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Old 26-12-2016, 02:51 PM
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Tiban Tua Pek Kong was opened and i am now moving towards the side entrance...

There ,below photo is the 3 altar housing the lesser deities of the temple. And the 1st one i passed by was the 5 generals,the middle one was the white tiger and the last altar belongs to 5 earth. Do note that the chief deity is still Tua Pek Kong (Tua Pek Kong is suppose to be governing property on earth and i may come to its story at a later time)...

...after the 3 altar i head to the 4th altar called 拿督公 ,which in my own translation,i would call it Grandpa Datok.

4 pics per post in this forum,so i have to use another 1 or 2 more posts (maybe even 3) to put up the photos i made for viewing and record purposes. If you do not have a good comp with good internet,you mightbe experiencing some lag,so i think i am going to use the "hide code" to hide 3 of the 4 bigger sized image. In order to view the image files,you will have to click on the Spoiler Button. be continue to next post....

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:52 PM
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Moving towards Grandpa Datok's altar and on the top right hand side of the stairways is a Buddhist temple building which i will go to later.

Special note : In order to pray inside the altar of Grandpa Datok, worshiper/s will have to take off their shoes to enter. There is a sign saying so...this applies to all Buddhist temple too (Grandpa Datok altar isnt Buddhist type).

Last year around this time,the altar of Grandpa Datok was very small in this temple and it seems to have grew in size in a short frame of less than a year.

Looking on the above picture, the right hand side of the Grandpa Datok's shrine is a Buddhist temple,the left hand side is where the Guan Yin statue high up a hill which i will be going later.

I can only use one word to describe that day's weather...VERY HOT! But thank heaven,becos this temple is on a hill path's higher ground and in a very spacious area hence its also very windy,hehehe...

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:53 PM
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Now,lets go take a look at whats in the Buddhist temple on the right side of Grandpa Datok shrine...

This Buddhist temple isnt as big or majestic as the other temple i have been to in Batam,but it well-kept and clean like the rest. Same rules applied,no shoes inside the main hall.

Time to head to the Guan Yin statue...the highlight of this temple.

One thing that needs to take here is that heat from the sun during the early afternoon can be a killer,not to mention the steps up to reach the statue. Some bros i brought to visit this Tiban Tua Pek Kong have took much effort to reach the top. be continued...

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:53 PM
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As the saying goes base from the Legend of Monkey King part 2 movie says,..Every suffering on the journey is predestined,Every step a spiritual practice.


I am only climbing some stairs in a temple,hehehe...yet making so much noise here in the forum,hehehe...

Last year Dec when i was heading up the same stairways,the Mi Le Buddha statue wasnt there....

Photo taken from last year Dec 2015 trip summary

Everything there seems to be under construction last year...

Photo taken from last year Dec 2015 trip summary

But this year Dec 2016...

They seems to have done a pretty good job...slow but steadily moving forward with every step.

Notice i actually refer back to my own past summary of around the same time of the year? And this is mainly what my summaries is meant for. No one can remember all their trips,the good memories,bad memories,and they disappear after some time from our minds. I dont wish to forget,or at least i want to keep as much as possible of it.

Be it good or bad,its still part of my life. And this is my journey. Good one,i hope to remember,bad one i will try to learn from it.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:54 PM
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Ok,enough comparison of the past and present,i have to get up the stairway to reach the Guan Yin statue.

...and finally,reaching the top of where one of the most nicely made Guan Yin statue in Batam is being situated.

...and here we go,right below the foot of the majestic looking Guan Yin Statue.

It was very windy up there,and from the look of the altar at the foot of the statue,it appears that not many has come this far to offer joss sticks and offerings to the deity. The urn that holds the ashes for one to put the joss sticks in was so hardened by the rain and sun that even i have difficulty putting the my lighted joss stick straight. Lighting the joss sticks in such strong wind is also a challenge.

In those animated photos previously,you guys might have notice that there are some occasional worshipers coming in and out of this temple...but well,i notice they rarely comes up this far. I am wondering why so...

Now, take a slight glance of the video i took from the top down.

I couldnt imagine myself falling from where i am taking the picture,hehehe...

