when he is out of ideas to cheong ,hehehe...Charlie probably didn't enjoyed Batam as much as I did in this case.

My conclusion is,most who are paying more most likely didn't know Batam well yet. Mark my words carefully and then observe all the rest of the coming FR from now onward (can also check out other older FRs too),hehehe...

Base on observation (and reading) of my own.

Originally Posted by Ahsahh View Post
Thanks bros for reading. Sorry for the long post and spellings error here and there. I did not read through as it's such a long fr.
I think I am the one who needs to thank you more becos you have open up a new insight for me. An angle of view which I may have missed out. And it will help me enjoy batam way better than I will ever be from this reply onward.

Sincerely thank you.

Cheers! And double cheers!!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 20-12-2016, 12:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

May i ask if the old birds have a rough idea of how long does a normal booking girl in joint last in this in industry on average?

I m curious for the sake of knowing how long my good relationship will last with a few girls there until "its time for a new batch"?
Old 20-12-2016, 05:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

New notes and coin for Indonesia Rupiah
Old 20-12-2016, 06:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
NED not my playground as I don't drink. But, I would say they probably get alive around 10pm plus, all the way to about 1pm+. Black Page would be a better person to pass comment on this place.
I know something of Kampung Bule, and that's why I avoid it

Bars and pubs get populated after 10pm till 1am or much later on weekends. Most pubs are sad places, with girls just waiting someone to drink and chat with. Offering a drink to a girl is cheap (20k-30k), not like in a Singapore BMD bar. One can definitely try to go once. It's not my kind of places. Some girls will accept to follow the customer to hotel, but not all and not always. Some chemistry is needed besides some good money. Most of them look rather sleazy. Not my kind of girls. Forget the SYT. If there is a SYT, she's there to drink and serve drinks, not to accompany people to hotel.

The only place I really like is NoName, because of the outstanding live bands that they always feature (first class, they always know how to play rock), and because of the ladies that it's possible to meet there especially on weekends (Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Sunday is closed).
Warning: when you enter, it is important to discriminate between:
1) those plain working ladies who are there every night (expensive!! but worth? not for me)
2) the bar girls who exit from their pubs at 1am because of no customers and try their luck there (again: expensive!! but worth? not for me)
3) the girls who have a job and go there to meet a bule with money, who can make them happy in bed and give them at least 1M to integrate their revenues
4) the girls who have a job and go there to meet a bule with money, who can make them happy in bed and possibly be a longer-term friend (they will not ask money, but they expect to receive a good gift, even money)
5) the girls who have a job and go there to meet a bule, who can make them happy in bed PERIOD.
The last category 5) is rare, of course, but I had the chance to meet some. My favorite is 4), but of course I am interested also to 3). In all cases, chemistry is the key.

Of course, YMMV. There's something for everyone taste. Even a bar with plain working girls (Banana). Once more: not my kind of place.
Old 20-12-2016, 06:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread


Any latest updates on Grand Atalanta Spa and Octopus spa? Does both open on weekends? Price and type of packages available?
Old 20-12-2016, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Money changes...
Ask 3 at least 3 shops.
This morning something strange happen...

I hv a habit of checking XE rate b4 I approach $CHANGER.

The XErate was @ 9250

1st shop offered 9150
Think.. not bad, reasonable.
But still proceeded to 2nd shop
Offered 9200 lagi best...
Tried ask for 9300
she countered 9250(=XErate)
I said: more can or not?
To my surprise she countered 9260.
Rp10 above XErate

you don't try, you fail immediately,
You tried, you might achieve or at least closer to your goal.

Note: Applied to bargaining only!
OM didn't ask you to try illegal things
Old 20-12-2016, 11:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
This morning something strange happen...

I hv a habit of checking XE rate b4 I approach $CHANGER.

The XErate was @ 9250

1st shop offered 9150
Think.. not bad, reasonable.
But still proceeded to 2nd shop
Offered 9200 lagi best...
Tried ask for 9300
she countered 9250(=XErate)
I said: more can or not?
To my surprise she countered 9260.
Rp10 above XErate

you don't try, you fail immediately,
You tried, you might achieve or at least closer to your goal.

