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Old 30-08-2019, 12:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
My eyes pant short not yet born. Om ngomong apa sih lo. Lol
Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Mata seluar pendek ku belum lahir leh.
Mata seluar pendek (Bahasa Malaysia)

Polisi celana pendek (Bahasa Indonesia)
Old 30-08-2019, 01:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Yes. Average @ 2.05% the highest paid FD rate in Sillypore. And also i am protected by SDIC. So long FD dont exceed 75K....should be ok.

Though is trsf to Spore, but does Maybank Spore still report to KL? Or separate entity altogether?
Understand from the bank staff that Maybank Singapore Limited is a separate entity and does not report to their HQ in bolehland. They have control over their own decision making and can develop their full potential.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Another Msian bank i like is CIMB (S). Their savings account is giving us 1% for 1st 50k. Better than our peesai local banks saving...only 0.05%
CIMB Fastsaver saving account gives the highest interest rate among all other saving accounts in Singapore at 1.00% per annum and there is no minimum amount required to be maintained in the account.

所谓有一好没两好。(Have one good but no second good) This is a type of online saving account that you can only deposit or withdraw your money or interest from the saving account by online transfer through FAST.

if use counter service to deposit or withdraw money, there will be a service charge of $5.00.
Old 30-08-2019, 01:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
The part where i do not agree with you is, not all the girls there are good. The culture of this booking joint were mainly not as good from my own experience (everyone's experience is different). Other than the 2 super model girls which REALLY left me good impression,hehehe...i really cannot remember many girls there,hehehe....
Probably I was lucky most of the times to manage to book good attitude girls in this joint. This I would like to thank the mami for allowing me to chat with the cewek before I booked her so in this way can more or less find out whether she got princess attitude or not.

Permata Indah is not a massage booking joint but a Karaoke booking joint, so there is ample space for seating and chatting with the little brown sugar..

However I ever had bad experience too in booking cewek in other joints like bad attitude, asking for big fat tips with poor service, wanted to go back early, request to buy this buy that, so on and so forth, etc

I always believe in my sixth sense and another way to judge good attitude girls is by looking at her appearance and the way she speaks. I couldn't said all but most of the good attitude girls are mostly soft spoken, do not interrupt when tamu is speaking, do not drink beer and wear more decent looking (not sexy). Although a book cannot be judged by its cover...
Old 30-08-2019, 01:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Is that Hai Hai 2 or Hai Hai?

Dont remember seeing Hai Hai there. Maybe i mixed up between Hai Hai and Hai Hai 2,hehehe...
Indeed you have a good memory...its Hai Hai 2

Think is the same boss as Hai Hai 1 and Hai Hai money changer..
Old 30-08-2019, 01:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Although a book cannot be judged by its cover...
I will always remember this Piece of Wisdom, which was given me many years ago by an Australian man, husband of an Indo lady selling things in Nagoya Hill, who wanted to recommend me to NOT MARRY any Indo lady, just in case I could have such insane idea in Batam:

Why you should buy a book, when you can borrow freely from a whole library?

I will never forget this. Really enlightening.
(The interesting point is that I was fucking regularly his lady, but I don't think he would have cared at all)
Old 30-08-2019, 03:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I actually dont mind if a hotel room is carpeted or not tho (everyone's preference is different). If you read my past postings on Formosa hotel, almost once every while during my Batam trips when i stayed in Formosa, the electrical technician and the network technician would be often called in to my room to fix something in it,hehehe...and over time, i have slowly turned a few Formosa rooms into my favourite ones. I like their staff-friendliness and efficiency. .
I believe with more hotel guest like you, Formosa rooms quality standard will eventually improve greatly....a more comfortable environment to stay without defects..

Last edited by retirebatam; 30-08-2019 at 08:02 AM.
Old 30-08-2019, 09:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
TS, now that your thread had garnered enough support since jan 2016 and to bring this thread to another level, I suggest you stop giving info freely...let them read up whatever posted as guidance here...
My game is like that, here i provide the basics (to those who are new or wish to try the similar game i played in Batam), how the outcome of the gameplay depends on each individual who follows.

More like a baby's 1st step in this thread (starting from page 1).

