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Old 12-04-2016, 05:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
My benchmark which i learn from the previous Batam Info thread is 100k HJ,200k FJ...and will always starts from that amount 1st,regardless of the type of massage places and if the girls were SYT or not. It doesnt matter.

1. I always tell them,"i 1st time come Batam,my friends tell me 100k hj and 200k fj....",hehehe...

2. At times,i will tell the massage girl,"I already have a booking girl in my hotel room,so i dont have to take special service...i am ONLY here for the massage,to relax",hehehe...

3. On my last day,i will say..."i only come here to relax my body becos my booking girl just drained me out many times before i am here",hehehe...

The whole trick is to not show desperation for their special service. At the least,be uninterested in appearance.

My techniques works for me 95% of the time for myself. And the 5% time that dont work,i just call for another girl/s or go to another shop, will likely be her lose,not mine becos of the timing and the kind of days i visit Batam.

Lets not forget,per hour massage in Batam is not expensive.
This is good info shared.

Many newcomers here i believe hasn't had a chance to smell 100k hj & 200k fj b4.

Wat i did was i learn to persist on the price i wan,if the girls don't budge then no deal. Their lost anyway since massage per hr only 50k - 70k.
Old 12-04-2016, 05:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by xiaosinful View Post
2 different joints, 1st is called 28 or flower in indo (behind DC mall)
priced : 1.5m
age: around 25
attitude: i would say neutral but she is quite experience
hotel: formosa
meal: dont want to eat
Didnt eat?

What time did you take her? And how many shots you got?

Originally Posted by xiaosinful View Post
priced : 1.1m
age: 20ish?
attitude: new , but easy to communicate with , easy going
hotel: lovina inn
meal : taobao KFC since she is in really deep sleep (snore super loud and unwakeable ), power sleeper can wake and go into deep sleep in like seconds.
Also didnt eat? Wow! Beside both girls you got were sleepers,they also didnt like to eat too. (they sounds like immortals now,hehehe...)

And the number of shots?

Originally Posted by xiaosinful View Post
Maybe this is a classic case of its not you its me problem?
@bronono any expert advice on sleeping beauties? encountered any?how you deal with them?
I remembered some recent words shared in this thread by some experienced bros which may be good for you (may even be good for most learning newbies too) :

As for myself,i often uses the "one size fits all" common advise on how i will pick my girl at the below link :

One of my most common words use, thats to drop Expectation by at least half.

Now,lets take a 2nd look at the above advises. What do you see in common on their advise? I see bro SibeiNew and bro PigletDiDi uses the same words,"Treating their booking girl like their friends". And i am almost sure bro Blackpage does the almost similar for his non-booking girl/s too. Please remember,the girl you took is going to accompany you for many hours to come (usually more than half a day),the key is ,a willing and happy service provider definitely more than willing provides better service happily,right? Hehehe...

(making someone happy do not necessary need to go to the extend to spoilt them tho)

1. In the beginning,it would have to 1st start with how you would pick your girl. And you will find what i am about to say is almost the same as what i will do on how i would pick my girl :

I picked girl/s from booking joint that SHOWS INTEREST in me. I dont say i pick my girl base on their looks or their figures,i dont say i pick my girl base on their pricing,i dont say i pick my girl base on how many HP (handphones) they carried with them while they are in the fish tank. I say,i pick my girl/s base on THEIR interest in me and thats my priority (not that the rest of the other points i mention isnt important,hehe..). Or at the least shows interest,have eye contact,if she looks like a willing party,smile at her to see her response blah blah blah....

Example : If i am a 100 kg plus guy,surely i wouldnt go all out for a very slim girl who looks like she is about only 40kg odd,right? Or the least,i will need to think from the girl's perspective,if she likes it "that way". This one pretty much common sense.

2. Now the OKT's attitude. When i ask him about no runaway girls etc etc,i also observe his attitude. I can also ask OKT when i eyed 2 or 3 girls that shows interest in me,which one is better,their pricing etc. If his reply is everyone also good,hehehe....i thanked him and walk off. Shows that the OKT didnt know his girls well enough and/or simply not interested.