In case no one notice, most of the Guan Yin statue in Batam were not-so-good-looking. In fact,many look man-like rather than lady-like. I went online to do some research and learned that Guan Yin was reincarnated many hundred,even thousands of times before she became the current Guan Yin. And in some of her very 1st few human lifetime,she was actually a man. The ongoing of the reincarnation process makes her what she is today where she finally attain enlightenment.

Her story is a super ultra long one.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:54 PM
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I have brought no less than 20 bros from this forum to this temple (i actually lost count) and even more of my other friends and relatives there.

This year Dec 2016 i may be seeing what i see here (or may not if those picture dies), next year coming back here i will be able to see each part of this temple and its surrounding change again. I have always said, i come once to a same place in Batam,it may looks like 'this' this year,next time i come again,it wont be the same anymore. We all change ourselves over time,the place too.


After the temple,i am back to room in the late afternoon. My girl dozed off while waiting for me to come back and she woke up when i step into the room (my room is a 1 room 1 hall).

As usual,after my shower round 1 starts,followed by a Jacuzzi bath and then another round,took a short nap thereafter and before long,it was dinner time. Went to the top floor of Biz for dinner,trying to impress my girl but well...she's completely not interested, was alright except the bill part,hehehe...costing me about 284k rupiah. Just sharing some photo below on the Hotel's sky lounge dinner.

Back to room after dinner, we started watching some Chinese movie with bahasa subtitle.

Some of the lesson i learned on that day in the Monkey King movie which i have been talking to my girl with,hehehe..$$$$$ic to break the ice.

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Taking away the religion part, every step in our life (path) is like a practice ...and every suffering (and blessing too) on embarking our journey in real life is somehow already predestined from the choice we made when we took that certain path (or made a certain choice).

I made a decision to travel to Batam,i have to take up its consequences regardless if it turns out good or bad (like real,hehehe...).

The next part of the movie which i also agree...that is, we all tends to believe what we see with our own eyes.

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You and i can see the exact same thing,but when we both look at the same thing in a different timeline,a different situation or from another angle, the result of what we see can be very different.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:55 PM
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I remember watching a Ji Gong drama 活佛济公 in my younger days (Ji Gong is yet another Buddha from the Buddhist realm and a deity worshiped among Taoism). One fine day when Ji Gong tells his teacher that he has "awakened" (一念觉醒), he walked right to the middle of the altar in the temple where everyone was either praying or worshiping ; and start to strip himself until completely naked.

Of course during then, he was bombard and kicked out of the temple by his teachers and seniors. His life story is more about his travels around his country (aka the world by the story's definition),and being a Buddhist,yet be controversially drinking alcohol and consuming dog meat (which is against Buddhism law).

His explanation base on the then teaching was 酒肉穿肠过 (what he eat goes into your body and later comes out again).What he eats and drink is a work of the external appearance. Meaning to say, i can do all the Good Work by appearance that any super duper ultra devoted believers would normally do...but if my own heart is evil, constantly plotting against others, forever trying to stir discord with words/actions, creating trouble etc etc... I will be afterall no better than those who dont do ANY of those so call "Good Work". Thats solely my own understanding of its meaning.

I believe his teaching is more about not to be bound by the appearance of the worldly,be it action or by speech but be more focusing on the good heart and the good spiritual self. Do more good deeds, do less harmful things, have a good heart and bring out goodness in the world.

Writing up to this point reminds me a question i would like to ask, which part of Singapore has the highest concentration places of worship within a 3 km radius? Or put it in another term,which part of Singapore has the highest concentration of temples,churches etc within a 3 km radius?

You may wish to google Temples around Geylang,hehehe...below is my findings :

I dont know your answer/s,but my bet is on the Red Light District of Singapore,hehehe...and at 1st i even wonder why so? Then i learned of a little idea when i try to stand on "their" perspective to look at things.

Makes complete sense,right? Why would deities or any good higher sovereign beings be in a place where there is ONLY peace and no evil? Red Light district is the only place in any country where the 7 deadly sins can be found heavily mutiplying in. The rest will up to your own wisdom to figure.