To date, no more than my one hand fingers of friends knew about where the cluster of Indo-Chinese girls (who speaks Chinese like any Singapore Chinese) from 2 different shops were working at. To date, no more than 10 following this thread knows where the look-alike twin girls and the milk girls were and i am sure not many actually knew where the saliva girl who do not use oil/cream, except her saliva to give a hj were at too (with complimentary BBBJ and breast-fuck too). My friends shared, i stole their info becos they trusted me and how to get friends to trust, I start by allowing them to know me (example, from my 40 Batam trip summaries, my sharing,compilation etc etc) and they also allow me to know them better. Friendship grows to trust and there it is...i got all the necessary Batam info. Simple,right?

(different men different fetish, put them together is a crazily lots of fun and notes exchange too,hehehe...)

A newbie ask some FAQ (of this thread which many seniors "hates" to answer) which stands for "Frequently asked Question", they were mostly refer-ed to in the form of links which i wrote before. I mean what so difficult in going to Batam, head to Utama Hotel and then walk the hotel block ONE round?

I break someone's leg, i refer him to stay inside Formosa hotel, its not like w/o his leg he would got no chance to to get a girl within the hotel room itself,hehehe....师傅领进门,修行靠个人. A teacher can only guide this far, how far he can go in future is up to himself, right?

Page 1 of this thread has all the basics of Batam, to start anyone going, i wish someone would have done what i did when i 1st started Batam.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Insists on newbies post juicy sex forums each time they returned...
Quite a handful who chose not to post in public forum actually shares FR with me via PM, and i do appreciate that. There is no need to insist anything from anyone,especially in public. I learned that from you when you started Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3) :

The regulations you set is the same regulation i use in this Batam thread on page 1, post #1.

5. All posts are for sharing purposes

We are here to share our piece of experience on Batam and we all have different characters. 10 men bonking the same girl in different time ,all 10 men will have different experiences and feel. One man's meat,other man's poison. Try to keep an open mind and be open to negativity against your favourite places or girls and/or even your ways of getting and having things done.

Please be sensitive to others during posting.

7. All members can post with no ambiguity and no fear

We are all adults,try to stand on the another person's perspective to see things. One type of rice feeds all kind of men,we are all grown up who can think before we speaks. Ambiguity and fear should not be in our way during any posting.
The last thing i wish to do is insist someone else to share according to my liking, so long its not off-topic. You taught me that, and i simply took a small step further,hehehe...

A lot of reasons why people arent sharing FRs or info they knew, some of them were :

1. Cant be bother or simply lazy to, as like many others, taking a forum posting like a chatline, eg MSN,wechat,watsapp,facebook etc. This group i would usually skip reading, especially the post were one or two liners. Most time, they were newbies.If they are oldbies, then they were here to just TCSS.

2. Old birds who shared once or twice, they feel they have done their parts and they stopped.

3. Do not have time to, cos they are heading to Batam only for once or twice a year only (maybe even once couple of years). They were here solely to extract a more updated info. Many of them were experienced.

4. Strawberry generation who feels the world (the internet world of course) owes them somehow. Why should i post responsibly? Categorized under #1.

5. Bad experience, they shared, they got hammered down, hence they dont share anymore (or shared lesser). Usually i categorize them under #2.

6. They dont know how to,hehehe...some are shy, not good with words. This category can PM me instead,hehehe...

There are many leeway to share today, well those who shares most time hope for a better next Batam trip and they usually get what they hope for (unless Batam is really not suitable for them).

I wish to elaborate one VERY important key point here. By sharing, readers know you and hence created an understanding. From this understanding it might turn out to become friendship like i mentioned previously,hehehe...and with this friendship, more info were created when notes were shared. All these can all be make possible by one word... sharing.

Remember i constantly said in the thread, you share a bit,i shared a bit,every one shares a bit...more info is being created and besides just that, it also created friendship, or some kind of bonding. I touch my heart and ask myself, will i willingly share more in depth information with stranger/s? I cant,hehehe...becos i am only human.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
This way we can tell who is genuine cheongsters and who are the clones that only like to tcss...
Clones? Genuine cheongsters? They dont really matter to me so long they falls under the regulation which i also have to abide (eg,not to go off topic, quoting whole post, etc). Clones/trouble-makers or not, they break the rules, they are in my ignore list and/or no-reply-list. Break the rules further, i report them to moderator/administrator.