3. Getting the joint's name card, or at the least the OKT's number and hopefully at the pressence of the booking girl.Like i say in that link you clicked (click it if you havent already done so),its a mind game thingy. The girl you paid sees you got the OKT namecard,she is less likely to come up with pattern. Less likely doesnt mean she wont tho,but if she shows interest in you,you are more or less secured. Believe me,she can still comes out with some form of pattern and making sure the OKT sided with her if she choose to. Worse case scenario if she is completely not interested in you.

4. Lowering your expectation if you are new or a 1st timer. Many failed in this aspect. My minimum expectation is a SSYT not showing interest in me,then i am in for the deepest shit,hehehe...not true? Many mixed up between expectation and their standard requirement for girls. Many tends to choose very young slim sweet pretty girls,but they didnt know these girls wasnt interest in them and remember,the girls picked were very young. And what do most young girls have in common in any country? Playful,wilful (immature in thinking),looking for fun,excitement,activities and when one picks them,they will have to ask themselves,"can i keep up"? They may end up not having a good time. Try a change,by picking a girl off your "requirement" just once. Just to see if you mixed up between expectation and requirement.

And lastly,keep that "i am your paymaster and you MUST serve me like i am your master" mentality out. (reminds me of the foreign maids that were tortured to death in Sillypore and Hongkong by their paymaster)

5. Picking girls between the SYT and MILF range.The girls i picked may not be the girl that shows interest.In that case,i will give it a miss. I look at the girls from left to right. From the left side (or right side) of the joint usually range the ugliest fattest oldest towards the right where the the most prettiest,youngest and slimmest girls.For me,its somewhere in between those range so as to try to get the best from both world.

6. OKT is the key person to share one's fetish (if any) and talking to the OKT gives you some information of the girl.Info like if they are good at certain service,eg BBBJ etc. Most Batam girls were quite bbbj conservative and especially younger ones. But imagine this,if you could get a bbbj from these girls,it goes to show a few things,you definitely have a good chemistry with the girl/s,the girl/s like you,you know your game well etc.

7. Being humble is the hardest to explain. And believe me,to me this is the most crucial if you arent looking for robotic cold service. Look at bro Sibeinew's comment as above quoted,he peeled the prawn shell for his girl.(he's not the only person going to Batam i knew who would do that) Look at bro PigletDiDi's comment,treating them like a friend,not slave (which can easily translate to "not-a-sex-worker" at least for a while from my perspective) and then from bro BlackPage's of not be allowing the making mistake/s and yet not be learning from it. They all have shown some level of humility from my point of view. This goes with experience,bro...and i believe you are also equipped with that too.

When i have a booking girl in my room (that shows interest in me),i try not allow her to think that i only want to bonk her even tho she knew i wanted to. i try to make friend (help her forget she's a sex worker for a bit). And how do i make friend? I 1st intro myself,try to get to the know the other person. Be curious,learn more and as much as i do that,my booking girl also wants to know more about me too. So thats the beginning of breaking the ice aka getting the 1st part of the chemistry right. It is afterall,the 1st time she knows me as much as it is also the 1st time i know her. Chemistry is afterall 2 sided,hehehe...

Your sleeper solution (from my perspective) : I notice one small little detail when you answered my earlier questions.You picked girl from the 2 places that cost over a million rupiah. 1st was 1.5 million rupiah,2nd was 1.1 million rupiah. Try those girls at between 800k to 1 million rupiah girls that SHOWS interest in you regardless of their looks (so long they dont fall under the ugly category). Try to "make friend". Try to find a common talking topic (so long its not about shopping,buying things for her etc).

Cant speak bahasa indo? Thats just like me,use google translate then,hehehe...i have been using it since day 1 of my trip and i am still rather illiterate with Bahasa Indo,hehehe...yes,google translate takes a bit more time,but it can be quite fun when your message gets across,hehehe...just dont go and book a hotel room w/o wifi coverage will do.

It will be a 3rd time if you go for your next trip and if the 3rd still fail,i am guessing Batam may not be suitable for you,bro. And try to do a 3D2N and relax yourself. Take things slow and easy. Dont pressurize yourself (its suppose to be a relaxing fun trip). My last alternate solution if you still fail,hehehe...go bathe with flower water.

I believe,you are going to have a better next trip. Your sleep issue might likely be solved,but i am sure over time,there will be new ones (new issues,new problems). Well,and that's where we learn,arent it?

