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Old 02-08-2019, 09:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
And by the way, some ghostly movie were in fact like a comedy, this one.

Doesnt seems like a comedy isnt it? Now watch the funny moment of this movie below which practically makes all the audiences inside the theater laughing out loud. And believe me, it will make you laugh too.

It would be good find those movies and catch it in my own Batam hotel room,hehehe...and with the girls.

Of course, must use that movie website that has bahasa indo translation so you and your girls understand whats the movie about,hehehe....
try tis movie & watch it in yr btm rm wit yr

it's funni & same time fav!

here is full eye 10

...but onli got eng

or u prefer eng funni horror+gross movie like tis one?

tis movie claims tat Rosemary baby durin 1968, the exorcist durin 1973, 1978's holloween, 1979's alien movie, 1980's the shining, 1982's the thing, 1984's nitemare on elm st, 1987 hell raiser, 2002's the ring movie got one thg in were all for

...& i agree wit wat tis slither movie trailer says so.

my review is tis movie is veri veri grossly & funni...& one of MOST disgusting movie ever

watch it wit all yr gers in btm, surely 101% hug u tight

sorie ya, cn't find full movie in youtube lei....
Old 02-08-2019, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by 99546 View Post
Hi, Bros, Like to ask that do any know have any prostate massage that can introduce? Thanks in advance.
I can imagine the face of the average girl at King's Massage, when you try to explain her what is that and what she is supposed to do....

Last edited by Black Page; 02-08-2019 at 11:35 PM.
Old 03-08-2019, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I can imagine the face of the average girl at King's Massage, when you try to explain her what is that and what she is supposed to do....
I think they call it "vitalitas". But, usually it just end up as "glorified handjob".
Old 03-08-2019, 11:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone chiong batam today? Solo mission .
Old 03-08-2019, 12:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
I am one that must eat breakfast like a king...I no take lunch and dinner mostly veg and meat...oh yes beer anytime after 12pm...
This is called Health Preserving aka 养生. Not many living human on earth can stood on such discipline to take mainly 2 main meals a day (note, i say mainly 2 meals a day and NOT "Only 2 main meals a day"). The types of people know to do that were monks, priests or clerics from old time temples ages ago. Those who follow such health preserving methods were very minimum.

Its like most human who reach adult age were suppose to take 2 shares of fruits,vegetables etc and 1 share of others (eg fish,eggs, rice, meat etc etc). Most human today does the direct opposite, they took in 2 shares of others and only 1 share of fruits,vegetables etc. How to remain consistently healthy in the long run?

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
oops forgot to mention sleep by 9pm...detox starts 11pm and completed by then I am wake up...almost ready to go toilet...
Much often i ask my friends/clients if they watch superheroes movie from Marvel or DC,hehehe...and if they knew who Wolverine from X-men is. Wolverine has a super power called the Healing Factor, which heals itself fast when he fought with the villains in those movie/s.

We ,as a normal human also have that "special abilities" too, just that a normal human being heals up very much slower than this Wolverine,hehehe...

In general, our human liver helps our body to heal up, and by being in sleep mode from 11pm to 3am helps our body to heal up better w/o taxing too much of our other liver abilities. Thats what i read from books.

The thing is, i only sleeps before 11pm when i am not well (which is not healthy life style). Next morning, i should be feeling much better under most circumstances.

Perhaps as i age, i would slowly learn to be like you, and sleeps before the clock reaches 10pm.

Other readers might think by replying to the above which may seems a little out of the Batam topic. But well, thats becos the kind of healthy living life style is what i look forward to by the time i retired there (in Batam in later years). Eat healthily & lives healthily by allowing my body organs to come to a peaceful balance state.

Right now, and at most time, they were being stretched. At time, even over-stretched too.

Just sharing.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post good will drink more... about coffee, if i dont remember wrong, i did read in the vietnam thread that you have tried the Luwak Coffee in vietnam before. If you happen to be in Batam at any point of time, perhaps can bring some over and to make a comparison between both place's quality of Luwak Coffee.

The reason i suggest that is becos Luwak coffee is Indonesia's signature coffee,hehehe... its like i would go around to try out any noodles or Bak Kut Teh (or other food) in Batam that i come across, and then make out to see which is most suitable for myself. The same can be applied for Batam girls too.

Side notes :

According to my own findings, there are 3 version of Indonesia Luwak Coffee.

Version 1, the Luwak aka Cat in their natural habitat (living in the wild) steals and eats the coffee bean, they shit it out, people go around collecting them.

Version 2, the Luwak aka Cat were kept in captive by farmers in coffee farm, made to eat the coffee bean, they shit it out and the farmer go collect it.

Version 3, a machine were create to stipulate like that of a Luwak aka Cat's stomach, the machine handler threw the coffee bean in and allow it to go through the machine which were made to be as close as possible to be like a luwak or cat. When the machine dispense remains, the machine handler collect the beans.

Version 1 being most expensive, version 2 is 2nd most expensive and cheapest one is the 3rd version where they can mass-produce. I think the above were also applied for raw honeys too.

For a healthier choice, coffee is best to drink w/o sugar and/or creamer.

Just sharing....again.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 03-08-2019, 12:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
aye aye Sir!...
I found my heaven on earth (in Batam), hence i wish to keep it that way.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Very detailed and well explained.
Thank you...

