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Old 29-02-2020, 05:04 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by siliconer View Post
the skills are good, looks - One man's meat is another man's poison.
No special.When you make the booking the app will have a "warning" page on any sexual services.
Gojek use to offer more services (car cleaning, buying grocery...) on this platform, lately they are scaling back and only offer GoMassage (spa and massage) and GoClean (house cleaning) services.
Bro, do make post so i can upped you back.


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Old 29-02-2020, 05:28 PM
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Unhappy Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Formosa is my favorite and most stay hotel in batam over the years. Great location, have a 24hrs restaurant and cafe. Also not to mention King massage 4 lvl. It's really sad to hear its shut down. I was still staying there just few weeks ago and planning to be there again next month. King massage is useful for quick fix as a first or last stop before coming back to sg.guess that's the last time I enjoy the masseur there
Old 29-02-2020, 10:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes, check favorite massage and De Best Hotel. Eyes open big big...hehehe...they are linked to each other.

I guess no need me to spell it all out to you right?

If i dont remember wrong, Bali Thai closed down and now change to Batam Spa. Can go and take a look too. Lots of new massage shops pop up at BCS area, its now worth going there to take a look at them.


*One more thing, please go try the Kama Sutra package (not the one on this photo above) if your read my other post with eyes opened,hehehe...
Bro nono & other batam expert can please share some info about this favourite massage?

Pass by couple of time on the way to batam city hotel spa but never had the chance to check it out. Now that King massage formosa is gone. Need to look for another alternative for quick fix lol.

Does this join offer special, vitalitas/hj or full service avaliable? Can choose therapist from album etc?

Thanks in advance
Old 01-03-2020, 01:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Will be at batam tml and tues, any happening ktv to share?
Old 01-03-2020, 02:29 PM
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Heading over solo to Batam on 2nd Mar for a night till Tue noon. Will probably arrive in the morning and doing some exploring on the booking joints and maybe massage places. Idea is to keep myself up to date on the scene. Lodging around BCS mall area. Will be on Dutch and could throw in a few drinks. PM if keen to join me. Cheers!
Old 02-03-2020, 01:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Indo first case

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Monday two Indonesians had tested positive for coronavirus, marking the first confirmed cases in the world's fourth most populous country. The two had been hospitalised, Widodo told reporters at the presidential palace in Jakarta.3 mins ago

Last edited by BFOMF5; 02-03-2020 at 01:25 PM.
Old 02-03-2020, 04:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
That why sick then wear then make sense.
Hehehe.. wearing a mask dont really protect one from the corona virus, if so the Wuhan hospital wont have so many medical staffs infected cases. I am sure they were more well-suited up than 99% of people in public.

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
Bro Nono

Picture of herb is actually Sabah snake grass aka Belalai Gajah. Popular beliefs include cure for cancer and kidney failure alleviation. Tiagong can treat snake bites.
I see, that i didnt know. I learned something.

Is this herb the same as what people call it snake grass in Singapore, zhua chao (in Hokkien pronunciation) aka 蛇草?

I know this herbs is call 穿心莲 in Chinese. The herb itself were way under-rated most of the time due to its ultra low price in the market. But its an effective herbs for most flu, cough, fever and body-heatiness related illness. Works perfectly with fruits with high vitamin C,hehehe...and especially well for guys.

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
My personal preference:
1. Chicken Sop
2. Ginger Tea with madu and limau
3. Anything that can strengthen the body immunity
No wonder all those aunties and uncles are buying up turmeric/ginger powder,hehehe...but it get too heaty for the body?

...hehehe...and those fruits they bought.

According to them, fruits in Batam were cheaper and of better quality as compare to Singapore.

And the fruits i eat in Batam.

S$1 can buy such big variety of fruits in Batam,hehehe...and its part of my daily diet there to combat dehydration due to the hot weather during my walk-about.

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
By the way, Singaporean old man died from pneumonia last week in Batam. Authorities there don’t think it is covid-19
What i see is that Batam's hospital bed hasnt been filled with locals or tourist with corona virus-alike symptoms, (like those currently happening in Korea, Japan, Italy, China, Iran etc) nor any parts of Indonesia cities having a surge in death count or critically ill cases that are NOT related to the corona virus epidemic.....YET.

The body of that Singaporean should have been send to Singapore for autopsy by now to tell if Batam's hospital is telling the truth. Rumors been flying around in Batam among locals each claiming they got the virus,hehehe....

Time will eventually tell.

Originally Posted by cougar666 View Post
SGD appreciated against IDR
Thank you for sharing. It is good news for Batam touring dwellers from Singapore,hehehe...

By the way, virus and bacteria has the tendency to stay on bank notes (and coins) too. And most would not even think of disinfecting them,hehehe...

Take care, practice good personal hygiene.

Originally Posted by Nulgath View Post
It's not always the fault of the developer. Most time, the fault lies with the country's governing body which may deter foreign investors.

Izin Apartemen 36 Lantai Formosa Residence Batam Diperintahkan Dicabut, Ini Kata Manajemen
I agreed, this is my current hesitation over buying a pre-built property in Batam. I prefer to choose those which has already been build rather than those still building half-way.

I have hear cases of buildings after being built to a said-number of floors, the relevant "money-hungry authorities" can tell the developer, they have not lay the building foundation properly (or can be other reason/excuse). And they (the developer) can either tear down "x" storey of building and RE-DO its foundation or they can employ their so-called "expert$" to solve the problem.