Whatever i said of the above-shared,i have done it before and they were just my own personal experience in Batam. And it has been repeated before,just a little more detailed this time.

Hope it is able to help you.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 12-04-2016, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by xiaosinful View Post
TBH, i think i wont have bargain (or at least not so much) if i had not read this forum and mostly your advice/experience. As mentioned in an earlier post i had read somewhere which you said the benchmark for their service and they will lose out more if we didnt take their deal, partly also because after massage i tend to feel abit too relax and not really in the mode.
Good to know you bargained. You dont lose anything doing that and you are also more likely to acquire better service from the girls later.

Yes,the girl lose out more if the special service deal is not closed as according to bro Nulgath's post below.

The ball is definitely in your hand (an upperhand) and bargaining also helps break the ice in some sense too (interaction),hehehe...i always try to make it sounds fun with the girl/s i bargained with.

Originally Posted by xiaosinful View Post
keep on sharing your experience , you have already influence more people then you think!
What i have shared were a combination of experiences from my own Batam trips,other forums/sites and as well as what other bros like yourself who shared here. W/o people like yourself (who shared),i will not have grow,i will definitely be making many mistakes others have made,booked more lousier girls other bros have booked,go to those places many have failed before,eat expensive inferior-ed quality food and be chopped carrot by eateries or other business entities.

I am mainly more interested in having a good Batam trip all the time and that, i am still working on it.

PS : Took me some time to reply to your query and it went over the 10k words limit,hence i split a supposingly one post into 2 parts.

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Old 12-04-2016, 06:07 PM
PigletDiDi PigletDiDi is offline
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by 36908 View Post
Had a 4 hands B2B but was a let down as one of them the bonkable prettier younger one had strong arm pit BO could not take it each time she slides up towards my face . No shower b4 massage. Weak hardly noticeable A/C
one bad part in batam massage no shower before action.
Old 12-04-2016, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

It will be a 3rd time if you go for your next trip and if the 3rd still fail,i am guessing Batam may not be suitable for you,bro. And try to do a 3D2N and relax yourself. Take things slow and easy. Dont pressurize yourself (its suppose to be a relaxing fun trip). My last alternate solution if you still fail,hehehe...go bathe with flower water.

I believe,you are going to have a better next trip. Your sleep issue might likely be solved,but i am sure over time,there will be new ones (new issues,new problems). Well,and that's where we learn,arent it?

Hope it is able to help you.
Don't worry he going with me in May 3rd time , can help him get a young milf .i think a milf abit older than him can take care of him and initiate first. Also help to break the ice in room not to feel uneasy.
i suggest those first timer in batam choose a milf or around your age will be much more easy to communicate maybe u can chat about your common interest or hobby. Too young syt has sickness (emotional untouchable porcupine), u don't know when their sharp needles are out to hurt u or roll themselves in bed.
hope he can get a kungfu panda a lot stun and huggable most important girls with kind heart and a humble attitude .
Old 13-04-2016, 12:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

Thank you for reading this thread and thank you for not being "crazy" in your trip even when your small head tries to take over (and pay 500k for hj and 800k for fj),hehehe...may you be bless with an even better next trip in Batam.

Sure sure thank you bro!
soon I will go batam again, go explore more!
now I sick of the china girl in SG le, just go batam one mth one time enough le ! hahaah
Old 13-04-2016, 01:56 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Cant speak bahasa indo? Thats just like me,use google translate then,hehehe...i have been using it since day 1 of my trip and i am still rather illiterate with Bahasa Indo,hehehe...yes,google translate takes a bit more time,but it can be quite fun when your message gets across,hehehe...just dont go and book a hotel room w/o wifi coverage will do.
Google Translate is my best friend whenever I am with a Vietnamese or Indonesian girl who do not know any English.
Some years ago, on one of my first visits to Batam, I became special friend of a girl (met in Newton, then she started to work at pub, etc. etc.)
I spent MONTHS, almost one year, chatting nearly every day with her on WhatsApp, always through Google Translate. She was really in my heart (she's still my friend, but we chat once a month now ).

I started to learn my first Bahasa from Google Translate (imagine...), trying to learn basic rules of grammar from the translations proposed by Google. It was something, if it wasn't for pronunciation. For example, I learned the first day that I could say "kiss" with "ciuman", but I did not know if the sound was "tchiuman" or "kiuman"...
This year I bought this book. I recommend it. Easy for all basics.
Selamat pagi!