Ok,so much for the lesson/s I learned and shared with my girl when I watch Legend of Monkey King 2 in Batam for the 1st night, was a good ice breaker. (glad to see she didn't faint,hehehe...)


After the in-room movie and our ice breaking session, one more pop with more emotion element before heading to do some work on my laptop, followed by dream land,hehehe...was super tired and I had a morning appointment with a bro to be linking up for breakfast the next morning and yet another bro to a men's spa for some tcss.

Today's schedule is Breakfast with a bro,Lunch at a2 food court,followed by Windsor Tua Pek Kong praying,send my girl back to room and then head to meet up with another bro at a men's Spa. And dinner was yet another link up with another bro who hasn't been to Batam for more than a year at Food Colony. An ultra busy day,hehehe...

Continue from the same morning.....

How time flies,my 1st night was over just like that. Woke up,wash up a little and head down to meet a bro for a linked up breakfast. Like always,super stingy me treat the bro who linked up with me a FREE breakfast by the hotel,hehehe...ok,hotel food was alright but cant beat Formosa nor Da Vienna version in many ways. Its the 1st time I take their breakfast on the ground floor. The last time I had breakfast there,it was on the 11th floor.

And I wasn't exactly super stingy,becos when I treat a bro with me for free breakfast,i will have to buy my girl breakfast and this is my 2nd day of my trip and this breakfast from my girl creates a little commotion. My girl ordered a Kwei tiau goreng at 50k,and it turn out the bill becomes 88K+. I didn't pay for it and the whole ordeal turns out that I have to face off with the restaurant manager for more than 20 mins.The in-roon food menu :

I am wondering how many tourists who ordered their restaurant menu food from the hotel were conned off paying 66% extra. So guys, check your bill whenever you order anything from Batam Biz Hotel. I highly doubt the menu price has been changed after I left the hotel. This hotel is deteriorating in terms of facilities and service standard.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:56 PM
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After all breakfast were done up, my 2nd day's plan was to head to Windsor Tua Pek kong.

The difference is,this time round,my girl followed me to the temple. She just walk around the temple behind me,hehehe...

Remember i shared in my earlier post/s that i saw a few cats in the temple...below is the continuation.

None of the cats is dead or injured in anyway tho. But one of the kitten's eyes caught some ashes and couldnt open up. Some kind aunties make the effort to bring it to the temple's washing area to do some clean up. Well,at least from the way i see it,the kitten's eyes could once again be open again. Its always feel good to see people doing good things.

Last year around this,the other side of the Tua Pek Kong temple has not been done up but this year,it i decide to walk there to have a look see. Its actually a Buddhist temple. I believe many like myself has not been to that temple before...time to go have a quick look.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:57 PM
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On my way to the new Buddhist temple...honestly,i didnt even know what to call it except to name it Tua Pek Kong Buddhist temple. Kong Zi Temple was at the starboard side of Tua Pek Kong Temple and this Buddhist temple is at the port side. You will understand what i say if you can understand rules of road,hehehe...

...and up to the new temple i go. the front door of the temple,i was greeted by the temple's basic rule and regulation.

Visitor are to be properly dressed (no sexy,body-parts revealing dress etc) and no footwear when one enters the main hall.

This place didnt have much worshipers as compared to their Tua Pek Kong counterpart.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:57 PM
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Now,i took a video of half the temple hall. The main part of course.

Not a very big temple if I compare to the one at Batam Center,hehehe...but well,that one was the biggest Buddhist temple in south east Asia,this one isn't.

In this Windsor temple trip,i actually missed out the lower floor of this new temple becos at that time,i have to go rush to meet a bro at a spa,and before I meet him,i need to 1st drop my girl back to the hotel 1st. I am heading to a spa,and I don't plan to have her coming with me. And I was already late for appointment. See, this trip is mostly about rushing here and there,which I didn't quite like.

One of the way about going to Batam for a holiday is, never try to get into the point of having to rush. Its a mistake for my case.

