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Old 16-01-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

mate.. you need a chill pill.
there is nothing wrong with what sam is doing...

read this post below... i think his comments are justified.
if he loses money, is there anyone here who will be willing to share the cost?

"running a forum can make money and one can also lose a pile. At the other forum, if I don't make $x amount every month, I lose my pants. Hosting charges plus bandwidth plus additional charges for extra hardware come up to many thousands of dollars a month. In the first two years of operation, I lost more than USD10,000 running the place. Everybody logged on for the info... OKTs went there to make money but nobody wanted to pay a cent for their free adverts in my forum. They made the money. I had to carry the costs."
read the whole post here
Sam's Alfresco Coffee - View Single Post - Posting Stats in this forum since the Delphi forum shutdown.

Originally Posted by TanChinKu View Post
t seems to give me the direction whereby that the forum is also looking to gain from the "help" it provides
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Old 16-01-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
"running a forum can make money and one can also lose a pile. At the other forum, if I don't make $x amount every month, I lose my pants. Hosting charges plus bandwidth plus additional charges for extra hardware come up to many thousands of dollars a month. In the first two years of operation, I lost more than USD10,000 running the place. Everybody logged on for the info... OKTs went there to make money but nobody wanted to pay a cent for their free adverts in my forum. They made the money. I had to carry the costs."
read the whole post here
Sam's Alfresco Coffee - View Single Post - Posting Stats in this forum since the Delphi forum shutdown.
Of course with all due respect for sam, I fully understand his concerns and risks too. Over the years when I first noted the its development in 97/98/99, its pool of memberships and attentions have growth, which I am glad that his "little project" take off and I am sure alot of its lay members appreciate the presence of this forum. If I could, I would have sponsored this website should I derive personal benefits from its presence, which I don't and I don't need to.

With the hint of me "stand to gain personally from the 'help' they provide", I canot fathom on how I can stand to gain and how I been stereotyped as one. I have my own integrity to hold and definitely a true believer of karma. If I have to make such gain, I reckon I must be the worst and failed my mathematics terribly. Imagine her damage is just 60.

As such, of course sam need to balance his sheets, rather than picking or defining who and who stand to make their own personal gain through the use of this forum based on some unreliable "expert systems", if there is an immediate need to balance the sheets, it may be more justifiable to make it more commercialised and run it like ebay. Cheers!
Old 17-01-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by TanChinKu View Post
As such, of course sam need to balance his sheets, rather than picking or defining who and who stand to make their own personal gain through the use of this forum based on some unreliable "expert systems", if there is an immediate need to balance the sheets, it may be more justifiable to make it more commercialised and run it like ebay. Cheers!
I have managed to balance the sheets by leasing out certain sections of the forum. The moderator now runs the show there. I only provide technical support to keep the forum running as smoothly as possible.

Back to the issue at hand... nobody really knows what goes on behind closed doors and between your ears.

However, when you start numerous threads and send out heaps of Private Messages on a daily basis promoting one or two whores, the moderators have to make a judgement call as to whether you are a genuine "sharer" of information or whether you are trying enrich yourself via a kickback system. Their judgement call could be wrong in specific cases but by and large, they are pretty accurate in tracking down individuals who are trying to take advantage of the traffic volumes here. After all, they probably have people on the ground who know what goes on.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself WHY you have taken it upon yourself to boost the business of particular prostitutes while expecting nothing in return. (as you claim) Do you do the same for your favourite hawker in the popular on line food forums?
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Old 17-01-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself WHY you have taken it upon yourself to boost the business of particular prostitutes while expecting nothing in return. (as you claim) Do you do the same for your favourite hawker in the popular on line food forums?

Boss, I have no reasons to disagree with it....there's never have such as "free meals" ever on earth, most of those said "helping the gals" are just an EXCUSE to cover up cause of actions.

Once have to draw line to an extend on sharing of lobangs and information and not going beyond the efforts like the OKTs does They are different; it‘s their business

Just wondering as if there are no other causes to lend a helping hand than helping a whore and have no return favors?
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Old 17-01-2009, 06:11 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Back to the issue at hand... nobody really knows what goes on behind closed doors and between your ears.