Last edited by Black Page; 13-04-2016 at 03:50 AM.
Old 13-04-2016, 08:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
one bad part in batam massage no shower before action.
Still .... Have some Bros still lick and suck their oyster ...
Old 13-04-2016, 12:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by hoosdathu View Post
with all respect to other batam experts in sbf, this post gets my vote for "best advice on specials pricing in batam massage shops".

hope all batam rookies read this and be aware of market prices. dun be carrot heads, inflating prices for us all.
Thk u for seeing things on a bigger picture.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes,the girl lose out more if the special service deal is not closed as according to bro Nulgath's post below.

The ball is definitely in your hand (an upperhand) and bargaining also helps break the ice in some sense too (interaction),hehehe...i always try to make it sounds fun with the girl/s i bargained with.
I mainly followed yr course of words & they were not untrue.
Old 13-04-2016, 01:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
one bad part in batam massage no shower before action.
Depend where you go, some higher class ones, VIP room got shower.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 13-04-2016, 01:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

as mention by thread starter
lower down expectation >200%

find MILF or SYT
SSYT are not for old man like me.....
things in batam are diff from PRC . or thailand or TW or HK,,,,,,,,,,
money is not king always,,.....
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 13-04-2016, 02:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
one bad part in batam massage no shower before action.
you must have short-term memory to reply to the same spammer again.
Originally Posted by PigletDiDi View Post
I agree wasting my effort to answer a blind folded questioner ,mind just post a wrong answer to him .Anyway repeatedly questions will be asked!
Old 13-04-2016, 04:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
...they will also use the sinagporean money to support or feed the indo man.
This is really stupid and that is if only that Singaporean man knows. Sometime by the time when its being made known,there will be no turning back.

You reminded me of the cleaner in my ex office building who pass away after returning to Sillypore (from Batam) critically sick and penniless. He pass on after about a month later upon his return.

His story as i was told,was for about 10 years years,he kept a mistress/wife in Batam. His mistress was a married woman (husband still around),so he cannot legally married this mistress traditionally but this mistress of his has an idea. She offered her then 18-19 years old daughter to married to him,and well,he feels lucky at that time. I mean he gets to bonk both mother and daughter blah blah blah...but to maintain both daughter and mother's expense,he eventually needs to sell his flat in Sillypore,buy another 2 houses under the name of the mother and her daughter (this was later told to me by his other colleagues). Mother and daughter eventually ditch him after leeching him off when he was physically not well (and retired),sells the 2 houses and moved to dont-know-where. Leaving this cleaner peniless and nearly withering off his last breath upon returning to Sillypore. Anyway,he passed on peacefully in Sillypore at the age of 60+ (cant remember his exact age).

His story (real life):

Others (last 3 paragraphs with links from newspaper) :

Another case was the security guard (Samat) also from my ex office building. This one's much better. He worked hard all his life,had a good life coming in between Batam and Sillypore once a week. Pass on in Batam,buried in Batam and even after his death has kept his 2 children and wife in Batam well-fed. He passed on at the age of 81 from a heart attack and was too late to be send to Sillypore for further medical help. My personal thoughts were ,this security friend has had a "happier ending".

Samat's story (real life) :

Come to think of it now,i must have written quite a lot of stories over the last 2 year plus. I just have to flip back whenever i am reminded of something,hehehe...this thread and the other old ones were more like a diary to me today. Got time i just go in and look see look see,hehehe...

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 14-04-2016, 12:01 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
This year I bought this book. I recommend it. Easy for all basics.
Selamat pagi!
This is a good book. I bought it 1 year ago when in Bali. It has helped me a lot, from zero knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia, to at least able to make the therapist understand what I want. I am still using this book, as and when will still refer to it, especially the grammars and pronunciations.
Old 14-04-2016, 12:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by MovingTarget View Post
It has helped me a lot, from zero knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia, to at least be able to make the therapist understand what I want.
After how many pages did you find "Di sini!"?
Actually I was able to explain girls what I wanted from them also before learning to say "selamat datang!"
(Uhuh my body communication skills...! )

Last edited by Black Page; 14-04-2016 at 02:41 AM.
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