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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 10-10-2010, 11:36 AM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Text bro capcrunch but unfortunately he was not available. Went to Romeo alone and crops were still plentiful around 1+ am. Manage to set my eyes on one LB and she introduced her friend as well. Small chat in placed to build some rapport, and finally down to business. Persuaded me to take both of them and jokingly said “buy 1 get 1 free” ya, right! Anyway agreed on price and took both.

Damage: $150 each, good looks, great figure, good price I should say, I got the fun I want and they got what they want.
RTF? Maybe but there are too many choices!! Shall go again.
Old 11-10-2010, 09:32 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

good damage for $300
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Old 12-10-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by !kung pow View Post
Text bro capcrunch but unfortunately he was not available. Went to Romeo alone and crops were still plentiful around 1+ am. Manage to set my eyes on one LB and she introduced her friend as well. Small chat in placed to build some rapport, and finally down to business. Persuaded me to take both of them and jokingly said “buy 1 get 1 free” ya, right! Anyway agreed on price and took both.

Damage: $150 each, good looks, great figure, good price I should say, I got the fun I want and they got what they want.
RTF? Maybe but there are too many choices!! Shall go again.
That's a good price for a Saturday night. I notice once it's past 1am prices for those still around can be good. Also noticed it's been on the quiet side these last few days. The pickings are still pretty good IMHO. Looks like a good time to go.
(Hmmm...gotta try a threesome one fine day! )
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Old 12-10-2010, 11:53 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Agreed with you bro, business was pretty bad at Romeo, same LBs hanging around, customers come and go, (Japanese, Caucasians, Koreans, Indians), but none seems interested and you could see the LBs trying very hard to get their attention. After my second drinks, went to CH to have a look, was molested on my way to the bar counter, which was a norm? And oh boy! their draft beer really tastes weird. Manage to secure a LB; she was trying so hard with her half-baked English, oh well, got to give her a “9” for the effort. Quote $200, agreed on $150, and proceed with business, she was a post ops but balls clearly visible, transformation still in progress? Hmmm… meditate on this I will. Gave the GFE and pretty good massage after deed done, not a clock watcher, or any kind of those crap. Lay down together and chit chat till we almost forgot the time, tip her and parted our way.

A job well done. Damage: $150 + $50
Old 14-10-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous..
heard CH is great .. but dunno anyone for orientation...haiks...
Old 14-10-2010, 09:42 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous..
heard CH is great .. but dunno anyone for orientation...haiks...
Old 21-10-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by andiiandii View Post
hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous.....
Actually you could just have a meal at the Thai food joint just outside Club Romeo on the third floor and look at the "fashion parade"about 9pm just before the "gals" go in.
That should give an idea and then go in as they arrive for work.
Once you go in order a beer and sit and watch the action.
If any of the lbs approach you, just chat and see what happens.
If you're not ready for a bonk, just give some excuse - work early next day or something. Then if you like them then slip them $10 as a goodwill thing and split.
Or if you want to bonk them be prepared to pay about $150 and take it from there.
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Old 25-10-2010, 02:14 AM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

any1 wanna meet up and go tgt?
Old 26-10-2010, 10:33 AM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by dickrick View Post
Actually you could just have a meal at the Thai food joint just outside Club Romeo on the third floor and look at the "fashion parade"about 9pm just before the "gals" go in.
That should give an idea and then go in as they arrive for work.
Once you go in order a beer and sit and watch the action.
If any of the lbs approach you, just chat and see what happens.
If you're not ready for a bonk, just give some excuse - work early next day or something. Then if you like them then slip them $10 as a goodwill thing and split.
Or if you want to bonk them be prepared to pay about $150 and take it from there.
Bro dickrick, thanks for the tips... i was wondering the same thing. i did venture in one of them.. think on the 3rd or 4th level... right infront of the escalators. anyway, had a beer, was not really sure what i was doing there.. just taking it all in i guess. and yes, made up some excuse to leave quite soon after that.
Old 27-10-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by eagleapple View Post
Bro dickrick, thanks for the tips... i was wondering the same thing. i did venture in one of them.. think on the 3rd or 4th level... right infront of the escalators. anyway, had a beer, was not really sure what i was doing there.. just taking it all in i guess. and yes, made up some excuse to leave quite soon after that.
Sounds like you went into Crazy Horse but anyway that's the idea, get a feel of the place, look at what goes down and see your comfort levels. Next time maybe recce the whole area and maybe try Club Romeo which is one floor down.
A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. - Robert Frost

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Old 26-11-2010, 12:38 AM
capcrunch capcrunch is offline
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Hi bros,

After a long break from the scene, I called up 1 ladyboy from CH, named Sonya. She advertises in Vicesisters using another girl's pictures. Actually I heard about that from another bro who posted that earlier. However, still took the plunge as was in need of my LB fix.

So she arrived at the appointed time, slightly late, but understandable due to the crappy weather today. Not the girl in the pics, but still pretty! Nice body, slim with the right curves in the right places...

Got down to the action, lots of kissing, fondling and hugging. It was intense! Got around to her cock, quite surprised as it kept growing. Nice circumference, very nice looking cock, and about 7 in long. Good size

Rode her for a bit, before we came together. In all, very good experience, was fun and good to chat with. Get in touch with her!

Brother's who're keen to try can PM me for her no. Or can just go CH and ask around for sonya
Old 28-11-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Was at CH last night, lots of LBs but customers were few, situation gets better towards midnight. Interestingly, there are quite a number of caucasian ladies around (Russian perhaps?), however in terms of aggressiveness, they definitely lose out to the "home team". Even the petite waiteress chased two guys out because they ain't ordering any drinks, just standing near the entrance looking around. Saw couple of new faces, good crops I should say, unfortunately I was fiercely guarded by my regular Lb hence no chance, shall explore next time
Old 28-11-2010, 01:54 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by capcrunch View Post
Hi bros,

After a long break from the scene, I called up 1 ladyboy from CH, named Sonya. She advertises in Vicesisters using another girl's pictures. Actually I heard about that from another bro who posted that earlier. However, still took the plunge as was in need of my LB fix.

So she arrived at the appointed time, slightly late, but understandable due to the crappy weather today. Not the girl in the pics, but still pretty! Nice body, slim with the right curves in the right places...

Got down to the action, lots of kissing, fondling and hugging. It was intense! Got around to her cock, quite surprised as it kept growing. Nice circumference, very nice looking cock, and about 7 in long. Good size

Rode her for a bit, before we came together. In all, very good experience, was fun and good to chat with. Get in touch with her!

Brother's who're keen to try can PM me for her no. Or can just go CH and ask around for sonya
Hey bro capcrunch, is this the one you are talking about?
Old 28-11-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Originally Posted by jaankaden View Post
Hey bro capcrunch, is this the one you are talking about?
Yes bro, that's her!

By the way, anyone interested in going tonight? I've got my curiosity piqued by an accidental trip there early this morning. Unfortunately had my friends at some lady joint...
Old 28-11-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Orchard Towers ladyboys

Bro capcrunch, may tinking of going CH around midnite after my movie date..interested to see the russian ladies after posting from Bro kung pow..
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