However, when you start numerous threads and send out heaps of Private Messages on a daily basis promoting one or two whores, the moderators have to make a judgement call as to whether you are a genuine "sharer" of information or whether you are trying enrich yourself via a kickback system. Their judgement call could be wrong in specific cases but by and large, they are pretty accurate in tracking down individuals who are trying to take advantage of the traffic volumes here. After all, they probably have people on the ground who know what goes on.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself WHY you have taken it upon yourself to boost the business of particular prostitutes. Do you do the same for your favourite hawker in the popular on line food forums?
Like you said, noone truly knows exactly behind the scene. As I alway preech, "Do what you reckon is right so long as you can carry the burden it comes along. Otherwise, don't!" And given my background, skills and experiences I acquired over the years, it would be an insult to be looking for such gain through someone who is selling her body. I won't want to bear any of those consequences. While I offered to help here, there is no need to say in the thread I am not OKT or swear or whatever since they are all bullshit really. Importantly, truly to myself with a clear conscience.

Then again, it will be too authoritative like the local authority here to be too biased. As for myself, this is the history breakdowns as far as I can recalls (PM counts are based on what inside my sent box):

- Day 1: Started 1st ever thread and got deleted like 4-5hrs later.

- Day 1: Sent 30PM replies to the requesters which part are to her former samsters who were looking for her. Number of PM counts are counted with midnite cut-off time.

- Day 2: With more request of contacts coming in, sent further 30PMs (in early hours of the day past midnight). Thought what happened when the thread got deleted so I post exactly same thing again next day since I got the website with that thread opened.

- Day 2: Thread got deleted again and someone was suggesting to post in the former thread so I did that and also got deleted again without any explaination. Day 2 from 12 midnight over 24hrs, sent out 50 to requestors for the whole of day 2. Total PM sent out is 30 + 50 = 80 PMs.

- Day 2 is where I post in this thread asking if anyone can let me know why.

I just sent out to the requestors. Is the number consider alot or any specific number that we should stick to? Maybe it will be a good idea to limit normal member on their sending limits.

If you ask me why I taken it upon to boost her business, I can say that she approached me for help since I met her quite a few times and she provides good service, I thought it maybe good to share her out again with samster here. Count it as a small contribution from me for letting other knows she is back again since I have taken contacts from others previously too. If I reckon a food is good, I will say that it is good but not to the extend of hard-selling and denying others of the option to choose what they want. As far as I am concern, I only started a thread for her to share her new contacts again, while at the same time helping her to get some customers too since she got a new contact number. I can only do that much to share her contact and if she fuck it up herself and not a gem, noone will want to engage her. It is not like I am sending contacts to everyone who has no relations to the thread like what manuelferrara did and accused of unsolicited spamming. Yes, I received the uninvited spam from him too. Since I agreed to help her, I would want to turn back against what I said and be those vile characters. So I make it my responsibility and bring the case to make enquries here.

If the adminstrators/moderators thinks that I "stand to gain personally from the 'help' they provide", I can jolly well hand over her contact to him to let him run the thread too or to any respectable samsters. I did have some reservation initially when she asked me to help but gave her the benefit of doubt when she said it is the trust level she felt.
Old 18-01-2009, 07:08 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

I joined sammyboy forum october 2005. From reading in here, one way to get reputation power is every year you get 1 reputation power. I checked mine here and I still don't have any reputation power.
Please help or am I missing something? Sorry if I missed something. thanks.

note: I posted this question on the "repurtation thread" but I think it is more appropriate here as this is a question thread.
thanks in advance for the answers...
Old 18-01-2009, 08:11 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

u need a minimum of 35 rep point to have any rep power.