Something which i observe in almost every new apartment project except the Pollux Meisterstadt Habibie one,hehehe...they are going to build a 100 storey office building that oversee Singapore. Hopefully by the time their developer reaches 99 storey, the next local government taking over the current wont come and say, "hey, your piling on the 2nd floor wasnt done properly, need to tear down 97 floor to redo"....hehehe....

The very people i feared most, the local authorities.
("most" is a strong word)

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Old 02-03-2020, 05:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Indo first case
Does this means not safe to go batam??
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 02-03-2020, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Does this means not safe to go batam??
I am planning to go in late March to celebrate my birthday 🙈
Old 02-03-2020, 10:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyway guys, just FYI, batam has quarantined 15 people due to Singaporeans being tested positive after coming back from batam

Sorry, using mobile and don't can't seem to post it as link

Last edited by Hurricane88; 03-03-2020 at 05:47 AM.
Old 03-03-2020, 09:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by siliconer View Post
I am planning to go in late March to celebrate my birthday 🙈
System show that i have upped you before so cannot up u again. Anyway advance happy birthday to you


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Old 03-03-2020, 09:33 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe.. wearing a mask dont really protect one from the corona virus, if so the Wuhan hospital wont have so many medical staffs infected cases. I am sure they were more well-suited up than 99% of people in public.
("most" is a strong word)
Yes, i agreed. That y dont waste it. Need then use it.


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Old 03-03-2020, 11:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Heading in this weekend to grand dragon.

Heard its quite ex not much review here tho. Price have since increased from the rate in this thread back in 2018.

Any tips as its the first time going.
Old 03-03-2020, 11:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
By the way, virus and bacteria has the tendency to stay on bank notes (and coins) too. And most would not even think of disinfecting them,hehehe...

Take care, practice good personal hygiene.
U shld try this next time.

Or u can bring me yr money when u are in btm & i'll help u go through every rupiah note/coin 1 piece a time.

Not returning u those sterilized money btw.
Old 03-03-2020, 11:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I stay a few days away from looking SB, and this is what I read??
I am shocked.
How can I go back to Batam without feeling that atmosphere of the Formosa lobby? the smell in the corridors? the large bed and my room 265?
For me Batam is not Batam without all that
Believe me, the news came as much as a shock to you as it is to me too.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Now what?
Nono, maybe you will suggest me (PM pls ) an alternative?
I am really confused...
Da Vienna? My friend was there, and he told me that his room was small and not so good as my 265 at Formosa.
More expensive places? Nagoya Hills?
When you are about to hit Batam, drop me a PM. I can arrange to bring you (or make arrangement) over to one of those hotel/s i regularly stayed in nowaday.

Too early to talk about it now.

As for Da Vienna, your friend stayed in the wrong room. Your friend should be staying in at least in their Grand Deluxe room and/or above. Price-wise should be close to 265. In future, AVOID staying in their basic room, if you are looking for space (da vienna hotel).

Nagoya Hill Hotel? Its a new hotel, ok...fairly new hotel and over-priced too. Its not in my to-stay listing tho.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Where can I find the atmosphere of Formosa??
I hope someone will buy the property and reopen... Today it is a sad day for me.
The number one ranking in Batam hotel listing that has the Formosa ambiance is Utama Hotel. Its almost like the mirror image of Formosa hotel 7 years or more ago,hehehe...before formosa start its renovation.

Been around looking for Formosa Hotel alternative since few years ago, and nothing comes close to Utama Hotel. But it has its similar flaws like Formosa hotel 7 odd years ago. Cigarette scents!

I am a smoker myself, if i cannot take the scent w/o complaining, let alone someone who dont smoke.

But i did work out something to counter this issue over time.

Note here that only their deluxe room is similar to 265. And there is a bathtub in it like the 265 before being renovated,hehehe...and there are carpet in most rooms too (except their superior double room), even their standard room.

I usually stay in their bigger deluxe room which is about similar to 265 sizing. Standard and Superior double is about 24 m² and Deluxe is 32 m².

265 is a 28 m² if i didnt remember wrong.

Price wise for Utama Deluxe room is about 15% cheaper than 265 tho.

Ask for a no-smoking Deluxe room (even tho thats not gonna help much with the cigarette scent). 265 is a smoking room, just for your info.

Utama Hotel's aircon is not centralize-control, like those i see in Formosa. One room one air-con but i believe its a split unit type. Hence if they dont clean the filter, non-smoking room will also get those "scent" eventually too.

I am guessing you arent a breakfast person, hence you do not need to take the hotel's breakfast. I said this becos during breakfast time, its a smoker's paradise there, just like Formosa Hotel 7 odd years ago whereby they also allows smoking through out the whole breakfast hours.

Formosa during its later years change its rules to allow a small part of breakfast table to be cater for smokers. But during lunch/dinner hours and all other time, smoking is allowed in Vienna Restaurant.

Which is why i say, Utama Hotel is like Formosa Hotel 7 over years ago. Carpetted room, carpetted corridor , hotel room service Food menu almost similar to Formosa hotel, with convenient store just directly at its lobby and a massage parlor that closes about the same time as King massage. There is also a KTV at the ground floor of Utama hotel too.

In my previous few stays, i notice more Malay families and old Chinese uncles there. Hardly spot any youngsters between the age of 20s to 30s tho.

Utama Hotel is in the same generation when Formosa was 1st build about 20 odd years ago.

....continue in below post....

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