I once over heard a complain by T whereby he claims that X is a clone of Y becos G who could see IP address shares that X and Y shares the same IP. Just few weeks ago,i shared with him this long list of forum users who shares the same IP address :

( Click to show/hide )

Sad to say, after some investigation, and to my surprise about 80% of them were not clones. However, they have few things in common, most of them uses the same VPN or VPNs sharing similar platform. This is called recycled IP address from its VPN's country's repective ISP.

In other word, you and me are 2 different person, if we are using VPNs, its only a matter of time one day we will be caught with the same ip address BUT definitely on a different date and time. As mentioned on page post #1 of this thread :

2. Clones are not welcome

Clones were never welcome since day 1 of any thread in any forums,but no forums in this world can stop the creation of clones especially in popular social media sites like this one. What you can do is simply ignore them. There is an ignore button at the bottom left hand side of each post which you can click on to ignore a particular member's post (thereafter,all his other postings,past,present and future will all disappear)
To me, every post that is not off topic is an asset to the thread,hehehe...put the TCSS or trouble-making person into my ignore list would have filter off most parts of the craps i would be reading.

Anyone can try this in reversal, put Nono1973 into his/her ignore list, lets see what kind of Batam information one would get,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Those that came in to compare Tg Pinang and can stop giving answers and they will just drop off...
As mentioned by another bro earlier, i read this thread and observe them very closely (i read each FR more than twice before replying). Those who had genuinely shared before, i would note down. Those trouble-makers and those who fed to them, i also note down too.

Before my reply to any post, i would usually check back his/her past postings. I rarely reply to anyone who has never shared before,let alone getting any more in depth information from me. One example would be bro Funboi's postings. He may not have shared any information of value in this thread, but i still reply him. Reason is becos he has shared something genuinely good in other parts of this SBF forum before. Another worthy mention is bro iccycold, he may sounds like he is talking crap...but if you observe carefully, he is sharing something genuinely informative (at times) in this thread. Of course there are other bros too (too many to name). Reputation points no longer tells me if a member of SBF forum is reputable,hehehe...ONLY what he/she previously shared do.

If there is a chance, i will show you my ignore list,hehehe...


At present, questions like "where to get the most syt in Batam?" , "where to find big boobies in Batam" , "where to find Indo Chinese girls in Batam" etc etc...can be easily answered by anyone who has visited Batam regularly before. As a matter of fact, i shared answers to most of those "questions" before, just that i choose not to repeat it and only do so (repeats) for the basics.

But who could help answer my question?

Where can i buy Horizon Business Class seat ticket at S$6?

They used to be selling at S$6 (usual price is Horizon counter at S$12) in some online market, but apparently its sold out now, can anyone tells me where else i can buy them now at S$6?

When i notice other non-SBF forums (both sexual and non-sexual forums on Batam) were using my answer/s to answer to the same/similar question to solve a Batam problem/issue they faced, i know i am on the right track for this thread.

As usual, this is a super long-winded post,hehehe...hence please do not quote my whole post if anyone is replying to it.

Thank you.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 30-08-2019, 10:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
(The interesting point is that I was fucking regularly his lady, but I don't think he would have cared at all)
Careful guys. BP curi ayam type. Hehehe....
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 30-08-2019, 03:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Hi bros, am at batam now. Can anyone help to advise how to link my credit card to gojek or only can top up gopay to pay? Thanks a million..
Old 30-08-2019, 05:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by retirebatam View Post
Mata seluar pendek (Bahasa Malaysia)

Polisi celana pendek (Bahasa Indonesia)
Do u know where to learn bahasa indonesia in batam.
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 30-08-2019, 06:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

i Always worried about my zapper!! I got no time !!
Old 30-08-2019, 06:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread


nice food, near to bcc hotel and A2 foodcourt
i Always worried about my zapper!! I got no time !!
Old 30-08-2019, 09:02 PM
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Good rate today?.. got 10200, got chio bu too
Old 30-08-2019, 09:51 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Meximo Pub itself is just the marking i use to reach the noodle shop
Thanks a lot, it definitely helps to identify the store easier
with photograph.

QUOTE=nono1973;19128259] To go to Batam, i usually takes the...and can be as late as possible but never the last ferry.
Agreed as taking the last ferry is too risky which I avoid as well though in my last trip I did tried the last ferry.
Old 30-08-2019, 10:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone interested to tag along to batam on tuesday?If keen pm..
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