I was late for about 20 mins...but still,i finally reached the place. (i dont like to be late and by being late myself,it kind of already spoil half my mood)

This place has been around for while and it is only recently that they started with this package thingy to draw some new customers. In the past, this place under the same name used to be more like a fitness center,the same one like in Utama Hotel and Formosa,but they added in massage packages like that of Octopuss to cater for horny men,hehehe...

When I reach there,the bro I am suppose to link up were about halfway thru his massage session,so I go soak myself up for a bit in their pool.

At the cashier point (aka reception),we will be told about the packages and when we agreed to it,i was issue a wristband :

One thing to take note regarding this spa was their locker. You will have to MAKE SURE that it is locked up properly as the locker is being opened by the sensor on the wrist band. A few times, i closed my locker w/o realizing the locker has not been locked.

1st look upon entering the Pool area. No,the elephant tusk is not real,hehehe...its for decorative purpose.

I also learn in this spa that it is a unisex spa. There's 2 changing room (which is also the locker room),1 for the men and the other for the ladies. 2 gender toilets etc. Even the hot and cold pool ,the sauna room,steam room and the O2 room was meant for unisex. No,no pretty girls there,only the older plumper ones,hehehe...

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:58 PM
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Now,this is how they kept their towels (as below). Most of the things there is self-service, so don't expect personal touch service like in Octopuss , Delta or Altalanta.

The towel closet is at the pool area,where everyone will be able to notice. And yes, every (almost) locker contains a robe and shorts.

Ok,lets go take a look at the pool area and their O2, sauna and steam rooms.

Notice that guy cleaning the floors around the pool? The pool area and the pool interior itself was made up of thumb-size mosaic-type of small stones pattern, so it has the potential to grow algae fast, especially in places where there are lots of moisture. You will notice a bigger hot pools,a smaller cold pool,the O2 room,the Sauna room and lastly the Steam room on the animated photo above.

My friend met up with me at the pool area for some small chat after his massage. We exchange a little knowledge and info on batam and soon,it was about time for me to head out for the cream of the day,the massage session!! Hehehe...

Above is how their room look like,even got a mirror and shower area accompanied with a toilet. This one is their basic package, the one that says 388.8k in their menu and excluding a 40% discount during happy hours (before 5pm). Serious,i don't think I need the other higher packages with a bath tub,hehehe...

I am suppose to take a video of the room,but due to the room being too dark and the video isn't too clear,i forego the animated video photo and use a regular photo format to put up the pic instead.

This post only allows 4 photos,so I think for the 4th picture of this post,i will put up their brochure of their packages instead.

i have censored off the address details

(the price on above brochure is before the 40% off during happy hour)

*do note that foot reflexology (reflexi) is currently not available in this place as of this post

I censored off the address and all other location details but using just the brochure above,you can still engage some common sense to locate the place if you have the heart to find it.

Massage standard by the few girls I have tried was quite alright, almost meeting the standard of those massage places I been to. Well,at least it seems the room is clean enough.

The Good :

1. Total price of about 234k rupiah (happy hour) and come with a HJ is considered one of the cheapest in Batam.

2. All necessary spa facilities were intact and free to use as long as you took the massage package.

3. The girls were pretty enough. The ugliest, fattest girl has a look of 6.5/10. (I often request for their worst girls during my 1st tries to test water)

4. The GROs and staffs has that personal touch service, like in Formosa Hotel.

The Bad :

1. At 234k rupiah, one of the lowest in Batam,i doubt they can sustain long w/o having upsell or chu pattern. Its only a matter of time.

2. The hot and cold pool has algae in it, lots of it. My skin are sensitive but I still use it becos I engaged some common sense.

3. Some girls tends to upsell and gets pushy. One of my friend's girl even say 234k rupiah don't include making him cum,hehehe...which of course is a lie. But even if you cannot cum when the times are up, you also have not much of a choice.

4. There are 2 floors in this spa. The facilities on the 5th floor and the massage rooms on the 6th. The facilities floor staffs lack the personal touch. Only the massage floor staffs has a more personal touch service.

Notice the bad has 4 points and the good also has 4 points too? And each of the 4 points actually countered one another. For every good exist there, there may exist an equal bad, and with every bad,i believe there will be some good too. It is up to one to counter the bad when you meet one and turn it to your favor.