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Wheres the Like button? where you can rate this thread a 5 star...

If that its worth your vote.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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Old 03-08-2019, 08:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Is the coming long weekend gonna be crowded in batam?
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 03-08-2019, 09:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hahaha!!! Who cares about the the bloody $ 8000 medical helicopter!!!!
Old 03-08-2019, 09:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Just follow Situ nono's guidelines for healthy living...that helicopter is not necessary, hehe!!!
Old 03-08-2019, 11:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Hahaha, i keep a few, that time go restaurant eat and they give a lot but not greedy type just take enough can liao. If know take more and go inside carasoul
nxt time if go tere eat agn, plz take more kuopons, so i can go curi em frm, but ask first 2 see if they got tose expires sept or oct kuopon or no first cos aug one mostly is useless after tis mth. Give pple free ppl aso dn't wan

but hor, kuopon chg 2 ferry tix is first cum first serve @ the ferry counter on the day of yr ownself departure trip frm sg, so if their 940am ferry no more seats liao, u hv 2 take the 1045am ferry liao lor, if tat one aso no more then go 2 next timing & so on. Also if got on sat or sun is must pay extra 10 dollar on top of the 28 dollar & end up price total bcum 38 dollar...a bit more exp than the 375k rp orange tix.

my advise is go weekday mon-fri noon onward,if no tix 4 the seat on yr desire available timing, take the business class seats @ extra 12 dollar,specially frm sg to btm at harbor front to harbor bay 2 beat the Q so can clear custom

i avoid morning trip cos tat bloody Q damn bloody long, i last time tio Q @ sg horizon counter for nearly one hr lei.
Old 04-08-2019, 12:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Ya, this year there is no monkey King movie,hehehe...
in case u dn't knw...monkey king nwday eng eng aso got go 2 utama if u passby mayb can is in btm hor....

got ani btm qn can aso ask

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
I think they call it "vitalitas". But, usually it just end up as "glorified handjob".
I no undstd the ans of yr only knw in m'sia, there's tis urut batin...smthg like tat... indonesia, tere is tis vitalitas wich in btm aso hv

...then in china/taiwan/sg, tere is tis juagen/JG tat do good 4 my kkj like

...& i tink tere is aso one thg call tantric kkj massage...

...& lastly, tis one is call prostate massage tat ger use her finger 2 poke the guy's kar

so wen ppl ask got prostate massage in btm & where can find,i aso blur

...& tis abv is a fast & furious hj & no a kkj other kkj massage i miss out?

jus 4 laughin,i later nxt few day mus go & shw sm of the btm gers tis post 2 check if they knw ani of the abv good

oh, jus 4 brother blackpage info, one of king massage ger is quite good @ one of the kind of kkj massage stated other than prostate massage of cos.
Old 04-08-2019, 09:46 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
in case u dn't knw...monkey king nwday eng eng aso got go 2 utama if u passby mayb can is in btm hor..

I no undstd the ans of yr only knw in m'sia, there's tis urut batin...smthg like tat...

jus 4 laughin,i later nxt few day mus go & shw sm of the btm gers tis post 2 check if they knw ani of the abv good

oh, jus 4 brother blackpage info, one of king massage ger is quite good @ one of the kind of kkj massage stated other than prostate massage of cos.
Hi, Bros,

Don't know what is called, as from Bro iicycold explained have more clear understanding. Mind ask that where to find vitalitas or tantric kkj massage in Batam? Hope Bros can introduce. Thanks in advance

Last edited by Hurricane88; 04-08-2019 at 05:29 PM.
Old 04-08-2019, 03:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
nxt time if go tere eat agn, plz take more kuopons, so i can go curi em frm, but ask first 2 see if they got tose expires sept or oct kuopon or no first cos aug one mostly is useless after tis mth. Give pple free ppl aso dn't wan

but hor, kuopon chg 2 ferry tix is first cum first serve @ the ferry counter on the day of yr ownself departure trip frm sg, so if their 940am ferry no more seats liao, u hv 2 take the 1045am ferry liao lor, if tat one aso no more then go 2 next timing & so on. Also if got on sat or sun is must pay extra 10 dollar on top of the 28 dollar & end up price total bcum 38 dollar...a bit more exp than the 375k rp orange tix.


Ok, next time i go again, i take more.

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
in case u dn't knw...monkey king nwday eng eng aso got go 2 utama if u passby mayb can is in btm hor....

massage of cos.

Dont forget intro me if have such lobang hor.


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Last edited by Hurricane88; 04-08-2019 at 05:30 PM.
Old 04-08-2019, 08:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

next sun i will gg to batam...stayin at Harmony one convention hotel at batam center..not sure ard there got any nice massage or drinking places anot...any kind bros out there can intro??
Old 04-08-2019, 08:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

[QUOTE=nono1973;19030584]This is called Health Preserving aka 养生.

Hmmm very profound and fully agreed. I read articles on fasting for dinner till next day, 过午不食, 2 meals a day, etc and I also tried skipping dinner for a month and only took small bite or snack if I was hungry and I must say I feel great during that period though worry that my weight is going down. This I usually eat dinner before 6.30pm as much as possible.
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