Originally Posted by nightsonly2002 View Post
reputation power is every year you get 1 reputation power.
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Old 20-01-2009, 06:17 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Verotel Ticketsclub is it safe?
i heard from bros that it is a monthly subscription thingy. and it will still continue to bill u even when u decided to cancel.

can help? cos i m interested to view the private photos section. thanks
Old 20-01-2009, 06:35 AM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by Gunblader View Post
Verotel Ticketsclub is it safe?
i heard from bros that it is a monthly subscription thingy. and it will still continue to bill u even when u decided to cancel.
Cancellations can be done with just a couple of clicks at

All the links are provided as part of the sign up process. Nothing is hidden. There is no recurring billing by stealth. It's up to each subscriber to decide when they want to cancel their subscriptions.
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Old 28-01-2009, 03:16 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Need some assistance on how to book a hotel rm for 'action'

1. Normally for hotels like hotel 81, do we book by the hour ? and whats the rate..any min hrs to book

2. rooms are avail immediately on the day we go there to book ?

Old 28-01-2009, 03:27 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by cbl123 View Post
Need some assistance on how to book a hotel rm for 'action'

1. Normally for hotels like hotel 81, do we book by the hour ? and whats the rate..any min hrs to book

2. rooms are avail immediately on the day we go there to book ?

You are asking wrong question here leh... Actually, booking the hotel room etc is your own perusal and here is restricted to online forum issues. Your booking activity is out of the scope here.

But to answer your question:

1. You not stupid enuff to book the whole day for an hour or 2 of bonking, rite? Then go look for the transit room lah...

2. If your father own the hotel, anytime, anywhere the room is available for you lor... otherwise, if there is vancancy, I am sure they will let you have the room. So try your luck
Old 30-01-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by cbl123 View Post
Need some assistance on how to book a hotel rm for 'action'

1. Normally for hotels like hotel 81, do we book by the hour ? and whats the rate..any min hrs to book
Wow bro cbl123,

Actually quite refreshing to get questions like these... reminds me of the time when I first started out... LOL... one does wonder what you have been doing in SBF during the 1.5 years since you joined though...

Bro TCK has already answered question 2 and part 1 of question 1, kudos to him. In the spirit of CNY, allow me to answer part 2 of your first question...

With the advent of newer (and more upmarket) 81s around, transit prices out of the GL area have increased in certain 81s somewhat. In GL however, the transit price is SGD10 per hour, with a minimum timeframe of 2hours, with the exception of the small one at GL Lor 12 "Cherry", which funnily enough, is not even listed in the H81 website. Cherry does have a transit minimum of 1hr.

Fragrance's prices are similar... for cheaper options, look for some private houses with a lot of traffic in and out. Some of them do rent out rooms at $5 per hour, no minimum transit time. On occasion, being very tired, I have checked into one of these for a quick nap... don't expect the rooms to be even 1-star hotel standard though... they are just modified private houses...
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.

Originally Posted by sandra3206 View Post
hi. is it possilble to actually post a guys hp number in the forum???
Hi Sandra,

I think it would be best if you first explain the background of this situation. Are you a "service provider" who has been harassed by a potential client? Are you taking action on behalf of someone else? Or are you trying to warn other bros here about something?

You can post anything you want, especially since you are obviously out of moderation. However, subjected to forum rules, your posting may be deleted and your points deducted or zapped by other brothers should you deviate from accepted norms. There have been occasions where good and genuine warnings have been posted by senior brothers as a heads-up for others, so this is really to be seen on a case-by-case basis.

If you do choose to post the number though, make sure you also say why you want to post the number, what that person has done to warrant such drastic action, and how you were inconvenienced by him. Simply posting his number without telling us the background will be deeply frowned upon by brothers here.

Hope this helps.
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Old 14-02-2009, 11:54 PM
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I am posting here because I am not sure where else to post my question.

I would like to know why :

1) I am not permitted to have a signature.

2) my PM box is restricted to 5 messages.

3) my reputation points have been turned negative.

4) my power has been reduced from 5 to zero.

I have messaged the Moderator but he has avoided responding to me. Why?

Is this Forum managed by Fake Leadershipthat avoids correcting its mistakes?

What has this Forum deteriorated to?
Old 17-02-2009, 06:09 PM
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Re: Why?

1 to 3 ....because you are under moderation.

4. did you break any of these rules? (read point 8 to 11)

Originally Posted by TallMan
I am posting here because I am not sure where else to post my question.
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