I did and this is what I often do.

There is NO PLACE on earth that is all bad and no good,or vice versa with all good and no bad, own perspective.

This New Spa kind of reminds me of the Sillypore's Pinetree Town and Country club at Steven road which i used to bring my client/s to,except there's no jackpot nor billiard room in it.

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Old 26-12-2016, 02:59 PM
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After the massage and spa,the sun has not set yet,so I rush to Batam center area to buy some layer cake aka kueh lapis,hehehe...

Why would I buy the layer cakes from here? It was becos I wanted the best for least...and most important of it all,they were freshly made...coming out direct from the oven.

(the pictures does look like the girls were from some kind of jail huh? Hehehe...)

Can I get such freshly baked cake in other parts of Batam at this price? Maybe yes,but well...we look at what they have to offer 1st.

Quite unique isn't it? And they actually packed it in some kind of Tupperware container to retain it freshness. They do deliver to hotels if i call them to but no,not for me becos I didn't like that. Even I have their name card about a year plus ago when I was there. i choose not to call them to deliver. I am looking for freshness,hehehe...I choose to see them bake the cakes and then have it pass to me. I kiasu ma,hehehe...

I can wait.

I just check the Kueh lapis selling in Sillypore. The plain one from Bangawan Solo cost S$55 and on another website another brand selling at S$90 for the prune one. It does look like i have one more thing to buy from Batam to Sillypore for my colleagues, friends and relatives now,hehehe...another form of extra income to supplement my Batam trips. Yippee!!

Batam is like an RPG game to me,hehehe...

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-12-2016, 03:00 PM
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On my way back from Diana Layer cake shop,i bought 5 Swees curry puff just left hand side (aka port side) of Biz Hotel and gave 2 to a friend. This is the funny part,i am not a curry puff person,i THOUGHT I will eat one and give my girl the other 2 when I am back to room. I didn't expect the curry puff to taste so good that I took 2 and left only one for my girl,hehehe...

Each curry puff only cost 3k rupiah and 5 curry puffs at 15k and it actually fed 3 person one meal each that day, friend left and now I have to be waiting for yet another friend whom i am going to pick up at Formosa Hotel for dinner. Its been a year plus since this friend of mine come to Batam.

I picked him up at Formosa and we went to food colony at around City Walk Mall for our dinner. So now we have a total of 5 pax and our meal cost us about 350k rupiah.

After the dinner,my friend head for a movie at Harbour Bay Mall while I head back to my room for some rest and the rest is just OTOT,hehehe...

The next following morning, i continue with my pharmacy hunt,had lunch at Astro Food Court.

A lady approach us trying to sell us some wall calenders that is abt A3 size,i have to turn her down but my girl gong gong go and buy 2 from her using her own money and each calendar cost 20k. I think it belongs to some charity organization trying to raise fund or something. After my girl pays for it, then I pass the 40k back to her. I am beginning to notice her soft spot. She didn't even ask me for money when she is making payment. Interesting girl,hehehe...

After our lunch,i send her back to hotel and then meet up with another friend to go to the same spa I went to yesterday.

I believe up to here,i need not have to repeat what I already mention earlier regarding the same place.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-12-2016, 03:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by xiaovic View Post
new berry still have? thought closed?
Thats right berry closed after 12pm or is it 1am. I can't remember cos to many joints
Old 26-12-2016, 03:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

The spa ends with me getting to know a Chinese old man with his gf soaking themselves silly in the cold pool ,hehehe...the man looks like he is around in the age of 60s and standing side by side him,i completely look like a weakling. Believe it or not,i didn't even dare put the whole of me into the close to ice temperature's cold pool and this old chap is literally swimming in it for a good 5 mins. Tough guy!

It was almost close to sunset when the spa session ends and I head back to room to rest a little and continue the OTOT of the day. There will yet be ANOTHER FRIEND coming to batam in the evening and I am doing some coordination via SBF's PM to try to work out the meeting place and dinner. Met up with my friend who arrived from Batam Center via an ojek,helped him to put his belongings in my room and off we go.