Note: Applied to bargaining only!
OM didn't ask you to try illegal things
I managed to get 9270 today, but I suppose it's only because I changed 1K SGD.
Old 21-12-2016, 01:01 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

last year i found this along the main road in Newton area toward Jodor market.
Old 21-12-2016, 01:03 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

If you happen to be in Batam this few nights...
I recommend you look for the store on the main road at Newton area toward Utama and have a try on it.

The very distinctive taste Betawi Kerak Telur,
As this is very time consuming, there are rarely glimpsed and even almost forgotten.

Kerak Telur
(Egg crust )
A traditional savory snacks of Betawi (an ethnic group in Jakarta)

Tepung ketan (Glutinous rice flour)
Gula Aren (Palm suger)
Ebi (dried shrimp)
Bawang Goreng(fried onions ) and
Kelapa Sangrai
(Toasted coconut with fine spices
Include chili, ginger, salt, sugar , pepper ++)
Old 21-12-2016, 01:06 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

The most importance...
heartly care barking by
Controlling the fire,
Rolling the pan,

Even turning the pan upside down,
to ensure the crust is evenly cook both sides.

After 15 minutes...
The final product
Old 21-12-2016, 01:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

My girl told me in jakarta they even have an event for it, where rows of stalls selling it, during the annual June July pusat fair.
Old 21-12-2016, 01:23 AM
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Originally Posted by hawkeye007 View Post
I managed to get 9270 today, but I suppose it's only because I changed 1K SGD.
I change $200 only. That our 2 weeks budget.
I'm happy that I hv Rp20k extra. Just by walking another 10steps.
Old 21-12-2016, 01:30 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Majestic ticket
All passports
expire 30june2017
Now the list price = rp350k
More expasive then seniors discounts price($32) in sgp.
Old 21-12-2016, 01:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Planned to be there from 31/12 to 3/1. While I have some personal matters to attend to, any bro who will be there and need help going around the places, can pm me.

I am john here. just want to ask: if I go batam for half a day, which massage parlour I can go? and how much

thank you
Old 21-12-2016, 07:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Quite open question. But, I would suggest you take ferry to HarbourBay via Horizon Fast Ferry (preferably) or BatamFast (lesser trips). I would suggest Batam Centre since I'm able to get $31 tickets and still use both Bayan Centre and HarbourBay. But, departure must be to Batam Centre, which will need a long taxi trip to Nagoya where the bulk of the naughty massage places are.

Massage parlor wise, I would suggest Atalanta. They have hot pool, cold pool, sauna where you can relax a bit before proceeding to the massage. One note though. The massage package only include the use of facilities plus 1.5 hr massage. HJ / BJ / FJ / Whatever-J is to be negotiated separately with the masseuse. You can actually use up to 3 hours here, if you're here alone. More, if you're there with friends with the chit chats etc.

This should cost you about 250k +/-, excluding the Whatever-J you nego with the cewe.

Alternatively, you can go this New Spa and Massage (also known in this board as Grand Dragon Spa). Go between 11am - 5pm and you get a 40% discount off the package price. Note, only package price get the discount though. Anything else such as aromatherapy oil, ear digging etc is charge at full price. Why this place is mentioned frequently is cos, with the off-peak discount and free HJ, the nett price of about 238k +/- is almost the cheapest in town. And, from my 3 trips there, the massage is not bad. They will ask if you have preference such as regular masseuse, hard or soft massage preferred etc.

One or two observations about this place though .. my friend was told that HJ yes, but no shooting else extra charge (nonsense), upselling on the massage oil etc. Just keep a sound mind and you will just pay the discounted price if you check-in between 11am to 5pm.

New Spa is at another area (Penuin area) where choices for naughty massage is rarely offered. I only know of 3 such joints there now. However, tonnes of good food around there though.

Hope this helps.
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