Dinner was at New Siang Malam zhi char store. Total cost for our dinner was about 280k plus for 4 person. Not too bad when all the food portion was in mid-szie. But I notice there is another new eating shop beside new siang malam zhi char store where there seems to be quite many people eating there. Maybe can try it the next time when i am in batam again.

In between our meals,there are few kids coming by asking for money,and I reject them all. BUT!! My girl gave to almost all of them and she is using HER OWN MONEY except one little girl who offers to sing for us where I pay back my girl who give her the money.

This girl of mine simply didn't know how to reject others, trip must really educate her on this.

After dinner, we all head to Nagoya Hill Mall for a movie. It was a Saturday night and no need to think also know the theater will be close to full house. We can only take the front row seats.

Hmm...this movie has all along been not bad. This is part 5 of the Underworld movie and it surely didn't disappoint me. Price for the ticket was still 25k per pax at this time at Nagoya Hill Mall.

It was close to midnight when the movie ends and we took a taxi back to hotel. My friend who linked up didn't have a room and since I am staying a one room one hall room,i thought maybe he could come over to stay over. There's 2 toilets,2 sets of basic toiletries ,eg towels etc,so there's no inconvenience. I would say it is pretty silly for my friend to spend money to book a room at pass midnight and then check out again the next morning.

Internet was down...again (its an everyday thing). It seems to be a common thing for Biz Hotel now. I have to call the hotel every day regarding the internet connection, which I have to give this hotel a minus and minus and minus points.

Chatted with my friend till almost 4am before heading to bed and my friend gets to sleep on the sofa at my room's hall,hehehe...this is also my final night in Batam.


The next day, after my girl goes back to her joint and I checked out, we headed for brunch at ibu joko before helping my friend check in to his hotel. We went joint-shopping for a bit to help my friend get his girl before heading to the same spa I visited over the last 2 days. Again,i needn't repeat myself,and we manage to kill about 3 hours there before heading back to his room and I am have to get myself prepare to go home sweet home (while my friend stays for the night).

After my friend drop me off at Harbour Bay Ferry is where my MOST DISASTROUS part of this trip happens, hehehe...

Most friends and bros here who joined me my Batam has been asked the then, ridiculous question/s before.

1. I often ask them,if one day after collecting my boarding pass,i checked into the custom where the officers already chopped my passport and while walking towards my ferry; What will happen if the wind blow away my boarding pass into the sea before I board the ferry?

2. The next question is similar to the above ; What will happen if the wind blow away my passport into the sea before I board the ferry?

When I can ask this type of 'question',i am most often very careful to make sure such things I asked wont EVER happen to me BUT believe it or not,in this 35th Batam trip of mine,it truly happens to me on Number 1. So i conclude that if bad luck really wants to fall upon me,i cannot escape regardless how prepared i am,hehehe...

While I was walking towards the ferry...I was admiring this beautiful scenery and decide to take a shot using my mobile phone....

It was sunset and the ambiance was all peaceful as well as beautiful...but the wind at that time was too strong and I was carrying many stuffs on both hands and guess what?! The next thing o know,something flew off one of my hands where I was holding my passport and I see my boarding pass flew off into the sea near the ferry when I am STILL NOT ON BOARD the ferry.

In the actual video of the above,i can hear the very strong wind blowing.

I also want to know the end result of this situation, so I approach the guy who were suppose to collect the ferry ticket and tell him about my situation. He got my passport particular and start calling Horizon to verify and within the a good 5 mins,i am actually on board the ferry. I think it could be becos i am in Business class which makes my information easier to trace back (business class only less than 5 person during a Sunday,hehehe...).

For a while,2 things came in mind.

1. It gives me a good reason to stay another night in Batam as I might need to purchase another ferry ticket back.

2. I could be detained for crossing the custom w/o a boarding pass?

Anyway,its none of the above. The ordeal last about 10 mins and ferry was delayed by a mere 5 mins before setting off. I would have called this incident a close shave. The 1st thing in mind about upon boarding the ferry is,must go back bathe flower water...hehehe...

~~~~~~~~~~END OF SUMMARY~~~~~~~~~~

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

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